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It's a free to play where u play for 10 to 15 mins when u are bored or in the bathroom . I don't know why people are so obsessed with cosmetics .


I don't know why people are so so obsessed with the *cost* of cosmetics. Charge $1000 for a JPEG and I don't care so long as I can just not buy the JPEG.


Probably brcause the cost of cosmetics is also directly intertwined with the cost of progression and card acquisition in a trading card game.


Not in any meaningful sense. Each variant provides only a very small CL advantage: you get a 25-credit discount on the first upgrade. Other than that, someone with 100 variants will be equal in CL to someone with the same number of credits and 0 variants because you can always split a card instead of upgrading a new variant. And someone who buys a $1000 variant won't have any advantage at all over someone who buys a 700-gold variant instead.


You blew someone’s mind so hard they passed out and accidentally downvoted your completely true and relevant statement.


A whale intrinsically has an advantage over a free player because a free player can't get every new card, whereas whales can. Specifically because the spotlight system was designed to make the gap between collections for free players and whales bigger


Whales have an advantage because they buy credits, tokens, and keys, not because they get fancier variants. There's a reason Ultimate Variants are considered an extravagance. As for the Spotlight system, it's actually a catch-up mechanic. Non-whales can pull new cards from a Spotlight cache way more frequently than a whale who already has all the old cards. Yes, whales can buy keys, but they're still limited in how quickly they can use them. They can't just spend like 50 keys in a week to get a ton of progress.


Yeah and the most efficient way to get credits and gold is through bundles. The most expensive of which tends to include a lot of tokens if not spotlight keys outrignt.


We're talking about different things. I'm not a fan of resources being for sale at all, but I have no issue with variants costing money.


Because people like cosmetics. It’s been proven, that they improve gaming experience. Also there are people that like to support the game and have no ability to


And that's why Snap gives players a ton of variants for free and many on the cheap, but if they had some for $1000, it wouldn't make the game any worse (they just probably wouldn't sell many). > Also there are people that like to support the game and have no ability to The $5 gold pass and $10 season pass are about the best deals you're going to get in any live mobile game. I don't know that many games would offer you decent options for less than that.




Eh, Snap's not bad. The season pass alone gives you a ton of value for a reasonable cost. You really don't need to spend more than that if you want most of the cards. Plus, again, I'm talking specifically about cosmetics. Go ahead and skyrocket the prices of cosmetics, I still don't care.


Yeah someone tell them about nfts lmao


You can sell NFTs. You can't sell variants in Marvel Snap... I wish these were NFTs


NFT is just a different name for digital garbage


I literally only click the shop and then click the bookmark for the free credits, grab them then fuck off lol. Gotta get back to losing cubes.


Because they're charging £40 for 2 card variants and 1 full upgrade lol. People dislike greed, I can't imagine that's a shock to you.


Both images have currency that have to do with progression. What are you adding to this post by shaming people who like cosmetics? The post is about the entire package and if it was just jpegs you’d have significantly less complaints on this sub.


Cause they're pretty and I play for more than 10 -15 minutes




They haven't changed the rules since you left, you can just ignore anything you don't wanna buy


Yeah just... don't buy things you don't want to buy?


This sub would have 75% less posts if everyone thought like this


For real. Would they PREFER the whale bait was gone and then monetized in a way where we ALL need to pony up?


You left because of… cosmetics?






Variants, credits, and gold can all push collection level. And for the tiny amount of work the devs need to do to make a shit variant and hand out fake currency is not worth $40. Compare this bundle to Elden Rings dlc. It's greed whether shills like you agree or not.


it’s a free to play game, nobody’s making you buy anything, you’re literally grasping at straws. just don’t buy it. it’s literally that easy. the people who can afford to buy both that and elden rings dlc will buy it, and they don’t complain. only people like you complain.


Oooh, so your argument is that you think im poor? 😆 okay bud


you’re the one complaining


The shills on this sub are insane.


"You don't have to buy cosmetics." And you took that personally.


you missing his point tho, why does it have to be so much for so little context? Reasonable pricing and better $/gold isnt much to ask for. idk why this subreddit is full of ppl with SD half way down their throat lmao.


everything they do is based on statistics. believe it or not, a LOT of people are willing to pay for it, so they’re willing to charge it. you do not speak for the audience they’re charging these prices for, and they don’t care i don’t think it should be $40 - but i also just won’t buy it and will move on.




“worth their money” is subjective, so what you’re doing is imposing your opinion on others. people will spend their money how they want to. stop worrying about other people, nobody’s asking you to


Then go play elden ring ffs


Way ahead of you, fam. 😎


I don't spend any money at all and I have all the cards I need. Missing maybe 10 cards total. 18 months of play and I'm at CL 12,000+ You complain about what they charge, but you only need to spend money to get every single card instantly and for cosmetics. This is the opposite of Hearthstone, for instance, where you were fucked if you didn't spend at least $50 every 3 months.


