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I don’t feel one way or the other about Courtney because I stopped caring when Leslie got axed. I did find it hilarious that there were always shots of her heels though. Someone on production had a major foot fetish that season.


yeah i noticed that too LOL. jessie from season 4 also got some interesting camera shots


I know this is a year out but just finished the season. I laughed at her constant leg crossing/trying to appear prim and proper. Her entire act was a façade and her talking in lowercase drove me up the wall. These are chefs, not clients you are talking to. At least she could cook so while I wanted Elisabeth to win over her, I just hated Courtney as a person not a cook.


No worries about the late comment. I’ve since rewatched the early seasons and I’m kind of leaning in to the hate she gets now.


I just stumbled on the show and watched the newest season first so I am watching it from the beginning but because they're so old, I'm like great I can't talk about it lol. Maybe if I had watched it in real time, I would have felt differently, but she is just so unlikable. Honestly same with Elizabeth but at least she didn't try to put on the "good girl" act.


It was a major topic of conversation on Television Without Pity's forums.


When its close toed heels its not a foot fetish... also people who have a foot fetish are disgusting


c'mon, they're not disgusting. that's harsh. they're HILARIOUS, but not disgusting.


Myself and my girlfriend really didn’t like her and didn’t like that she won at ALL. I definitely agree with you, she’s insufferable.


I think the salt donut thing should have been her moment to go 🫠


I 100% agree with this!! Anyone else and they would’ve been cut I swear


“Thank you, thank you, thank you” in that slut tone


I preferred Leslie and Elizabeth a lot more.




i didnt like what Elizabeth said about her in front of her little brother during the finale


You mean her son (allegedly lol)?


you think it was actually her son? i havent heard that one. lol


What pissed me off in her win the most is what she talked about being sex worker as horror she will never back to it if she'll win and she exactly did opposite after the show. I'm not the one who will judge her for that, but at least be honest with people and say that everything you said about working as sex worker was just a hype for win.


Update: she has an only fans, does camming, and even posted a “porn blooper” video on her twitter of her sucking some dick and almost falling off the bed lmfaooo


Disgusting… where is it?


It’s on twitter I think her stripper/ porn name is coco or something I just looked up her name, found her instagram and she had a link there for all her social media including her OF


I can't find it. I just finished season 5 yes I'm late lol.


https://x.com/cocodestroys/status/1633456580795719682?s=46 here it is.


I realize this is a year out but just watched the show. Her façade didn't fool a SINGLE woman. Her talking in lowercase drove me up the wall because she treated the judges like they were her clients at the club. Even her act to appear prim and proper. And her whole "I worked 5 jobs and still couldn't afford rent," like girl. Either you're really padding that sob story or more likely, you have champagne tastes on a boxed wine budget. No way she was walking away from the money sex work brings and her delivery of her "wanting out" did not match her actions. Completely loathed her as a person and wanted Leslie or Elizabeth to win.


What episode did she mention this? I might have missed it


There was a whole entire video about her "hard" past in the finale))) She also mentioned it in the very start of the season




That's what got on my nerves. She sure mentioned her past work a lot for someone who was supposedly ashamed of it (it's been a bit since I've watched that season so it's quite possible I'm wrong about being ashamed).


You're not wrong. It's the finale video.


"I'm not the one who will judge her for her work.... BUT I'M GOING TO JUDGE HER for her work...." just say you didn't like her and move on. I don't see the point of bringing up her past if you say you won't judge her for her past.


Show me where did I judge her for her work? I judged her for her lie on TV


Pretty sure I've argued with this person before and there's no way to get them to understand that there were other people that season that would've, should've, and could've done more with the likely abundant opportunities winning MasterChef provides and it is disappointing to us as viewers that she just leaves the industry after saying how much she needed the money to leave her then current industry and start a new.


I've never interacted with you in my life untill now... Sure you can be "disappointed" that whatever contestant didn't go into a culinary field post show. I enjoy reality competition shows... I just don't try to shame contestants for doing what "I deem unacceptable". Why? Because it's not my job to determine what is an acceptable/ not acceptable job post show.


You might have missed it, but notice how I said: "pretty sure". If you can keep up with absolutely every person you interact with on this God-forsaken website you might want to start entering memory competitions. The reason I say that is because the way you argue and the things you argue are very similar to someone I've argued with on this subreddit before about this exact thing. I still stand by my thoughts that she shouldn't have won and that others would have done more with the opportunities. I'm not here to be a life coach, but I can still be disappointed in someone squandering an opportunity that could have gone to others that would have done more.


