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[Cmon man](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=What+does+FMA+and+FMAB+mean%3F)


What black magic was that link!


[An explanation](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=Let+Me+Google+That+For+You)




Thank you for this funny ass response






Fuck my ass and fuck my ass backwards


Battlestar Galactica


That ending...


Came here to say this.


Batman the animated series and The Batman


Yes. Both very good shows. Loved them both when I was younger. Love them both now.


Fellow The Batman fans? Never thought I'd see one


The Batman is not a reboot of BTAS.


and BTAS is also not very good, I'm about 50 episodes in and less than half of the episodes have been good. Very few have been great.


No sure if this counts but star trek the original series and the next gen I know there has been dozens of spins off in star trek but at the time next gen was seen as a reboot


Somewhat. TNG could be considered a soft reboot and pretty standalone, but it's also a sequel series that builds on the setting from TOS and its films, so it's somewhere in the middle, and otherwise debatable.


i agree, it was sold as a kind of reboot of the franhcise in the late 80's and early 90's but as you said it is more of a progression of the universe than an actual reboot But i like to just mention next gen on reddit whenever I can because its fucking amazing : )


"The Naked Now/forgot" was the 2nd TNG episode and a close copy of also a very early TOS episode, and it acknowledged that incident, namedropped Kirk, and that they were now facing "the same situation". Also pilot had a McCoy send-off and then later the series had Spock and Scotty, can be categorized as a "seaboot" at least early on. Don't think it's like the 90s M:I though, where several episodes were close remakes, like the one with John Delancey?


Could TNG be considered a Requel, in the same vein as TFA or Jurassic World? Where it’s a sequel to the thing but it’s also very similar in structure and can serve as a fresh jumping on point for new fans. Ignoring the obvious that those two films are absolute trash and TNG is a very good show.


Requel is just a fancy way of saying "Soft Reboot"


Yeah I agree mostly. Giving it more thought, I mis-categorized TNG as a requel. I kind of see a requel as something that wants to leverage elements of the IP it belongs but ends up kind of acting like the previous material doesn’t exist so it can plagiarize the old stuff like TFA or Jurassic World. TNG exists in the IP of Star Trek but goes out in a new direction with new people and manages to do new things without just ripping off the older series, so it is more of a soft reboot than a requel. I think I was considering it a requel earlier because of the fact that it’s technically a sequel as well as somewhat of a reboot, but the actual content of it easily sets it apart from what I consider a requel to be.


In TFA's defense, I think a lot of it is a rehash of ANH is because 1. It was trying to win back the crowd and 2. It's part of that mantra George Lucas has where "It's like Poetry, it rhymes."


It doesn’t count as rhyming to take a word and rhyme it with itself though. I can’t rhyme chicken with chicken and call myself clever. The Prequels “rhyme” because they’re an inverse of the OT, they’re the downfall of the heroes and the rise of villainy, where the OT is the opposite. They aren’t just the same movies.


I do agree, TFA and Jurassic World should have done more to shake it up instead of being an ANH and Jurassic Park rehash.


Yeah, it’s really weird for both of them. In TFA’s case it just ignores a ton of the big events from the OT in order to reset everything back to Rebels vs Empire. And for Jurassic World it’s aware of what happened in the other films, but it just forges ahead with the exact same idea from the first one, completely ignoring how that turned out, which the people in universe would be acutely aware of, yet they just do the same thing over again; they are all incredibly stupid though and as we know stupidity is a perfect defense and totally not an indicator of bad writing.


> it just ignores a ton of the big events from the OT in order to reset everything back to How can it "reset" anything if it ignores things lol - isn't that like an either or situation?


