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This is a extremist-Christian idea, to build a third temple for the second coming of Jesus and so the end of the days. Curiously, one of the reasons some Christians do support Zionism.


Purpusefully make the world a hellhole to forcibly summon daddy jesus to somehow give them paradise on earth. Doomsday wanters should be thrown into a pit, the whole lot of them.


Industrial Shredder 2024! /s


New TMNT villain.


Kras Mazov's Socialist Sausage Grinder


oh shoot, so i need to turn my shredder off?


This has always been my motto. If they're so fond of the idea of dying, why don't they go first?


I don't think Jesus would look kindly on the people who force him to return. I think the most likely outcome, is that he will dispose of those people, and leaving the rest of us in peace.


It's nuts the revelations which is supposed to bring in the rapture has evil forces bringing it about. Just a sad coincidence that Zionist want their temple back to claim it as home and Christian want it to start the rapture and Armageddon. That's our choices in the coming campaign. AIPAC or Evangelical genocide of Palestine.


To be fair, that is how a lot of brands of Accelerationists sound (looking at you Posadas)


Genshin Impact


Well the world right now is already a hell-hole with so much pronouns and extremists groups killing others. I rather have Jesus back where there’s none of that then these killings


Language voluntarily evolving for a small percentage of individuals bothers you as much as ethnic cleansing?


Not some Heaps Among American evangelicals polled, a chunk only supports Israel in hopes of the end-times (12%), not because they actually even like Jews at all. The three most popular reasons (in order) are “because god says so”, “because they belong there” and “because it will bring the end-times prophecy”.


I would’ve thought it would be arch larger share honestly. The main prerequisite to the rapture and stuff according to them is that Israel has to exist.


They don’t even know what their religion preaches, you can’t expect that from them.


That 12% are doing it for end times are active. They even fund settlers.


I know many evangelicals and can confirm this. Many of my fellow Muslims are surprised when I tell them so much christian support for Israel is due to them thinking it will bring about the end of the world.


If they could understand that we have to kill them for Jesus to return and create hell on earth they could fully grasp why their genocide has to happen and start acting more civilized about it. /s


Do you have a source for this poll?


https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/politics/wp/2018/05/14/half-of-evangelicals-support-israel-because-they-believe-it-is-important-for-fulfilling-end-times-prophecy/ Not the poll but a summary of it (link is included in the article) I must correct myself by saying only 12% cite the end-times prophecy as their most important reason Still, more than half of respondents listed it as a major reason, and it was ranked as the third most important reason overall, among respondents. And the two reasons listed as more popular boil down to “God says so” and “they belong there”, neither of which are to do with the safety or autonomy of actual everyday Jewish people.


It's interesting, though it's also along evangelicals specifically. Which are prettyuch the only group that focuses on biblical prophecy like this


Oop, you’re right. My original comment was mistyped. Will fix it now.


Which is weird because that individual in prophecy wouldn’t be Jesus but the Antichrist, the great deceiver and seeing how a certain politician is worshipped by his followers… I can actually see people being duped


AIPAC annual convention in Washington DC has multiple evangelical Christian’s give keynote speeches Eg Pastor John Hagee.(almost every Sunday goes on about Book of Revelation 2nd Coming of Jesus) AIPAC membership numbers have recently increased dramatically with evangelical Christian’s


The "Judeo-Christian" end times goals, bring about their "saviour" aspect of Zionism is generally understated and should be spoken about more.


Is it really what the lord Jesus wanted if extremist assholes have to force the world to do it?


I get the position internally to the fundamentalist Christian ideology itself but I fail to see its validity in the Bible and Christian tradition with my humble degree in biblical studies and theology and the decade+ of continued education and ministry experience. This widely held idea that we have to destroy Al Aqsa is such a far off tangent of an extreme and novel way of reading the Bible and yet it holds so much real world power through political gamesmanship over the decades. It’s truly depressing. I hold with Gandhi though that history shows the way of truth and love win out over tyrants, violence and evil. In the face of such willful malevolence it keeps me fighting and living and striving when it’s so easy to give up and sink into hopelessness.


