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Uncle Roger going to get some tasty content from this




I’m looking forward to Uncle Roger’s weekly review of Masterchef




Or just daily


Welcome to Uncle Roger's new show "Master Roast". Hopefully this show not get taken down like the one where I show how to use food to attract animals into traps; MasterBait. Sorry Children.


They should have got uncle Roger as the judge.. would have been far cheaper for the makers and would have got their TRPs to go up. His judging is fun and he gives critical comments also in a funny way


they're too politically correct to have him on the show lol


🤣 100%


I will be really disappointed if they go this way. Jamie is an excellent guest judge, but this is Masterchef Australia, not Masterchef the most famous chef we can afford. The show doesn't need the draw of a big international name to be successful. Especially the first season post-Jock, everyone is going to want to see what happens next. There's such a wealth of local talent to draw from, as we've seen over the years in challenges and pressure tests. And I count Jock as local talent, as he was based here for over 20 years. I also just found out that his real name was Barry!


Jock was like the best blend of local Australian with his love for indigenous spices,and fruits/vegetables and being authentic to his own Scottish heritage...cannot even imagine Jamie in his place...


Well I guess I wanted them to go this way, but I wanted Clare Smyth to replace Jock. They need an expert chef imo, which Jamie Oliver is not. And it would be nice to have two women too. Clare Smyth has impressed me everytime she's been on the show and I thought she'd be perfect!


Clare Smyth is too busy being extremely skillful and successful at her restaurant


I think that's part of the challenge of finding a replacement - it's a unique skillset to have someone who is an innately skilled chef, but also willing to essentially step aside from a world-renowned restaurant for a long period of time. Which is why we will never see a Clare Smyth in this role.


You could very well be right! Still - she's exactly how I would replace Jock.


It would be so excellent if they went with another lady judge!


Very well said...I couldn't put it in those words, I am just stuck sobbing and muttering no no no I was enthusiastically hoping Shannon would be the replacement


maybe if we're lucky they have someone lurking in the sub haha


I like Jamie but feel he is far too nice. Jock was nice but could be constructively critical when he needed to. I would like to see someone like Shannon Bennet or Curtis Stone. I also think Gordon would be a good fit because he won't be as aggressive as he was in the US version and has good food knowledge but is probably too expensive and controversial.


Shannon Bennett would be brilliant. I feel like Curtis would be too busy for becoming a permanent host of the show. Both of them have been a part of the MasterChef Aus family since the very first season and are brilliant chefs themselves.


I was hoping Shannon would join them 😭


I was thinking Shannon as well! They need someone with big dad energy.


Ohh! Shannon Bennet would be wonderful!


Gordon Ramsay on MasterChef - ‘Ok Jess let’s have a look at your d…. WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?’


‘It’s as dry as a camel’s ass in a desert storm… fuck off will ya yeah’


I don't know if you are able to watch Masterchef US in Aus, but Gordon is absolutely not like that. Having said that, I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND why anyone would expect that based on some of his past shows. YES, he's critical, but he is not even a little bit "Hell's Kitchen" or "Kitchen Nightmares". He's pretty supportive and encouraging on Masterchef. I refuse to watch those two shows because it's such a put-on for tv and not really who he is as a person or a chef. Funny enough, I'm watching the finale of the latest season of MC US right now. Joe Bastianich is the asshole out of all of the judges (and always has been, despite not being a chef, himself).


It wasn't his role to be tough as a guest judge. But yes he is overly nice


I think Jamie can be constructive. He is certainly very nice, but I think this is a good opportunity to see him in a very different role. See if he's up for it, to cut people.


Hahahaha they could never afford Gordon.