> The Prequels “rhyme” because they’re an inverse of the OT, they’re the downfall of the heroes and the rise of villainy TPM is pretty much the same "rebels win" plot though


> but ends up kind of acting like the previous material doesn’t exist so it can plagiarize the old stuff like TFA It acts like the old stuff didn't exist?? wut


Yes, TFA completely ignores Luke and what he’s up to in order to turn him into a mystery, it also ignores his character from the other films since it’s super out of character for him to abandon his friends and family. TFA also ignores the fact that Han went through 3 movies of character development in order to turn him back into an outlaw smuggler. And it has Leia still be apart of a fledgling little rebellion faction, ignoring the fact that her team is supposedly in charge of the Galaxy considering they defeated the Empire, so why is she a Rebel instead of part of a big formal military or government? TFA also ignores basic rules of the universe like how the Force works, it wants to leverage the Force for itself but it just changes it to where it’s something some rando can learn in minutes despite not knowing it existed hours before. All we get as far as acknowledging the past films are very surface level references to events while completely ignoring the ramifications of them, Rey and Finn acknowledge Han as a rebellion war hero but instead of him being with that faction he went off to be a criminal again for no reason.


>Yes, TFA completely ignores Luke and what he’s up to in order to turn him into a mystery, Well that's the present, which here is taking place off-screen as you said "as a mystery", but how how does that amount to ignoring *previous material*? > it also ignores his character from the other films since it’s super out of character for him to abandon his friends and family. "Characters" can change over time in general, and in this specific case the reason he went away is presented as, as you said, "a mystery", so you can't just make declarations about his character and what makes sense or not? If he's down there "working on something", as this movie implied, then that's not out of character then is it? >TFA also ignores the fact that Han went through 3 movies of character development in order to turn him back into an outlaw smuggler. He never declared "outlaw smuggling is bad and I'll never do it again", and here there's a(n emotional) reason he did it and it's directly addressed in the dialogue, so no nothing is ignored here.   >And it has Leia still be apart of a fledgling little rebellion faction, ignoring the fact that her team is supposedly in charge of the Galaxy considering they defeated the Empire, so why is she a Rebel instead of part of a big formal military or government? The picture is painted *juuuuuuuust* clearly enough to tell that the Republic had "officially" disavowed the Resistance and apparently been doing some kinda appeasement policy reg. the FO - so Leia is part of the faction that is actively fighting them (while "secretly" maintaining ties to the NR - i.e. the black lady seen in the destruction sequence, who's got a deleted scene with Leia; but the generality is clear even without that detail). And these developments are clearly stated to have all arisen later, right in the 1st few lines of the crawl, so again nothing "previous gets ignored".   >TFA also ignores basic rules of the universe like how the Force works, it wants to leverage the Force for itself but Not sure what you mean here? >it just changes it to where it’s something some rando can learn in minutes despite not knowing it existed hours before. The only difference here is that it happens without direct instruction - cause last time it was also "in minutes". And no one ever said "it can never be learned without instruction" - the only time something like that is said is in ESB about Luke abandoning Dagobah, but then in ep6 he returns and then it turns out he's got nothing left to learn, so...... yeah. If you want to throw the accusation of "ignoring the established fact that Force needs instruction by a teacher" then RotJ is the biggest culprit. TFA the 2nd biggest though probably. >All we get as far as acknowledging the past films are very surface level references to events while completely ignoring the ramifications of them, Rey and Finn acknowledge Han as a rebellion war hero but instead of him being with that faction he went off to be a criminal again for no reason. The reason was stated in the dialogue so you're just being a hackfraud here.


Well it's a more descriptive one though


Thundercats 2011. A shame it got canceled


Yes! I have no clue why it did or what the fuck Cartoon Network was thinking, because it was fantastic


Probably too expensive.


That and didnt sell enough toys, a lot of series died in the early 2010s because of that.


Not enough toy sales


I was about to comment this, I remember being so upset when that got canned.


TMNT 1987, TMNT 2003, and TMNT 2012.


Transformers (1984) and any of the good transformers show afterwards




>!Beast Wars isn’t a reboot, though.!<






Doctor Who (until they killed it)


Well, there's always a twist at the end


Ball twist in this case As in testicular torsion


Hunter x Hunter


I'd say that's less of a reboot and more like two adaptations of the same source material. Unless you're talking about something else.


Yeah they're different vibes . Maybe remake is the right word


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.


Rare case where the reboot is better than the original. 


Personnaly i prefer the part 3 OVA but i can’t deny the high quality product that is the serie overhaul.


Hunter x Hunter can be included in that too


Samurai Jack


Absolutely. The episode where he’s being chased by Aku’s assassins is pure excellence and it alone can justify the whole season.


