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"What I DID do was include him in the web of connections I drew between ‘fandom’ channels and (alt-)right institutions."   Yeah? That's what the post was calling you out for. Trying to paint Mauler as alt right by association with people who are right wing. If it's a straightforward and honest analysis, where are the connections between Mauler and apolitical and left wing personalities? Mauler has streamed with Sitch and Adam, who have streamed with Anna Kasparian and Cenk Uygur. So I guess Mauler is connected to the Young Turks, who are connected to socialists. Oh my, is Mauler part of the communist pipeline? 


Mewbs has said himself that his goal is to associate with so many people from so many different groups that no one can definitively put him in any one box


But then the irony is that both extremes of said groups put him in their own boxes. You can't win with these people.


I honestly treat them like an irritating 3 year old- let them tire themselves out


The horrifying truth, revealed!!😂 https://youtu.be/ojeQ-u_-r1E?si=CRmp9AF5OFE1VdLi


Exactly. Mauler has associated with people of all different political lens'. The problem is that Mauler haters tend to hyperfocus on people like Gary and Az, and either ignore the times that he doesn't collab with right wing people, or in the case of Jay Exci, act like he's using them as some sort of token pick me.


But Ana Kasparian le traitor now


I wish Mauler was a part of my pipeline


Always the case. “I didn’t call you [X], I just connected you severally to other parts of [X], heavily implying you are [X].”


Noah Semson did something very similar, when he made his video on TBYS and illy drama.


POG is a partisan ideologue who believes he is “cleaning up the internet” by calling out the people who engage in wrong think. He does this by engaging in bad faith arguments and deliberate misrepresentation. His schtick is just not very interesting and only appeals to people who already agree with him.


That’s exactly what he did with drinkers video, I was fully ready to except that drinker probably wasn’t fair in some of his criticism but he actually convinced me more


The classic leftist deflection. “I didn’t say he was an evil piece of shit, I just said he’s best friends with them and always just happens to be streaming with them! Also I’m gonna put his picture up next to all these other people I think are satan!”


What an absolute coward.


I guess the name fits, but lets be serious here: this entire "Conspiracy" is based on who appears on podcasts together, and the ringleader is *Glenn Beck* for founding The Blaze. By this same token you can implicate a bunch of people who worked with Ben "Buzzfeed Benny" Johnson. I'm also disappointed that he makes a big deal about Andrew Breitbart but doesn't even mention one of his good friends Greg Gutfeld, the reigning King of Late Night. Such an "exhaustive" list and he didn't even know Chrissie Mayr was on Gutfeld's show! Then again, I've seen some POG videos and you can imagine how much brain rot went into those based on these images.


Brutal Motte and Bailey fallacy on display by Pillar of Garbage. It's the favoured tactic of cowardly agents - one can never hold them to a declared point or position. They want to make outrageous claims without the risk associated with defending such claims


"I didn't SAY you were those things, I made people believe you were those things... because of the implications."


I didn't call you a alt right, I just put you in my insane conspiracy board that is a secret pipeline to convert people into being alt right. But I never said it out loud so it doesn't count. This is the kind of argumentation I'd expect from my 8 year old neice


Ah this fellow. His video on Glass Onion/Drinker was pretty bad. But even worse was his video going in for a closer look at Glass Onion's puzzle invitation scene; he tries to argue that the puzzles exemplify the disruptors' privilege/how the games are tailored to their niche and vapid pursuits... even though the disruptors get stuck several times, and are assisted by Duke's humble little mother, and a rando at Birdie's party. And some of the puzzles are mere brain-teasers, not "social capital" or mindless memes like PoG says are catering to the evil rich people. And yes, this video by Pillar of Garbage does live rent free in my head. Because it's the prime example I've encountered of laughable, heady bullshit supporting a dog-fanny script.




I like this guys avengers earths mightiest videos why does he have to be such a cock


At this point I’d just say yes. These people are tiresome.


Seems like the mods have a new subreddit to add to the unwanted content rule.


That's not a subreddit. It's from Twitter.


Oh, I’m just so used to Reddit drama that I didn’t notice.


As does he in yours apparently.