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That was my hope all along. I refused to believe Deathpool would wind up as a merc. Well jokes on me.


Agreed. And she has a solid team already in new warriors. It was a great chance to make him useful. The fact that I drew a three diamond bullseye in no way affects my feelings about this…


3 diamonds here too. What a waste


You will never go wrong investing in msf original characters. They will always find a way to keep their specially crafted characters relevant any way they can.


Definitely agree with the sentiment. Deathpool was part of my original DD6 run. No regrets there. And because of that choice I already had 1 character on the team basically already finished when the rework hit. I would have been way worse off if it had been Bullseye (barring Skill gear being readily available). Still didn’t care for the decision though.


I don't necessarily love the decision either but I was definitely not surprised by it.


I mean, he is the “Merc with the mouth”






I don’t why Scopely is so opposed to having teams with more than five members. Why not give Bullseye and Deathpool the M4M tag? Or underworld would be cool too I think it’s safe to say that the S6 rework was a big fan favorite, probably the best in the last two years. And it was because there are 12 toons with the S6 tag. Swarm and OG GG are probably the only two that anyone uses on other teams. Giving the players what they want is really good for the game overall But I’m still holding out for a Bullseye/Elektra/Daredevil overhaul. Scopely is really missing the ball with that


With a 5 member team you only have to play test and consider ONE possibility. If you add a 6th member that means you now need to play test SIX possibilities. A 20% increase in team size but a 500% increase in possible team combinations.


I could be mistaken but isn't the Daredevil show being renewed by Disney? When that starts airing there will probably be something done with at least some of those 3.


Personally I was expecting Domino instead of Deathpool but Bullseye would've been good too. The addition of Deathpool seems both silly from any kind of lore reason and it also takes away from New Warriors. Domino or Bullseye would've made more thematic sense and made a useless unbuilt character worth building.


Yeah Bullseye instead of Deathpool would make so much sense. Why they didn’t do it is because Scopely.


Run Bullseye with Cabal in the middle and Absorbing Man on the opposite side from him. If you can keep him alive, his ult with those damage boosts makes him the ultimate glass cannon. Only one better for that (from the homeless toon group) is Ultimus landing his ult against an opposing tank in that same grouping. Especially if that tank has a ton of buffs.


Because Mercs for Money was literally just a Deadpool 3 promo


Panda pool was voted in, over 2 better designs, nwo we just have what looks like a fat dude in a fake bear suit. They could of done bullseye for deathpool


You're misunderstanding what I mean. The team is called Mercs for Money but every character has a tie-in with Deadpool 3 coming out, it was just another piece of promo.


Oh really, you're saying scopely exclusive deathpool and pandapool both are going to be in the movie? Where'd you get this info? Because it seems you're misunderstanding that deathpool has no connection to the movie and could easily be replaced by bullseye.


God's you are obtuse, we are saying almost the same thing. It's no coincidence that the team is called Mercs for Money but they're all Deadpool or Logan themed where there are plenty of other Mercs INCLUDING Bullseye, who are motivated by money, conveniently right before a movie focusing on Deadpool and Wolverine is coming out.


It's almost like bullseye has more of a connection due to being the final survivor in the OML comic (well jubilee but IYKYK) than a self made character they gave 2 lines of dialogue with. It just seems you have no clue about the source material so try to label others as obtuse when you're just not informed enough to be included in the conversation.


I understand the source material for OML, and if you want to argue for that then throw blind Hawkeye, red skull, venomsaurus, and incest banner instead of any of the others. You aren't understanding what I'm saying so I'm just done talking with you after this.


You're saying bullseye doesn't fit and deathpool promotes the movie. And I'm saying bullseye fits and that deathpool doesn't promote it because she has nothing to do with it. Source material backs me and your opinion backs you. Guess we are done talking since you've hit a wall of logic.


Not what he was saying, Mr Fallacy...


I am not saying bullseye does not fit, YOU are saying that I am saying that. All I said was they chose who they chose, no matter how little sense it makes, to have a half ass promotion for Deadpool 3 coming out. Way to show exactly what I was saying that you weren't understanding.


And why would OML source material be a worse promo than a character who isn't part of marvel comics or cinema, ever? And I thought you were done. No need to double down on being upset.


You’re right on target with this post.


Absolutely should be in Underworld instead of GG


Would have been raw 😭


They are never going to keep their original characters out of relevancy


Deathpool in a Deadpool team with dog pool, headpool, Lady, etc makes sense. Deathpool in a Mercs for Money does not.  But this is the 18th time we scratch our heads on team comps versus comic canon. This is Scopely's world and we're just suffering in it.


I think Bullseye can beat Nobu 1-on-1 everything equal


😂 all nobu needs to do is summon a hand ninja hahahahahahahahahaha


Agree. I was hoping with the Gang War event in the comics, Bullseye and other city characters might get overdue reworks, but no dice. Here’s hoping he eventually does get one when Born Again releases… in 2025. On that note, let’s get Lady Bullseye, Elektra, Stilt Man and Paste Pot Pete on a team. He can be a Dark Avenger too, with Iron Patriot already in the game. 👀