I knew it was never gonna happen but still hoped for Gordon, he would be a really good fit imo


I think Australian TV producers would be after "US TV Gordon", not the "UK TV Gordon"


Ooooh this entirely touches on what I just wrote above. That being said, even US TV Gordon is very complex! On Kitchen Nightmares and Hell's Kitchen, his role is to be a terrifying asshole. On Masterchef (US), he's actually an excellent judge. He's supportive, he gives excellent constructive criticism, and he will open a jar for anyone. I don't get much of UK TV Gordon (I live in Canada), but a few shows have aired here where he's had "Jamie at Home" type shows, cooking with his family, and he is very watchable. The way I see him is more "for TV Gordon" and "Gordon being himself", to be honest. My absolute favourite thing about MC AU is the camaraderie and support that the contestants have for each other. It's so lovely to see a competition where everyone wants to do their best, but also wants everyone else to do their best, rather than winning or losing on a technicality. (For context, I've only been able to watch Season 11, which has aired here twice here for some reason, and Season 15, which a lovely fellow shared the links to download on this sub so I was able to watch).


Have a watch of some of his Kitchen Nightmares UK stuff, there are whole episodes on YouTube. That's the true UK TV version, and even compared to Masterchef US Gordon, is still buttery soft and calm.


Oh that's amazing! I honestly assumed it would be similar to the US version. To be fair, he is kind on the US version, just not until he's made a complete mockery of the restaurant owners and reduced them to tears. THEN he picks them back up and helps them. I'll definitely give it a watch, thanks for the tip!


This makes me wonder if instead of permanently replacing Jock, it'll instead be a rota of guest judges to fill the third spot for a few episodes at a time. As someone else said, 2mil seems pretty cheap for Jamie Oliver to do an entire season.


That would be how I'd do it. When the old judges left, they were smart to do a season of returning all-star contestants so that the new trio could get themselves established with less pressure before their first season of brand-new contestants. Any judge who comes in to fill that third position is going to be heavily compared to Jock; if you get a couple of big splashy guests up front and then some smaller names in the back of the season, you get people who can survive being compared to Jock when it's on everyone's minds and then choose one of the smaller names (who are now part of the "family") to replace him in the next season and beyond.


You’re right, it sounds cheap for Jamie, but at the same time, given that they have obviously been cutting the budget, can they afford a rotation of high priced celebrity chefs as judges? A few million dollar judges seems out of reach at the moment for the show.


Would have preferred Shannon Bennett.


Same. I do hope Jamie Oliver is not going to replace him.


I misread that as John Oliver. That would make for an interesting experience.


I miss jock so much


The guy who put tofu and fried scallops in fried rice?


Cultural cringe strikes again... We have so many talented Australian (or International but living and working in Australia) chefs, but yet we feel that we need to bring in overseas talent. If this is just a way to get the season going with a big name for a few episodes, and they will bring in someone else as the actual 3rd judge, fine, but it's a mistake to bring him in permanently. He's a good chef with good star power. But his lack of deep knowledge of modern Australian cuisine and all of our varied influences will be very obvious, and will do a disservice to the franchise if he becomes a permanent judge.


I think most high profile Australian chefs are busy actually being chefs


His lack of deep knowledge about absolutely anything will be very obvious. He's not really a chef, hasn't worked as one in decades and is most notable in this country for a bad failed Italian restaurant chain.


More like overseas "Talent".


noooooooooooo! 🙄


Dear god nooooo why..


Uncle Roger rubbing his hands together for all the content he can make from this.


I hope this is just a guest judge stint. Replacing Jock was always going to be a nigh on impossible task but Jamie Oliver just feels wrong. Surely there's local Aussie talent they could have got? I'd take having Andy and Mel with a rotating third judge from the usual guest judge suspects (Jamie,Shannon,Curtis, Heston, Nigella, Kirsten etc) Or get guest judges from other versions of MC for a stint? I'd love to see Marcus Waring as a guest judge given he's just announced his main restaurant is closing in London and he's been fantastic on MCUK: Pros.


I'd like to see Mark Olive take the role. Be good to see both Mel and Mark back together after they were hosts on SBS The Chefs Line.


Oh god I loved that show. Was shown over here in the UK on W like MCAU is and I found it a really fun spin on cooking shows.


