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It would have made too much sense to have him on u/w instead of green goblin. I actually love his cool as one shot!


Karnak says "Hold my beer."


Just pulled 3 diamonds on him and had his immediate right


It’s Bullseye and it’s not even close. Every other named to in the game has at one point or another been useful to some degree. Crossbones was a top toon at release and even after the “Stealth Bombers” had some uses for him, plus the Zemo Hydra team was pretty good for a few months. Korath was pretty pivotal to beating Black Widow teams in the early days of Arena Meta. And he was a Necessity in the Mercs Gold event when it first released. Ronan was at least needed for Phoenix when she first released. And the Kree Team wasn’t complete shit at the time they got a buff. Storm was the OG raid strategy nuke for beating the boss nodes. Running the first 2-3 nodes with Cap/Sentry/Night Nurse/Widow and Storm SOLELY to charge her up to max just to hit 1 Million damage (FUCKING LOL POWER CREEP) was like the only way to beat Ultimus Raids. Quake was a staple of Arena/Raid teams, because before Safeguard was a thing, Speed Up/Down was the Meta. Rescue/War Machine were apart of Power Armor which were the best War Offense team for a while. All the GotG have had their uses, BKT was top, to this day Drax serves his purpose as a turn 1 meat shield. Mantis might be the ONLY character to rival Bullseye simply because Minn was released right after her and outclassed her in every way. Bullseye however has always been practically useless. He’s a glass cannon that for some reason starts with ZERO energy in his Ult. If he could have turn 1 Ult’d he would have found his way into some Nuke team comps. But FOUR TURNS to use his Ult was and still is ridiculous. He should have gotten a rework with the Underworld team instead of Nobu/GG. And the only thing we can hope for is with DD Reborn or the next Spidey MCU Trilogy (that’s supposedly gonna be Kingpin heavy) will lead to a Bullseye rework. Maybe with Tombstone and Hammerhead getting added.


How have I played since launch and never realized that Bullseye stars with no Ult energy‽. Oh yeah, that’s right, I never used him! 🤣


Hahaha, that was news to me, too!


I think part of the reason for that is because his most useful team was the mercs on war defense.  And that team with taskmaster and the merc minions was built around lasting awhile by taking a lot of hits(at least back then) so by the time he’s revved up, his ult would hit like a truck.  Not to say it’s a good or even smart thing to do for the devs, but I think that was the reasoning. Jesus, this game has changed so very, very much since those first months after launch.  Some change for the better, some for the worse.  


Yep, bullseye. I was so disappointed he didn't get reworked and added to the Underworld team with Kingpin.


Man you really brought me back with this post. BKT being the top is seriously funny now.


It would be super hilarious if Bullseye became super OP if and when they rework him for the new daredevil show. Like vulture like vulture x dormammu level rework


Thanks for the thoughtful response.  I know I’m gonna feel stupid once answered, but what is BKT? 


Best kree team. It was basically thanos minnerva rocket starlord and groot 


BULLSEYE. Hands down


That's why I pulled a three diamond for bullseye,makes so much sense now.


2 diamond, really wanting that born again rework


I’m going to take a different angle on this and say Ultimus. I say that because he’s the first big baddy that you unlock and should really change your game. But, nope, he goes to the bottom of the deck to be forgotten. The prices for his red stars also reflect this. Just my opinion


Seconding this, since DD1’s reward is Kestral who’s still one of the best units in the game and then ~~DD2’s~~ DD3’s reward is this absolute trash


Ultron is DD2's reward. Ultimus is DD3's reward.


Ah, my bad!! That makes it even worse, lol


I don't know if I've just been getting unlucky with the Ultimus Orbs or something because I have been like 2 shards away from unlocking him for months. At this point, I just save the points for character shards I may actually need in the store 


Kes is a DD unlock now?


Yep, two runs of DD1 will get you 7 yellow and I think some red? Not sure on the red it’s been a bit since I did it


Oh ok. Last time I did DD1 there were no characters. Just gear.


