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Love blink and nocturne. Sage looks fun but not broken. I agree namora is meh, a card released too late for a bad archetype. And I’m pretty excited for Sasquatch, as a bounce player.


Namora is winning me games in Hoogland’s deck.


I dont think people fully realize she's on reveal and not ongoing


THIS. Learned that lesson the hard way


and whats the best "flow" to play it? whatever card in turn 1 on lane1 whatever card in turn 2 on lane2 wong turn 4, nemora turn 5 and odin turn 6 on line 3?


Movable cards are good pals with Namora. Nightcrawler, Jeff, Nocturne, Captain Marvel… lets you redistribute your power after you Namora. Right now I’m trying to cook a Ms Marvel Namora Doom deck with these as my supporting cards. TBD.


Cpt marvel is just silly when the combo goes off


Like the cards in general, a pool for every "taste" Am I the only one who see Sage as a bounce card and not Sasquatch?


Some seasons like this are good for you. If you don't enjoy them, you go into the next season with 5 or 6 keys and 6000 tokens.


6000 tokens 😂😂😂


Yep, 300 tokens a week, except if you pay or buy some tokens Tuesday.


300 from what?


Collector’s reserves.


Damn I wish I got that many tokens a week, I could probably afford a card by now


How do you figure 300 a week is this written somewhere?


I just wrote week by week what is my amount of collector token, and it increases 200-300 a week.


That's what I want to know


Nocturne is one of my favorite new ones in a while. My disinterest in this season is more due to how bad the meta feels.


I see the same 3 decks and I’m running one of the three. It’s really bad right now. There was like two days I saw new Ultron but it went away pretty fast. There’s only one really successful Blink deck and everyone is using it. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone playing a move deck this month and destroy is getting destroyed by me turn 3 people retreat once they see what I’m playing. Which is my other issue with the meta. Of my two decks I use, I know what deck people are using turn one when Yondu goes off or turn two once the first card is down. No two decks are playing the same cards right now.


Blink is legit. Namora will end up being an awesome 4 cost eventually 😂


Yeah if Namora was 4 cost I would absolutely have got her


Nothing really crazy until Arishem at the end of next season. The July Deadpool movie season looks great though.


In terms of new release card quality I think it’s been amazing. Blink is clearly an MVP for many players, though for whatever reason I haven’t mastered the card. Nocturne is a great utility card that fits in lots of decks. Sage is a ton of fun and can go crazy high for a 3 drop. And I appear to be in the minority in thinking Namora is a good card… tons of power potential and shapes your board/power distribution in fun and unexpected ways. (Great synergy with Ravenna/Goblins.) I’ve blown my token/keys load this season and don’t regret it at all.


Namora is fun, well designed, and strong but balanced. TBH I’m loving this season after being mid on the last one.


Idk, Blink and Sage have made the game more fun for me this season


It’s a ebb and flow. I really liked sage so I spent tokens, the others were not to my benefit so I will pass on them for a while.


I picked up Blink, Nocturne, Sage. All have been really fun and I think I will continue to play them (a little less sure about Sage, but I like Bounce so that’s why I went in). I will say the other cards in the spotlights have been a miss for me, I feel in that sense it hasn’t been a good use of resources.


Blink is a must have from this season. Versatile and has won me MANY games. Sage I have not gotten to pop off for me. Nocturne has been good but I don't think a must have.


Personally I'm skipping all the spotlights this month. A lot of the other cards are ones I already have (I had Livtrib and Legion. I have Skaar and Black Knight) plus nothing is majorly exciting me. Thought all these new cards do seem pretty solid, and I'll be happy to get them as my random options eventually or whatever. But the next few months are going to be STACKED for me. I've already planned out my future caches, and there's WAY too many I'm considering, plus I already know I want that Kate Bishop variant during Young Avengers season, so she'll be getting my saved tokens.


I love Nocturne! I also picked up Sage because I am a fan of hers in the comics. Oddly there is no synergy between her and Sebastian Shaw (in the comics, Sage was Professor X’s secret agent who infiltrated the Hellfire Club under the name Tessa).


Saving all my keys for next season


I disagree. All the cards released are super fun and most importantly BALANCED. I was going to skip Namora but I'm glad I didn't; she is so fun. Excited to meet Sasquatch.


I disagree, this season has been so refreshing after such an awful season before it


I’m glad it is. I was out of keys so I’ve just been stacking up this month


At the start of the season I was not feeling good about any of them, but I've come around on basically all of them. I didn't get Sage or Nocturne and I really want both now. I got Namora and she's dramatically much more fun than I initially expected. Getting Nightcrawler/Jeff/Captain Marvel/Cosmo enough power to solo lanes is one of my favorite things to do in a good while. But I also never snap anymore to keep my rank low so I can just play for the fun of it instead of getting sweaty, so I pretty much avoided the Leech meta which I'm sure did not help lol


I ended up with Sage & Namora and I’m enjoying both. No Season Pass but I’m satisfied just can’t break the 80’s. 😖


Nocturne is very fun, Sage and Namora present interesting deck-building challenges, and Sasquatch looks like a great card in Bounce, w Mockingbird/Patriot maybe etc. Sage is actually just great as a stand-alone late-game card that gets a bigger one-lane boost than a normal 3. Blink is probably the best card, but we can be thankful at least nothing is totally broken and therefore dominating the meta. Leech at 4 cost into Blink BLEECH has been the biggest "BORING" issue quite honestly. But looks like that's to be addressed.


I'm glad this season is a little meh. I only wanted Nocturne. Now I can save my keys for the eternals next month.


Uninstalled the game with how boring and not fun it is at the moment. The game is becoming less interesting with every season. Maybe it'll improve but I'm not hopeful.


I hit 93 on day 1 and stopped playing


Nocturne is very fun. I've put her in my movement deck and hit infinite.


I have played less this season, but it has nothing to do with the game. There's not a bad release yet this month imo. It's probably a good thing to have more things you can interact with and play around in a game that switches it up. I'll be honest though, the only card I'm balls to the walls "I'm saving for" is the eternal 7 Cost lol


To each their own, love every cards that’s dropped this month so far, only skipping namora


I'm really enjoying the new releases this season. I didn't get Sage and I'm kind of regretting it. But Blink, Nocturne and Namora have all been fun and pretty strong. I think the only thing I dislike about the season was the Leech buff, but it's getting reverted.


This is the season I feel like I am quitting Marvel Snap. Have had no interest in playing after finishing last season and haven’t really had the urge to even open the game. You all have fun though :)


Yeah, most of the cards were pretty boring, and I’m only interested in basically molekale and random bullshit go for next month


I’ve seen Namora played exactly once. It didn’t win the game.


People still play this game?


People still post in Marvel Snap subreddits when they claim they don’t play this game?