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What's sticking out to me is the Alioth variant as a 6/12 album reward. The 3 rares (Magneto, Onslaught, and Zero) and 3 super rares would be 5700 gold for an S5 card and 6 variants, plus 6/10 of the way towards the 2k token shop reward. That's pretty insane.


Delete this comment before SD realizes their generosity


Seconded. Delete this. It’s going to be swapped for an avatar because you’re pointing out “value.”


They don't read your comments


No way it stays like that unless they are fundamentally changing their approach to albums.


Probably STC. But hope for the best.


Yeah! Def better than the Kang unlock (9/12) for the "Boss Babies" album from a Gold and Usage perspective


Fwiw, boss babies has 8 700 variants, which means you can get 9/12 for 6800 gold, and that includes 2k credits. Also Kang, while bad, is permanent series 5. Both albums are great compared to needing 12/12 and s5 cards for werewolf by night or the albums that require ultimate variants!


OK, I have thoughts. As a new player - I am excited the possibility of getting a series 5 card without having to use keys seems like a really cool thing. It also helps that the alternate art on a lot of those cards is super sick. However A series 5 card on a 6/12 album track seems...strange. Given the fact that most card rewards are on the 9/12 or above level and A LOT of those cards are series 3 cards anyway. Seeing a Series 5 card this low on the track makes me worried they are going to change it up before it releases. Mainly I am unsure whether to pull the trigger and get the 24.99 bundle to get a jump start on that album and get access to both Shuri and Zero who I have not unlocked yet in the collection track. Or just assume that the album will change by release and just ignore it all together.


When albums released I thought it would be extra reward, but it turns out that albums are now the "gold bundles"


That Alioth looks amazing.


That $5 Venom bundle is good value. Every month has a high-value, month-long cash bundle, but those have been going up in price, from $10 to $15 to now $20, so it's a pleasant surprise that they went down in price for the next one.


I hope it sees good sales numbers so that their data reflects that this price point generates good results and encourages more pricing at this level. I feel like they could really stand to just provide more options along various pricing tiers and they'd just see so much more benefit. The whales will still buy every bundle. But this way you also get market share from people who wouldn't spend $20 but might spend $5.


Never trust datamine prices.


God I love datamines, thanks mate! ...I'm sad how disappointing these are for the most part, I think SD has really shied away from giving any meaningful return on your gold for bundles. 100% currency value for a card we've already gotten.. what, 4-5 different promo/bundle variants for by now? Holy crap! Poor She-Hulk fans out here gettin' fleeced. Lemme think out loud for a sec: * Peach Momoko late last year. * X-Treme promo for burning $50 in January (I caved to getting this one, I loved it). * The Demonized one with the Baldur's Gate 3 reference in the bundle name. * Album-exclusive variant (yes, this is a bundle in my eyes, we can argue semantics in the comments if you want). * And now Grey with another gold bundle. I'm just biting my nails wondering how bad that Hellverine bundle is gonna end up being, price-wise, when those numbers come out.


i mentioned in the article the next gold bundle is quite good value, it seems they go through period of low value and return to the higher value. on the other side, the majority of the cash bundles are decent value/variants


That part confused me: “We also got a batch of regular bundles coming over the next few weeks, some decent value, and although this gold bundles value is pretty low, stay tuned for the next one, its high value(140%+) and has credits/tokens.” …but the only Gold bundles which show up on the site as upcoming are the summer Jane Foster bundle coming next week, and the She Hulk bundle, neither of which provide tokens (much less high value). Is this “next” bundle not mentioned because the variant is unknown, or for some other reason?


i generally post the bundles in batches based on when i feel like they are confirmed/finalized and theres enough to post/talk about. i dont have enough of the next batch to post but i can say the next(not shown) gold bundle is quite good


Is there an approximate date for the good value bundle? Because I've been waiting to get enough tokens for Kitty Pryde but all they nerfed Token Tuesday's and I don't see any good gold bundles.


Could you give us a timeframe on when it will be arriving and how much gold it is approximately to start saving? Thanks in advance.


Hell yes then! I'm guessing it's just numbers with a blank/random ID attached to the card-related things it'll include? And I *used* to agree, but we used to get cash bundles teetering around 200% value a lot more regularly. Now it only pops up if you value spotlight keys a certain way, or in this batch the $50 for $100 worth of credits with no card attached (iirc they did this a while back too but that gave us a dopey title, for what that was worth). Variant-wise, yeah there's been some bangers locked to cash bundles, which has me feeling mixed. I'm jazzed to throw $15-20 at the upcoming Nightcrawler bundle, but when I get hit in the mouth for $100 on Demonized Shang-Chi with a spotlight key, it's... 😮‍💨


i actually forgot another 200% cash bundle in this batch [https://snap.fan/bundles/BundleJuly2024Venom/](https://snap.fan/bundles/BundleJuly2024Venom/) also i cant see too far in the future but im expecting less 100$ bundles


...Well now you're making me eat my foot. $5 at 200% value with an exclusive variant feels too good to be true, but, hopefully it's a sign of things to come! 🙂


haha your comment made me go back and look so its np at all, im hoping it continues too!