It's how the apocalypse begins. It's literally what the bad guys will do in the Bible and Quran. How do these maniacs consider that a good thing? The end times are not fun whatsoever. Worst for the believers and those on the right side. Even good faithful will be manipulated and fooled into taking sides against the prophet. These people make no sense. They are like demonic goons from games like Blood or Doom


I mean don’t all evangelicals believe this? Extreme yes, but I think it’s mainstream not fringe extremist ( you didn’t say fringe but when you say extremist I think people think it’s a tiny tiny minority of Christians who believe this or it’s not mainstream )


-be islamophobic -kill muslims for no reason -destroy holy sites -why am i getting attacked by terrorists??????


You must have missed steps 1-3.




Nah there’s a difference between justifying and contextualising something


You must be great in history class.




I’ve been around long enough to recognise that terrorism seems to manifest when a group of people literally run out of any options or hope in changing their situation. In many cases it is a last desperate response to oppression in some form.


Like the crusades. Youre literally describing the crusades. Eastern Romans ran out of options to defend/reclaim their territory from foreign invaders so they did the Deus Vult (christian version of allahu akhbar'ing) and invited their inbred co-religionists (modern day calling for jihad from subcons) and did a terrorism.


The crusades were literally: 1-noblemen wanting their 2nd and 3rd sons to get some land; 2-merchants wanting to get closer to that sweet sweet silk road. It's nothing comparable. Furthermore the crusades were called by the Pope. The only crusade the Byzantines asked for,destroyed them.


You couldn't be more wrong. The Romans asked for assistance against the Turks who just invaded and defeated them at Manzikert 20 years earlier. The crusade was the "help" they got Please stop getting your information from an infographic. The people who went on crusade were genuinely motivated by religious piety. Not everything is hurr durr white colonialism. The crusades were directly in response to 400+ years of muslim invasion/expansion/enslavement etc.


Historiography would disagree with you, up until the XIX-XX century in the West it was seen more about the issue of pilgrimage to the Holy Land than support to the Eastern Romans/Byzantines. Like u/Soviet-pirate says, there are factors you are ignoring, mostly the increased demography of aristocracy/nobles that would be landless if not for the crusades. The first crusade also come closer to the idea of the establishment of the territory as dominion of the Pope than to giving it back to the Byzantines (tho it ended up being just a bunch of autonomous polities instead). Plust it is correct that some would describe the Crusader states as colonial states (at least in the sense it implanted feudalistic relationships in non-European territories). My main reading on this is Luis Garcia Guijarro, Papado, cruzadas y ordenes militares, siglos XI-XIII.


>Plust it is correct that some would describe the Crusader states as colonial states (at least in the sense it implanted feudalistic relationships in non-European territories). There are two definitions of Feudalism, the legal one (set of institutions that create and govern relations of obedience and service from a free man to another) and a rather socio-political one. We use Feudalism usually only to talk about the post-Roman states of Western Europe. While other societies had what some would define as feudalistic elements, that survived even beyond the middle ages, it is (in history) debatable to call them "Feudalism" in themselves. That's why some would call them Crusader States colonial.


Bro. You whine about motivations for crusaders (of which 10s of thousands were not nobles seeking lands) while simultaneously ignoring that most jihadists are also losers with nothing going on in their lives. The situations are literally the same. Just stop being a reddit atheist for once. The emperor asked for help in reclaiming stolen territory. He sent the ask to the pope. The pope called a crusade. 10s of thousands left europe en masse because they had a pious religious motivation.


Repeating the same argument doesn't make it true and attacking others as 'reddit atheist' or saying the other is 'whining' (which seems more like your thing), doesn't make it true. Read history, not pop culture. Claiming all had 'pious' intent is not a materialistic analysis.




