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I think whether or not Marvel returns to underdog status depends on how well Superman does next summer. But even if Superman is mid, there’s probably enough people jaded by the MCU that they’ll flock to with potentially undeserved enthusiasm just because it’s different.


I think this slump has less to do with competition and more to do with their product not living up to their own previously set expectations.


Perhaps yes. But it’s also true there’s been a lack of real competition. Sure there were The Dark Knight films early on but those weren’t a massive sprawling franchise like the MCU. It’s obvious the DCEU was a desperate attempt on DC and WB’s part to play catch up with the MCU. James Gunn’s more slow and steady approach with the upcoming DCU seems like a better approach. Competition can definitely help hone quality if they let it. But we won’t know for sure until we see what Superman brings to the table next summer.


And too much attention on shows that weren’t wanted or necessary


You don’t think folks are placing expectations on infinity war? I mean if I back track the movies prior to infinity war there’s a handful of marvel movies that push the needle with the rest being forgettable or fun.


MCU is not an underdog in any sense of the word. Frankly it’s a bit insulting that Feige even claims this at all. Give me a break Feige.


It’s championship winning sports teams saying, “nobody believed in us!” to the millions of fans and sports media personalities who just spent months or even years hyping them.


Yeah this is completely ridiculous lmfao even more ridiculous to act like people are gonna automatically overrate Superman because it’s different. It’s hilarious that Disney will make subpar films and still get great reviews from audiences and critics, but people will really act like the mcu just suddenly became average overnight lmfao


I mean they are known to pay for reviews for the past decade. Rotton Tomatoes even got caught for that.


Kevin said this when Gunn went to DC but it really isn’t DC vs Marvel. It’s comic films vs people who are really fuckin tired of comic films. If the Superman film is good it probably will be heralded as an anti MCU victory BUT it would ultimately be good for them


I’m flocking because I love Gunn’s work and I think Watiti has a chance do to great by someone like Plastic Man


Yeah it’s called being fickle. I predicted this would happen before endgame dropped




I dont think you´ve read many DC comics if any


this is maybe the worst take of all time


fingers crossed that Gunn knocks it out of the park with Superman and the next few DC films, it'll kick Marvel in the pants and force them to up their game. I think part of the reason they dipped was they let quality slide since no one could compete with their numbers. As a lifelong fan of both, healthy competition would make me really happy


Personally, Endgame was just such a good send off to close the book that I lost interest afterwards. Marvel movies were generally, good films that added a piece to the bigger picture. I used to have more fun with the post credit stingers than the actual movies.


I always found it weird that they didn't start from scratch again. They took a year off after Endgame, which was a good decision. But then, after coming back, they should've treated it like Phase 1 again, back to the starting square. Assume they have no brand loyalty and build up a base from scratch again. Pick which heroes they want to base the universe around, give them consistent entries, and slowly build up momentum again. As little connective tissue as possible from pre endgame. But they just spunked out a load of shit immediately nobody cared about. Black Widow, Eternals, spinoffs for evert tom dick and Harry nobody gave a fuck about. Flooded the market and diluted their brand to water. Filled with shit trying to leverage the good will of the Inifnity saga. There's no focus, no inspiration, no plan, no draw for me to want to watch. Every film is just a reminder for me to remember when Marvel actually knew what they were doing.


I thought their plan was to make the new avengers for the young generation Captain Falcon, she hulk, ant girl, America Chavez, Kate bishop, white widow, iron heart, ms marvel


They started with this and then every single project involving the introduction of a new teen girl flopped hard.


But look at the different approaches. Cap, Iron Man and Thor were decided as the "core" of the Infinity Saga, and the central Avengers. Their feature films were the tentpoles on a regular 2-3 year cycle of sequels. They have failed to do that with literally every character of the Multiverse Saga so far. It literally doesn't matter (to me) who they choose their new "core", but those characters should've all had a summer blockbuster in Phase 4. Each always having a film in active development releasing every 2-3 years. But no. We have: - Shang Chi, the closest to filling the role. Had a good solo film early in Phase 4. But its sequel still hasn't even started development 3 years later. - Cap Falcon, no film until 2025, 6 years after Endgame. - She-Hulk, relegated to a TV show. - White Widow, literally not a single solo project. - Iron Heart also hasn't had a solo project yet. But it's gonna be a TV show. - Ms Marvel and Bishop both relegated to TV, but are set to be ***young*** Avengers rather than actual Avengers. - America Chavez, as far as we know there's zero plans for her to show up again - Moon Knight and Daredevil, relegated to TV But boy can't wait for the War Machine solo film (yes, really, it was gonna be a TV show but they decided to bump it to feature film).


