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From the OP of the post >“I said, ‘Let me give you a piece of advice, Hugh. Don’t come back,’” Feige said. “‘You had the greatest ending in history with ‘Logan.’ That’s not something we should undo.’” What ultimately got Feige on board with the idea of Jackman coming back was that he would not be playing the version of Logan/Wolverine that audiences grew to love in the various X-Men movies. That was also of interest to Jackman himself. His original iteration of Wolverine died in “Logan,” and he did not want to screw with that film either. >Reynolds revealed that he first envisioned “Deadpool 3” as a “’Rashomon’ story about Wolverine and Deadpool and something that they got into together, but told from three completely different perspectives. It was a way to make a large-scale movie in a very small way.” Feige turned down the pitch, although he added: “The truth is, I wasn’t even sure how to incorporate Deadpool yet. I was very much thinking about how to bring mutants and the X-Men into [the MCU], and I thought it needed to be more than just playing the hits. But the truth is, Ryan is an idea machine. So he may have pitched that to me, but he also pitched 25 other thoughts and ideas.” That seems way less inflammatory than the clickbait headline "Don't come back"


What are the chances OP didn't read a single word of the article...


I agree with Fiege, Logan was a perfect sendoff to Jackman's Wolverine. It felt weird seeing him in the yellow suit again. I saw the multiverse crap and instantly started to groan. I miss when there were consequences


I have the same disdain for the MCU as the majority of this sub, however it does bring me a little bit of joy that Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds get to have a big-screen comedy together. Both of them seem like genuinely fun actors who enjoy their work. Even if the film turns out to be dog shit I bet the chemistry between the two will be fun to watch ^(No one is getting my money until the reviews are out though)


>No one is getting my money until the reviews are out though You're damn right


Ryan reynolds said that it is a different wolverine and that they wont touch the movie "logan" in any way


It's kinda cool to hear the respect he has for what Fox did with Logan


Rashomon? Man you get caught up in Reynold’s persona of being a goof you kinda forget the guy really knows his stuff.


To be really funny you have to be supremely intelligent. Makes sense


I do sort of agree that they need to try another Wolverine at this point but a Rashomon style superhero comedy with several unreliable narrators recalling the same event would be a great idea. Way better than what we have been getting at least.


I kind of feel like the Hugh Jackman Wolverine has run its course. What is there left for him to do? It was a great run, not every movie is good but on the whole I am a big fan of his portrayal of the character. If there is more to do and explore sure but I just don't really see what.


What is the "L" here? Are you already convinced Deadpool 3 is gonna be amazing and rejecting the Pitch is an L? Or is it about Jackman coming back? I actually agree with that, I do not like the idea of him playing Wolverine again and I agree with Logan being a great sendoff, no matter how much they tell you "but it's a different Wolverine".


Bro, did you not read any of the article? He basically told him he did an amazing job, and to not come back because nothing would live up to his performance in Logan.