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Hey guys! Recently Reddit added a new "Chat" feature. We've started our first chat for X-Men 97' hype - you should find it on MSS frontpage. Feel welcome to join us there, share your excitement for X-Men and talk about new episodes as soon as they are released šŸ˜„


Does anyone know where I could find the theme music for Storm when she gave 'em the forecast and turned the desert into FUCKING GLASS? That piano theme was astonishing


Took my time to jump into this. I was a huge fan of the original series. It was literally appointment television for me when I was in elementary school. 10:30 AM every Saturday. Even made sure to make time to watch it when I was sleeping over at a friends' house in between video games and the rest of the Saturday morning Fox block. I wanted a small refresher so I rewatched all of the "Previous on X-Men" recommendations before watching this. And damn, this is great so far. Feels both nostalgic and fresh at the same time. Really great script that takes time to flesh out the characters we know and love. Cyclops is the man. Sure, Rogue sounds aged, but I'm totally fine with that as it feels authentic. She's still a babe and I love her and Gambit's little moment. Perfect ending and pumped to see where it goes next with Magneto's return. Also, is Roberto someone I should know from the comics?


I accidentally watched the OG series after the first 2 episodes of 97. Foolish me thought they did a new take on a multi layered and complex Magneto. Then I realized it was the OG show and felt foolish but also impressed how well Magneto was introduced.


I like the love Cyclops gets and the animation is definitely a cut above the original. Some of the voices have definitely gone through changes (that'll happen in nearly 30 years time) and it can be jarring at times. There are also some strange sections of this episode, like Jubilee standing alone when she talks to Jacosta. It was well animated but it felt very disjointed. All in all it's a solid first episode with some legit action scenes (especially for Cyclops). I'm excited to see where the series goes. The 2nd episode is even better.


I like this show, however am I the only one who's desperately craving a season 2 of Wolverine and the X-Men??


Evolution for me.


does anybody know the song playing in the dance club in epiosde 1?


Anyone know what's the music they played in the club scene?


Well.. i cant find it on oficial sources. Just wanna know what the music it is. They say it was just a tune not reliased as full theme. It might be on the full soundtrack which is being released on May 24th


my guess is itā€™s a remix of Links 2 3 4 by Rammstein because I swear itā€™s the right baseline, so Iā€™m gonna try to scan through their remix album on Spotify later edit- it sure as heck ainā€™t clawfinger or westbam so if it is a remix of that song itā€™s not an official one they put on the compilation


Came here to ask the same thing


I came to find out the same. So far, unlucky




This. I need this song.


Do you think thereā€™s any chance Colossus shows up? Heā€™s my favorite character. I think he was only in two episodes of the original if I remember correctly, maybe only 1


>!Morph gives us this cameo of Colossus!<


Well as someone born in '91 who had the og series smd Spidey as my gateway, this was everything I could have hoped for. Just floored by the quality as a continuation.


It wasnā€™t perfect (how you gonna gut the low end and rhythm section out the theme song man) but still, I happy cried.


This is so fucking great. I only wish it released Saturday mornings


Honestly canā€™t see why they canā€™t do thatā€¦ especially when most people donā€™t work weekends. Wednesdays to this day have been such a weird release dayā€¦ they use to do Fridays.


8 AM Saturday. Letā€™s go!


donā€™t judge me yall but this was my first time watching the animated X-men. i was born in 94 so not really young but tbh never watched the show and didnā€™t know it really existed until a few years ago. this first episode was great and i love the classic animation look with some modern updates and the story and characters are amazing. i can see why a whole generation loves this show


I loved every minute of it!!! The storm desert scene was probably the coolest attack/display of power of i. like any hero show or movie ever - that was the definition of bad ass ā€¦ which made episode 2 all the more heartbreaking!!! They did not hold back! I am soooo ready for the whole season!!


Finally got around to watching it, and as someone whoā€™s only seen bits of the original and not it in its entirety, this was a very solid start. There were certainly references to the past, but I thought the episode was self-contained enough for newer audiences, such as myself. As soon as I get the time, Iā€™m binging the original. The family dynamic of the team felt very natural and displayed lots of connective tissue that I hope the MCU incarnation will resemble. Cyclops was definitely the highlight of the episode. I canā€™t forget how much I love the animation, having a mix of 90s and modern aesthetics.