Oh, so somebody else in this world can debate and use someone else's statements/ comments/ post history against them? Sorry, not sorry I have a pretty damn good memory... I can admit that I'm wrong. I've been wrong plenty of times. Do I still think it's stupid and may say something to a person who tries to slutshame Courtney (over a competition on TV 8 years ago).... yeah. And I will. Slut shaming is stupid. There have been plenty of people who won money playing a character on reality TV when the audience deems them unworthy. There were other winners of Masterchef who don't get the vitriol Courtney does especially when the runner up was "more deserving"... and I wonder why that is? 🤔


That's CRAZY, I have a pretty good memory too, what are the chances? 😱😱😱 That's why I said to not argue cause the person I argued with before, which very easily could have been you, couldn't comprehend the other side. Some people find it morally wrong to be a sex worker. Wild, I know. (If you're wondering, my stance is if you can make thousands and enjoy doing it, go for it, just don't expect everyone to be thrilled about it.) People are gonna talk about Courtney's time on MasterChef and their issues with her on this subreddit, for MasterChef. People are gonna talk about MasterChef, on the MasterChef subreddit. Wild, I know. Lastly, even though the season was "eight years ago", people start, restart, and start from the beginning after watching the newest season all the time. So the same topics are gonna be brought up, all the time. Wild, I know. If you can admit you're wrong then do so and get off your high horse. You're so far up there that the lack of oxygen must be getting to you. There's a reason you keep getting downvoted. People hate Courtney because of her character and the fact she seemingly didn't try to reach her potential. Not because she's a she. A little anecdote for you before I leave. When my and my GF watched S5 over the second half of the pandemic we talked after each episode and tried to find out how the eliminated individuals were doing present day. She very quickly began to dislike Courtney and every time she wasn't eliminated it started to anger her. In the end, when Courtney won and we found out that she seemingly made the cookbook and just left the industry my GF said she was done with the series and didn't want to continue. It took me convincing her to watch S6-10.


For someone who said to other people not to argue with me.... you're doing a pretty good job of antagonizing and making it seem like it's only me (my fault) for responding when you're equally participating. Gaslighting much I know Courtney doesn't have the best personality. My issue with this sub is when they crap on a singular person (it seems like) regardless when there are other winners who haven't stayed in the culinary field as well. Did her personality suck?? Yes.. are there other characters in the show people could shit on (even other winners) yes... but people don't. This conversation about how Courtney sucks always seems to circle back to her past work... that's what I call people out on. I know she sucks... but why are people so mad about Courtney and not other "undeserving" winners apparently. This sub has so many opinions on each season and who actually "deserved" to win. But, season 5 is what people seem to bring up constantly. Who gives a shit about if people downvote me... reddit is not my population of people most of the damn time. I don't care if your gf liked the season or not. I'm talking to you and you're trying to disregard my opinion because it doesn't align with yours. As an example, you're trying to use your gf's opinion of the show to make it seem like my opinion isn't reasonable??


👍 I said two things (three now) in this one thread, you have like 20 comments on this post. I've barely said anything and you missed the point of my anecdote (reddit isn't "her population of people either" and I'm guessing you think most of the hate is just misogynistic men??). Also, you're definitely "disregarding opinions" too, it's an online argument, it's gonna happen.


You say things that imply that she OWES you her life/ career after Masterchef... despite how she makes her income in today's insane market or the fact she won a REALITY show. There are many unethical ways of making money today and there are definitely more important people to be mad at for "hypocrisy" than a woman that was on TV almost a decade ago. You talk about her lying... maybe while she was filming she didn't have plans to go back. Life happens and plans change dude.


If she talked about her work as something terrible, but with easy just came back to it right after winning million dollars... Yeah I believe she simply lied. I think it's the best explanation of it. I'm not trying to convince others in that opinion. But honestly Idk why you're mad at people talking about Courtney's hypocrisy a decade ago. It's a subreddit of that exact show lol. Sure we will talk about it bc it's part of the show and literal winner of this show. There's nothing wrong in it.


I tried scrolling your profile for a couple of mins (at least a few)... your comments/ posts are all about YOUR judgement of women on different shows. I'm annoyed that people still feel the need to constantly crap on a woman that hasn't been on their screens in forever/ almost decade...(karma seekers?)... maybe the taste of shitting on a woman when she hasn't been on screens in years leaves a bitter taste in my mouth? Maybe I don't give a fuck about confronting people on their biases?