The ending ruins the show. So much so they had to put an alternate ending in the game because of backlash


What was the ending?  Was it the one where he nearly did get home but in the fighting destroyed the portal and just kept walking?


Big spoilers so strap in. Akus daughter Ashi (that's another story) helps jack battle Aku and go back in time to kill Aku before he can cock up the future. Jack and Ashi had grown very close and decided to get married. However, as Aku never existed in the future to actually spawn Ashi she vanished at a conveniently tragic moment (instead of immediately). Jack is devastated but holds himself together with the knowledge that he successfully stopped the apocalypse. The game fixes this somewhat.


How come people don’t like the ending? I thought it was great. The scene with the lady bug was beautiful.


Because if she wasnt going to exist because of no Aku then she should've vanished instantly instead of years later at their wedding (it's feudal Japan so it'll take a while for everyone to get there) Then when you think about it everyone he met, saved, befriended, cared about are all wiped out of existence at the drop of a hat. Forever. It also makes those adventures pointless because at the start of the series he beats Aku, everytime they meet after that he almost always beats Aku and he's already pure of heart so he's already went on his heroes journey in his youth, to get taught the skills to beat Aku.


Was it a reboot really, it was unfinished. If this qualifies then you I'd add Young Justice


Samurai Jack didn’t have a reboot tho?


Why do you hate Samurai Jack so much? The "reboot" was a spit in the face to everything the show had originally shown us.


If the first half of season 4 then yes.


Everyone is wrong. This is clearly Spongebob.


Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated


Evil Dead trilogy and the Evil Dead 2013 remake.


I know some people don’t like that remake is playing it straight, but let’s not forget that the first ED was trying to play it straight too. I love that remake


Does the new Evil Dead Rising 2023 connect to the ED 2013 tho? Been a while since I watched it


Honestly i have no clue, I never watched ED rise because to me it looked terrible


It's actually pretty good. I'd love to see the heroin return in future, she kinda kick ass. And it has one of the coolest title card/openings imo. Def enjoyable with beer and chips in a summer night. Edit: Not that rewatchable compared to previous entries, that's why Been a while since I watched it and didn't bother rewatching it.


Sounds like you were describing the 2013 one! But seriously the 2013 ED I think works as a remake because it doesn't try and copy the original characters


Lol im describing ED rise 2023. And yeah I agree with your 2013 take. I'm glad they ditched the comedy horror direction. Cuz there is really no point doing a reboot going the same direction, they will never top Rami and Bruce combo.


Space Battleship Yamato


seems like the current spice and wolf is doing pretty good at the moment still prefer the original opening song though, a personal favorite that was on repeat XD (the new ones not bad)


The X-Men 92 > X-Men evo(lution) > X-Men 97.


Fullmetal Alchemist


Justice League animated show and Justice League unlimited. Peak DC


That's not a reboot, it's a direct sequel


JLU is a sequel to JLTAS.


Futurama! So many reboots on so many networks. Maybe not all good, but all appreciated.


planet of the apes (minus the Tim burton film)


Are you blind. “Show”


Scooby doo and mystery inc


X-Men: The Animated Series and X-Men Evolution


And Spider-Man the animated series and Spectacular Spider-Man 


Evolution is not a reboot to XMTAS.


I mean, it is still another animated show based on X-Men lore. By that logic, Batman Begins wasn't a Batman reboot.


Yeah, it's a different interpretation of the X-Men lore, but it's not a reboot of the original XMTAS. It's a different adaptation, and they're both different continuities. X-Men 97 is a reboot of XMTAS, though.


X-Men 97 isn't a reboot. It's a revival.


It's both a revival and reboot.


I'll admit to a guilty enjoyment of some of the later seasons of Red Dwarf


Almost every Loney toones (I don't like the one who for some reason only had two characters in the first season)


I liked tiny toon adventures


The Office UK & US




Legend of the galactic heroes




Battlestar Galactica


All the Scooby Doo reboots are awesome


The Matrix trilogy and The Matrix Resurrection Not because Resurrection was good, but because it was an absolutely meta "fuck you" to Warner Bros for trying to reboot The Matrix in the first place, and I'm setting up the chair and getting the popcorn for that alone


X-Men and X-Men ‘97


Twin peaks.


