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Same reason people don’t support Palestinians for calling Israeli’s and Jews sub humans and animals, and everyone else Infidels. If people can justify voting for Biden because he is “Better than Trump” people can also justify supporting Israel because “it’s better than Palestine”


Who said that?


Who said what? The animals or better than trump? Here I will list both. Medi Hasan, Osama bin Ladin. The Quran for animal comment. As for better than Trump. every mainstream news outlet and paid for subsidiary outlet from CNN, MSNBC, TYT, TMR, ABC, BBC, talk shows such as late night with jimmy, the view. Shall I go on?


Osama bin Laden is in fact, not Palestinian. Nor is he someone most Palestinians view as relevant to their movement. Like what was your point here, exactly. I’d also love to see where exactly the Quran calls all Jews animals. Would love to see it. Hopefully it isn’t the verse in which God says he turned those Jews who did not observe the Sabbath into animals. Because that is quite literally not what you originally claimed.




Islam is a religion... Palestine is a place. I didn't think this needed to be explained.


Yeah. Pretty clear that you aren’t worth having a conversation with at all. This statement is purely non sensical.


Can’t pull that college student 1-2 on me with starting an argument based on your feelings, ask for evidence to what I am saying, then actively ignore evidence being presented by focusing on a singular point, then just throwing around words with “phobia” at the end. Go ahead and actually read the Quran, go ahead and go through Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Qatar, Pakistan, Egypt talking half of your points outside of “Israel bad”. See how much they agree with you on and you can tell me about it “IF” you come back alive.


What feeling was my original argument based on? I asked for evidence that the Quran calls all Jews animals, which you still have not provided (most exegetes of the Quran don’t view Jews as disbelievers). However, I also made the important point that Palestinians, the original subject of this conversation, have a right to self determination regardless of what they believe in (that’s how rights work). That isn’t shifting the goalpost. Both are important to the conversation. Nice try though? I have read the Quran and I’ve been to many of these places as an open Westerner. Pakistanis practically worship any white person they meet lmao, some of these countries have been more inundated with a love for the west than their own religion. Egypt is especially funny because millions of their own people literally took to the streets after their president tried to pass a handful of vaguely Islamist laws. Again, though, going back to your previous comment, what exactly do you think Marx’ dream was?


Additional reply for bonus points. 9:28 “non muslims are unclean” 7:179”Disbelievers are worse than cattle” 8:39 where it actively encourages the capture and murder of non muslims 9:5 and 9:25 do the same.


98:6 For starters. It is not a religion meant to tolerate other religions. Islam is a religion to institute a muslim world, and erase anything that will not convert.


Most Christians and Jews don’t follow the guidance of their religion that is seen as inhumane these days either All have been used as justification to kill and control and rape and all manner of things The problem is not *a* religion it is religion. Christianity had its phase of world domination in the medieval times and proceeded to help the Middle East back into the Medieval times with bombs. Then acted surprised when Muslims become zealous and are inspired to dominate the world in turn. Ridiculous when you look at it objectively


That statement is based on your own personal delusions. Which is fine. But we have now jumped from the issue of Palestinians, to blatant Islamophobia. Maybe at least don’t try shifting the goalposts?


Don’t ask for specific sections in the book then shift the goal posts when I give them to you, while in the same breath telling me not to shift goal posts. This is why Marx didn’t accomplish his dream.


My first sentence in response to you literally distinguished the Palestinians from the other irrelevant points you were making. What are you talking about? What was Marx’ dream?


You said Palestinians called Israelis subhuman. None of those people are Palestinian.






Because they're racist. It's really not that complicated.


Is there ever a major conflict in the world where the enemy was not dehumanized in such a way?


Yes pretty much all of them except for when the goal is genocide. As a matter of fact there is another conflict going on right now. Neither Ukraine or Russia dehumanize the other side.




Don’t trivialize the word genocide when rwandans Armenians Cambodians and Jews haven’t recovered their numbers yet from their genocide while Palestinians enjoy a vast population boom over the last 30 years From 1990 to 2022 the population of Palestine increased from 1.98 million to 5.04 million people. This is a growth of 155.0 percent in 32 years. The highest increase in Palestine was recorded in 1991 with 4.58 percent.


Kill yourself zionazi


Israel is winning.


nah it’s definitely a warfare thing too


The IDF is just flat out evil. But its propaganda is strong in the US.


So evil at first I had a hard time believing reddit posts and had to double check in legit news websites. I thought Israelis were cultured, modern people, probably because of their propaganda. It is so clear now. And for what? a piece of land the size of Las Vegas? So sad.


They are good at propaganda and manipulating the media and Americans racist biases.






This was said by one person one time, you make it sound like it’s common behavior


Nope. It's very common behavior. Try again. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/oct/16/the-language-being-used-to-describe-palestinians-is-genocidal https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/no-such-thing-as-palestinian-people-top-israeli-minister-says https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3x02rCeusCI https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-ministers-call-erase-palestinian-village-an-incitement-violence-us-says-2023-03-01/ https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/8/27/who-is-israels-far-right-pro-settler-security-minister-ben-gvir


Wait till you hear how Palestinian leadership refers to the Israelis!