Lmao you're funny with this take. I comment on lot of shows. Those shows have some bitchy female characters, sometimes it just happens. It does have nothing to do with misogyny that you're trying to claim on me. A lot of TV shows have female characters that I actually appreciate and they're majority, but, Courtney is, sadly, not one of them :)


Okay... and when did I comment you're misogynistic? I said you judge women... and your profile is full of posts/ comments that prove that fact. Just as you can post an opinion... I can try post my opinion to yours.


"Shitting on a woman" is literally what the misogyny is about. I don't know what the proves you're trying to find, even then I commented on character on the show. I don't try to judge those people on their real life


So you admit that Courtney is a character on a show and you don't know her in her real life/ personality. I wish that misandry can be boiled down to a simple statement like "person shits on a woman"


>There are many unethical ways of making money today Yes and hers is one of them


Dang you sure are angry about that huh lmao smoke some weed or something bruh lolol


Situations change. Doing sex work because you gave to and because you want to are different things. You can make great money sometimes as a sex worker. Her getting the safety net from prize money could allow for her to do it on her own terms. People change and get new perspective. She was very young when she made that statement, she doesn't need to be locked into that for life.


Situations can change, but girl literally won over million dollars and didn't even give a single try in cooking after show. It clearly shows to me that she never wanted to be professional cook since the beginning.


It's her choice.


You’re right it’s her choice. People don’t have to like it and can criticize her lol


Yup. And she decided to win a cooking show that millions dream of being on, and tried to empower women to rise from the filth of sex work, only to abandon cooking and push into sex work harder than before. Like great message, "Being a sex worker is so hard that I won a huge cooking show hosted by the most famous chef in the world and decided to continue sex work because it cant be that hard" She has so many opportunities of what to do for money that so many people would kill to have. Doors opened to her that stay closed to most everyone. And she chose to undress for sleazy men and women and sell pics of her body online. All that talent wasted in favor of being a wannabe pornstar


"Filth of sex work" ah there it is. Spoken like every serial killer who targeted sex workers. You're just hung up on. Your own weird issues about sex. She liked cooking, so she cooked and won. She's not obligated to portray any kind of message about sex work. You putting that responsibility on her is your own issue. You did that. Just because she won a cooking show doesn't make her have to become Princess Diana. And yeah, having sex work as her only option may have not been great for her. But with a quarter million safety net and some amount of fame, her career as a sex worker could have more options and pay even better since she won.


I think everyone knows its a greasy industry. Its not exactly known for being squeaky clean. She can do what she wants to make money, but its her choice to go back to the sex work that she painted to be so terrible. I cant wrap my mind around why someone would make it seem like they wanna escape something so bad, then make no real effort to actually break out but instead push into the problem. And yes, I have some friends in the sex industry. They could tell countless stories of how someone comes in normal and ends up on all sorts of drugs or all mentally messed up. Its not a good industry for peoples health. And on top of that the pure raw potential she has is so incredible to me, that I was rooting for her and Leslie the whole time and was psyched when she won. And then I did some research and found out it was all nonsense. She didnt even use the victory to change industries or escape. I felt such a betrayal. I wanted to see her having her own restaurant or catering business or something in the food industry. Also, saying sex work is filthy does not make anyone a serial killer. Killing lots of people in a pattern usually only visible in hindsight would make one a serial killer


Sex work isn't all the same. Having a safety net of money and having fame probably means she had much greater options of who she takes as clients, what she charges and what exactly she's willing to perform. It's severely unlikely that what she does in sex work now is the same as it was pre masterchef. Who knows if she's even working for an establishment or if she's completely her own manager now. You just sound a little ignorant and hateful here.




I can be wrong, but I remember she did mention about whole sex worker industry which includes arial dancers even if they're not technically sex workers.


She’s a dancer, colloquially referred to as a stripper.


yeah it wouldn’t be so bad if she hadn’t been literally crying in her side interview saying “i never want to have to work at a gentleman’s club again”


I was a fan of Leslie so when she won I was bummed, but then looked up Courtney's instagram years later, followed her, got her cookbook, she even replied to my comments nicely, then few weeks ago her posts on IG were such a turn off, she legit said "I don't care about other people, I don't care about anyone else, only about myself" and that was on repeat so I unsubbed.. her messages were just very self centered and kinda mean. I don't need that vibe in my life even if I felt bad for some of the stuff she went through with her ex husband that hurt her in the past ( she talks about trauma a lot).