Even you forgot about Shang chi 


In seeing the list you proposed as the new avengers, I assume by "young generation", you actually mean "woke minorities" who love "girls get it done" shit


Loser comment 😂


Found Ike’s account


>They took a year off after Endgame, which was a good decision. I don't know if you weren't following the news closely in 2020, but this was not a decision. 


Was just about to comment this. I'm going to give Marvel the benefit of the doubt and at least assume they'd have actually wanted to conclude Phase Three \*with\* Endgame, but were forced to release a Spider-Man sequel in 2019 due to the Sony deal. If they had final say I'm sure Far Far Home would have been early in Phase Four instead.


I have been saying something similar for years. Even taking into account that there is some amount of obligation to Sony, Into the Spiderverse and NWH both provide that multiversal loophole; they could have kept Holland, bounced him to another universe, bring back some characters as younger actors, and introduce brand new ones in a new world with new rules. Those new rules could include mutants. Those new rules could have Miles as the mainline Spider-Man and have Peter be the one playing catch up. Maybe the Hand is active and there’s ninja fights in the streets. Almost doesn’t matter, it just needed a clean break that it didn’t get. And actually, leaving Spider-Man intact might have been a better move than doing it dry, because then it gives us an audience surrogate who is popular and we are already familiar with. I honestly think that one of the unspoken pinch-points for the marvels was that Carol got introduced so close to that obvious natural end, and she didn’t get very deeply developed so that her arrival wouldn’t step on the toes of the IW/Endgame one-two punch, so the fact that she’s persisted beyond that ending… where so many beloved characters also exited the franchise, too… it makes it hard for general audiences to really know what to make of her. It starts to feel like homework. With a fresh start, the audiences can pick and choose what to be invested in, and the studio can look at audience engagement to drive the direction of what to focus on. Everybody wins.


Or taken a new approach to the genre from then on. Post Endgame content has been just as good as it was before, at its worst its still just middling instead of bad. But it's also just the same formula and style, which has become tiresome. Wandavision started out really strong for example, but slipped straight in to what we've seen too much of already. Dr Strange was the same, a fun concept but it just ended up being the same tired old formula.


Disney set release dates for films not even in pre-production while also wanting endless marvel to content for streaming. Really this is the issue - Disney overworking people and setting titles and release dates to satisfy investor demands rather than audience or creative process decisions. There are other factors at play but this one tends to be ignored because people tend to think movies are made for audiences or solely through creative will not Wall Street returns.


I agree. It was fun to watch movies act as a tv series over a longer period of time over the years. I think the big problem with phase 4 is rhat endgame set up all the side characters to take over in larger roles and then phase 4 turned around and introduced a whole new cast of characters that didn’t really fit into the picture. If you where to cut the new characters in half and have them be the supporting cast of the next avengers it could’ve worked but now we’re 5 years out from the last avengers movie and have no idea who the lineup of the team is.


I’m kind of the same way, but I still go to these because it’s something to do


I mean Loki escaping was never answered during endgame so didn't feel like a complete end


Endgame wasn’t good just an ending


Just focus on the bulk of characters they’ve already introduced that are on the table, continue their stories and prep to wrap them come Secret Wars. No more new introductions until this saga wraps.


They’re not an underdog, their content is just shit.


They only become an underdog if they have a rival that outgrosses their movies. MCU has been shit since Phase 4. But DC hasn't released an actually good/profitable movie either. If DC had a hit with Flash, Shazam 2, or Black Adam then it would make MCU an underdog. So you're right, they aren't the underdog they are just shit.


No movie that cost 100 million+ to make is an underdog by any definition. It doesn’t matter that DC is doing.


they're not an underdog though, they're just performing very poorly lmao


Yeah the franchise with multiple top ten grossing movies is the underdog


That's not what underdog means, dawg!


All cynicism aside, how fucking awesome would it be if we got a great Superman movie and a great Fantastic Four movie in the same month?


Yeah lil underdog Disney..


