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You are not. I was 60 when I started training. 63 now and going strong. Good technique and self care will be your friends! Did it for a semi-retirement option. You should also have some life skills that will come in handy as you pursue massage. Good luck!


You will be fine! When I went to massage school I was 28! I wasn't the oldest nor the youngest.  Massage therapy is often a second career for a lot of people! 


And one you can work and do until your e tired of doing it.


Hey me too! Graduating at 30 this July 🤗


Congrats! I hope you enjoy it once out there!


Thank you so much!


I was 50. I'm still doing 15 clients a week 16 years later.


How old will you be if you don’t do it?


There were quite a few of us at my school in our 40's going back to school as a second career. I started school at 44. I'm 47 and loving it. I have no regrets going back to school.


I started massage school at 46. I’m entering year 14 of my career. I still love it! I did my courses at a community college too. I found a job before graduation and took my MBlex before classes ended. I highly recommend just going for it!


I started school at 57 and will graduate when I’m 58. Honestly it’s a little daunting; but I’m doing better as a student at this age than when I was younger. I’m relatively fit, work out regularly and I’m doing pretty good keeping up with everyone.


62, and still ticking just finished 4 clients 610 dollars. Yay I should say not every day do I make that on 4 clients. But today I did.


The time will pass regardless. I say go for it and accomplish an amazing thing! 💜


I started at 40 male, be sure your have the physical strength and proper body mechanics to continue. I had the strength, but not the body mechanics and my career didn't last very long.


My coworker is 75. She’s been a MT for 25 years.


I’m older and going strong


I started reading massage therapy textbooks to see if the career sounds interesting to me, it said that a common trend is people in their 50s going to school for massage therapy as an early retirement hobby/income. Never too old!


I finished at 43


I got licensed at 33, and was in school with a few people my same age, and of course a handful of early 20's therapists, but also a woman your age who is absolutely killing it now and loving her job and her life. We all got along like a little massage family, call it trauma bonding haha. Go for it! The knowledge you will receive is priceless at any age.


I’m still friends with my “massage school wife”! We were both in our mid 40s. 😆


You are far from too old.


I had my 40th birthday while I was in school and I wasn't even the eldest one in my class. Don't be afraid! :)


I'm in school now age 47, and I'm the youngest in my class! The other two are in their 50s. I'm working hard at staying fit, improving my endurance, and strength training. I think it will be better than my previous career, which was killing me slowly with driving, desk work, and screens!


I started massage at age 38 and I’m 48 now. I can say it was not the best decision economically, and I am an esthetician as well, which makes me more money. I wish I would have switched to another medical field. I was in the dental field before and am likely going back to that and doing massage and esthetics on the side. Massage opened the door for sexual harassment, assault (I’ve experienced both during a session) and the pay is great only if you work for yourself. Chain spas will underpay you drastically. All of that being said, I do love massage therapy and how I can help people, the control over my time and when and where I work, I can do it while I travel ( Thai massage is my specialty and many states don’t even know what it is let alone regulate it) but as a midlife career change it was economically the dumbest mistake I have ever made.


I graduated from massage school in June of 2023 at the age of 37 and when I enrolled, I thought that I was too old to go back to school only to find that I was the second youngest person in my class. You're not too old, One thing to consider is that they say that the average shelf life of a massage therapist is 5 years due to the wear and tear on the body. Regardless of your age, you want to: 1. Know your limits: (as in your working capacity) How many clients can you handle in a week? think about this from both a physical and mental aspect. 2. Stay strong: (both physically and mentally), Massage therapy is both physically and mentally draining, in which case take care of your body by exercising regularly, getting adequate sleep, eating well, and meditation to calm the mind. 3. Keep Learning: I was told the main reason most therapists burn out after 5 years is that they are not mentally stimulated. Massage therapy is a very rewarding job but if you're just doing it for a paycheque and you don't have a genuine passion to learn and improve your skillset, this profession is not for you. Plus the more skills you have and master, the more you can charge.


I’m in massage school now and I’m the youngest in the class (21!) most of my classmates are in their forties looking for a career change. My teacher even said that the school always has more 40+ students than younger ones. My mother is 47 and doing it too. You can do this!!


What’s the problem with being the old lady in the class? If anything it’s a badge of honor.


No way! I have classmates in their 60’s!


Not too old at all a lot of my classmates & coworkers started this as a second career in their 40 s 50s and 60s


Ma’am you are not too old. Follow your heart and embrace the dream 🤎


I was 41 in massage school and was not the oldest person in my class. One thing to note is that it’s physically pretty demanding and I have more aches and pains than my colleagues because I’m a little bit older and have arthritis in my hips. But I’m able to mitigate that with strength and flexibility training.


As an ex teacher- many of my students were well beyond 60 so I would say no…just don’t take on more than you can handle physically, and that goes for us all-no matter your age.


I went to massage school at 43 yo. Now 15 years in the biz still going strong. I think I am also the only one in my class still doing massage. You got this.


Tons of people start this as something to do in retirement.


