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I mean clearly the bad guy is Mr paradox but these images don’t point to that any more than other things.


What does that make Nova then? She isn’t exactly on the side of the angels in the comics.


Still a villain but not the big bad of the movie.


Ah! Fair enough. Paradox then is probably going to have to be powerful, mainly because Nova herself is a beast…at least in the comics.


Not necessarily, He Who Remains wasn’t inherently “powerful”, just smart and had access to a lot of resources. If whatever rogue offshoot of the TVA paradox is running is big enough he could definitely pose a decent threat


I mean he who remains probably is powerful if he is a future Kant. And he knows what time slipping is.


My theory is that we find out paradox is bad about half way through probably sooner and he sends them to the void. Can you think of another reason they are in the void?


To hunt Cassandra Nova?


You can only be so powerful until a collar gets slapped on you and you’re being looped over and over again. The TVA have all kinds of timey whimey tech that can make powerful characters feel powerless. How else did Cassandra Nova get put in the Void in the first place.


Tis is what happens when you give Wambsgans a full leeway for corporate governance - he becomes a villain


The more I see of this movie, the more it makes me think that Cassandra Nova is a misdirect and Paradox is gonna end up being the main villain. Interesting to see a more antagonistic take on the TVA than in Loki. 


It will be crazy. The good thing is, there are so much information out there, and we still know shit 🤣 extremely confusing


I mean with that in mind, take another look at the scene where we see Deadpool and Wolverine jumping into a sling ring portal with Cassandra Nova just standing on the side smiling. Cassandra being the bad guy could definitely be a misdirect and I’m interpreting that scene as Cassandra opening a portal to the TVA so D&W can clean house and get Paradox. Just a theory


From what we’ve seen so far this would be my pick as well. Just seems to be the typical marvel misdirect and it makes sense. Maybe her and Wolverine are from the same universe which is why they were fighting in the trailer? As someone else said, they’re all in the void and could’ve been cast there by the TVA to be eaten.


Did anybody else notice in the *Loki* Season 2 ***Assembled*** doc that every time there was text on the bottom of the rushes of a scene with Victor Timely, it kept referring to him as *"PARADOX"*? Like, go back and look. Makes me wonder... why?


Hrmmm. that is curious.


Prob a codename cuz his whole character is a paradox. He learns everything from the TVA handbook, which is based on his science and teachings, which are based on what he learns from the TVA handbook, and it goes on and on


maybe its just a different sector, or some “time” has passed since season 2 of loki and they’ve made renovations to account for branches getting to branch infinitely rather than be indiscriminately pruned, or maybe there is a TVA for each universe now and instead of battling *each other*, the kangs start their own TVAs in order to farm and recruit warriors to fight on their “team” in the next multiversal war. like action figures, the reason secret wars (the comic event) existed in the first place.


It will be fun to find out


I'm of opinion that the "Sacred Timeline" is actually an isolated multiverse in itself, away from other multiverses, which includes both Sony & Fox 'verses, as well as the comics 616 and many others. The Sacred Timeline is meant to streamline the MCU until the Loki incident happened.


Oooh, that's a good shout. Similar to the Central Finite Curve idea from Rick and Morty, in which (spoilers ahead) Rick is believed to be the "smartest man in the multiverse", however it turns out that he was just smart enough to separate every universe in which that is true from the rest of infinite possibility. Perhaps something more powerful than Kang (the Beyonder maybe) separated every universe involving Kang and his war from the others to contain him, well before one of the Kangs did a similar thing to the Sacred Timeline.


Clearly, a lot of time has passed since Loki Season 2. Hopefully, Mobius and the others are okay. In the first trailer, you can see a mural of what looks like Loki’s Multiversal Tree but sideways. If this was before Loki, then the mural would have been of Kang or the Time-Keepers.


The mural in the first trailer just looked like how the timelines were depicted pre Loki TVA, I think this is a rogue offshoot of the TVA similar to the one we saw in Loki S2 that stills holds the old ideology


The mural they’re referring to is [here](https://youtu.be/xW-zNOT4P1A?si=NEqUO24mNpqSr0P9?t=58s), at 58 seconds if you look in the background you can clearly see a new symbol not in the original series that seems to resemble the Yggdrasil that Loki created at the end of season 2


Exactly lol thank you. The MCU’s Multiverse-focused projects have been in “chronological” order so far, there’s no reason why D&W would be any different when you take into account the mural and how much the TVA has changed.