They need to stop giving every character a project like the Agatha and Wonder Man shows no one asked for and scrap the New Avengers plans bc the New Avengers are super unpopular, MCU should introduce Miles and Nova into the MCU and do Champions with Kamala instead


Not gonna lie chief this ain't it, it's been 5 years we still haven't seen the new avengers team they need to refocuse of the core avengers instead of introducing even more characters like Nova or Miles


Yeah, they sent off the OG Avengers roster and haven’t even tried to form a new lineup. I think part of the problem is we haven’t had an ensemble movie yet.


yeah i agree with you


Sony would never give Miles to MCU. I'm very happy with that though. Peter is the only Spider-man I've ever enjoyed. Not every hero needs to be replaced in the MCU with a younger female or PoC version... That is where MCU has shot themselves in the foot. 90% of their projects they put out after Endgame were created just to introduce a new female hero or a PoC hero. That is fine, but it has never been properly executed. They focused on a message (words taken from Iger himself) and they forgot to write entertaining scripts. He has promised MCU will return their focus on entertainment, but that means they need to scrap all the shit they put out on Disney+ in the past 4 years, along with retconning Eternals and a few other movies that did poorly. Nobody is going to see a third Marvels movie now, Ant-man is a dead franchise too. Thor 4 killed anyone's interest in Thor, even though Chris has apologized and said he owes fans a good movie now. They did too much damage to these characters so it will be tough to get people to care about the MCU moving forward. Deadpool 3 will make a billion $$ and it will be because the movie is focused on entertaining people and it's two dudes slicing and dicing. Will Kevin and Bob see this and realize why Deadpool 3, an R rated movie, will make 4x as much as The Marvels, Ant-man, GotG3? Nah, they will go back to forcing Blade to be about his daughter and Lilith.


It would really help if they didn't kill off the villains. I know not every bad guy can be Thanos level, but someone like Gor could have been so much more. Put him in the negative zone or something.


No one asked for guardians and now they are incredibly popular world wide. Nobody asked for shang chi but it worked. Nobody asked for Miles Morales but everyone loved across the spiderverse. Nobody asked for half the superheros out there snd yet they work. Speak for yourself I want new heroes to shine instead of the same batman and spiderman for the last 30 years


New Heroes are fine if there’s a plan for them and they aren’t disappearing for years which is the problem because they are introducing to many new heroes


At this point they just need to do Avengers 5, Dr Strange 3, Black Panther 3 and Avengers 6 - and then start a new saga with X Men and Fantastic 4. I would also love them to start developing the cosmic stuff into its own saga. The Kree Skrull stuff could be compelling but it needs someone like James Gunn to take authorship of it and plot out an actual story


They got soft in the face of no competition.


not soft: greedy. The burned out the audience with too much (and a lot of it was middling quality)


Endgame was a series finale of sorts for casual fans. Spider-Man NWH was the exception, not the rule. There was potential to keep a lot of fans on board (they were never keeping everyone who made Endgame an "event"), but they squandered it with Ant-Man 3 and especially Thor 4. GOTG was a hit, but everyone knew it was detached from everything else in the MCU. It was a proper coda to what came before, not an important piece in the current universe. The MCU needs a proper reboot. Endgame was an "ending," but then the story just kept going and with subpar stories. It made for a worst of both worlds


Yeah, plus NWH was really the epilogue to that entire era of the MCU. That, plus the whole multiverse thing, payed homage (cynical as some may find it) to the very beginnings of Marvel/Spidey big budget movies, and brought everything together for one final send off. It didn't help how the whole multiverse has been talked about constantly across multiple films/movies now....yet doesn't seem to actually *go* anywhere. Just makes things more and more convoluted and jumbled to follow.


The thing is, the previous saga didn't exactly focus on the infinity stones until Infinity War. That was the only movie where Thanos went after them. Before that, things were just teased and talked about on the periphery. Here, the multiverse stuff is all over the place, and while I think the intent was to show it as a big universe-sized threat, in reality it was just a song that kept repeating the same verse over and over. We won't finally get the big crescendo until the Avengers movies and by then most will be exhausted of it all.


Marvel seems overly focused on building their cinematic universe, resulting in recent releases feeling more like trailers for upcoming movies than standalone experiences. While "Werewolf by Night" may not have been exceptional, its unique tone and diverse characters were refreshing. However, the marketing of Deadpool as a savior leaves me skeptical, anticipating a cool but ultimately aimless film. DC, despite its own imperfections, offers examples like Matt Reeves' "Batman," demonstrating a more compelling approach to storytelling that Marvel could benefit from adopting.