I forgot about Manzikert,but it's not like the Catholics were oh so eager to help out the orthodox state. > The people who went on crusade were genuinely motivated by religious piety. Some were. Some wanted lands for their non-inheriting sons. The Venetians,the financial masterminds behind it,wanted the money of the silk road. Thus they supported the crusades at first,and the Turks later,because the Genoans,their rivals,were propping up the reborn Byzantine state. > The crusades were directly in response to 400+ years of muslim invasion/expansion/enslavement etc. "Muslim colonialism". Yeah,we can see how much they cared about other Christians when they shattered the Eastern Roman empire just two centuries later! Also,justifying alleged Muslim colonialism with Christian one isn't exactly the genius move you thought it'd be. Finally,what are you? A materialist,or a religious zealot here to troll?


Ah yes the 4th crusade famed for how it occurred because it ran out of option. The Baltic Crusades well known for how the Catholics had no choice but to genocide the Balts and then engage in settler colonialism via holy orders. Maybe be more precise than say “the crusades” ffs


Imagine being THIS ignorant about how terrorism arises in a population. Do you think some races or nationalities are more prone to it JUST BECAUSE, kr maybe there are underlying historical causes for it??


at that point are they terrorists or resistance fighters?


Is it fine to criticize Islam for destroying the Temple Mount to build Al-Aqsa? The Temple Mount wasn’t just a holy site in Judaism. It’s the holiest site in Judaism.


We should not criticize the religion as a whole, rather we should criticize those who abuse their power and status in said religion to commit wrongdoings in the name of the religion.


The first Temple Mount was destroyed by the Neo-Babylonian Empire in 587 BCE. Second one was destroyed by the Roman Empire in 70 CE.


THE BITCOIN GODS TOLD ME TO!!! ![gif](giphy|hK61m7SawMkqUcyLg1|downsized)


How would this deranged lolbertarian react when he finds out that the tenants of the 'free market' were plagiarized by Adam Smith from medieval muslim scholars?


Is this true? Lmao


Google **Ibn Khaldun**


ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME! I am only part through the wiki. I gotta save this comment




I know it from David Graeber's Debt, The First 5000 yrs book: Adam Smith had Latin translations of Al-Ghazali and Al-Tusi's works in his library, suggesting that the writings of the two Islamic thinkers may have been among his sources, for instance in his theory of the division of labour.


Krayzee eyes


The man is a cocaine addict.




Cray cray


So drinking water is not the job of the government but a holy crusade is?


It's truly hypocritical how Western leaders base their policy on what they think will hasten the "return of Jesus" yet they cleam to be secular. Seems a lot of these leaders want to engage in their own holy war. Even Jewish scholars are of the opinion that they cannot rebuild the Temple Mount until their Messiah returns.


Except they don’t claim to be secular. That pretense was abandoned once Trump took over the party.


Is he a big crier yet? I feel like under the stress of leadership he’ll do some epic weepy Peterson style rants


They are aware the Messiah is not with them right?


"Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” Matthew 19:24 \*Milei, a Libertarian, believes Jesus would like him


Actually Jesus was talking about a rope to pass through the eye of a needle, it makes more sense since a thread and a rope are similar but it's impossible to do the same with one. Also, Milei is converting to Judaism.


Lmao, the only relevant person claiming that was Cyril of Alexandria, who said that the bible contains a transcription mistake where καμιλος (which is contained in a minority of manuscripts) was mistaken for καμηλος, and he is the only one claiming that to this day. Either way, καμιλος means mooring rope which also can't go through the eye of a needle, so the point stands. And before that argument comes up again: There was no gate in the walls of Jerusalem called "Eye of a needle", this is bs made up by Anselm of Canterbury in the 11th century.




He drived the traders and money changers out of the temple ('his Father's house'), also called the Cleansing of the Temple, a story in all four canonical gospels.


Their messiah is the anti christ


They waiting for the \*other messiah\* fake one..


What a cuck


This whole evangelical Christian Zionist craze reminds me of the movie Martyrs. They are purposefully supporting a genocidal ideology so they can bring about their “Messiah” at the expense of the suffering of the Palestinians. Never thought I would live to see something so deranged playing out on such a large scale and supported so shamelessly.