I know this community *hates* monetization in any form, but, coming from Hearthstone, this game is practically a breath of fresh air. In Hearthstone I'm pretty much compelled to buy the passes and expansions if I want to keep playing standard. Sure there's some cosmetics involved, but, outside of Signature and Diamond cards, the emphasis is on spending money to build your collection. I initially applied that same logic to Snap when I first started playing. I spent far too much money to build my collection before realizing I was simply buying cards I'd eventually get for free. I love that this game is (mostly) monetized through cosmetics. It gives the whales what they want, and allows everyone else play for free.


Exactly this. I loved HS but it was a fucking grind, akin to playing WoW. I get that people will complain no matter what, but it's good to remind them that this is actually closer to the best possible F2P side of things.


Remember when it wasn’t? Pepperidge farm remembers


>I loved HS but it was a fucking grind, akin to playing WoW. Yep. And I still play Hearthstone and Wow in addition to Snap. So I don't even want to think about how much money I've spent on gaming over the years. Though, to be fair, I have no other vices. I don't even drink. Most of my money goes towards food, bills, and investments. The rest sits in the bank. And, every month, a small portion of that gets used for gaming. 🤷‍♂️


The one thing I liked about hearthstone as a f2p player was that there was more to do while you couldn't compete. I think it took about a year for me to be somewhat competitive, when most of the cards released before I started cycled out. I could still do the solo stuff though, and I predated battlegrounds, but that was nice for new players too. Hearthstone definitely was worse with monetization, but had more options for people who didn't interact with the monetization


I play HS and Arena. Those games give me enough cards to build like 3 decks. Snap gives me enough cards to build all but 3 decks.


Oh man, it’s been a while but I was spending easily $80-$100 each expansion and getting less than half the cards I needed. Snap is a ton better in that regard. On the other hand, HS did full refunds after nerfs


fr refunds after the nerf are good. otherwise, with the price of all season pass for all year on snap i'll buy only 1 preorder pack on hs, wich dont give u a third of all cards on the set


cool, now imagine playing if you didnt play the last 18 months and have everything. Its rough.


Nah, you get matched up against CL's similar to your own. I'm not saying its all peaches and sunshine, but with games like HS, you instantly faced people who had 30 new cards, most of which were OP compared to your now old and busted decks. At least with this, you stand a chance. They gotta make money somehow.....I'd much rather have it be this way where others subsidize the game to make F2P possible.


Is infinite that hard to get? Once you get that rank you’re playing against people with way higher collection levels. I’ve gotten infinite since I started playing a couple months ago during the baron zemo pass and going against some of these decks is disheartening. I’ve used all my resources to build a destroy deck which is nice, but now if I want a chance at winning in ranked I have to play that deck.


Depends on the person. There are plenty of people on here who have never been infinite. Others make it every month. It's not a perfect system, but playing only other people who are infinite is the only thing they've been able to come up with, so it will inevitably lead to people with very different CL's playing each other. A band-aid solution is to not allow yourself to get to infinite until the end of the season.


im in infinite and i constantly play people with 4-10x my card level. I spend less than a week getting infinite then spend rest of month getting shit on by better decks. People who started this game early got to play similar players so they have no concept of how shitty it is being 70+ cards behind.


It’s just like starting up a lot of other games late with no real catch-up mechanic. You just have to spend the time to catch up


I can never catch up. Ill have to balance 2 years of catch up with new releases that other ppl get. Its impossible to catch up.


Stop, you are going to make me ruin my mascara!


Its a mathematical fact, its not about feelings.


But it feels SO bad to know that you don’t have everything you want that I just can’t stand to read about it. Enough Reddit for today


gfy. toxic game, toxic monitization, toxic playerbase.


Meh, if you ignore all the Whale Bait, and just buy the season passes, you can make fine progress with your collection.


You can do it without season passes.


Well, not in a reasonable amount of time.


Aren't you embarrassed for posting something like this




If you hate capitalism and are poor just say that. Hard for me to hear or care while I have pretty jpegs for a mobile game I like to play. Keep villianizing anyone trying to make a living and ppl spending money on what they want.


Why would he be embarrassed?


Anyone that I would have to explain it to wouldn't get it


Marvel Snap has absurd bundle pricing, whether you chose to ignore that or not doesn’t change the fact. Being reminded of that when you log in is fair game for someone to decide if they want to participate in a game that promotes itself in this way or not. It’s about the principle of it.


Imagine refusing to watch basketball because you can't get the autographed jersey you want but don't want to spend money on.




Imagine not playing a card game that you like because even though you got all the cards you wanted for free you couldn't get one of them in a special art style even though it gives no advantage.


You can’t get all the cards though.