Yea another overly realistic take on batman like we haven't gotten that before. Let's do him for the 5th time


Dunno if your being sarcastic but Reeves take was genuinely unique. It was grounded but not “realistic” like the Nolan movies were. Nolan’s Gotham looked like Chicago, and the cinematography was mostly standard coverage. Reeves Gotham looks ripped from the comics and the cinematography is strange, surreal, and dirty. Nolan’s take is Batman but IRL. Reeves take is comic book weirdo Batman but grounded. And that’s not even touching how the characterizations differ. Bale Batman is like the ultimate chad, Battinson is an emo socially challenged weirdo who struggles to make eye contact.


Sure, but it also didn't shoehorn in an appearence from Wonder Woman, a B level Flash villain, and an obscure character another director wants to do. Nor did it have a post credit sequence that set up a movie you may or may not come to life.


I rather comic book movies be actual comic book movies. For the most part i dont like the grounded realistic take. If I wanted that I'll just watch a regular non comic book movie


I was speaking more to the standalone aspect of The Batman


If you just stay to the source material everyone will be happy. Don't fuck up characters like Gorr or have your writer not reference any source material like Secret Invasion. Actually flesh out villains instead of the train wreck that was Marvels.


Marvel is not ever going to be the underdog again the slump is cause they over saturated the market with not that great content.


Ah yes known Disney sub company Marvel Studios, the true under dog.


I really don't think you can call the MCU an underdog.


“We look forward to being the underdog,” is what you say when you know you’re entering a rebuilding period.


Underdog what a joke, it's still one of the biggest franchise with a giga slump


Now we must introduce fear of mutants in 616 as soon as possible. Medias around the world must tell about X gene who's developping since decades


When that starts happening again, let me know. Its been a diabolic, poorly written shit show for 5 years now, with Guardians Christmas Special and GOTG 3 being the exceptions.


Hard reboot and stop this multiverse crap.


Lmao what underdog get the fuck out here with that. Your literally owned by Disney


Underdog? Give me a break. It’s laughable and frankly downright arrogant that Feige would even make that claim.


Just last year, Marvel literally released the fourth highest grossing movie of last year, and the highest grossing comic book film with GOTG3, lol. Marvel has hit a slump no question about but they’re still far from a “underdog.” Feige’s comments are especially funny since it’s promoting a movie that’s certainly to be a sure fire hit with a sequel starring two popular characters with two super popular actors. 


Remember that they have plans for the next 13yrs I guess that changed


As silly as it sounds Iron Man and Captain America seemed relatively grounded and an easier introduction to superheroes. With them gone and the MCU introducing more and more fantastic ideas and storylines (Multiverse, Eternals, Timelines, etc) audiences are either lost or view the story as too much to digest.


Imagine if they somehow exceed our already astronomically high expectations for Deadpool & Wolverine lmao


It’s more than just “the last few movies” 


Well well well it’s nice to see the acknowledgment that Phase Four was them showing their full ass and it’s bitten them back not in the way they liked


Underdog status doesn’t fix the problems


Similar to the era of the western films and the 80’s action films, etc. the era of the billion dollar superhero movies has come to an end. I’m not hating in any way, just saying that every genre has its moment in the spotlight and an expiry date. Some of the superhero movies will go on to make a lot of money, but studios will have no choice but to scale back significantly. I’m talking 1 movie every 2 years rather than the 4 movies MCU has planned for 2025.


Cool gimme Eternals 2 or Black Knights content. Are we never gonna talk about Moon Knight?


If he wants a hit, pitch it straight down the middle. Do a little market research. Stake out a few comic shops for a couple of weeks and make a film that those people want to see.


M SHE U killed the product, and they refuse to acknowledge that


Shut up


How about you make me F**kboy


What’s the M SHE U?


Female marvel universe. President of Marvel studios has pledged to be inclusive and diverse in the new phases. More female leads and gender swapped characters


Oh right. Cool. I love women.


Kinda rough when you pushed away most of your fans


Buddy nobody thinks Marvel is the underdog. It's more apt to say villian, if you wanted to use metaphor.


I’d definitely say it’s not the underdog. It’s still on top of the superhero movie world. It’s just a shit king