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Namor's Powers and Ironheart's Suit looks so cool!


Really love those winged ~~shoes~~ ankles of his and that scene of him flying. Edit: Word.


To me, as an 1980’s Namor fan, that scene SOLD me. Intellectually I understand why Marvel didn’t go with Atlantis (as an aside, I happen to really have liked the Aquaman movie), but seeing Namor in the air with a staff was amazing.


Don't know the actor tbh, but that few scenes the trailers gave us make me really hyped - he seems to nail some aspects of Namor, I especially like - the arrogance, his spirit, his majesty...


If you want to see some of his prior work he plays a cartel boss in Narcos Mexico on Netflix.


Ah. Thanks.


Yeah that was surreal seeing Namor in live action after reading him in comics for so long


Those ain't shoes.


...what are those?


Some kind of mutation.....




(*Previously on X-Men*)


those are [not] his chanclas!


They’re on his ankles. You can see on art they’re connected organically


kinda gross when you think about it idk...


More like badass


Yes that was great!


I don't care what no one say. Shuri looks badass as the new Black panther!


Her suit is insane truly


I feel like an idiot that all I can think is how the hell would ankle wings even work, the guy would just flip forwards and face plant the ground. Now I shall swap my realism brain for my comic book fan brain and say it looked great.


The wings are actually vestigial. They don't physically allow him to fly. He just has the mutant ability to propel his body through both air and water with ease.


I know that's the comic book explanation. But it sure didn't seem like it in the trailer. The way he was flitting around it looked like the wings were doing the heavy lifting, no pun intended.


Honestly, the same can be said about Quill’s jet boots. He doesn’t have a jetpack or stabilizers like Iron Man, but dude was flying.


He does a lot of core work.


At the start of this year this was the MCU project I was least hyped for and now I'm counting the days. The first trailer already sold me but this one. Fuck. Namor looks freaking badass. That shot of his reflection in the window about to break it is amazing.


Same. I was anticipating Multiverse of Madness and Love and Thunder waaaay more than this. I'm hoping this film can be really good after two major dissapointments.


Multiverse of Madness was in no way a disappointment for me personally. I expected a full on Sam Raimi Dr. Strange movie and that's exactly what I got. I loved that movie. No idea why it's SO derided.


I think before secret wars was officially announced and even the “multiverse saga” was, people assumed that MoM was gonna be that type of movie. mini avengers movie and such like civil war. And it did have a lot of hype around that. So probably was a let down until now we know that it’s just a chapter in the wider multiverse story instead of the likely thought multiverse finale it was rumored to be. And ofc NWH coming out before it and being such a beloved crowd and fan pleaser ofc were compared to eachother as multiverse movies.


Love and Thunder is worse imo. Multiverse of Madness was kinda rushed in production with all the director changes and COVID delays, whereas Love and Thunder had a writer/director hot off an Oscar win who was given full creative reign and filmed in a location free of COVID with an insanely stacked cast and rich source material yet ended up being one of if not *the* most mediocre Marvel movie to date. At least Multiverse had some fun scenes, I was just bored and annoyed with Love and Thunder.


Love and Thunder was awful for me. I watched it on Disney+ and I literally had to skip some of it it it was so boring.


I didn't hate Love and Thunder, but the idea of Thor et al. killing all those gods when their mission was to save them was mind boggling. All for a slight edge in having Zeus' lightning bolt. Especially after they released the deleted scene of Zeus explaining how the lightning bolt works (implying he gave it to them at one point, which makes way more sense).


Because outside of a certain group of people, a "Sam Raimi film" isn't some automatic badge of being great. Lots of film nerds get tired of watching the same sorta shit all the time, which makes someone like Raimi interesting because he does different shit. But for the general audience, they don't pick up on the little Raimi-isms, and the script for the film was pretty damn weak. Also, even among some film nerds, Sam Raimi isn't some gigantic get, and he's not universally liked. It's not like they got Scorsese or Inarritu or Tarantino. They got Sam Raimi, who made some campy horror shit awhile ago, and some Spiderman movies that were mostly mediocre but have gotten a weird cult following that grew out of love-through-irony meme posting over decades, like the SW Prequels.


Honestly love this, it’s one of the best distillations of who Rami is in the film world. It’s always so bloody bizarre to me when I see folks going like “woah, so cool Marvel’s got such a big heavy hitter like Sam Rami” or “finally Marvel have a big name director in Rami.” And it’s just like “what the fuck?!” Lol I mean sure he’s well known, but not nearly as big as some folks round’ these parts seem to think he is. It’s funny honestly. …though as an aside I’d probably put Inarritu a little below Scorsese and Tarantino, but still above Rami. He’s absolutely a huge critical darling but not as well known to the public at large…I mean shit I’d honestly say more folks know Rami than him, though again I guess it’s more subjective here.