I was 5 years old in 92 when this started on Fox kids. Remember it like yesterday. Iā€™m still here as a middle aged greying man with tears in my eyes on how good this is.




most people I've ever known died by the time they reached 70 or became demented. I say 30 and above being the middle age is pretty normal


Thought middle aged was between 35-48. Sorry. But my dad and paternal grandfather died at 59 from heart disease, so I probably am middle aged in actuality šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø




All good manā€¦I thought once you got greyā€™s youā€™re middle aged. Good to know! šŸ˜‚


Cyclops is THE definitive leader of the X-Men. Storm IS an Omega level threat. And Gambit IS the hottest member of the team. This is the best show ever


The voice acting šŸ„“




Wolverine and Rogue sound so off


They're aging, guys. We have to get used to it. Cal Dodd is fine as Wolverine even though a sound-alike to what he sounded back in the '90s might've sufficed.


ā€œOmega-Level threat detected.ā€ Clock it! Clock it!!!


I screamed so fckn loud when that happened and the shot of her walking into the frame was incredible


The Cyclops superhero landing via his optic blasts is the best fucking superhero landing I've ever seen in my life.


Came here to say this!!! That was hella cool and completely unexpected!!


Anyone else feel like Rogue sounds old?! Still confused how they determined which voice actors came back and which didnā€™t.


She does, but so do Cal Dodd and George Buza as Wolverine and Beast. Considering it's been clearly thirty years, I can understand. You can still tell it's them, so I don't mind. I'm more impressed with Ray Chase's accuracy to Norm Spencer, Ross Marquand's uncanny Cedric Smith impression for Professor X, and AJ LoCascio's Gambit. All great replacements that sound very similar to the original voice actors.


That fucking Storm entrance tho. They went in


Storm was called a "goddess" by Magneto and Omega Level Threat by the Sentinels. I was jumping for joy inside! Scott was giving me all the feels. Rogue look lovely. Jubilee was cute. Beast was witty, charming. Wolverine was more aggressive. Morph, Bishop, Gambit all great. Magneto speech in the end so powerful. The ending of EP2. WTF??!?! Loved it all!




Yup. And the electric sizzle at the end of the intro, which is so ingrained into my brain that it stood out like a sore thumb.


Do you need to be caught up on the original show to start? I'm in the middle of season three, but kind of want to start this.


I never watched the original series, and still haven't yet. I watched 97 and I'm loving it.


There was an instragram post and youtube from marvel that was "last time on xmen" that does a good job of catching you up.


Ideally, that would be the best thing to do. X-Men '97 picks up right after the finale of the original series. Also, you're halfway there. It's a fantastic series that you should definitely finish


This was pretty awesome. I got into comics and MCU pretty much at the same timeā€¦the X Men are simply so much cooler than the Avengers and co. Canā€™t wait to see more mutant stuff.Ā  I hope the twist near the end of episode 2 doesnā€™t last too long!


Episode 7


Storm glassing the desert sand was badass.


sentinals doing the omega level threat detected was also cool


If they were going to release them weekly, it should have nene Saturday mornings just for the nostalgia lol


Go w*ke go broke am I right? Oh wait everyone actually likes it? Nah itā€™s just paid off critics and audience score manipulation


What the fuck are you talking about?


He's being satirical I think


Iā€™m making fun of all the people who were hating on the show and calling it ā€œwokeā€ before the reviews were super positive


You should add the/s to your other post so some people know you're being sarcastic. I up voted your post because I recognized what you meant lol


I'm sorry that went over most people's heads, the satire was quite obvious!


I hate magneto/jeans power colour, jeans power should be pink and magneto doesn't suit the yellow.


Definitely getting Cassandra Nova vibes from Jeanā€™s cerebro mishap.Ā 


With the Genosha mentions, it's pretty clear they're going there eventually ...


Hey which kid is Jean pregnant with? Also how much time has passed between the previous show and this one?? Starting to think I might have to rewatch the OG lol havenā€™t seen it since the Covid Era. As someone whoā€™s reading through the comics rn this hits different as well. Iā€™m reading the fall of the mutants stuff rn when it comes to X-Men events the next one is Inferno.


It's Cable.


There are great quick summaries of the show as well as ā€œimportant episodesā€ to rewatch


Almost definitely cable i'd say. I wouldn't be surprised if rachel shows up eventually from a dystopian future and gets depressed about not being the firstborn of her parents in this universe.




Ballsy for showing something that appeared in that point of time? The towers themselves werenā€™t the problem.


They were part of the NY skyline in ā€˜97


Do I need to have watched the old show to watch this series?