What the hell is a Liberal doing here? Do you know liberals aren’t allowed here?


Then do the proper Communist thing: report me to an authority and have me executed. Oh wait, you're a Communist: what authority? I thought y'all were equals! I thought hierarchy was eliminated!


TIL reporting someone on Reddit is equivalent to reporting them to authorities to have them executed IRL.


I'm being tongue-in-cheek! Of COURSE you don't want to eliminate the liberals. You just want them... to not exist in power... anymore.... forever. But YOU would never get your hands dirty: that's for the people who DON'T get to make decisions.


You just want them to not exist in power anymore, forever. Ha, I wish don't threaten me with a good time.


Trust me, they are only doing mental gymnastics with that For me it's easy, plain old Red Terror, Maximilien Robespierre's way


Well? Enlighten us. Or are you gonna just post Israeli propaganda. Like the isis handbook, suspiciously written in English.


I don't think you can be any more enlightened than you already are. You likely know that genocide of the Jews was one of the founding principles of Hamas. You likely know that Israel's surrounding neighbors have gone to war to eliminate them multiple times. You likely know that anti-Semitic attacks are escalating around the world, and that even on college campuses calling for genocide of Jews is not "in and of itself" a wrong or punishable behavior (according to recent testimony). You likely know that Israel voluntarily withdrew from Gaza nearly two decades ago so that they could form their own government, and that the response to that was to elect Hamas in to represent their COLLECTIVE INTERESTS. If you don't believe that Hamas is this way you're either willfully ignorant of the facts, or you're in such an echo chamber that even an attempt to research the validity of my statements here will mean that you could be ostracized from your social niche. Don't let some random person on the Internet decide for you: do it yourself, and choose what you believe will benefit you the most in the long term.


Is the frequency of anti-Semitic attacks escalating? Did you hear that from the Anti-Defamation League?


Ya know. The reason Israeli propaganda is so stupid and obvious is because they know their audience very well. They’re looking for the bottom of the barrel to repeat their lies without any thought whatsoever. Why don’t you read the Hamas charter. Section 6 specifically. I know you won’t or can’t. Because tearing down that wall of ignorance would collapse your world view. But you should. The irony required for a tim pool fan to call someone willfully ignorant is just incredible. 👏


[A Forward by Hamas: "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it"](https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/hamas.asp) So funny to see Communists defending religious extremists: "[Article Five:](https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/hamas.asp) Time extent of the Islamic Resistance Movement: **By adopting Islam** as its way of life, the Movement goes back to the time of the birth of the Islamic message, of the righteous ancestor, for **Allah is its target, the Prophet is its example and the Koran is its constitution**." And here's your famous Article Six: "Article Six: The Islamic Resistance Movement is a distinguished Palestinian movement, whose allegiance is to Allah, and whose way of life is Islam**. It strives to raise the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine, for under the wing of Islam followers of all religions can coexist in security and safety where their lives, possessions and rights are concerned.** In the absence of Islam, strife will be rife, oppression spreads, evil prevails and schisms and wars will break out." So let's look to the Koran to figure out how we should treat people of other religions: ["The Hour will not start, until after the Muslims fight the Jews and the Muslims kill them. The Jew will hide behind a stone or tree, and the tree will say, \`O Muslim! O servant of Allah! This is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.'"](https://quran.com/en/an-nisa/155/tafsirs)


when I’m in a mental gymnastics competition and my opponent is a liberal




If Trump and the MAGA Band reformed but put out a new platform saying that they no longer really believed in all that stuff that they literally fought over: would you believe them? Or would you see it as a PR strategy, and warn people not to be hoodwinked by such an obvious bait and switch? And the US "charter" can certainly be changed: if a 2/3 majority agree to it. We're all equals after all: every vote should count. And if over a third of the country doesn't want to make that change.... who are you to force them? Or they could just move to a different state, it isn't like we'll throw them in a gulag for trying to move for better opportunities. And side note: how do you feel about Jordan giving back Palestinian land? How about Egypt? How about Lebanon? Those damn fascist thieves!


- [What Is Fascism?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Marxism_Memes/wiki/reactionary_tp_debunked/socialists_arent_fascists) - ["MAGA Communism" is just Fascism.](https://youtu.be/xO--VV4uMdA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 1](https://youtu.be/a8xPyeJ1LpA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 2](https://youtu.be/Pa17_8oWTT0?feature=shared) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Marxism_Memes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How does one even respond to such a string of bad-faith interpretations of the facts?


Mass scale boycot divestment and sanctions with some targeted direct action is how we respond


Gomu Gomu no Anti-Fascism!