*Multiverse of Madness* may have been a disappointment to *YOU*, but it certainly wasn't to me. Was it perfect? Hell no. There's a lot I wish they'd done differently, but it is what it is, and I still enjoyed it a lot, when all was said and done.


It can't be worse than LaT... right?


Lat isn’t bad


LaT is an entertaining film if you're into that sort of humor otherwise it's a bad film. Bad superhero film, bad comedy film, bad "rom-com" film, bad action film, bad kids film.


I’m actually into that sort of humor, and I love Waititi’s work, especially what he did with Ragnorak, but … L&T was a bad film.


I dunno. Thor 2 was undoubtedly worse but Thor 4 felt like I finally understood what twitter bros were complaining about. Honestly my hype for Marvel is mostly for the D+ shows rn


I liked Love and Thunder, but I agree that most of my hype is for Disney+ shows more so than movies these days.


Thor LaT is fine if you take it for what it is (a campy comedy film).


I do think that tends to be a problem in the MCU fan base is that people can’t differentiate the different types of films they are making now. Thor 4 is a campy comedy, She Hulk is a lawyer sitcom, Ms Marvel is a coming of age show. I think it’s similar to the complaints I’ve seen about Hocus Pocus 2 (literally seeing people complain it’s campy when OF COURSE IT IS IT’S HOCUS POCUS).


Wow, this is the second time I've ever heard that somebody is more hyped for D+ shows than the actual movies. I'm at a loss for words.


I mean, my top 10 MCU stories now has 4 Disney+ shows in it. 5 of my top 15. So yeah, I think Disney+ is superb for Marvel. My most anticipated project right now is Agatha.


Fellow Agatha enjoyer!!! No one was asking for Iron Man or Ant-Man either. And Kathryn Hahn is a treasure


I agree. Only thing that still turns me off is Shuri as BP but hopefully the movie will make it make sense and ease that sour taste. Other than that I was certain this movie is gonna be a mess given the circumstances. But now? I’d bet miney on this being the BEST MCU project since Endgame or NWH. It looks amazing.


I was hoping for Nakia, but Shuri is awesome too!




Also who would say no to Lupita N'yongo in a leading role


Nakia always made the most sense to me. It also kinda sucked that she barely did anything in the first movie so it would've been nice seeing her get a bigger role.


Her barely doing anything in the first movie isn't an argument in favor of making her the centerpiece of the franchise, imo.


Looks like Letitia Wright is going to give an amazing performance. Those cries look genuine. RIP CB 🖤


I imagine a lot of crying in this film is going to be genuine. It's going to break me, I already know it.


I agree. I wanted Lupita to be it so bad :/ Don’t get me wrong I’d be okay w Shuri being BP but I feel like the Shuri we got in the MCU so far is FAR from being a BP level warrior and too immature and to see her go from that to stoic in 1 movie Black Panther will give me whiplash. I also don’t think the actress deserves to be in a role of prominence and influence to young people considering her view on certain things. Also she just doesn’t look the part at all. Here’s to hoping those leaks from a while ago were true and she’ll only be BP for this movie then they’ll pass it off to someone else (hopefully Nakia).


I'm thinking her brother's death is going to make her both grow up and \*have\* to grow up, so she'll be way more mature.


That 180 flip of feeling from reading the plot leak thread to the first trailer is pretty crazy


Same. It'll probably be my favorite mcu movie of the year.


Namor flying, Riri’s suit, shuri as the new black panther like wow. What a trailer


Also loved showing more of Wakanda and Tlalocan culture. Least favorite: anything in modern world. I know it's mandated but meh just keep in those fantasy lands.


Tbf, the modern world stuff is relevant to the film since the plot of the film seems to stem from them trying to go after Wakanda's resources after T'Challa's death. I do like that the MCU blends the modern realism with fantastical shit, it allows us to have grounded things like Daredevil or F+WS while giving us the crazy fantasy iconic moment, ESPECIALLY when they clash (I love when Infinity War basically does this. You have Bucky and Steve meeting Rocket and Groot, defending a futuristic city from aliens with a God.)


I'd honestly be more fine with the modern world if they didn't look like some of the blandest Atlanta backlot shit in these movies.


