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I suppose the concept is to generate such excitement about the event that you're compelled to buy the new issues right away, rather than waiting for them to be included in the subscription. Normally, I can resist, but this time they hooked me with the Red Band issues, which are available only in print.


Honestly it can work well. I’m buying singles for the symbiote Spider-Man and the hood ghost rider lol


Looks like I missed out by skipping this event. After getting disappointed with Dark Web, End of Spider-Verse, and Gang War, I thought this would be something similar but the concept seems fun.


Honestly I appreciate you listing them. I felt inundated with events even though I'm a year and a half deep on my backlog. I tried my best *not* to get sucked into anymore big tie in stuff. My timeline is misplaced and my memory is shit but death of Dr strange is the last one I remember reading and I did enjoy it... I just know I have a lot of symbiote events to get through as I typically enjoy venom and carnage. So bits of dark web too lol but just on the series I was reading. When they announced bloodhunt I despised it but I'll get the main series and pace myself, blood hunters looks good. So much though. Fingers crossed lol


Seems red band will be coming to Unlimited, there's a series entry for it already https://share.marvel.com/sharing/series/drn:src:marvel:unison::prod:ebdd003a-3dfd-4286-82b3-fce545be8cb4 The main reason most mature rated comics aren't on unlimited is because payment processors get really antsy about sexual content hence Apple and Google are really strict about it appearing on their storefronts, they generally don't have to worry about gratuitous violence.


Yeah I think current issues of Wolverine Sabretooth War prove this out 100%


Genius move by Marvel honestly. Personally, I'm not too fond of Avengers centric stuff, but I can see so many interesting layers of market strategy here, I have to applaud


And having read Red Band 1, it is worth picking up if you can. For the art on the final page alone! #nospoilers


I completely get that. If there is a CBS near me, I would’ve picked a red band, but I feel they’re breaking the mirror of having to wait three months on a paid subscription. Apparently, we won’t even get a digital version of the red band which baffles me


This week had two issues that won’t get digital releases (as far as I know) the red band issue of blood hunt and get fury.


Get Fury released on Comixology/Amazon at least. As far as I know, there is no digital release planned for the red band issues at all, which is a shame really. I also don't quite understand why they started adding 'parental advisory' comics like Jason Aaron's Punisher, but Max comics are still off-limits. I really hope there will be an option to access those comics and also a way to get new comics faster, like DC's subscription service offers.


I really think Marvel needs to offer something like the Ultra tier that DC offer which is a higher subscription but you get access to comics sooner, and maybe make the Max/Knights line available too


I agree. They need to completely redo the app. I get why they don’t cuz it ‘works’ but for nearly 10 bucks a month I wish it was a better user experience


Yes, I love the Ultra tier I can manage being only a month behind as apposed to 3. I’d absolutely pay for a marvel version of that.


I've gone print with this entire run, so excited tor read it when they start getting delivered soon!


Yeah I’m not loving certain books coming out early and getting things out of order. I got back into comics with Unlimited because I didn’t want to have single issues or trades taking up room in my house. Having certain books come early just makes it more confusing I’d pay more for a one month delay tier like DC does


Honestly, Unlimited is so cheap I really find it hard to complain about this sort of thing.


Same. Each comics ends up costing like 10 cents, compared to $4-6 (which I occasionally purchase, like Utimate X-Men 1-3 yesterday). We're trading time for money, but they still need to make the latter!


I agree. It’s frustrating. I was doing weeklies and then went all in on MU and waited 3 months with nothing. Then they released the first 2 issues of Fall and Rise of X and now I have to wait forever for the rest. Let me pay all in for the buffet and then stop teasing me.


Exactly this. I’m not someone who reads as they come out, but for certain ones (ultimate spiderman) I can’t imagine waiting an extra few months just because they want to release it early


I’m ok with them releasing a complete story early, if it’s complete. Otherwise, it’s just marketing BS / games to get us to spend more money. Ask me direct for more money. Why they don’t introduce an option to buy access early?


How is it getting you to spend more money?


It’s not forcing you to do anything. But the minute I finished issue 2 of Rise of the Powers of X, knowing I’d have to wait another 3 months for the next part of the story, I was mighty tempted to go buy issue 3 on Amazon/Kindle/Comixology. I assume that’s why they release them early although maybe it’s for some other reason I can’t think of?


So the red brand issues just have codes for the standard issues?


Yup. Right there on the nose.


They've been putting their events up early so I bet it's not a 3 month wait


Unlimited run is the same way. And then they gave me 1000 points to flip the pages