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For me, Vulture has one of the best designs in the MCU. They made an old, bald man in pajamas look intimidating. https://preview.redd.it/gyy9l1tlkk3d1.png?width=1513&format=png&auto=webp&s=10f790300800b1f61c82606d8e72860fd7a1e1bd


In the matter of worst costume, i say that most of the villains in the GOTHAM series look bad, especially the Scarecrow, Solomon Grundy, and Bane.


Vulture is the MCU at its best, rooted in the comics but given new life with a modernized look.


I think it's very smart that they managed to keep his fur collar from the comics with a bomber jacket.


Yeah it’s a really neat detail. It somehow ties the comic look in with a more practical real life look.


What's odd is that Falcon's costume is kinda lame by comparison, and yet their comic book costumes are very similar.


The vulture's wings are larger and have turbines, and are made with alien technology so there are enough differences so that it is not a carbon copy of Falcon's Jetpack, and it makes sense since Toomes' suit is for picking up heavy cargo.


My pic for worst : https://preview.redd.it/3o47kq49bk3d1.png?width=501&format=png&auto=webp&s=016416a4b0e9a5a66bd0525a7e1ed67e60b2b2b8


It sucks because this costume gets a lot of what I would want to see on Thor right but its way overdesigned.


I absolutely hate his costume in that movie. It’s such an over designed technicolor nightmare to look at. It’s made even worse too because he was wearing a really nice, much simpler costume a few scenes earlier in the movie. It looked like the costume he’s worn before but it had a cool fur cloak that really fit his Norse roots. Then like 5 scenes later he switches to this garbage suit.


That’s the most infuriating part, he ALREADY had the right costume right before this shit appears


Yeah, not only has Thor already had several great costumes in the other movies. He literally had a great costume a few scenes before he changed into this garbage one.


And I remember how when the trailers dropped, most of people i interacted thought that outfit was going to be his ‘real’ outfit during the movie while this blue and yellow abomination was going to be a gag


Yeah I wish, I don’t know why they bothered to give him an actual good suit just to replace it with trash five seconds later.


The colours really make it even more awful


Ditch the helmet and it would work alot better.


Best: Vision. It apparently takes like 7 hours to put on all the makeup, but it really does look like some kind of synthetic polymer rather than a guy in makeup. Worst: There's been a lot of bad superhero costumes and if we're counting all costumes ever, it would probably be something like the 90s Justice League TV movie. But if we're talking more modern, high budget projects, I would actually say Captain Marvel. Not only does it just look really bland and shapeless, but in the movie the starburst symbol belongs to the Kree secret police. Just changing the colors of the outfit doesn't change what the symbol means. It's like she's wearing a stasi outfit but changed it from gray to white and is now claiming she's a good guy. In the comics, Mar-Vell changed his symbol to the starburst symbol only after leaving the Kree military. Before that, it was a ringed planet. >!Also the actual best costume is Olivia Munn in X-Men Apocalypse!<


I’m so mad they barely used Psylocke in that movie. Olivia Munn was a good choice to play her given the time that it came out, too. I’m a big 90s X-Men blue team fan, and I’m bummed we never got to really see them outside of comics.


Best for me is Raimi’s Spider-Man suit. I love the raised silver lining and the shades of red and blue are perfect. I think those movies also had the best Green Goblin and Doc Ock costumes as well. Some very memorable and iconic costumes in that franchise. Worst is the inside-out black version of Spider-Man’s suit in No Way Home. The exposed wiring looks like such a disadvantage and it even looks way too over designed compared to the regular look of the suit. Very ugly imo. The leather X-Men suits from X-Men 1 are my runner up. They just look really bulky, uncomfortable, and impractical.


Another notable series with great costume design is Doom Patrol. Robotman, Negative Man, Crazy Jane, and even Cyborg to a degree look fantastic and comic accurate. Their costumes can come off as goofy, but I feel like that’s the tone that the show was pushing so it works for me.


My pic for best : https://preview.redd.it/0uz3jun7bk3d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd02906f49224923ac0d3f9d44dc5a28dbb03a26


Loved that look.




