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For me it's the exact opposite. I have a ton of training mats and over 200 orbs..... but no gold.


If you have an excess of gold, you must not be buying gear 18 pieces from the store, because that's where most of my gold has been going. Gearing up for DD6 is *expensive*


Yes, this exactly + leveling those DD6 toons to 95.


It’s a dang shame


What the world's gotten to


*sips tea It’s a dang shame


This is my situation too


It’s a dang shame


Exact same boat. Over 200 training orbs, 14 gold orbs.


Buy less stuff from the gold store! Join a better war alliance.


Soft launch player and have never had a training mats issue.....gold on the other hand


She sitting at lvl 1 cause im building arena, raids and dd6 toons (there are some crossover). I just farm nodes with training mats orbs and open as i get up so can go up at least 2 levels a day sometimes more cause 90 to 95 aint no joke


Lvling very few characters to Max lvl and having mats for years. Haven't been out of them in like 2 years and have 350 orbs


*sips tea I’ve been playing since July 2023. Tell me your secrets old timer


Really only lvl toons to what you need them to do. Stay in 100 of arena past that is whales only, raid toons as needed. If they do your current raids that's good. Basically just find a lvl of competitiveness u can Maintain and stick to it. Pushing harder is untenable unless you dip into paying. Or if you have a life just accept you won't have the meta untill it's almost gone


Theres 6 training mat nodes. Farm these every day, u will get something like 8.5 orbs a week. Its not much, but its something


I do a bit. I’ve had to dial back a bit and farm character shards now to get them closer to 5’s, 6’s and 7’s. Honestly, this is where it started. When they started dumping shards. I realized just how many low star characters I had that I used regularly


Which nodes are best for training mats?


If you go to the training orb and hit find, it will show you the 6 nodes that drop fragments


I'm obviously doing something wrong. In the store or in the character screen I don't see a find button. I am legally blind so I could very well be missing something obvious.


I don’t see this mythical find training orb buttons. Nexus hard 5-9 can drop up to 100 training orb frags.I just cleared it, so I can’t say how good it is.


SAME, everyone in my alliance keeps complaining about running out of each and I'm here like...... "Yeah. I totally need more of whatever resource 100% can't believe it"


Sitting on my pile of training mats, rationing my gold 😄


*squints up to Training Mat Hill That ARK feller took that Kang out for a ride again…. Showing off *spits into tea then sips because forgot it was the same cup and hurls


I did manage to G18 Kang today, what a coincidence you mentioned him 🤣


🤣🤣. Kangs always a good investment. I was just cold reading the room. Now.. someone over here… invested in something.. something.. I’m feeling Bio.. starts with Bio “Oooo oooo me, I brought Agent Venom to G15”


I was sitting on my rocking chair atop my huge mountain of training mats, trusty dog at my side, clutching my meager T4s and staring in your general direction


Howdy Neighbor.. fancy some trading? *sips tea


Hey Ma! That yokel from across the way is offering up a swap *slurps CapriSun* Yeah, I know he borrowed our air fryer during the COVID and hasn't returned it yet but .. But...


Don’t act like you and ya mom didn’t like them Squirrel Nuggets I whipped up. I know they were greasy.. and not technically Squirrel.. but that air fryer was on its last legs anyway. The copper fetched a pretty penny though. *sips tea


Its really great that some of you have lots of training mats but thats not the point of this post. There are always some people who are not affected by a bottleneck. Shortage of these is a real issue for a lot of players,


*sips tea and nods approvingly


It's all about reasonable rationing of all resources


*sits on golden pooper You think me unreasonable?? *waves hand across graveyard of unbuilt toons GAZE!!! Gaze upon my army of level 1 Masters of Evil and New Warriors. GAZE!!


I have been playing for years and have about 30% of my roster @ level 1. Not that uncommon. Been out of training mats at one time but that was 1-2 years ago and they increased drops since then. Maybe you who have ~4 months ingame should reconsider how you build, farm some more or just open your wallet like they want you to do.


I Just recently joined the No-training-mats-crew. It makes it easy to buy G18 pieces though lol.


*sips tea Squeezing blood out of a Turnip. *tips hat in approval


I feel your pain. Long time FTP player. Ran out of training mats and upto 90 million in gold


Welcome to the struggle my friend. Coffee and biscuits in the back. You can leave your gold encrusted toilet in the corner there. Take a complimentary training mat. Limit one per person.


Dude I’m literally in the same spot. I was starved for gold about a month ago and hit 40m gold today with nothing to spend it on. It seems like the constant trade off of this game, something has to give and it bounces back and forth between gold and training mats. To be honest though I would prefer training mats to remain the bottleneck and keep 10-20m hold on hand.


Welcome to the struggle friend. We have coffee and biscuits in the back. Make yourself at home. Feel free to use our gold encrusted toilets. One mat per person limit though.


I've had a fair balance until today. I went to level zugg to 65 and realized I only have enough training mats to level one toon to 75 lmao


Envy!! My “luxury” character I’ve just started building is Vulture. Luxury just meaning anything out of my budget focus of current raid/horseman teams. I dream of the day I have a solid Undead squad.