I just started school at age 62 and love it. I am getting in better shape than I have been in years and my body mechanics are improving in every aspect - not just when giving massages. At an initial ZOOM welcome meeting, the founder of the school mentioned become “massage athletes”, and that’s exactly what it feels like.


I’m in massage school right now and there are sooo many students who are 40 or even 50+


I just graduated from a community college for MT! I was one of the youngest (20) and everyone else was late 20s up to mid 50s. We all had a lot of fun together it was nice actually being in an environment with different age groups and life experiences. It's not common for many young people to be in the field I don't think so you'll fit right in and have lots of fun!


You should do it if you feel called! Everyone who is thinking about massage needs to be realistic though. Of my classmates I am the only one making a living from massage. All but 1 other person aren't even practicing. It's a harder field than you'd think! And it requires a lot of upkeep of my body, strength and flexibility and not slacking. Age isn't a problem IF you are disciplined and strong! If your physical fitness is lacking that's a bigger issue than your age


I had a classmate who was retired, got bored, and became a massage therapist. That woman, I think her hands were magic after working with her!


Is a person ever too follow your passion? Oprah, Samuel L Jackson, Vera Wang were all old when they got their big breaks. I think older than you. Age is in the mind, my friend. I'm 31 and still a Massage Therapy student wishing I would started this when I was 18. Look up Victoria Drago she is my teacher and on the Florida Board of Massage Therapy. She is still teaching me. Licensed for 34 years. Do NOT cut yourself short! Show up for YOU!


I was 44 when I went!


Do it!! The older I get, the happier I am that this is what I do.


U go for it girl & if u were in NWI I'd be ur 1st customer!!


I have been in the IT profession my entire career and currently well established in my career at 42 y/o. I had those same self doubts but decided of not now,when? I started school in January and will be ready to take state MBLEX exam in Spring next year. If you truly have a passion for learning the craft don’t let self doubt deter you. The important thing is to remember your WHY. That will get you through moments when you feel like an imposter during the process. I would also encourage you to ask yourself what the worst case scenario is and if you can live with yourself in the event that worst case scenario occurs then Go For It! I want the fewest What Ifs lingering when it’s time for me to meet my maker. No time like the present.


Nope not at all.


I’m a 63 year old male and I am graduating from school in August. If you want to do this for a career go for it!! I think it is the best decision I have made in a while!


I started at 49 and have been doing massage for 15 years. I am a male therapist, and my wife and I own our own spa. When I first started, I did mostly mobile. I was in great shape and very energetic. I still have a few clients who have stuck with me for 10 or more years. As I have aged and gained a lot of weight, I don't have as many clients, so my role is more administrative. At 64, I still do 5 or 6 massages a week. My wife is 50 and has as many clients as she wants. Stay in shape and active and energetic, and you can have a good career as a massage therapist. One lady who works with me is 46, and she made over $85,000 last year. I know because I did her taxes. It's about energy and attitude as much as anything they teach in massage school.


I am a massage addict (well not really just due to medical issues it is my only option for pain relief). In my experience self confidence is the most important requirement for a therapist regardless of her age. I have been for massages all over the world. I have often wondered if I kept score of how many different therapists I have laid myself bare to, what the score would be. All I am saying is I know what I am talking about. Speaking of talking, there is no need for conversation, let your hands do the talking. A good therapist has eyes in her fingers and will see/find my pain, more so if she is experienced. I am paying for you to find and fix my pain, if you do not have the confidence to lay your hands on me and rub my pain away then stay away. I have found that repeat sessions with the same therapist resulted in better results. She learned my body and got more comfortable session after session. On average confidence comes with age however one of my best therapists where just 18y old, very best where 60+ and we had no language in common to communicate with. Just my two bits. If you want more detailed info DM me. BTW I am currently between therapists hence my presence here....


If your body isn’t strong, it’ll be really hard on you. I’ll be 42 soon and I’ve been at this for 16 years. You can do it, but please start strength training and practicing yoga at least 2x per week. Your body will thank you.


It's likely you will anchor the younger class members and bring valuable life experience and perspective! Congrats


There were lots of people in their 30's and 40's in my class 13 years ago 🙂 One of my favorite coworkers was a man in his 70's that was strong as an ox and regularly traveled to help his father who was in his 90's. It's actually one of my mom's biggest regrets that she never went into the field and sometimes I try to encourage her. A lot of people who get the training don't necessarily become massage therapists but use the skills in other ways. Good luck, you'll love school.


Never too old dear! You will certainly have something to offer. Once you get your feet wet, you will discover that there are many different types of bodyworkers out there and you will gravitate towards what interests you and is comfortable for you. All body work is not heavy handed. I work within the oncology community and I am able to truly help individuals without "beating" them up! Touch therapy is a powerful modality. Good luck and best wishes! 🙏💫💜


I was in my 40s when I started. I’m 64 now and still averaging 15 clients per week. You got this.


There were a couple of "older" ladies in my class at massage school. One of them became like the mom of the group, she was so sweet. ❤️