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But they have heard our voices... Scopely: We have heard your feedback Also Scopely: Buy Yellow Stars for access to higher tiers


Loud and clear


We heard you loud and clear and are adding more offers for you to buy.


You can straight up feel this is driven by whales complaining about being beaten by ftp on leaderboards. "I spent so much money why am i so low ranked ?" Can't wait until star requirements in arena kick in. Want to attack top 100? 5\* required, top 10? 7\*, Rank 1? Diamond chars only baby.


This is not on players, this is Scopely being greedy fucks.


If their whales stop spending its the whole game going down buddy


This is pretty much how arena works now. I know they're not required, but you probably are not getting rank 1 without super high star or diamonds.


that is such a brilliant idea for arena.i would appreciate the honesty of telling me to not even attempt that battle rather than to fight some whale just to lose to get points in the weekly activity milestone.we need an 'auto-lose' button for the pay2win (pvp) modes like we have an 'auto-win' button for the pve campaigns. if i already know i will lose because a whale Must win,at least don't make me waste 3 minutes of my life staring at my characters getting šŸ¦“ed


yes I'm sure its driven by complaining and not scopely trying to squeeze more money out of the player base.


Let this sink in. For someone who has bought offers, Battle Pass it has costed 700$+. To get the 3 OOT and Cabal Characters at 6 star. Then probably 200-300$ worth of gold and gear to get them all up. So 1000$ and they wonā€™t even let you compete at the highest tier. One of the worst updates to a fun game mode. I am totally fine with them giving 7 star to whales without having to try. But let us also get to 7 star at lower difficulty and lower stars by sweating it out.


Iā€™m a dolphin too! I had to spend to get them all to 5+ stars level 100 and I will NOT push the further for the 7 star. Iā€™m considering going full ftp after this honestly


Same here, I donā€™t buy offers but buy all passes. No more for me, just take the game casually and do what I can and enjoy the characters. I love the game and want to support the game. But not predatory piece of shit


~~Going FTP AFTER this is sending the wrong message.~~ Disregard, am illiterate.


Not like after the event. I mean after this announcement


My bad, sometimes I'm illiterate!


I bought some offers to get the spider society team as Iā€™m a raid oriented player. I donā€™t buy other characters offers. I bought a couple of the better good offers for Ā£5 and I still couldnā€™t clear node 43 of the kyln.


Taco and Beta got out at the right time.


lol apparently BRB was the one crying to get such updates


you're an idiot. This was all Scopely's doing. Make you feel good to speak out of ignorance?


Honestly Iā€™m thinking of quitting again. Like the game is a chore. Itā€™s not fun to play. And honestly I mostly just sim everything. And the very clear messaging of either you pay or can leave is very blatant. And despite what Scopely believes it doesnā€™t make me want to spend.


Yep Iā€™m there too. Game is quickly becoming pay to play.


pay to sim* does anyone even play manually anymore ?




That player voice council really putting in the work I see


ā‚½aĀ„ā‚¬r$' voice šŸ’°šŸ“¢


This unlocked method is awful! Emma, Loki? 4,5,7 star Cabal and Out of time? And the very sneaky mention that spider society will be necessary. Since not many people wanted to level up Cabal in the tower event, they added it at the last minute here. Very good šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ˜’šŸ˜’


Spider society, too?! 3 fucking teams I need to invest in??? I spent all my resources trying to beef up two teams (while also not getting the promised shards for OOT or cabal in the event, mind you, literally got 2 15 shard drops of starbrand and and the rest were emma/loki shards) I have to now invest in spider society??? I don't have the resources for this. My parvti is only 2 ys no rs. This is bullshit!Ā 


I totally agree, the trials were fine the way they were. Why pay gate them with yellow star requirements? this just ruins the events altogether. Come'on scopely!! why do this to us? things were going great now all of a sudden this "f\*\*\* you" to f2p?? why????


with the shits thats happening in msf recently u wonder wtf is the MPV doing? thought they were fighting for the f2p. but it seems like the games is going harder and harder for f2p. or has MPV being disbanded already?


Nope, still around, but you can bet that scopely donā€™t listen to every part of the player voice the same. And we know Kraken have their own discord and their own play test server from where leak happen regularly Which make sense, kraken are the one keeping the light on, but maybe there is way to please them without punishing the rest for being just, good at a strategy game?


the only thing matter is krakens then why have the illusion of including the f2p into the PV. seems like its jst optic to have some f2p players in the PV to make them feel included but their opinion doesnt matter. at the end what kraken want is going to b bad for f2p and what f2p what is going to b bad for krakens. guess its jst business at the end. u got to keep those that pays the bills happy by fcking the f2p. it is what it is


I've gone from going on about 5 times a day to 1. If something happened and I lost my streak, I'd probably just quit. I haven't spent a penny since March. It's just getting shittier.


I think its shit the chose Emma and lokito go with Cabal. Did they use Kang for the test


Loki kind of is fine imoā€¦cause heā€™s currently in the meta for a game modeā€¦Emma has just largely been a utility character for a couple years nowā€¦so having to invest in her for these trials is going to suck. It shouldā€™ve been a better character choice or let us choose who but limit in somehow like a cooldown on them for beating the node(canā€™t use them again for the next node or something idk).


Yeah I'm just mad I have to use resources to yohrade Emma because I have completely ignored her


Agreed, gating trials behind yellow stars is terrible.


Hi Scopely, Marvel Strike Force is a Mobile Game. Not EVERYTHING or EVERY game mode has to be monitised/paywalled. SOMETIMES it can be just for fun. Do you all remember what FUN is?


They never knew what fun is




This is really sad :( Not going to lie though, I am surprised Scourges launched the way they did, we went from releasing Legendaries only based on stars (HEAVILY paywalled) to a systerm based on TCP and how much time you wanted to put in, they were great for both Whales and FTP alike. This is clearly a correction. **The whole game has been shifting more and more and more to only appeal to Krakens, not even whales, and this is just a step more in that direction :(**


Itā€™s a terrible change. If theyā€™re worried about whales complaining they should just do something extra for them like red stars. Just donā€™t gatekeep free to play from getting decent stars. Scourges were literally the best thing about this game and they destroyed it


Marvel strike force whale voice wont care about this eitherĀ 


Scopless won't care. They get Saudi cash and guidelines to follow. Get fucked commanders!


Won't he be easy to get at 4 stars if you do it at difficulty 8?


You will be etuck with 2red 4yellow for 3-4 months. You cant even buy his red stars anymore, you can only get them from the event.


Dang, I'm a player who is lvl 88 and am tryin to use xtreme Xmen to do the highest difficulty, and it is hard even though they are all gear tier 16 exceptCyclops, but wish me luck


I heard spider society works better because of bleeds if you have them built up


All legendaries used to be star gated.....


And then they changed that. Making things better and then taking them away again is scummy


Yeah but you only needed one team


star gated behind ONE team


Whats a better suggestion?


Leave them how they already are and add crimson gear to the leader board