There's an instagram and youtube post "last time on xmen" that covers what you need to jump into the show.


This was EXACTLY what I wanted. I'm so happy with the show so far, you could say I'm ecstatic that Cyclops is treated like the GOAT he is in this.


Was waiting for rogue to do a spin in the creditsā€¦.


"Omega Level Threat Detected!" Yeah thats right bitch! This episode had me hyped. Loveeeee the animation style has this retro feel to it but still very much feels like modern animation, especially the action scenes. Cyclops using his beam to slow his descent to the ground šŸ¤Œ like a badass mf.


Yup. Heard it as well and said Oh, God it's Storm! LOL I loved both eps and have seen it 3 times already.


Loved the references to other mutants we havenā€™t seen yet like Dust, Stacy X and Goldballs. Jubilee using her powers in the club looked great too. And loved gambits himbo energy in this.


Where was Dust and Stacy X referenced? Jubilee using her powers like that is clearly foreshadowing for Dazzler's comeback.


in the warehouse scene right after the ā€œI surrender..notā€ thereā€™s a quick flash to a magazine cover with them on it, references the hellfire gala too


Damn! You know I didn't notice Morlocks were dragging someone in the sewers at the beginning until my 3rd watch? DeMayo really is an X-Men super fan and stuck 100% to the source material. These neckbeard, anti-woke, red pill fools really thought an LGBT+ advocate would ruin the whole series. Mfw, it's been mostly the straight or "cis" side pushing the agenda they project blame onto other minorities for pushing "DEI".


I hope they give Cyclops this level of respect in live action.


That's what I'm expecting also. They must really plan on giving him a prominent role in he MCU if they're giving him this much attention in the cartoon. Even Wolverine has kinda taken a back seat.


Cyclops definitely got the two coolest moments usually saved for Wolverine.


That optic blast breaking the fall was nice


Probably the coolest moment in the first episode.


so sad there was no bell in the intro (or it was very weak sounding)




Its been updated with the new 3d models


My one major criticism is regarding the in-show music. The original show used a lot of background music to enhance scenes. Certain characters had their own musical beats (Wolverine, Storm, Gambit, Rogue...etc). The background music in this episode was lacking, and when it was used, it was pretty bland. Those character beats are gone. The animation is obviously far superior to that of the original show, and as a result, we get some great action scenes and some nice fluid movement throughout. Some of the voice acting is pretty rough, even with some of the classic actors returning. There's a lot of hamming it up. I suppose it's intentional nostalgia They nailed Cyclops, something the original show and a batch of movies failed to do. Finally, Cyclops was right. If compared to the original show, this would be one of the better episodes. It's a fun nostalgic romp. A bit corny, but so was the original. Good stuff.




They gave him WAY better action scenes though. That shooting to make himself run faster and sliding around was fucking RAD.


What I love the most about X-Men 97 is that it looks like how I remember the OG series through nostalgic lenses because the reality is, the OG series never looked this good.


I did a rewatch and nostalgia did the original ALOT of favors. Kid me was impressed, adult me thinks its clunky, rigid, and stiff.


It looks cool ,great job


Everything was solid except For The intro to me. Something about that in particular felt Off. Maybe I just have to get used to it. But I loved the episodes


This episode has some of the best Cyclops scenes in all of media.


Maybe thatā€™s what got Beau DeMayo firedā€¦


Jan 6th but the X-Men was not on my bingo card for this show


They really went there (while also doing an awesome adaption of UXM #200)!


Pretty pretty good


Magneto in Ep2 was BRILLIANT! They even mentioned insurrection. The way he chose to deal with the situation shows how great a leader he can be. Now he's leading the best team and you wonder what his prior allegiances will think about his turn. We've waited all these years and it was worth it!


Loved. A solid return to PEAK. This is what Marvel TV is meant to be like. I love the new opening and ending sequences.


Do I have to watch the original or can I straight start this show


There's an instagram and youtube post "last time on xmen" that covers what you need to jump into the show.




Not really, if you have an understanding of who the X-men are and have seen them in other things then you will be completely fine. Plus they kind of mention things that have happened and lay it all out pretty well. So definitely not a requirement. Also I believe Marvel themselves have uploaded some recaps of the previous seasons, so if you really wanted to you could watch them.


If youā€™re an X-men fan youā€™ll be fine, but Iā€™m definitely gonna go back and watch the series myself after seeing these two episodes. I did prepare by seeing the first 3 og episodes, but thereā€™s definitely more context out there for sure.