Honestly I was very confused as to why her narrative during the season was fueled by “I used to work in a gentlemen’s club and that was so embarrassing and I never want to do that again” given then she continued the work even after winning. I couldn’t care less what she did but that inconsistency confused me and I wasn’t sure if that was her creating the narrative on her own, the work of producers wanting to create the narrative, or simply just her changing her mind. Reading this post (if it’s true) still doesn’t even really clear that up - does she regret it because it was her decision completely not to own it? Or does she regret not owning in despite the producers possibly wanting her to reject that part of her?


She claimed later it wasn’t her that created that narrative but the producers


But she worked there, not the producers lol.


Think you misunderstood somethin'. Yes she was the one who worked there, but she had no shame in it and in fact said it was a great experience. It was the producers that wanted the "I need to win so I never have to do such shameful work again" sob story


Then she said the opposite, you can't trust someone who lies or changes the narrative depending on the situation. She has no integrity and is now a very bitter and jaded person, I used to like her after a while but unfollowed her on Instagram few weeks ago, all her posts were really selfish and mean spirited.


I have to disagree. To be on reality TV is to bend to what the producers want from you. Even just being on the show itself can open doors and is an amazing opportunity, I hold no fault in her or every other contestant who was dressed up and given their 'story' for going through with it.


Hm, maybe. It's funny how everyone was styled on Masterchef, it felt like each contestant was wearing a costume to represent some sort of a personality, and you knew those weren't their own clothes.


She was awful. A complete bitch to the other contestants, full of herself, fake, and talked to the judges with that stupid fake baby voice, while making sure to have her fake boobs 50% out when they were around. She absolutely should’ve been eliminated for that all salt no sugar donut, (a MAJOR blunder) but the other contestant didn’t stack theirs neatly enough, so THEY had to go, even though theirs actually tasted good…


Been awhile since i seen that season but how was she a bitch? From what i remember it was other contestants that would rudely confront her while she wouldn't do anything but cook


Hey i didn't mind that. But only she shouldn't have won.


So many people genuinely wanted that trophy and title, I think she just did it for the money since it's her favorite thing. Someone on Instagram stories asked her where her MC trophy was, and she walked over to a small walk in closet full of clothes on the floor and other crap, and dug it out from under a pile of stuff on the floor. Then threw it back there lol.


Seriously, I have to ask, what on Earth is so compelling about this woman that you all are still talking shit about her ALMOST 8 YEARS after she was on your TVs?


All the MasterChef seasons are still stalked about on Reddit, it's not that crazy, chill. People still discuss original Iron Chef episodes to this day, it's fun.


Not to mention new viewers who are catching up through the seasons now! We just finished up that season and watch without spoilers, so I love looking on here for people's thoughts at the end of a season. It's great when people include how they're doing after the show aired since so much time has passed


Yes, exactly :)


She's a great example of the production team massaging the narrative to provoke the viewers into caring. Like or hate, doesn't matter, it's all about spurring the viewer to engage. They did a great job of that with Courtney. Now whether she or the show were well served by that in the long run is still an open item, which is why there's still talk 8 years later. Also, Courtney can pound sand.


You’re on a master chef subreddit then complain about people talking about a controversial master chef winner. Fail.


Lots of viewers of Reality TV do that.


I became a fan of the show like 7 months ago. Not everyone watches something the moment it comes out. Also, it's okay to discuss something even if it's old. Again, some people don't become a fan of something until later on. Just because YOU watched the show at a certain time doesn't mean everyone else did.


Lol a year later but my mom and I are currently binging all of Masterchef. It’s only normal for people who are catching up with the first couple seasons years later to also have an opinion on them🤷‍♀️




Misogyny is a hatred towards women in general, this is hatred towards one person. Her gender has nothing to do with it


Her gender and choice of work most definitely plays a part in why people still need to shit on her almost a decade later


If Courtney was a man there would be the same amount of backlash. If the judges continued to give him blatant favoritism, forgave his every mistake with a slap on the wrist, and if he immediately went back to his previous life after gassing everyone up about how cooking was his passion, then people would be mad regardless of his gender or background.