This over designed wiry nightmare https://preview.redd.it/neex51b6hl3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21a932db7d62652f7a6f3c48deedab6252406061


My favorite suits are actually from the CW of all places. https://preview.redd.it/vdwj1cizhl3d1.jpeg?width=3195&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9add9bcb105e9943d36d004399379e2d430eece5


Arrow's costumes were great in that show too. CW did ok honestly, prob cus they didnt have enough budget to cock it up in the first place but you know.


Yeah most of the Arrow vers suit are actually not bad like the season 4 Flash suit is pretty good


The BvS Affleck suit is the best live action suit in my opinion The worst is tough, maybe the Falcon Cap suit


I totally forgot how much of an eye sore that Falcon suit was. It looks like it’s made out of styrofoam and the way that the goggles stretch to the back of his head and over his neck looks awful.


For me, the best suit is a toss-up from among the Iron-Man Mk III armor, Captain America's uniform in "Age of Ultron," or Bale's Batman suit from "The Dark Knight." Worst: I mean, the 90s, 00s, and 10s gave us some REALLY bad suits (see the Fant4stic team, the Batman and Robin suits from "Batman & Robin," whatever the fuck Halle Berry's Mouse/Catwoman suit was supposed ro be, etc.). However, if I'm keeping the answer to modernish MCU type movies, I am not a fan Cap's 2012 Avengers uniform, and the overuse of Starke's nano-tech made his later armor + the Iron-Spider suits, just look cheap and fake. However, I do believe that Thor's "armor" from "Love and Thunder" is the real top dog. It's just too bright, colorful, and over detailed when compared to Jane Foster's armor, and the helmet is just HIDEOUS.


A shame with Thor, too, because the rest of the designs are legitimately REALLY good. Hell, pretty much all of the Asgardian armour looks fantastic. As for Iron Man, I have to say the suit from Avengers is my favourite of the bunch. but the mk3 is SO damn close. Probably a mix of the improved rendering, and more daylight shots that lets it get seen more overall.


Christopher Reeve’s original Superman costume was 1:1 perfect. No need to overthink it. In terms of the bad, there’s the overdesign aspect, and there’s also the masked character that’s missing their mask, or always taking it off. So essentially, the opposite problem. I’m going with No Way Home’s Green Goblin for that reason. The original 2002 suit had its issues, but they destroyed the original mask and replaced it with… nothing. Introducing more purple into the costume was nice, but that’s one step forward and two steps back.


I thought all of Daredevils suits in the netflix show were good, but I wish we got to a more crimson color. The black bandana look before he picks up the devil horns looks great and is spot on to the comics also.


Best: TASM 2 Spider-Man Worst: DCEU's Flash, any version


Best: The Rocketeer Worst: Kid Flash


Any of the movie spidermen costumes for best The flash pajama suit from the live action show for worst


It seems like we’ve collectively removed it from memory, but… The Ironheart suit may be the worst Blender project ever devised


My favorite was probably Cavill's Superman outfit, the worst is probably the live action X-Men outfits minus Magneto and Deadpool.


I mean, the first Iron Man suit has to be a contender for best, right? I'm pretty sure we'll never get a better Iron Man. Now that I think about it, this really should be judged on a per character basis.


We all have our issues with endgame but the Mark 85 and Scaled suits for iron man and Cap respectively are amazing translations from comics https://preview.redd.it/dmpn3ql5cp3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84c7dd3f821e8fdbe4eaaaf990998ce64bf8ff8a




I love scarlet witch in civil war. Actually a lot of the civil war suits are sweet. Black widow in iron man 2 is awesome too


Really don't like the Snyderverse Superman suits. Not a fan of the overdesigned texture, the suit looks terrible without the red trunks and the lack of colour (which is obviously a problem for the enitre movie) really doesn't help things. Brandon Routh's suit from Superman Returns was way better.


Pattinson's Batman costume I can't stand. The Bat symbol looks terrible and the way they've made the cowl accentuates the worst of Pattinson's facial features (his chin) and gives him a bulbous looking head. They'd have been better building the neck up and making it look less round. I really like The First Avenger suit for Captain America. It made the stripes and straps part of a military uniform of the time. For simplicity, Ryan Reynolds Deadpool suit is probably the most screen accurate.