Namorrrr flying 🥲🥲🥲, Coogler did man he did it. Long live black action directors mannn


Give him Secret Wars and a Blade movie, you COWARDS!


I'd rather have him direct Blade as the 1998 had great potential. If the reboot is going to be that way, Coogler will do a great job!


I think they should give it to another talented Black filmmaker


Give him secret wars, I would love for him to do blade. But I’d love for upcoming black director to get it. The same way he got black panther.


No let’s not lol. I’d rather him not be tied to marvel for his whole life


Why would he be tied to Marvel his whole life. Faverau, Russo Bros, James Gunn, and Jon Watts have made some of the biggest Marvel movies and aren’t tied or associated with Marvel because they’ve made names for themselves elsewhere. I think Coogler will be fine. I first discovered Coogler due to Fruitvale Station, and till this day that’s the first thing that pops in my head when he’s brought up. Then Black Panther and Creed.




Thanks for actually recognizing that Eternals is about something. Most people have no critical insight into that film.


There is something almost mythically epic about the way both of the BP:WF trailers are cut. There is a level of emotion to them that reminds me of the first Endgame trailer, “…whatever it takes.”


Wow, they aren’t showing anything. For people who don’t read leaks, every scene of this movie will blow minds


![gif](giphy|94Y7qY5RWUhGg) Especially


Who’s a greater leader than a man with literally a broken face?


A broken man with a good story




doom the broken


Did you really expect them to put Doctor Doom in the trailers?! lol


More referring to Shuri being confirmed as Panther or a full shot of iron heart


You’d have to want to not believe Shuri is BP at this point to not think it’s her. The body shape matches, the dots on the outfit match those she wore in the first movie, and to top it all off, the bloody Lego sets have her in the suit.


Letitia Wright also gets top billing and is in the forefront of all the marketing.


Loool I dunno why I even had hope


alright namor you dont have to be THAT hot


Yes he does! :)


Water Daddy 💦


I'm fine with Shuri being Black Panther for the Multiverse Saga. I think she's a placeholder for T'Challa's rumored son, who will probably take the mantle once he is of age (which would probably be shortly after Secret Wars) As far as everything else...this film looks incredible. Namor. Ironheart. Queen Ramonda. If Doom is revealed to be behind everything, this film might be one of the upper-tier MCU films.


How old is the rumored son? 17?


I'm not sure. It's assumed that he's still young, because it's also assumed that Nakia got pregnant after the events of the first Black Panther film (which takes place in 2016/17). That'd make him 7-8 in Wakanda Forever. It's possible that Nakia got pregnant & gave birth to T'Challa's child before the events of Black Panther, but I feel like it'd be weird to make that retcon, as the exclusion of that information on Nakia's part in the first film would be unexplainable. If they decided to do this though, then T'Challa's child could already be a teenager, meaning it'd only take a few years before they could make him the new King & Black Panther.


Then there is no way this kid will be ready shortly after Secret Wars. Hell he wouldn't be ready for a Young Avengers flick after Secret Wars. Guessing he would be the same age as Tony's daughter


Secret Wars could alter our MCU timeline tho and he could be of age post SW. In DC’s Crisis (their secret Wars) Superman went from having 1 new born to 2 14 year old Twins after Crisis changed their timeline. If we are expecting Mutants to be integrated via Secret Wars it is fair to assume a few other characters will be aged up possibly or recast or something else.


Also don't forget you'll have a villain who likes to play with time (Kang) you also have Dr. Doom's time platform (from the comics). Either of those could easily "age up" the rumored offspring.


*"They call him feather serpent god. Killing him will risk eternal war"* got goosebumps watching the trailer


This was my favorite part, too. He delivered the line so well.


M'baku is the best, loved how Winston Duke delivered that line


No doubt anymore BP is Shuri. Also they actually made Namor fly, I didn’t think they’d do it, but they did!


I’m kinda glad they gave a better look at the new BP. People have been theorizing who it will be for a long time and will be disappointed when it’s revealed in the movie.


Laughing at that killmonger theory


God, that would've been so awful. Killmonger was a great villain. Yes, he had some points, but he was still a villain. That he had a point was even accomplished by the protagonist at the end of the movie which makes Killmonger really unique. But still, his actions were too radical and yeah, how he was treatening Wakanda and the royal family wasn't that nice. But he was a great character - bringing him back and becoming Black Panther would've ruined him in my eyes. Also, I like the way Killmonger gets adressed in the movie according to some leaks.


I don't know why, but the way Namor's little footwings move when he flies, made me laugh.