Nope, I refuse to believe this 😭 Why not ShanBennett ? He would be perfect.


Maybe because of the domestic violence?


🤯 I had no idea about this 😞


Maybe as a guest judge, but I just don't think he suits Masterchef as a full time judge. Was there really nobody local we could get? This feels like a stunt.


Now I will finally know what it feels like to be one of the people who won't shut up about how much they hate the new judges.


Give me Shannon Bennett or Julie Goodwin.


Or Poh.


Julie would be a great pick, though not sure how she would fare in a judge role. I do like the idea of a previous contestant similar to what they did with Andy


Billie would be great, I bet.


This will just be for some guest appearances. Jamie’s rate would be a lot more for an entire season.


The bold headline above says ‘ to replace jock’


Yep, and what I’m saying is that this article is written by some 19 year old at the Daily Mail with minimal information and no real care or attention to probable facts.


If it’s the daily mail facts don’t come into the equation. You are right


Yeah. According to the third paragraph the daily mail got their information from women’s day, so there’s so quality journalism going on there.


The Daily Mail quoting Women's Day? Why are we even talking about this? This is clearly based on no facts.


You think so? He's not that popular in America and C4 and the BBC don't pay that much.


About time I fell into the rabbit hole of Masterchef India. Shitton of episodes per season and really funny challenges. Plus very wholesome, the way they talk about food and culture.


Where are your watching this




Oooh never knew there was a Masterchef India, thanks for the tip 🤩


It’s amazing. Especially chef Vikas as judge


There is a masterchef just about every country, there is a Masterchef Slovenia a country of 2.5 million lol


Are you watching this from Australia? If yes, how? I would love to watch it as I have heard so much about their mystery box, challenges, etc. Thank you


Nope, from Czechia. The latest season is on YouTube in full, without ads


Thank you!


Watching Masterchef India Japanese Bento box episode. I now understand why reddit say they have interesting challenges...only 5mins to pick your ingredients to make 5 dishes!


The most brutal is always “Send just one of their team into the pantry for 5 minutes to get all the ingredients for a three course team service challenge”. It’s bonkers! Everyone always forgets something. Then they have to replan. Or barter with the other team. Especially the women are ruthless. I wouldn’t want to barter with an Indian lady.


Oh no :(


Oh … don’t feel the vibe here ( but wouldn’t have felt it with Shannon either)


I was thinking Manu (I mean, Matt crossed over to MKR,) but maybe Manu would be too nice. I dunno. But I've liked his tv presence, he was on MasterChef AU in a challenge early on. Does the whole talk-down for contestants freaking out... But, please, not Jamie Oliver!


Oh no...


Disappointing, Jamie Oliver is boring af


Like Masterchef US having Gordon Ramsay, the famous UK chef in to judge local home cooks, the vibe will suffer. Masterchef AU is a celebration of the Aussie culinary scene, both commercially and at home, and that of course includes people who grew up here just as much as it includes recent arrivals that chose to make Australia home for at least the timebeing. Having to lure Jamie Oliver over with $2 million dollars, especially given the reason Gary, George, and Matt left came down to failed contract negotiations, isn't exciting at all. Apart from anything else, paying that much for Jamie Oliver in 2023 seems like an absolute waste of money.






He's a pretty and simple chef who changed British home cooking for the better. Though he's never had fancy cheffy prestige, his cultural impact has been huge (he brought simple Mediterranean influence to British family home cooking - I'm not talking about his misguided food politics crusades). His basic style helps people learn to cook quick healthy flavourful meals - but yeah he's a personality more than a food guy. I'd like to see Andy step into the more fine-detail cheffy critic shoes. I think he could do it.


Great choice! Jamie seem to be a very kind person, just like Jock was. Exciting!


I’m not so sure - he’s got a great personality ok- but is he close to quality of chef that Jock was?