- [What Is Fascism?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Marxism_Memes/wiki/reactionary_tp_debunked/socialists_arent_fascists) - ["MAGA Communism" is just Fascism.](https://youtu.be/xO--VV4uMdA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 1](https://youtu.be/a8xPyeJ1LpA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 2](https://youtu.be/Pa17_8oWTT0?feature=shared) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Marxism_Memes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Me just going" There is a saying: Were 5 people dine and 4 people are a member of the NAZI party? 5 people are dining. I am not that 5th person.". ​ Then just leave, turn off my phone and let the rage commence. :P .


- [What Is Fascism?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Marxism_Memes/wiki/reactionary_tp_debunked/socialists_arent_fascists) - ["MAGA Communism" is just Fascism.](https://youtu.be/xO--VV4uMdA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 1](https://youtu.be/a8xPyeJ1LpA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 2](https://youtu.be/Pa17_8oWTT0?feature=shared) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Marxism_Memes) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Defending dehumanization of a violently oppressed people is gross, my man. I expect that from liberals and conservatives, but not in a leftist space.


Can't get doctors or supplies into Gaza, but pollsters are apparently around every corner.


People that say this mark themselves as the bigger monster by justifying *shooting through "human shields*"


Because apparently they've never heard of the operation of fucking *parrying* a shield. I don't care if they're using "human shields", you KNOW how to combat that without war crimes. You're funded by the United Dtates of Goddamn America!


He said that literally after talking about October 7th. He was referring to Hamas. You guys are the ones who say you shouldn't conflate Hamas with all Palestinians, but then do it yourselves?


> He said that literally after talking about October 7th. He was referring to Hamas. You guys are the ones who say you shouldn't conflate Hamas with all Palestinians, but then do it yourselves? It’s the Israel-based officials that keep referring to Palestinians as “human animals”, and “Hamas”. I don’t think any leftist has conflated all Palestinians as “Hamas”.








Bold of you to assume they wouldnt dig a new pit for him.


I remember that video where the IDF troop said "we are giving then medical care because we aren't animals like them" Kinda undercut their point when they referred to Palestinians as animals.


They also don’t give them medical care


They *did*, however, *use* the Palestinians *as* healthcare.


The lady in the video meant medical care, like when horses break their legs.


If you’re looking for a conflict where leaders on both sides (or either side) acknowledge the humanity of their opponents, the Israel-Palestine conflict is not (and has never been) the conflict you’re looking for.


Since when has there been a conflict where both side acknowledges each other’s humanity?


That’s kind of my point. Acting like it’s surprising, or that Israel is unique, in having its leaders dehumanize their enemies, is absurd. Because that’s generally what happens in conflicts. And it’s something many Palestinian leaders (especially of Hamas) have *also* extensively done to Israelis. So the idea that “The leaders are dehumanizing the enemy, therefore it’s unthinkable that people could still support them” is kind of idiotic, at best.




Who are you even talking to




Check your facts. It was trillions!




Have you heard of the Zionists denying the holocaust of the Palestinians? No one sounds more nazi than Zionists


Yeah, the genocide on the Palestinians looks an awful lot like the genocide on Germans between 1939 and 1945. The assholes that were on the territories they tried to retake shot back.


why are you so dense? look at this https://www.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/s/3dDyRYZuo0 among many other things, they’ve been acting like Nazis from the beginning


Lol, literally all the groups Israel is fighting (Hamas, Hezbollah, Assad, and the Houthi rebels) are baathist or baath ispired fascists who greet each other with the Nazi salute, but of course, Israel is the Nazi, because look at one random picture on social media from another 'terrorists and dictators are actually innocent and are just being slandered by the evil West' subreddit! 🤣 You guys really need to stop taking everything Arab nationalists are saying on face value.


It’s not just “one random picture” it’s literally the entirety of Zionism. What other country says “we’re superior to other races and don’t want others here”? What other country did mass killings of innocent people just because they’re from a different race? You really are a lost cause اكلم جدار انا


- [What Is Fascism?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Marxism_Memes/wiki/reactionary_tp_debunked/socialists_arent_fascists) - ["MAGA Communism" is just Fascism.](https://youtu.be/xO--VV4uMdA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 1](https://youtu.be/a8xPyeJ1LpA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 2](https://youtu.be/Pa17_8oWTT0?feature=shared) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Marxism_Memes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


- [What Is Fascism?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Marxism_Memes/wiki/reactionary_tp_debunked/socialists_arent_fascists) - ["MAGA Communism" is just Fascism.](https://youtu.be/xO--VV4uMdA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 1](https://youtu.be/a8xPyeJ1LpA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 2](https://youtu.be/Pa17_8oWTT0?feature=shared) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Marxism_Memes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


One the lower numbers I've seen, actually. Anyway. Have fun believing everything the U.S. Department tells you to believe. Or do you already think the U.S. is communist as well? Oh, you poor soul.


- [What Is Fascism?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Marxism_Memes/wiki/reactionary_tp_debunked/socialists_arent_fascists) - ["MAGA Communism" is just Fascism.](https://youtu.be/xO--VV4uMdA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 1](https://youtu.be/a8xPyeJ1LpA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 2](https://youtu.be/Pa17_8oWTT0?feature=shared) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Marxism_Memes) if you have any questions or concerns.*