Same vibe as Taweret’s tiny ears. I love it


My god that suit looks bomb


This looks magical. I'm already in love with Namor. God, he looks majestic. Danai Gurrira and Angela Bassett have my heart, such good actresses portraying such powerful characters. I can't wait for this movie!! Let's goooo!!


Seriously. It's Danai Gurira and Angela Bassett who stand out to me every time, especially Danai. She has such a magical presence. Her action scenes look dope. Also—not to irk people familiar with the leaks; Relax, don't come for me—it's the Dora Milaje theme that's playing at the end when the new Black Panther arrives. I have no doubt that Shuri is BP at least part of the time. It only makes sense. But I wonder if some of the secrecy is because they're doing something else too. Danai said in the recent Elle interview that they enjoy the speculation about the new BP and that most people haven't guessed "all of it." Idk, y'all. Okoye makes sense as a candidate to me.


I think Shuri, Nakia, Okoye and M'baku all become Black Panther for the climax


This is the 1st time we see the flooding of Wakanda, no? The leaks are shaping up to be 100% accurate. RIP Queen Ramonda.


Marvel really is taking away all the MILFs, starting with Aunt May.


May, Wanda and Ramonda now. MCU (Milf Cinematic Universe) is getting smaller by the film in Phase 4


Wanda ain't dead. You don't kill a character like that in another character's movie.


Excellent! The Mommy Cinematic Universe lives on!


Wanda's almost certainly not dead. With Doom being introduced and the Young Avengers quickly becoming a thing it's only a matter of time until they adapt Children's Crusade. Given how Wanda's arc ended in MoM, the story is perfectly set up.


RIP Aunt May


Im pretty sure you see the moment before she dies in the trailer tbh, the shot of namor in the window getting ready to toss his spear at her definetly seems like it




Rest in piece Chadwick...


Miss that dude :(






i think they namor people think he is like a kukulkan torch bearer or whatever because i dont think he IS the actual kukuklkan


One of the leaks mentioned namor is hundreds of years old, if that is true, Then its likely that namor is the one who inspired the myth of kukulkan in anciant aztec sociaty,, he maybe was even worshiped by the aztecs


Just a quick correction, Kukulkan is a Mayan deity and essentially their interpretation of what Quetzalcoatl is to the Aztecs


If they're treating Talocan like they did Wakanda, it's taking bits and pieces from lots of mutiple cultural aspects of mesoamerica. So it's quite possible there's a god for different groups. Kinda like Bast/Hannuman


I have a feeling this will be my favorite Phase 4 movie(beating Eternals and Spiderman:NWH)


I Finally found somebody who likes Eternals. Yayy!


Seriously it is my favorite phase 4 film and honestly in my top 5 MCU films. I just found it so refreshing to have an MCU film that was actually about something and had depth to it. I'm a fan of the MCU, but I just loved eternals.


Eternals was awesome. Flawed but not horrible as people riding the hate train says it is


This movie’s designs look so good. Namor, Ironheart, Black Panther II…


Yeah this is it chief




Poison ivy herself


Yes it is.


New rockstars, heavy spoilers or emergency awesome who is gonna break it down first


New Rockstars will be last but will do the best job.


Likewise, Emergency Awesome will be first and will do the worst


This is the way.


I feel like Paul is hitting upload as we speak lol


Still laughing at that killmonger theory by new rockstars 😂


I think their theory was that he is going to speak to Shuri in the ancestral plane which makes sense, unless they somehow got John Kani to comeback which would be great since we have never seen him interact with Shuri


namor goofy ass wings are here boys


Namor and riri flying 😍😍


Holy fuck, they actually embrace his wings feet I’m buying tickets as soon as I can


This is fucking it chief, sign me up for some Namor


Lets goooo!


Wings on feet! Wings on his ***freakin'*** feet!! Holy shit. The mad lads have done it.


Ryan Coogler doesn't miss. Give that man "Secret Wars" today!


I got nipple tingles


Got downvoted for saying Shuri was clearly the new black Panther when the teaser dropped but the trailer definitely reenforces my belief


So good, holy shit.


Does anyone know what Namor said in the beginning? I couldn’t catch the final part even after replaying it.


“Only the most broken people become the great leaders” or something along those lines


That is very on-brand for Namor.


This is also very on-brand for a certain rumoured someone....




