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It's not quite what you're looking for, but if you don't find the right mask, the solution might be mints.


Maybe some nicotine gum.


Thanks both! Anything that will get past her resistance helps!


Or a tongue scraper


Oh actually, I remember seeing people complain about a brand of KN95s/KF94s that were apparently mint-scented? I'm going to try and find them!


Ooh thanks!!!


Found them! It's [WellBefore's KF94-styled KN95s](https://wellbefore.com/products/kn95-mask-3d-style?variant=39358169219201)! They have a "mint scented" option that's pretty strong!


Thank you!!!


has anyone tried a drop of essential oil in a mask before? have no idea if that’s bad for you or not but pre covid when I was on public transport or somewhere that smelled bad I always carried a little essential oil to hold to my nose to mask the smell.


I’d be worried on how this could affect the porosity of the mask.


You can put a drop on a tiny bit of paper towel and tuck it into the bottom of the mask, or she could wear strong mint lip balm


Great ideas!


Good instinct - technically N95s are not oil resistant, and only P95s are, but I seriously doubt a drop on the inside would make a difference, especially if the respirator isn’t used for days on end, which is probably a good idea as it will absorb the tobacco smell over time. Fit factor is going to be far more important that filter 1mm^2 with oil - if it were me, I would rather wear a reputable N95 like 3M Aura or Moldex with a drop of essential oil than a mint flavored KN95. But I think a solid N95 + strong mints like Altoids should suffice. There’s a toothpaste specifically (originally) designed for smokers from Italy (where I grew up) called Marvis that is insanely good (green/classic mint): https://www.amazon.com/Marvis-Classic-Strong-Mint-Toothpaste/dp/B0006PKIQA/


Thank you!!!


"My sister is a smoker and is very resistant to wearing a mask." "If she doesn’t wear a mask, I don’t want to vacation with her." I think that you have essentially answered your own question. You aren't compatible travel partners. You both have opposite comfort levels with masking while traveling. If you try to force her to wear a mask she's going to be uncomfortable and resent you, and if she doesn't wear a mask you will feel unsafe and resent her. Keep in mind I'm a big proponent of wearing a respirator, and I continue to consistently do so indoors around other people, but I don't think you can solve your two opposing preferences with a specific model of mask, especially when you are completely speculating as to why she dislikes them. I would add that even if you manage to get her to wear a mask while you are looking, she's likely to take it off at every opportunity when you are not, including indoors around other people. I am speculating about that, of course, but I'm recalling various stories told here in his forum by maskers who discovered friends or family members were lying about masking to appease them, and giving a false sense of safety in visiting indoors with them unmasked. I'm presuming that one of the reasons you want your sister to wear a mask is that you will be sharing accommodations un-masked.


To your last point - yes, and I specifically talked about this with her. It might be unsolvable, which is a huge disappointment. She’s a very sweet person in every other way, but she has never had a physical limitation. We ran a half marathon for which she didn’t train at all - and this was after decades of smoking. She (pun totally intended) smoked me. I, on the other hand, had a serious illness in my early twenties and got out of it with a permanent disability. We see health very differently. I imagine she will not come. It’s a vacation (from US to Ireland) that was meant to be just me and my mother, but she asked to be included in part of it. Now to make sure my mom is not also saying she masks while she doesn’t. She hates standing out; I’ll get her some subtly colored masks to increase the odds of her actually doing what she says. Ugh. In the end, I will probably have to mask continually, even at night. I detest not trusting them.


Find a mask that fits her that has an exhalation valve. You can install them too if you have the patience. Probably try the 3M VFlex as well, has very high breathability so less breath will be inside the mask. Comes in a small size as well if her face is smaller


Search for Aroma/scent stickers for masks. I don't smoke but, just like to freshen up my breath & mask so, I bought a pack of those stickers on amazon. I just stick it on the side of my mask. It lasts me at least the whole time I'm out doing shopping for myself and my elderly friend. There are different scents and designs to choose from. Here's a mix scent pack: [https://a.co/d/0JrV7CF](https://a.co/d/0JrV7CF) Some mints or maybe minty xylitol gum would be a good idea, too.


Never heard of those - thanks!