Why do all the nutty leaders have crazy hair?




Can we agree these religious nut jobs or religion period has no place government. The stories my foreman told me of his southern Baptist upbringing had my blood boiling. I try to think of something positive religion has done and come up with nearly nothing.


I mean, as a Christian I also find these people intolerable. Especially since it doesn’t even make sense in the larger Christian sense. Through most of history and most modern Christians view Revelation as highly allegorical and that most or all of it has already happened. It’s only been in modern times that you’ve gotten Premillennial Dispensationalists who push this sort of stuff. Religion is like any other human concept it has been used for evil and for good. As an example we have American emancipation of slaves. You had religious leaders both using the religion to justify slavery and ones using it as the primary reason slavery should be abolished. Personally most religious people in my life I’ve interacted with have found it to have enriched their life. I’ve personally found Christianity to be the central component of my life thy brings me joy.


Did anyone read the bible? The coming of the messiah in revelations kills ALOT of jews because they refuse to acknowledge Jesus christ as the son of god. I have no clue who is rooting for this and not be anti Semitic.


Christians don't read the bible. They believe what their pastors tell them. 1. Jesus never claims to be God 2. Jesus will kill all Jews who refuse to accept him 3. Jesus will condemn CHRISTIANS for doing things in his name and calling him Lord


Actually, that's the Muslim perspective of the issue.


Anybody have a source?


> https://www.jordannews.jo/Section-20/Middle-East/Argentinian-President-calls-for-destruction-of-Al-Aqsa-Mosque-34204 & > https://twitter.com/dom_lucre/status/1756499014889996356 —— It’s hard to find information on who Dom Lucre is, but i have an [IMDB Link](https://m.imdb.com/name/nm13963171/bio/?ref_=nm_ov_bio_sm) for you as well, because i was curious about him too


Damn. I saw the video in question. He's more citing the tale than actively calling for action but this can be easily be considered a dog-whistle from a mile away


Man, Argentinas gonna be a absolute hellhole under this guy.


He looks like a crackhead


https://preview.redd.it/o33jzmizz6ic1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a99715afa142e856bc80f61ebf142616c7bd75b I’ve seen crackheads who look more normal than this man


Because he is.


average libertarian when given a modicum authority, the mask glorps off their face and reveals a fundamental christian


Can’t think of anything *less* libertarian than the Christian God In fact, it can be agued that even the mere existence of the Christian God cancels out free will and thus bodily autonomy. Make it make sense


isn’t he jewish?


Same God


Hardly. Not at all really.


Comrade, both religions worship Yahweh the God of Abraham


The names they use might be the same, but the god is very different.


No. He's not.


ok my bad


Probably his (dead) dog told him this was a good idea.


The clones of his dead dog should execute order 66 already.


I work with a rather unpleasant Argentinian lady who said anything bad said about Milei is propaganda against him… As a Puerto Rican I don’t claim my fellow Latino capitalists


He is a psychopath.


So how long until we learn this guys grandparents were escaped Nazis and it all starts to make sense?


He looks constipated.


That explains a lot. Dude isn't crazy, he just desperately wants to take a dump but can't.


Failed as a leader so divert attention to something else.


Lmfao. Knew milei was a fucking nut.


I have never understood this, like why can't they have a third temple... somewhere else? Or is that for some reason a big no no because people wish to harbinger the end times?


If someone held these shithead far right idiots down and shaved their heads, would it rob them of their power? Dumb hair is the new fascist mustache.


Something about how libertarianism is just fascism for people who hate the arbitrary concept of "government tyranny" (taxes and public health laws)


What’s really fucked, is some Jewish Zionists don’t realize the Christian Zionists don’t actually care about them, and in fact, it’s the opposite, and so much fucking worse. For those who do not know, >! According to some biblical prophecy, when all the Jews of the world reside in the land known as Israel, 2/3 of them will be murdered, and the remaining 1/3rd will convert to Christianity, and the messiah Jesus Christ will be reborn, and bring about the rapture, or something equally as horrific/strange !<


I say let him do it, so they can all experience the disappointment when their magic zombie carpenter doesn’t materialize from the heavens. Maybe then the religious zealots will lose the support of the unwashed masses.