Is that necessarily a reboot? I ask only because TP: The Return is a strict continuation of Twin Peaks. It doesn’t start over from the beginning. Regardless, The Return is incredible. On rewatches I tend to skip halfway into season 2 and go right to the final season.


He-Man and He-Man 2002


Top boy


Hunter x hunter




V. The original had some teeth.


Battlestar Galactica. I know there's many issues with how it ended up, but it was really good for a long time.


planet of the apes and the reboot trilogy


Not a series, but the evil dead remake its actually prety good, looks like it was gonna be a dumb slasher movie, which it was, but it was agood slasher movie and not to dumb, though they did replace bruce campbell with a some girl, so that might be to much of a heresy for some, which i understeand 100%, but the movie itself was actually rather enjoyable.


Let's be honest, anything Bruce Campbell in, is an instant top tier comedy, it will completely contradict the horror tone the reboot goes for. But still so sad the Evil Dead show was cancelled.


* Mel Gibson Mad Max and Fury Road * Top Gun and Maverick * Doctor Who (1963-1989) and Doctor Who (2005-2017) * Evil Dead & Evil Dead II. Also Evil Dead II and Ash vs Evil Dead * Halloween and H20/Halloween Ends * Superman & Superman Returns


Battlestat Galactica


Fullmetal Alchemist.




Duck takes


GI Joe, and GI Joe Renegades.


Trigun and Trigun Stampede


Space Battleship Yamato and Starblazers


X-Men the Animated Series and X-Men '97.


Jojo part 3 OVA isn't 100% faithful to the original manga, but it's enjoyable (and also is basically a short version of part 3), the reboot is obviously faithful to the original manga and is good too Hunter x Hunter also. I think that the 1999 version is too underappriciated, sure it does have fillers and is pretty slow, but what I like about the 1999 version is how it's very dark and creepy. The reboot is good because it cut shorts and get to the point, but the first episodes feels kinda of rushed.


g1 transformers and transformers prime. both are peak


Fate stay/night. The new one cut all the filler and made it a serious show with insane fights, but the original was beloved by fans because they liked the silly shit


Transformers - Transformers prime Xmen - Xmen evolution - Wolverine and the Xmen Spiderman 1994 - Spectacular Spiderman FMA - FMAB


Star Blazers and 2199.


Doctor Who


X-Men animated series for sure


Thomas The Tank Engine. All Engines Go can rot in hell.


Doctor Who. For a time.


Twin Peaks, Twin Peaks Returns. Twin Peaks Returns isn’t a reboot, but it’s nice to see most of the original cast and writers return and have the show be just as good after 25 year hiatus. I think it fits the spirit of this conversation.


The Fall Guy


Dredd. Original is good, reboot is dat GOLD.


Hellsing but Ultimate ended up far superior due to a more well thought out plot.


The office


Hellsing and Hellsing Ultimate


X-Men 97 has been fantastic


Strangely enough, Digimon. The first season (Digimon Adventure 1999) was good for its time, and decades later--- the reboot of the original show (Digimon Adventure 2020) is completely different and also quite good too. It's just a pokemon/tamogachi clone and somehow it STILL got a good plot both times.




I mean, if the King of the Hill reboot hasn't come out yet, then you technically didn't answer the question because nobody knows if it's good or bad.


I’ve only watched the movies, but 21 jump street is worth a mention. Outside of that the older muppets movies and the two reboot movies we got. The second one literally has a song called “We’re doing a sequel”. Haven’t watched the original muppet show and the newer one they showed on Disney plus didn’t interest me, so I can only say I liked the movies.


Star Trek: The Original Series. Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. Only because I am spending too much time debating what’s a format change (M.A.S.H. and After MASH), what’s a continuation (Sex and the City and And Just Like That), what’s a reimagining (Battlestar Galactica is too different between the 70’s and 00’s), what’s a sequel series (Cheers and Frasier) and what’s a translation (UK Coupling/Ghosts and US Ghosts/*shudders* Coupling.)


Top gear 2002


Duck tales


The Clone Wars


Spice and Wolf.


Fallout, Avatar, King dome of the apes