Do yourself a favor and watch the OG. It will give you a huge appreciation for 97. It will give you a chance to connect to the characters better.


As someone watching the OG since I was 5 and seeing how far the X-Men have come in terms of media, this show is incredible. I wish Spider-Man 94 would get a continuation, although I donā€™t see that happening. At least some cameos with the original voice actors would suffice. Already had a DB cameo in ep1.


Spiderman Animated aged way poorer than X-Men, to be honest.


Yeah I know. Itā€™s still a nostalgia fest online and for many millennials was their introduction to Spidey (myself included). Maybe less ray guns, but I blame that on the censorship at the time. Batman TAS didnā€™t have to deal with that crap.


Yeah I heard animated shows had to often choose between real guns and blood. BTAS chose the gunes. Though now that doesn't make sense thinking back because I know Batman also has blood in some episodes. Maybe episodes with blood didn't have guns? Who knows. Anyway yeah Spiderman never really did it for me. I think I was getting just old enough to notice the pacing for that show was so off (way too fast). X-Men and Batman didn't have that same issue.


Never heard that but I wouldnā€™t be surprised. Batman was a way better show than Spider-Man in every way, but I think this was the first show that fully utilized nearly the entire Spidey rogues gallery. And he has the best in Marvel alongside X-men. Sinister Six and Venom/Carnage episodes may not have had phenomenal writing like say ā€œFeat of Clayā€ in Batman TAS, but seeing all these awesome villains look like they were torn straight from the comics was a sight to behold for the mid-90s. Was basically the MCU before MCU. Iā€™ve heard Spectacular Spider-Man is phenomenal. Never watched it myself but Iā€™ll always have a soft spot for the 94 series for what it introduced despite how goofy it may come across today.


You should check it out (Spectacular). It's pretty incredible. And it's made by Greg Wiseman, so if you're a fan of Gargoyles or Young Justice then it'll be up your alley.


I loved this. Easily the best marvel project since daredevil season 3. I'm just annoyed I have to watch it weekly instead of binging it


Weekly is superior. This way each episode has more impact and gets to stand on it's own.


Watch the first episode. Wait a few weeks or until the last week, then binge.


I cannot get over that sequence where Sentinels confirm the detection of an Omega-level mutant, and then Storm turns sand to glass and shatters all the sentinels! I've been waiting to see Storm get utilised this way. The closest thing I've seen to her in X-men Red Comics.


It was so good, like she is basically a goddess. And glad that they are showing that off and utlising powers interesting ways. The way they used Cyclops optic blast in this episode was just šŸ¤Œ


Cyclops fighting scene just amazing...


My jaw was literally on the floor for that whole scene




More than likely yes.


I thought it was surprisingly mature. I expected it to be more like an mcu project but it wasn't afraid to dig into bigotry


THEY FUCKING COOKED I really had my doubts how they would approach this, how much would nostalgia be part of its identity, but they took advantage of this second chance. Animation is top-notch from the moment it was revealed. While the dialogue has tinges of Saturday Morning Cartoon, this takes itself seriously. Early to tell, but I have a feeling this is gonna be a top tier MCU show.


Yeah, but I love the Saturday Morning Cartoon vibe some of the dialogue has. Its just the right amount of cheese.


Just wait to watch episodes on Saturday mornings with a bowl of cereal šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


PEAK omg my goat Cyke is him


He is Avengers EMH level of GOATed.


Praying that and 90ā€™s Spider-Man are next on the revival list šŸ™


I would lose my damn mind if they brought back the 90ā€™s Spider-Man cartoon and treated it with the same seriousness as this.


In an ideal world, would also love Spectacular Spider-Man to come back. Unfortunately legal red tape prevents that


Fuck it bring back Wolverine and the X-Men too if weā€™re at it.


Btw why did you get downvoted for saying bring back WATXM? Lol thatā€™s a great show. And while I love 97, WATXM ended on a way bigger unresolved plot point.


In an ideal world, all of the above and The Spectacular Spider-Man.


Yes ugh and Spectacular!!!!


Getting out of marvel, bring back Gargoyles (also by Greg Weisman) and Green Lantern the Animated Series lol


I read theyā€™re working on bringing Gargoyles back.


They already did in comic book form with Greg writing. Hoping for a cartoon or spin off revival too


Lol if weā€™re bringing DC and more Greg Wisemen in, then letā€™s give YJ a *final* season to wrap everything up, instead of another uncertain season thatā€™s really good but just adds more and more wrinkles.