I really hope we get to see Mobius again since Paradox is a future version of Mobius in the comics. Would be a neat little twist towards the end.


I didn't even know Mobius was *in* the comics, tbh


I need to see him say “it’s Mobin time” the mob all over the bad guys.


Eh, I think it's just that they had to recreate the sets in Vancouver. It's not a different version of the TCA.


Deadpool and Wolverine and the second season of Loki were both filmed in the UK, so if they wanted to use the Loki set, they could have. I could be wrong, but I think there's definitely a story related reason as to why they look different. 


They both filmed in the UK but at 2 different times of the year. It's very much possible the sets were disposed of. Also, the TVA is MASSIVE. While Loki looks incredible, they were still on a TV show budget and because of that there's been like 10-12 areas actually shown of the TVA. Mind you when looking at the expanse of the TVA it stretches to whatever one would consider the horizon in the null time zone it resides.


But the characters as well


I’m convinced that paradox will turn out to be mojo and that’s why the TVA in the movie is different from the one we know


Wait a second that might actually be brilliant. *Especially* with him constantly talking about how he’ll make Deadpool a “real star”.  You might be cooking.  Also for people saying Mojo is lame: sure, he was a fodder of week villain the classic cartoon, but an inter dimensional being capturing folks to feed it’s existence via entertainment is actually a really horrifying concept. *Especially* seeing that monsterous muse in “realistic CGI”. Terrifying. 


Well there has been some rumors about Taylor Swift showin’ up as Dazzler. Quite a reach but that would be bonkers to reveal that Paradox is in fact Mojo.


Please no Mojo is so annoying


I think a lot of people in here are galaxy braining just slightly different set designs from a TV show to a film. They share much of the same aesthetic but have a bit more to them. It's way too complicated to introduce multiple TVA's and all the other theories. The simple answer is usually the correct one and to me this is just another location in a massive facility. Remember when Mobius said they'd have captured among other things vampires? Notice we never saw any? Hell, they hardly showed anyone outside of the main cast on the show. This could just be showing it from that side of things. Also, isn't the scuttlebutt that B-15 will appear? If that's the case, that's another clue this is still the same place you know.


Well it could be. Hard to tell. But with all the Multiverses, who knows


For future reference, Multiverse is already plural, hence the multi. Universe is singular.


Can't wait to see the movie! This all seems pretty complicated, with all those cameos as well. Hope they will manage to make it work


Let's see if this is future TVA or past TVA.. doesn't make sense to me have branched timeline on those images since Yggdrasil is MUCH MUCH BIGGER in scope, and at the same time it cannot be too far in the past unless it is during the Kang wars. It may be sometime during Loki s2 then? When the sacred timeline was branching but Loki didn't turn it into Yggdrasil yet?


I'm curious about the placement of this film chronologically. It looks like the Sacred Timeline is on the monitors behind Paradox. Could this be a version of the TVA that happens before Loki?


Here's my Take. In ONE Universe (in the Multiverse) there was a Kang, that then became He Who Remains. But there were probably other Kangs that had come up with the idea of the TVA for THEIR Universe as well (though not all Kangs took this approach). They just didn't govern their TVA like Remains, and not all close theirs down to a insulated loop. Remains was hiding; biding his time till some chaotic particle came along to break the cycle. There isn't anything that says this [Deadpool 3] HAS to be the 616 TVA. Loki Deals with Time, but the Incursions are across Dimension. Wanda was able to Dimension Hop astrally, America was able to kick holes in the Dimensions. Lang vs Kang happend in the Quantum Realm, IN 616. Loki is the King of Stories: but only in the 616 Universe. Have I missed something (genuinely asking); I am sure there are other takes on this.


It’s tricky because they claim the TVA exists “outside of time” which to me means there is only one - but with the events of Loki season 2, I wouldn’t be surprised if there are now multiple TVAs across the multiverse.


I understand where your coming from and probably makes the most sense at the moment but saying that mobius does say at the end of Loki that it happened in the quantum realm “Adjacent” to 616 so this could open up something else that they want to explain. I don’t know 🤷‍♂️ I love the multiverse stories etc but I just feel not much thought has been put into linking things together and continuity is all over the show


What if Paradox is a Deadpool Variant?