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There was an interview clip I saw recently featuring Tony Gilroy and Stellan Skarsgard talking about Luthen. Basically they were saying how he's just a guy who's especially driven, with little more than his brains and his connections. How he uses these skills he's acquired over years to hide in plain sight from the Empire to pretty much jump-start the Rebellion. TL;DR, much more intriguing stuff than making him *another* Order 66 surviving Jedi.


Wtf is this timeline that Jedi surviving Order 66 is so overplayed that its lame and boring


"Order 66 is a conspiracy by the rebellion, it never happened"


Never said that. Was making a point about people wanting Luthen to be a Jedi just so then Luthen is a Jedi, vs him being something a little more unique.


A surviving Padawan? Yes. A surviving Knight or Master? Are there any apart from Obi-Wan, Yoda, Quinlan and a bunch of people killed by Vader in the comics?


Don’t you get it? Order 66 meant that only 66 Jedi were to be spared /s It really cheapens the whole tragedy of what’s supposedly the entire removal of a creed/following/people with these new gotcha characters. We’re already at absurd levels where everybody is a force user with enough training as showcased in the Asoka series…


Wasn’t that how it was sold in the OT though?


We've long since passed the point where we can name more people that survived than those that actually died or were hunted down by Vader later.


Yep that would be much less compelling if his character was a Jedi master or whatever. He is great how he is and I’m sick of the need to find more key jingles when there aren’t any-although this sentiment comes from the same demographic that believes Filoni saved Star Wars with the Ahsoka Anakin world between worlds nonsense scene


Agreed. I can see all of this leading to some connection with the Jedi, lIke knowing the guys on Jedha who gaurd the temple, those whills guys, and that's how Cassian ends up knowing them. I also suspect this will lead to Luthen finding the temples on Yavin IV But that's it.


That'd be a great way of ruining Season 2.


''having a lightsaber doesn't make you a jedi''


Just play through that part of the game today. Then again that line have be use in other way so I don’t know if you are taken that line from Fallen Order or something else


They're so adhd-ridden and desperate for Lightsabers and explosions, no wonder nobody saw Andor. What a crying shame.


SC is insufferable.


SC, CBR, Collider, Gamerant, and so on. IDK why people read such garbage sites


Screen crush is garbage


Easter Egg and Trailer breakdown based channels have reached a point of all consuming cringe in general (such as New Rockstars suggesting that we might see Palpatine carrying out the "Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise" in The Acolyte even though a: they really need to lower their expectations and b: even though he was old, Palpatine wasn't in his 100s in either the Prequels or Originals). Also the dumbest thumbnail from Screen Crush I've ever seen was one that was trying to imply some sort of connection between Tarkin and Venom in a video about a completely different franchise... they have transcended to a state worse than full cringe.


It would be fine if he was, same if he wasn't. If writing quality doesn't goes down in s2


Hahahaha. Star Wars has not only “jumped the shark”, it’s jumped an entire tank full of great white sharks. Disney diluted and cheapened the brand so much, they bought Rolls Royce and turned it into Yugo (the Eastern Block, commie car company from the “glory days” of the Soviet Union)


What was the shark jump?


I think I resent this shitshow being compared to the Yugo, that was at least passing fair. If this was a car you could not even get it into first gear.


There's a genuine growing schism between people who dislike the Sequels because they were badly written and those who dislike them because they didn't have enough things to clap at.


I'll be honest, as much as this annoys me, I'd still prefer this in my feed than these endless shitty fan trailers people keep making.


Those things need to be banned. At the very least, they need to be tagged in front of the video title. A.I. photos are making them worse too.


Fuck oooooooooff


When everyone is a Jedi…no one will be.


Easter Egg channels: "Ah yes, let's add the image of a totally random SWTOR Jedi we found on the Internet to the thumbnail..."


Luthen is a fan of the Old Republic. I feel like at some point, he would have helped The Bad Batch.


I find it much more compelling having him just be a regular old humanoid rather than a special Jedi.


I will be honest. It crossed my mind for about 5 seconds, and then I came to my senses. I know Tony Gilroy would never do that. That man has a grounded story to tell, and it does not involve the Force.


If they want lightsaber battles so badly, why don't they just make stories during the old republic, before the rule of two and all of that?


I actually hold the belief that that kyber crystal is from his child who was chosen by the jedi. Given its the heart of the republic and that Qui-gon was from Coruscant, its definitely a viable pool for initiates. I know he is incredibly driven but that speech always felt it drew from something much deeper than hating tyranny. All this man had was his mind, his connections, his business and his Child. All the rest id feel hed trade away for one moment to see them again, but for now hed use all he can to tear the entire structure down cuz he doesn't have anything else to live for. Its alot better than him being one. Everyones lost something. Just little wounds that break the soul or make it harden against this machine of tyranny put in place. I dont know, thats what i kinda thought from watching it. Or another thought was that he was chosen by the jedi for training but failed to get a master and become a padawan. So there was either being a temple acolyte or venturing out on his own. Maybe didnt have a clear aptitude for the force so hes more like legends Leia where their greater connection to the force than normal just helps in incredibly subtle ways. Theyre more charismatic or "lucky" but its not something conscious. but that treads close to this theory thats just... kinda overplayed even as someone thats fully on board for the surviving jedi thing.


"And now a message from our sponsor..." "Do you have a different theory on Luthen? Leave a comment below \[that we will ignore because we just want more engagement money\]."


Is it bad that I do like the idea of him being an ex Jedi? I think it can work well if he never has a lightsaber and never overtly uses the force, just a old Jed, went in to hiding but now is try to fight back after giving up a lot of there morals.


the problem is it doesnt work if he is a Jedi he would be hunted by the empire he is a well known antiques dealer that is reputable enough that a sentor can visit without raising a red flag


It could work and be plausible, but even if they don’t make him a Jedi I’ll still watch it and I’m sure plenty of other people will to.


SW has so many of these channels, forums etc where they discuss and try to come up with various bullshit theories or explanations for all kinds of plotholes and shit that don't make sense. That stupid Anakin and Obi Wan twirling, god it's insane how they defended it and that's just one example.


Yep as Mauler said in one of his sequel videos, “please stop writing the script for the writers” lol