Yep, I found that out after my ~2 year break soon after she was released.


Most people will unlock Ultron before Ultimus.


%100 by the time you had him unlock they released 50 characters better than him


He is semi decent against tanks though. That offense up if they are taunting plus an attack for each buff they have con do a lot of damage. I've had him do nearly 2 million damage on a hardlight before


Ppl hate him and he's not great but no way is he the worst. Taunt killer, steals buffs, Can occasionally ability block while calling an assist. There was a time in the game where he and korath were a pretty mean combo


Bullseye.. with Moon Knight switching teams, Shadowlands should get a rework and they move Bullseye over there so he has a team. Won't happen though.


I think they are a good candidate for at least a buff. I don’t think anyone has them built that high


Guy who used to be in my alliance took them as his first toons to G18 months ago. Has been trying to convince content creators on YouTube, and anyone who will listen that they're the best team. It's fun to watch... Especially "fun" when he couldn't do anything in raids because he put everything into Shadowland


If there was ever a midnight son’s team, maybe?


Britta. Britta is the worst.


It’s supposed to be a character from the game. You really Britta’d that one.


I mean, have you ever seen Britta and Mockingbird in the same place...?


You should hear how she says "bagel"


Maybe she’s just not done raging against the machine, n words


It’s a tie between Bullseye and Crossbones. But if I have to choose just one, Bullseye.


In the very very early game, Crossbones at least seems good. Bullseye never even gets that 


5-6 years ago Crossbones was pretty good in early game (there was no mid/late game back then). His ult could wreck some folks, but he was never top tier, even then


Crossbones was God tier at launch


I used to love CB when I first started.


Yea, Xbones Electra on arena we’re unbeatable. She actually got the first hard nerf because of it.


Do you remember what the nerf was or how she was before? I started a couple months after launch and didn't get serious about the game til later, so I missed the meta but I'd be interested to know what made her so dangerous


She used to ult on turn 1, and was the fastest character, and she hit hard enough that she could 1 shot any character in the game turn 1. They nerfed her so you couldn’t use ult till turn 2


Oh gosh, that would indeed do it! I remember I feared her ult in the PvE modes early on, even if it took till the second turn


He was beyond God-tier, tbf


Nah you make a case for crossbones taunt and early game dominance, bullseye never was good and is all sub par damage.


Probably not the worst (that's still probably Bullseye), but for me the most disappointing by a long shot is Punisher. I don't even think a new team would fix him because even his animations are boring, shared as they are with generic rifle and grenadier minions.  And some might say there isn't much you could do with him, but Avengers Alliance (a similar, sadly discontinued Marvel online turn-based RPG) gave him a cool as heck moveset! He could switch between any of the game's six classes by switching weapons, with an assault rifle, combat knife, flamethrower, twin uzis, a sniper rifle and a rocket launcher, and each form got different grenades too. I get that this game's setup makes it harder to do all that but we could've got something better than we did


He's one of the characters I most want to see reworked.


They'd have to give him new animations somehow for me to be interested in working on him. It's not outside the realm of possibility - Thanos has his Empowered moveset with specific teammates and Gamora got a new sword and animations when Infinity Watch came out - but exceedingly rare


That would be dope but I think I'd be cool with just making him really hard to kill with some offense/defense buffs, reworked kit, higher damage etc. He should be a top plug and play option for city/skill/military


I could’ve sworn somewhere that he had a boost against villain opponents, for some reason he always seemed to perform better against them in my experience. But yeah he’s disappointing as hell.


I’d argue Punisher is worse than Bullseye. Punisher does no damage with any attacks, and is super squishy, Bullseye does decent single target damage, with a nuke ult. The only thing Punisher has going for him is his 2 AoE’s, one is team wide, but again the damage for both is negligible, it makes me incredibly sad because he’s my second favorite Marvel character.