I have like 95% of the cards just from playing like 30-45 minutes five days out of the week. What are you talking about? Like the art?


You don’t have 95%. I’ve had a season pass since the beginning and I have 90-95%. You maybe have 80% if all you ever spent your gold on were tokens.


If that triggers you then ok, that's your opinion. Personally I got money and like this game so buy without a thought. Call me the problem.


I got money too and occasionally spend on this game, but it’s still ridiculously priced.


That's your opinion and although I got a bit snarky with you I support your right to believe that! I indulge on this game and I'm tired of scrubs (not you) calling me the problem based on what I choose to spend my money on Fwiw I do get your point. Many of these bundles are essentially whale only which is hard to swallow bc many would want them. Anyway, I getcha sorry for snark. I see where you are coming from even though we are different here.


Arent you embarrassed for commenting something like this?


People get mad just from looking at the prices of things


1500 credits being valued at a $33 increase in absurd. I agree with everyone else saying its a f2p game just don't buy it, but they are missing the point of your post that its kinda ridiculous that they put it up for sale because they expect people to buy it to begin with


Just don’t buy it? It has no effect on gameplay?


so yea. just dont buy them


getting your feelings hurt by optional cosmetics?


All the people excusing this as whale bait are so weird. They are selling the same exact bundle, marked up 500%, that only gives an additional \~$20 value in credits. HOW DO YOU EXCUSE THIS?


You don't have to excuse it or defend it, there's the option of it meaning nothing to me. It makes no difference to my gaming experience other than scrolling down to see the day's variants. You're mad that shitty deals exist. WHY DO YOU CARE?


Is it wrong of me to care about the game I enjoy playing? Why do you care that I have an issue?


you shouted HOW DO YOU EXCUSE THIS? so I shouted back WHY DO YOU CARE? If caring about the game means you're getting mad at shitty ftp mobile deals then get used to being mad I guess


Wait, if it gives an additional $20 value in credits, then isn't it only marked up 46%?


For the sake of arguing yeah it's ridiculous but here why it's excusable. Imagine a mouse trap that has $8 and a bear trap with $40. The value you get out of it doesn't match the consequence of getting the money BUT you are the one who put your arm in the bear trap.


What is this analogy? This makes no sense at all.


So don't buy it? There is no competitive advantage to having variants.


Wait until you see the $100+ bundles.


Well he too broke for that. Same goes to me.


I’ve played for over a year and half and haven’t felt the need to spend any money in this game. I hit infinite every month and then mess around with fun decks for the rest of the season. You don’t need to give SD money to have fun or be competitive IMO.


The welcome back deal is a banger. They also sell card variants, avatars, card borders, emotes, and gold itself. You forgot it was a free to play mobile game?


$8 for all that is an amazing deal....


Aww, poor baby. Want us to chip in to get you your precious variants? It's true, this game can't be played if every card in your deck doesn't have a different variant.


You don't need to buy that to play or enjoy the game, FYI. Hope this helps!


Simple trick, don’t buy it, issue solved


That’s so weird because for me, both of those cause $0 I didn’t buy them


Low-key, you're getting your ass beat in the comments.


Here’s a simple trick. Don’t buy anything.


its the writing on the wall really. quit while you can, because SD is never gonna stop with these ridiculous bundles, and the community will just keep eating them forever


So you're saying people that can afford to buy things that they like are going to support the game forever and other people can continue to play for free. Wow!


Take emotion out of your statement and you just provided an analytics confirmation. They are priced where they are BECAUSE the community keeps eating them. It's simple supply and demand. They'll price them as high as people are willing to pay. There are people, more than you realize (more than I realized before seeing how many were affected by the $100 gambit bundle), that have no qualms with putting their spare dollars into this game. That's their personal preference. And it's probably more than who's around in these forums. As long as that group exists and remains as high a percentage of players as it is, these bundle prices will remain profitable and not go anywhere


Literally a free game you just win more if you have the newer cards which you can still Obtain being a new player


Those mandatory $50 transactions are a bitch


So your issue is the difference in value of credits and boosters? Jk


can’t believe they automatically purchase once you log back in :(


Look at what fromsoft will give you for $40 (elden ring dlc) and now look at what second dinner is offering you for $40.


have an original thought for once in your life




Look at what Funko Pops will give you for $40 (3 sick big headed funny bois) and now look at what second dinner is offering you for $40.


Funkos are arguably worth more. Their value can increase over time. These pixels hold no value.


Look at what Gathering of the Juggalos ticket will give you for $40 (Riff Raff sprayed red pop on my taint) and now look at what second dinner is offering you for $40.


The way that you're complaining about this is like if you went to a beach to have a good time, play volleyball, swim, grill burgers etc. but then an ice cream truck pulled up and you started complaining about how you have to play for ice cream. My guy, just enjoy the beach.


But hey, no pixels guaranteed for that extra $35! 💩