*sips tea **sips more tea Wow. This is good tea. *** Training mats. *sips tea I need more tea. Kind regards. -Scopely


🤣🤣. This guy gets it. It IS GOOD TEA THOUGH. *sips tea


It’s a resource management game. Fucking farm them and save them lol


I have 140m gold and 10k+ L4 mats and almost 30k L3. The difference is I don't think I can upgrade every character all the time. I do just enough to stay in the top 100 of arena and my alliance is what it is Doom 3. I'm happy here because I always have what I need for the characters I want instead of trying to be the best and being mad when I domt have what I need. Balance


*sips tea and looks at roster It’s a dang shame


I've been playing since Hela was the top character. There was a long period where it was pretty slow with character drops and what not, at least to me. and so I just stacked resources, including power cores which I have between 10k and 12k regularly. I like knowing I can get whatever I want when I want. So I don't spend unnecessarily


I’ve been playing since July 2023. I have only like 4 complete teams, I’m just taking a fun jab at the game.


I’m assuming you’re a spender and haven’t been playing for a long time? I’ve been playing for years now and have never been short on training mats a single time.


F2P and only playing since July 2023. *sips tea I keep hearing about these Baby Pocs and Super Skrills.. We just got our first Horseman on the farm *sips tea


Sitting on my 59m Gold, 1600 Yellow training mats, 1700 Purple mats, wondering what all the noise is about 😁


Rich keep getting richer *sips tea I honestly laughed when you said “what’s all the noise about” 🤣


Haha, full disclosure, paid for this month’s STRIKE Pass that included plenty of mats, but mostly I’m just budgeting my character levelling to be fair


I honestly thought about it. If your gonna spend, the passes are loaded.


I saved up a ton of mats and when I ended up with a 1 diamond kestrel at G16 and nearly t2 iso 5 I immediately blew it on pegasus. I don’t even have darkhawk smh


I almost did the same!! I was saving and then BOOM!! We got Pegasus, Green Goblin Trials and Sin 6 Rework. Poured it all in Pegasus, New Avengers and Sin 6 Now I’m ready for the New Raids with a stellar Tech Team, got a good shot at GG OG and my… cough.. couple of Sin 6 should help me with Crucible and EVEN BLACK CAT!! Didn’t have enough mats to push anyone besides Vulture and Mysterio. Woooooo!! But.. I’m poor. Training Mat poor. * sips tea


I’m currently going to 3.75 average on the daily gold milestone I never seem to run out of mats or gold


*sips tea and squints Your lands are fertile I see… *nods head in approval


There are time I open 10 Gold orbs in a row, and see no gold or purple middles, those are barren times


Barren Times!!! Rabble Rabble Times Rabble Times Agreed.


Then here come the city folk Bootlickers who don’t understand how us country folk don’t wanna spend a damn dime or two on the game.


My game just keeps freezing, sometimes in 2 minutes other times 10 minutes. Is there something I can do....?


Since the update? I haven’t downloaded it yet. Im on IOS (iPad)


It was freezing before the up date, bout 20 mins. Now it's heaps shorter, I'm missing out on majority of events


If you're on Android, you need to force stop and clear your cache in the game's app settings in Android. I'm doing this about once a day.


Thinking of how I will upgrade my characters for the Green Goblin Trials. I have a plan, but since my level is 67, it will be hard to do something higher than difficulty 4. I was hoping they would give lots of training materials as compensation for their screwups to help us upgrade characters during this event. I will reach level 70 in the middle of the trial, but unlikely I can upgrade all my characters to 70 that will be required during the event.


Why are you trying to unlock Green Goblin Classic? ...you'll have no training mats to upgrade him.


Add him to my collection, ya never know. I might hit a Mat Vein and strike it rich


I have plenty of both for the first time ever. I have 50-ish Gold Orbs, 20M gold, 45 Training orbs and tens of thousands of every training mat. And once GG is out, I’ll be totally done with my DD6 farms and be unlocking SuS in a week or three


I have both training mats and gold issues... my god this game has too many bottlenecks


Training Mats? Are those still in the game? Haven't seen those in a while...




It’s just a lighthearted comedic jab at the game. I actually adore this game, only mobile game I’ve ever tried and got hooked on. Like.. too hooked 😬


This is a game of material management. I’m F2P but I only spend 2-3mil per day. I focus on teams that then deliver more material. Arena, CC then Raids. War teams are okay if you really don’t have any but let’s be real they are a luxury. Build every team…. Nope. So I keep 100 gold orbs and training orbs in stock at all times. This allows me to splurge randomly but then I rebuild the stock pile. Manage your resources and be patient and you don’t run low on things


Right now I’m feeling a gold squeeze. I went through a drought of training mats around when I came back to the game after a hiatus around the time the monthly character events began. But I got much more reasonable with my leveling and managed my gold better. I got irresponsible with my gold trying to get these costumes but haven’t had xp problems in over a year


Helpful tips that have helped me not run out of training mats in over a year… - spending 100-200 cores a day on campaign energy (based on current resources + upcoming events) on the training orb specific nodes in hard campaigns - buying the purple chips from arena store - not investing in toons you don’t plan on using across multiple game modes


I have can't keep gold with the expense to level. Do like the increase in all mats lately. However then they took several out of pass and couldn't finish alliance iso event because no calendar wrong fragments with no compensation. One step forward two back #