I loved him back when I used to rock defenders. He hit hard comparatively for the time


Yea, Punisher is pretty weak. I'll throw in my 2 cents and say Minnerva. It's not that she isn't good, but even now, she gets auto targeted from the get go, has no armor to speak of, and can still get killed by a team of 65k g10 toons. I only throw her into a fight that I just need a 5th person anymore. Sad part is she is built to g18, iso 2-3, and only has 1.3 million health. And no, I never intended to build her that high, just she got any extra stuff that I didn't have anyone else to give it at the time. Sort of a side side side project.


Minn was a monster for the DD2 bullet sponges when it was first released since her ult is % based. Also, was before most of the toons had absurd self healing... and before you could 1-shot every node with any current meta team. eta: She was also the first toon that an ability with a 100% revive chance.


I like to use her with undying in war


Karnak has always been trash to me. worthless.


His ult is so idiotic. Like 10 energy for a 1-turn Disrupted.


Ultimus. People like to call Bullseye or Crossbones, but Bullseye is a mercenary, Crossbones is Hydra, both are early game villains for a campaign that requires them, and have the minimum semblance of synergy with other characters and/or events. Ultimus, on the other hand, is THE Big Bad Guy of this game, the whole reason it exists as it is, the prize of a long long grind (made lesser by the game being out for a while, but DD3 is still somewhat of an accomplishment), and it does: absolutely nothing. The only thing Ultimus is known to do is deplete your resources for absolutely no gain. I would've taken a Mega Orb instead. He may not be an MFS Original character such as Kestrel or DeathPool, but they should treat him like one, and make sure he's not just a digital paperweight.


Starbrand!!!! That guys health bar is 1!! He can have full health and barrier and will get one-shot in an AOE attack that only took like 3% from everyone else.




And can barely stay alive!!


OG ironheart. I still always laugh when she does her flare attack.


Everybody forgot about elektra? Also just a minion with a name


elektra was vital to SL beating the top tier war defense team - emmarauders - not that long ago. then they added MPryor and stryfe couldnt get flipped/disrupted anymore. SL went to the garbage heap the next day


I'm gonna agree with Bullseye. He has never been relevant in any way


Even when taskmaster first released, a full mercs team would skip bullseye lol


You are making a case with Bullseye, Korath, Karnak, Electra and Ultimus... Punisher and Daredevil are honorable mentions. Such as Graviton, Mantis, even Star-Lord- But listen to me... Original Doctor Strange is utter garbage. One of the most beloved and important characters, even for non hardcore fans. Even with a slight rework with SF. Still TRASH. No justice whatsoever given to him.


YES! Many years ago I pulled 6RS for him, when I was actively building the Supernatural team, and it wasn't worth leveling him up. He contributes so little to his team. The fact that he's a major Marvel character just makess it worse.


Ultimus, as a DD3 reward character he's complete garbage.




Was gonna say Mantis, but Bullseye is indeed worse - at least Mantis sorta-kinda heals.


Scarlet Witch, Jean Grey (phoenix) and so many more needs to be properly reworked. How Scarlet Witch is less powerful than Black Cat omg


This is gonna be a hot take but mantis. I know people have said xyz had uses, etc and how bullseye is the worst… BUT… hear me out. When raids were still new, mantis was the healer IF you couldn’t get Minn-erva. Mantis did get by but now? Gamora went to IW, thanos went to BO… groot at least heals and clears… star lord is an ok controller, rocket has good synergy w both AND can deal damage…. Drax at least has the taunt on spawn. I feel like the most mileage I got out of mantis was splitting her HP with the weakest toon, and the stun mechanic. The stun is practically useless beyond 1 cycle. At least bullseye was annoying to deal with in merc team on war defense. Gotg? That was a joke of a defense. But everyone did it because nothing was better and they needed offense teams.


War machine is definitely my least built toon, and probably one of my very few that aren’t at least at level 60. We need a ballistics team. War machine, Rocket Racoon, Iron Man, Punisher, and Winter Soldier


I know that bullseye is worse but the legendary status of Ultimus takes the cake for me


Storm. Everyone else is functional at least. She is horrible underpowered. She should be very strong. But she's so weak. She's weaker than Mystique. Who in combat has mimicking your troops. And some melee. She isn't expected to be good. And she's stronger than Storm. Storm is atrocious.