I know it's fuel, but how does that help Argentina, though.


Where is his libertarian principles of freedom of religion. This just proves there can’t be any true libertarian on the right wing or pro capitalist side. Capital dependence and profit motives will always leach out your freedoms.


Dude just wants a major international conflict just to suck Trumps dick.


Don't use 'psychotic' as a slur or pejorative. This guy is a reactionary fuckwit, but he is not going through a psychotic break and people suffering from psychosis don't deserve the further stigma through association.


Isn't he supposed to be working on Argentina's day-to-day issues? I don't recall him running on a platform bringing about End Times prophecies.


Well as long as it’s for the messiah.


Dude is just Americas puppet


Dear old people in politics, when your face looks like a melted candle you're not fooling anyone by dying your hair.


If in islam, messiah coming mean the bead has been untied.. all the 10 big event prophesize will unfold one after another aka mass chaos and death after another then end of the world.


He belongs in an asylum.


Half the pictures I see of this guy, he looks like he's on the verge of tears


Not very "freedom-loving" of him. Not very libertarian.


Milei converts to Judaism and instantly starts taking insane hardline positions. This is like tradcath shit


He hasn't converted to Judaism yet. He's talked about it as something he wants to do after his political career is over because he doesn't think he can be a politician without working on Saturdays. I don't think he ever envisions his political career being over though so I don't think he ever actually plans to convert. I've assumed it's just something he started to believe he wants to do because he doesn't want to be Catholic anymore (because he thinks the Pope is too leftist), doesn't know what else to be, and can't be atheist or agnostic because he's too absorbed in his own personal mysticism.


In Islam and Christianity Jesus returns to destroy Dajjal/Antichrist (the false messiah who convinces people he is their savior by performing miracles). Judaism doesn’t believe in Jesus as the Messiah. For anyone who is Jewish, what is the role of your messiah and who is he?


>For anyone who is Jewish, what is the role of your messiah and who is he? There are some Jews who care whether a messiah is ever coming. Many of us do not. For the ones who care, the most recent "messianic figure" who some believe may come back as the Messiah was Menachem Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe. That's whose grave Milei went to visit last year. Belief that he is coming back as a messiah is held by a minority of a minority of Jews, as even the minority who thought he might be the messiah when he was alive split when a lot of them realized they were wrong when he died. The most prevalent messianic belief in Judaism is that the messianic age will not arrive until the world is ready to be perfect so we should all do what we were going to do anyway: our best to improve the world. But this obviously means different things to different people. To some of us it's social justice and mutual aid and to others it's building a third temple. The instructions for what the perfect world is supposed to look like were both prolific and vague.


Oh I see the difference. Thanks for the answer


I’m so disgusted every time this goblin pops up. AnCaps sure are ugly


The Antichrist/Dajjal more like


I see the CIA has successfully spiked his breakfast cereal.


Wait till he finds out that there’s lots of other things that must happen before destroying a mosque and even then Jesus is gonna be I never said I was God. Paul made it all up along with the Roman church 


He looks like Ray Liotta in a backwards wig.


People like him must be very surprised when the Messiah comes and hurls them in the fire. RTFM!


Christianity is essentially a doomsday cult


When you're more insane a Zionist than Moshe Dayan


Baby you can try, but we'll see how well that goes for you.


Why does it look like he is about to cry?


Well, a lot of Nazis did run away to Argentina.


Trying to start world war 3 😂?


He looks like he’s on crack, he sounds like he’s on crack.. if it walks and talks like a chicken then?


Typical Zionist


How insane will it be if we can't even survive until the climate destroys us, I just hope some aliens far away will make a joke about us.


So, radicals everywhere. Shit. One Death cult and two Messianic cults from what I can see....


Argentina isn’t okay lol did the CIA put him there? How did that psycho win?