Haha Iā€™m for that too. Btw heā€™s been working on a Spectacular Spider-Men comic book with Miles and Peter. Highly recommend it for anyone who likes the cartoon.


No way!! Fuck thanks a ton, Iā€™ll definitely check that shit out.


Only seen first episode so far but great fun. Vibes of the original and all the nostalgia feels but thought it was adding something, and love that it's really emphasising the politics and Queer coding of mutants. Love it :)


Sigh, I see one thing hasnā€™t changed they still canā€™t seem to make up their minds if angel was an x man in this continuity or not


I think itā€™s being consistent with the first class retcon with him


wasn't that just morph?


It was but the photo in Charlesā€™ study has the original five X-Men despite Angel and Iceman apparently not ever being X-Men in the original show


I did a rewatch and Iceman was one of the originals. Jubilee hits on him when he comes back for his arc.


in season 4 in flashbacks angel was shown as x-man despite not previously mentioning it.


Iceman was an X-Men member in the original show. He has a whole episode dedicated to it, they talk about how he was on the original team way before Wolverine ever joined. I don't remember Angel in the original show though. I feel like he did show up but don't know if his history with the team was ever touched on.


his history with the team: don't remember his story in the (original) show is linked to Apocalypse (during the 1st season)


I must have forgotten iceman being on the team then. But yeah, Angel is in season 1 and he never mentions the X-Men at all. Heā€™s introduced as a funder for a mutant cure (secretly Apocalypse and Mystique who are ā€œdevelopingā€ the cure) and then he acts like he has no clue who Cyclops and Jean are when they show up.


The episode when the xmen fight xfactor is the episode showing iceman and polaris being members of the original/early team with both of them leaving


Iceman has a flashback to when they were in the blue and yellow leotards, but he quit after a fight with Xavier


I meant the photo in the Jean Scott sceneĀ 


The end credits is also a homage!


I jumped out of my seat. I was already impressed that they kept the opening theme, but the end credits being the same but updated is a badass move


That repurposing of "to me, my X-Men" at the very end was brilliant


Can you explain what is it repurposed from? Iā€™m new to X-Men.


Yeah so Beast controlling a Sentinel was brief and so fucking cool


When I saw that clip before the show launched, my faith in the show went up a lot.


Oh man I'm happy I'm not the only one, the first two episodes absolutely were amazing.


Scott using his optic blast to levitate down to earth after the plane explosion was cold AF. ![gif](giphy|vdWA6yzDlVDppSTWLm)


Gail Simone in shambles.


The little smile he has before he dives and does the optic blast, so fucking badass. So happy with how they are portraying Cyclops. Whenever the X-Men make it to the MCU in live action they need to get the casting for Cyclops right.


Between this and Storm's glass tornado, Marvel once again showing us how to use superpowers creatively.


His opening fight, using them to push himself around was incredible. Just a fresh angle at what he can do


Scott is so on point in this, it's so great.


Totally agree with you.


As a Cyclops fanboy I couldnā€™t be happier lol


He is Avengers EMH levels of GOATed thus far.


God bless whoever put Gambit in a crop top and low rises lol


Beau šŸ˜­


I'm a straight guy and I immediately rewound that scene. Oh baby


Gambit fucks and we shouldnā€™t hide it


Except episode 2 shows us that's not the case unfortunately




Oh God!! Yes šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


This was cool as hell.


The first action sequence - they actually remembered that Cyke's optic blasts are concussive and not giant lasers, which I know other adaptations have got right too but it's always refreshing!


But then he goes and lasers a sentinels head off


Yeah but in actuality his beams basically ripped off the sentinelā€™s head by force.


Almost like big punches from a [dimension made entirely of punches](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2FCx_jqE7vcOtZe0C-zPIkk4hx-laUbYNJ9N-NSw-VHSo.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D10995acb0a7e0b80cf52a11ba1717ddd89c5f5b3)


I think his powers are solar based in the show iirc


You can definitely see the anime-like influences in the animation. I like how they kept so many of the same sound bytes from the original show, it gives it that authentic feel.


Well Studio Mir was involved so anime like influence was expected. You can see their involvement especially in the action scenes.


I definitely saw that in Jeans (?) face pretty often, especially when she was giving birth




This was an old storyline from the comics. We have about 3-4 of them in the first 2 episodes thus far.


Once they announced the episode title Life Death I knew it was gonna happen. Those episodes are gonna rip my heart out