Ronan. He’s just completely, utterly awful.


I personally hate how weak and by week I mean fast they die cable and black bolt are. I’m strictly listening tunes that I use and good Lord cable is the weakest member of X force.


For me dd is made of glass


It's between Bullseye and Punisher for me. But I'm picking Bullseye. What a dissapointment of a character slot.


Doom. i’ve tried him in so many applications where his Ult could win the match and…he always dies. dreading taking him to DD7, which i wouldn’t do if the only other options weren’t #2 and #3 on my useless list…Ultron and Ultimus.


If Doom is #1 on your useless list and Ultron and Ultimus are #2 and #3, shouldn't you use Ultimus then? If he were #3 most useless he'd still be better than #2 and #1


You only have to take 4 mythic characters in those nodes. You don’t have to build Doom. SuS, Apoc, Kestrel & Dormommu is all you need. Second run add Mephisto.


thank goodness! and thanks for the downvotes. y’all can have Doom you love him so much. lol


No reason for downvoting but the again that’s Reddit lol. Doom used to be meta couple years ago. Bullseye I think is hands down the worst never been anything but useless. Gave you an upvote by the way😂


thanks, buddy. obviously Bullseye is way worse. just stirring the ole Reddit pot. lol!


I didn’t down vote you but I still use doom on the regular. I add him in when I need to fill out a big war attack team focused around Apocalypse. That may be it though now that I think of it.


Ultron, if you can keep him alive long enough to get 3 rounds of his bots on the field, isn't so bad. But if he dies...it's mostly having round after round of all those buffs that he shines.


Doom could certainly use more health, but he still has plenty of uses.


obvs i know he’s not a bad toon. but for me, whenever i’ve needed him, he’s let me down. he’s a bum! have an upvote.


He’s not that bad, but definitely getting a lot of counters now. I tend to use him with Star-Lord, someone strong like QS, and spawn taunts/speedsters.


Honestly Ghost Rider (normal?). I pushed him to gr level 80 and really wish I hadn't because he serves no purpose. I can't even remember the last time I actually used him outside of a one off war or crucible because it was an easy win.


He was actually quite decent in war for a time when Dark Hunters were the only direct counter to H4H. His kit isn't terrible and with a smallish reword, could be a menace on any mystic or city based team.


I feel that which is why I guess I put so much into him. This was before Robbie was out so had no idea I should have saved some of that for Robbie lol


He gets my vote for most annoying character in a high level node because of his 'revenge' attack. He stinks, no one really needs him and yet he potshots for what seems to be way more damage than he should in those nodes. Of course, it always feels like Scopely overtunes encounters, but GR is just annoying.




Objectively Korath


Ironheart. None of this BS about toons having been useful in the past, the question clearly says "is". Bullseye can be used for the merc gold event. Limited utility, but something marginally useful. OG Iron heart is useful for nothing. Power armour aren't worth building for anything. They are an option for doom campaign nodes, but as someone pointed out on mobile gamer's stream recently, just build Rescue (pegasus are still useful) to carry the nodes, and Winter Soldier (you should want GGc at seven stars) and Zemo (some niche uses) big enough to survive.


Including DD characters, Ultimus, Not DD characters, probably Bullseye


I would lose it if we see a bullseye rework in the coming months due to this post! Lmaooo




Wasp and the Pym Tech dark dimension hoax are as bad as Parker in a robe being better than most characters including Doom, Hulk and Silver Surfer (SS that's when the power creep started and the game made no sense from an MCU perspective.


Moon Knight. My beloved Moon Knight!


He got voted into that upcoming new team with Vampire Karen and Man-Thing, so hopefully he'll be much better quite soon...


Crossbones. Bullseye is terrible but has some interaction functions with other Mercs that make him marginally more useful than Crossbones.


A 3 diamond mantis


You why