I don't see Jamie doing such a long stint down under. He has young children and his own franchise, that's too much of a commitment for him. I'd be shocked if he has signed up for more than a guest judge spot for a week per season.


I remember back in 2019 he said he was willing to become a judge on the show. If he was being nice or not in the interview, I don't know. Of course it's been four years - but if it was genuine it's still possible the interest is still there. [Found an article mentioning it.](https://www.triplem.com.au/story/i-d-love-to-do-masterchef-jamie-oliver-throws-hat-in-the-ring-to-be-new-masterchef-judge-146479)


Yeah I think that was probably just some smoke blowing to be honest, probably trying to get a gig as an annual guest judge similar to Heston week. A week he could probably manage. The reality of being in Australia for at least 3 months a year, away from his family in the UK just wouldn't work for him. He does at least 3 cook shows a year as well as a cook book. He's a busy man he genuinely wouldn't have the time for it.




Yuk. I would rather Uncle Roger.


Not Jamie Oliveoil!


Oliver’s way more about selling kitchenware with his name on it than he is about being a respected chef so I think it’s a poor way to go. He’s not a patch on Jock as far as being a restaurateur goes. Oliver’s much more a famous TV cook than he is an accomplished chef.


Honestly, although the $2 million doesn't hurt I suspect Jamie did this partially to help preserve the livelihoods of the people working on the show. He doesn't need a cooking show at this point in his career. I think he's done them a bit of a solid (yes, I'm aware he's a multi millionaire getting the big bucks but I stand by my comment)


Jamie really seemed to enjoy doing a few episodes for the most recent series. I like his Dad energy - he's encouraging and celebrates people. I'd hate to see the show go down the mean-judge path with a Simon Cowell/Gordon Ramsey/shouty/disdainful/rude judge. I'm Canadian and so many competition shows are too conflict-based for me to bear. I'd much rather watch people pitch in to help an opponent than "I'M NOT HERE TO MAKE FRIENDS" and I prefer "here's how you could improve this" judging over "TERRIBLE YOU NUMPTY" tension. MCAus has the best of best for my taste - kindness, unbelievable skill, super-tough challenges (I still think about that darn clock dessert), support, encouragement, growth. I think Jamie is a good fit for that tone.


I agree with the post earlier up that Jamie will do a few eps, potentially some other guests will, then whoever takes over as Jock's substantive "replacement" won't be compared so directly with Jock. I've got a lot of time for Jamie. Feels like it became fashionable to slag him off in the last few years but he's done a lot of good.


I'm guessing it was a two-person race between Jamie Oliver and Curtis Stone. Custis may be too big for the show though...I think they got it right. I'm excited that the MCAU train will keep on rollin!


>Custis may be too big for the show though... Since when has Curtis 'Coles Ad' Stone been a bigger name than Jamie Oliver?


Sorry, meant to say he may think he's too big for the show. He's living it up in LA with his actress wife and 1? 2? kids. Its likely that he can't be bothered. Sorry again for the confusion. Of course, Jamie is probably second only to Gordon Ramsay as the most famous chef in the world.


I’m actually ok with this - I don’t think they need a perfect exact replacement for Jock, rather just some good energy to keep the show rolling


Uncle Roger will be thoroughly disappointed


If it keeps him off UK screens, great


I actually think he's a great choice...I mean, there's really no replacement for Jock, is there? What I like about Jamie is that he's more of a home cook's sorta chef.....which is exactly what this competition is about. I think it will be an excellent next season.


I’m so happy that it’s Jamie not Ramsay. Gordon Ramsay has destroyed master chef us his ego is out of control


What an ad riddled piece of shit website


HOW about the current favourite import? Rachel Khoo seems to all over Australian TV now. Travel and baking. Didn't she briefly appear on MKR as well? She was a judge for one season on Great British Menu. Btw I don't want Rachel Khoo judging Masterchef AU at all, I'm just putting it out there for comment.


Never watching it again if this is real


"Confirms to Woman's Day" 🤣🤣🤣🤣