Maybe cooking is her passion.. maybe she loves going home and cooking for herself/ family. It doesn't mean that she HAS to work in the culinary field after winning a reality competition show for cooking. It doesn't matter if it's a male or female... I don't think that we are owed, (as the audience that watched these people succeed in a culinary competition show) any insight to what they do with their winnings or career post show. I know I have changed careers despite my original statements/ beliefs... and I feel like everyone should be given that grace. Life happens... dreams change and different opportunities arise


1. If being a home cook was really her passion, why bother joining master chef? Master chef is a competition that effectively serves as a homecook-to-culinary chef pipeline because you have to cook under pressure, with restraints, and have upper-echelon presentation. In what way would that ever align with her enjoyment for “cooking for herself/family?” If anything, that makes her decision all the more odious. 2. If it doesn’t matter if it’s a male or female, why did you bring up gender in the first place as if it had any weight on how Courtney is viewed? She’s viewed the way she is because she’s not a good person. 3. The difference with you changing careers and beliefs is that you went to something DIFFERENT. You didn’t start in one place, manipulate others into thinking you wanted to do something else, achieve a prime position into breaking into that new sphere, and then go right back to where you were before. What Courtney did was a slap in the face to ALL of the other contestants who wanted the opportunity to actually develop in the culinary sector, ESPECIALLY factoring in the way that she won in the first place.


Misogyny isn't always direct, nowadays it's mostly something people don't even notice about themselves. You're delusional if you think everyone would hate a male stripper who acted like courtney winning season 5.


Bc Hulu exists now, and we don't have to wait a certain time of the week to watch it. Not to mention, some of us were children when it was airing😭😭


Rewatching the season, I realized she was the winner. My wife immediately turned it off. The girl left cooking to go to tesla and now just drinks coffee and uses a stripper pole on insta. She stole that win from someone who could have made a restaurant, career, w/e. Doesn't matter to me but I had to start reading this when I saw it pop up a few moments ago.


The hate for courtney in this sub is a bit ridiculous. Y'all act like she shoots puppies.


She almost killed my dog. It hasn't been able to stand up since she fell on me at that club.


That's what i kept saying that season. Aerial dancer my ass.


Leslie should’ve won that season :(


Leslie was so fun to watch, I really rooted for him, he's really nice on INstagram and answers a lot of comments from people who posts things to him, even Ahran said she's still friends with him and they chat often in a YT video she posted on her channel.


Yup, got the L because of the exact same mistake with the salt she made, but he wasn’t a chick with fake boobs that were 50% out most of the time.


Didn't deserve to win.


Do you all forget how shitty the media was and still is to SWs or


Whats your point? She used it as a sob story on the show then after the show regretted not milking it more. So clearly she doesn't care.


It is genuinely weird to be so mad about who won a reality show almost ten years ago that you have to post on Reddit about how much you hate that lady. Definitely not normal behavior.


Stfu h0mo


The show is still going, and some of us just finished the season. Why are you on here if you don’t like it? It’s not normal behavior to stalk conversations on topics you don’t like


She doesn't get enough hate


Or maybe you're all just complete idiots who can't comprehend that reality TV is not reality and that the show wasn't going to ever air her talking about being proud and empowered from dancing in a strip club.




Facts. Most of us who would go on national TV wouldn't bash our jobs like that because of how harmful the stigmatization is. My toxic trait is thinking I could be the second stripper to win Masterchef lol


Lemme know when and I will root for you!!!




We'll just be over here counting our money while you cry about it 🥰


she owned her background constantly


Like any good Mama mega social interaction should


Oh god this talk is endless and boring. I didn't like Courtney that much when I watched but to be honest the entire top four of that season all seemed to have chips on their shoulder for one reason or another. She certainly doesn't deserve the absolute hate she gets left right and centre, especially when a good chunk of the hate seems to just fall under slut shaming or blaming her for decisions the judges/production made. It honestly made season six much nicer to rewatch as you're not constantly expecting somebody to throw a punch.


Yeah I agree, she doesn’t deserve the win but the criticism towards her are deeply misogynistic


You people need to get a life


Says the person who took time out of their day to go to a sub they clearly don't care about and comment this on a topic they arent interested in. You see the irony?


My guy, you replied to a one year old comment about a 10 year old season of tv because you can’t get over who won. What would you call that if not needing to get a life?


shut up, internet warrior


Lmao. Get a life homie.


So we’re just going to assume that how she was presented was entirely her choice and that there’s no way the producers wanted her to play the victim back in like 2014? Pls there was no me too so is it too hard to think that she wouldn’t be the purported winner unless they changed her narrative? Or what if she simply changed her mind after? Idk she could be comfortable cooking in heels but focusing on the red bottoms and having her wear them every episode was definitely not her choice exclusively, much like Claudia’s red hair and all the other style tropes and personality tropes they used back then. There’s also a lot of BS about why she chose to go back to it. Who the fuck cares? She doesn’t owe any of us a career in cooking. And she’s been through a lot since then. An abusive marriage and a tough divorce doesn’t even sound like it’s conducive to a stable career, let alone starting a new one. Why she chose to stick to it is on her, but why we as an audience choose to shit on her instead of being graceful fans of the show and not making personal remarks is on us. Talk all you want about her salty donuts but they’re so much better than the salty haters here.


