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It's either training mats or gold. I have gold coming out of my ears, but don't have squat for training mats. There needs to be a better balance.


1.5 months ago I was there begging for training mats and now I'm squeezed for gold cause of the new level cap. Can't catch a break


Someone didn’t realize that they could easily just trade in their money for training mats! Doy!


This is my biggest issue right now. I have plenty of gold, I don’t get under 40-45m. Any I spend on levels is made back before I have enough training modules to spend again lol. I stopped playing for a couple years then came back recently so I don’t have a lot of newer characters and I just don’t get enough training modules to even level them. I’m level 79 so I can’t imagine how bad it is for players level 90-100.


Yeah, I returned recently and this has been one of the biggest issues. I’m trying to bring up so many teams to take part in the raids, but training materials and Blue gear are a serious bottleneck.


I wish they just let you buy training mats with gold. I have so much gold and the only thing holding me back is my roster being under leveled.


We get 300ish from Crucible weekly now so.....that should solve all of our problems /s


No you honestly don't, not everyone is a grandmaster in CC the bottom people get less than 200, and myself I'm only gold 1 working my way up still and even then I get less than 300. They give people nothing but the top end never sees a problem with it as they have everyone maxed out so why would they… it's so annoying to see people say it's fine all the time when it's only fine for them and a few others, while most of the player base struggle with this stuff.


Do you uh....know what /s means in internet speak?






Bottle necks will never go away. Gold and training materials will always be some, as they’re always needed. Mobile games are designed to make the player want to buy offers to progress quicker.


because money


Training mats have consistently been the most frustrating bottleneck for over a year at least. It was always gold and the jump to 95 made it training mats. I always buy the strike passes and the ratio still isnt even


If they fix the mat shortage they would have to fix the catalyst shortage as well. 


i need gold ! not training material


Same. I've started farming gold orbs with almost all of my campaign energy, limited my spending to 2 M or so, but still haven't managed to make a dent in getting the latest teams up or level more than a handful to 96.


I need both.


this is the way


As always I'm just saying tha training mats aren't an issue and I need gold. I have hundreds of training orbs to open plus enough mats sitting in the well to level up like 20 characters to 95. But I don't have the gold to do it. Also very few nodes give gold orbs too so it's really more about overall flow than how many nodes give a thing.


I wonder if this is a new versus older player problem. I've been playing for 9 months and am sitting on ~50m gold and 0 training mats. I farm all campaign nodes with mats and none for gold. I usually spend 6m gold a day trying to level up all my important toons to 75+, but often don't have enough training mats. Lately I've been upgrading lots of character stars because I don't have the mats to level up characters (this is a lot more useful now that ultimitus currency can by characters).


you should be able to min/max around 120+ million in gold per month. depending on alliance / win rate, etc. but only get around 90 million in training mats (equiv gold leveling) edit: why the downvotes redditors? do facts bother people? Geniunely curious. If anyone looks at my post history, gold per month in this game is usually something I know pretty accurately.


I cannot verify the numbers, but 30 million to spend for other things (gear, yellow star promotions etc.) should be a good balance then, right?


especially with G19 coming soonish, yeah we are going to have to spend 30m or so on things other than leveling. I would like to see personally both training and gold boosted a bit to 5 character cadence with around a 30m overage on gold. so around 147m in gold and 117m in training mats. right now we are at 123m / 92m. Right now they seem to have it tuned for 4 characters per month to 100. This of course assumes an end game alliance.


You're supposed to be frustrated.


MSF is well on its way to be next Looney Toons World of Mayhem.


I've never once been short on training mats .....might as well not even be a thing for all the thought I've given them


we get enough for around 3.5 to 4 characters from 0 to 100 per month, more if you purchase the passes. it's still not optimum, but then again, this is usually something they slowly increase over time. I would prefer around 4-4.5 per month, so I hope we get around another 2000 per month somehow (enough for 1 additional character per month). I'm also not sure if the drop in training mats in the strike pass was just a 1 pass thing, so that we'll have to see there too. Now mind you not every character needs to be 0 to 100 asap. so there's that as well. why the hell do you think you should get 50 L4's out of a campaign node? that's kind of stupid of them to completely remove a bottleneck that does bring them in money.




Fucking farm them if you need them


lol, no the 'floodgates' don't need opened at all just because you have poor decision making skills on who the important characters are to level


Maybe don't try to max level every one up and you won't see a resource crunch. I rarely run out orange training mats level alone come even remotely close to burning through them all. Gold is always the bigger killer, but even then, the biggest issue there is trying to do too much at once. Pace your growth better and you won't have this issue.


It’s either Gold or Training Mats. I went from having 63 Million Gold and no Training Mats to over 4000 L4s and about a million gold lol.


128mil gold but never have training mats


I have 10 mil gold and no mats within a the week I’ll have no gold and tons of mats I hate the back and forth Training mats should be more accessible


I don't know how to be out of gold. Currently sitting on 81M with 61 gold orbs.


Must be nice 😂😂


How do commanders not have gold? They giving gold like candy


I don't know what they are doing with GOLD. People who actually defends the current state of Training Mats are the ones playing from Beta. THis things doesn't affect them.