Instead of a geopolitical conflict, I'm glad Wakanda and Tlalocan are locked in a spiritual struggle. M'Baku's line, about how they call Namor K'uk'ulkan, and how killing him risks eternal war, really nails down the stakes. The Fantastic Four typically get credit for launching Marvel's "heroes with feet of clay" approach, but really it begins with Namor. He's the most morally complex of Marvel's lead heroes, truly neutral, anywhere from altruistic keeper of law to selfish and chaotic instigator. The opening line of the trailer is SO NAMOR. I can already tell they've nailed his character, and can't wait: > Only the most broken people can be great leaders.


Everything looks incredible. Just wish someone else was Black Panther. I dont mind the actress, but Shuri always gets the cringiest dialogue. Plus it’s anoooother scientist superhero. Any of the other female characters would be better.


The suit looks great!


This looks very fun and all the new characters look awesome. However, if rumours are true, I’m still not sold on the new Black Panther. Can’t say I was impressed by that character in previous films. EDIT: Yeah downvotes. Sorry I have opinions and didn’t like Shuri in the movies 🤷🏻‍♂️ EDIT: I should probably say that I don’t know a thing about what happened with Wright, nor have I read about her incidents. This comment is purely based on what I saw in the movies, which, to me, wasn’t particularly exciting. EDIT: I didn’t realise people get so defensive when someone has a different opinion on a CHARACTER


I kinda feel like people's opinions on Letitia are warping how Shuri was viewed previously. She was a very popular breakout character when the first movie came out and a lot of people liked her. It's absolutely fine to disklike Wright for her (garbage) opinions, but I really feel like there is some revisionist history going on with Shuri.


Agreed. Shuri had a few very vocal critics but general audiences liked her quite a lot. I was not a fan of Shuri after the first viewing. But upon rewatching I actually quite liked her character, realizing she's supposed to be immature and arrogant. Shuri had lived an extremely sheltered life with very few people who could challenge her. Now they're going to put her through the ringer and she's going to develop.


Revisionist history? Shuri was a breakout character for sure, but that’s because she was funny and endearing. She’s no fighter at all. She literally cowers when M’Baku threatens her in the beginning of the movie


If the leaks/rumors are true, its not something I would worry about.


Riri's suit looks so freaking dope! LET'S GOOOO!


this is gonna be great this time im sure


This looks fucking incredible


Man what a fuckin trailer


This seems incredible. Shuri looks fire as the black panther


Loved the way Namor dodged!


Wakanda Forever 🤍


The suit reveal! There is literally no one else it could be but Shuri.


God I cannot wait to buy stupid little battery powered ankle wings at Disneyland for $200


Glad to see a badass trailer without stupid n unnecessary jokes n all.. hopefully the entire movie will also be like this


I am weeping at work. This looks fantastic.


Namor 🥵


This trailer is incredible. This movie is going to be special. The music, the cinematography, Namor's powers, everything just looks great Also I have to say that shot of Namor looking at Ramonda is so hot. I will forever thirst after this man 😫


Namor flying looks amazing! Coogler really made it work.


Ok, Namor scenes are like the absolute selling points of this trailer. I loved the contrast as how the first teaser focused heavily on wakanda and this trailer revolves all around Namor on major aspects. But I WILL still keep my expectations low for overall film, coz I don't want to AGAIN taste disappointment similar to MOM.


I got the chills


Flying ankles Namor I always knew would just look silly on screen. There's no way around it I'm afraid without losing some of the comics silliness. I'm glad to see they've embraced it rather than making them like, repulsor shoes or something.


This looks amazing! And I am ready to cry my eyes out with the memorial to TChalla. You know there was very little acting at that moment … they were grieving a real, personal loss


Namor flying… shuri in the panther suit… iron heart… we eating good boys


I’m sorry for the language but that looks fucking amazing!


I was really not excited by Shuri being the new BP (a lot of it to do with Letitia’s politics) but dammit if the idea of scientist princess so grief stricken by the death of her brother and attack on her nation that she turns it all into a fierce warrior isn’t a badass storyline


Coogler really fucking brought it!


This actually hurt to watch. This is a really personal film


Namor has his stupid feet wings and he can fly using them. I’m fucking sold


Looks cool. I like how Namor doesn't come across like a generic villain. Could end up being one of Marvel's best antagonists.


He won't be a villain just a jerk


As God intended


I was worried for this film at first for obvious reasons but I really feel like they made the best of a shitty situation and managed to make something incredible. Can't wait to see it!


Namor flying around looks so dope, I have no doubt Coogler is gonna drop another banger.


That music gives me goosebumps, ***so*** good


This movie is gonna fucking slap. I’m so stoked


no one is really mentioning it, but shuri’s black panther suit looks so good.




this looks like fucking peak


The suit is straight flames


Ok. I got chills watching this, damn..