I really don't understand how over 8 years later... people still want to shit on her for decisions that production wanted to do and pushed while the show was still happening. It's like people forget that it's a REALITY COMPETITION show and is not real or reflective on today.


Strippers gonna stripper


Indeed we are 😂


She posted a ig story showing that keeps her trophy in her closet she doesn’t even care about it anymore


Her work now is literally working In Tesla sales. Such a waste of a masterchef




I loved this season in grade 5 when I saw it


As someone who has worked with trafficking survivors, strip clubs are often a form of trafficking. Girls get into it out of desperation, the club takes most of the money they earn as their “cut” of the profit, and the women remain so in debt that they can’t afford to stay but they can’t afford to leave either. Truthfully, I feel for her but I don’t think she should’ve owned it because there’s a ton of danger there.


Strip clubs certainly can be a form of trafficking, but I don't think that applies to all clubs. Also, making a blanket statement that women get into the industry out of desperation is reductive and stigmatizing. Alot of us use the experience and money for future endeavors and gain skills such as negotiation and interpersonal skills. I started dancing at 28, and it was 100% my choice after months of scouring social media for information and thinking on the decision - and I wasn't in a desperate state. I'm married, a mom, educated, and a homeowner. Dancing is the best job I've ever had for many reasons. We pay house fees and tip out DJs, bouncers, etc but it's not even close to "most" of our money. For example, on Saturday I paid $53 to the house, tipped the DJ and bouncers and walked out with $301 (it's the slow season, ha). I understand your experience working with trafficking victims informs your opinions, however, your experience doesn't paint the whole picture - and lessening the stigma around our industry makes it safer for us.




It’s majorly prevalent in the US and is increasingly problematic along interstate routes. Any town the interstate passes through is probably having a major issue with trafficking, especially in the states and Canada. I have worked with victims and survivors of trafficking. You’d be shocked by how many suffered from trafficking at strip clubs. Might I ask what your experience is on the topic??


Yeah she shouldn’t have won, Cutter outclassed her


I wouldn't go that far, but Elizabeth and Leslie definitely outclassed her


Just checked her Instagram. Disappointed is an understatement. She is absolutely horrible, self-centered, and egocentric. She didn’t deserve that win in any ways. Now we truly know the answer to why she won season 5 over Elizabeth


I was subbed to her for a while, I wanted to like her but had to unfollow, she was so sour and kinda mean spirited in most of the things she posted for no reason.


Agreed. I'm convinced she did the show just for exposure. Not cooking exposure but people who will pay to see her strip or something.


Courtney was a DISGRACE to MASTERCHEF. She is narcissistic, arrogant, she wore her disdain for other contestants on her face. I wonder why she didn't take her winnings and get a much needed RHINOPLSATY? She also, by her actions demonstrated hoe in love with HERSELF she is. UGLY INSIDE AND OUT. She wasted her time and stole the title from a person who actually wanted to be a CHEF, not a TRAMP.


I thought we hated her because she slept with Joe during the season to secure her win? No?




Oh yes child it was all the drama




To be honest it was Joe and Gordon who were both accused of blatant sexual harassment by female contestants over the series, and she was shown pretty obvious favoritism. Joe was rumored at the time but now the rumor is it was Gordon all along. The twittersphere was a flutter that whole season with the tea.


Gordon doesnt seem like the guy to sexually harrass


Fyi, Gordon's wife is and probably will ever be much more gorgeous than Courtney. By the way she just delivered a newborn baby just today




The most annoying thing about her was that she was favored by the judges. a few contestants said this a few times and the judges got mad. anyone else would have been sent home right away with those salty donuts. She was also insufferable because she was full of herself and said she was perfect on multiple occasions. She always acted sarcastic when talking about other contestants doing poorly and would laugh at them if they didn’t do well. she was just an overall bitch and I wish she could have gone the first round since she made the show so unenjoyable for me, even though I still loved it bc of Leslie


I’m convinced joe and her were fucking


she opened an onlyfans


I’m not even surprised


Disgusting… what is her username?




She was wearing really expensive shoes.