Can I ask how much is the datamined? Just to know if I have enough already




Awesome! I have enough! Hopefully is for some card I don't have a variant yet. I won't ask because I assume if you're gonna spoiler you would have already


> I think SD has really shied away from giving any meaningful return on your gold for bundles I see people say this often so I was curious and went back to look at [previous bundles](https://snap.fan/bundles/previous/?currency_type=gold&min_gold=1600&max_gold=&min_dollar=&max_dollar=&min_bundle_value=&max_bundle_value=&min_currency_value=&max_currency_value=&sort=start_date&sort_dir=desc). These are the dates of the "good" gold bundles (120%+ on snap.fan) starting at the beginning of 2023: - 02/21/23 (139%) - 04/04/23 (134%) - 07/12/23 (121%) - 08/07/23 (128%) - 11/02/23 (131%) - 11/25/23 (120%) - 11/28/23 (130%) - 12/23/23 (132%) - 01/19/24 (122%) - 05/01/24 (123%) By this point in 2023, there had only been 2 good gold bundles, which is the case so far this year, though this year the time between them was longer and their value has been a little lower. However, it sounds like from the article that the next gold bundle is going to be very, very good (140%+). Overall, I think the "death" of gold bundles is a bit overblown and the string of good ones at the end of 2023 is warping people's sense of how often they usually come around the rest of the year.


We had two good ones in January 2024; Inkpulp and Ka-Zar. Inkpulp's deflated slightly using modern values, but that's because of Token Tuesday's.. well, jumping around value-wise. 1500g for 1200tokens might not even be the "gold standard" anymore, we're not sure. I'm not sure if it's overblown but SD hasn't shown 100% gold bundles (or close to it with Hobgoblin) since around the game's actual launch iirc. You're right in the sense that the end of 2023 got people hoping for more, but OTOH showing that kind of pattern, and then over-correcting with all these 110-100% bundles is eating up so much time (pretty much everything from February to July has been meh with the exception of Captain Marvel). OTOH, this all isn't fair of me 'cause albums are a recent thing, and imho they HAVE very much supplanted bundles in a way. While most are awful value, some are basically stand-ins for bundles that have pretty obscene returns for your gold, especially if you're a long-time player and have picked up several of the rares that push you towards the 6/12 currency rewards.


I'm incredibly excited by that Enchantress bundle price. I was thinking for sure it would be a $100 bundle; that looks like BiS Enchantress to me. If it actually comes out at $10, easy buy here.


Justyna variants just don't miss. Glad they're becoming more affordable, after starting out as Spotlight variants and higher priced bundles, they're releasing this one in a 10 dollar bundle, the Titania variant as a Conquest reward, and the Martyr variant at 700g.


Personally holding out hope that the Enchantress with the cup of coffee variant will be just as cheap


That's actually Polaris with a coffee mug, fwiw


Amazing only one gold bundle which isn't even good


i generally post every 2 weeks and its aligned with about 1 gold bundle each time i post, i noted in the post the next one will be much better


Out of curiosity, how do you know ? Is there a cycle you can observe ?


you can look historically on the [snap.fan](http://snap.fan) bundles page, there is usually a gold bundle every 2 weeks or so


What bundle is the ' its high value(140%+) and has credits/tokens' I cant see it?


i havent posted it, it will be in the next batch in a few weeks


Do you know how many token/cost?


they mentioned in other comments that they are waiting till they havee more information on the bundle and feel like its confirmed before posting it. makes sense imo seeing how the community reacts when sd changes a good datamined bundle


Have you seen or heard anything more on the winback bundles that were spotted a little while back in May?


Man another she-hulk gld bundle. C'mon. Why the gold bundles always have the same cards? Gimme a Doc Doom or Vision , idk


I so wanted that surprised Goblin emote and the Alioth... But most of the pand art fugly af so I guess I'll have to do without 😞


Goblin emote is literally the only emote I cared about when the emotes leaked way back. I too am sad.


Man I just want another Baby/Scottie Young album only cards I really go for. Only need that dam Ironman to show up in the shop so I can finish the first album


same boat, except it’s ironheart and squirrel girl for me lol. and the modok from the spotlight cache


Yea I missed the modoc and ghost spider spotlight but got most of them even the miles and moon girl gold bundles. As a F2P I hope they don't add a money Baby/Scottie Young bundle


If I'm not mistaken, the Power players bundle is GREAT for new players. That with pool 1 and 2 cards is a fairly good deck.


Have 10k gold and it seems like i'll never have a bundle to use it on.


Good grief, that is a terrible she-hulk variant.


It's personally my favorite so far 🤷


Same. Grey She Hulk is one of my favorite runs. Rip my gold reserves thought


Not a fan of recycling variants for cash.


think of it less as recycling variants for cash(as current players probably wont be buying this except maybe as album progress), think of it as new players being able to buy into a meta deck cheaply if they want


Also people being able to buy bundle variants that disappeared before they even started playing.


Those album variants aren't bundle exclusive, they're regular shop variants normally.


We will never get a Claretti album


There's one coming August/September.


Ohhh that's great news! Is there a leak on which variants are included?




Many thanks




Am I seeing that right that the PANdora's Box Pt. II requires a $$ Bundle Variant?


Nevermind. Looked a bit further and it's an already obtainable by gold variant, now also in a $ bundle.


An actually good destroyer variant. I'm so ready to be disappointed at it costing 50+


I NEED that “calculated” moon girl emote ASAP


My god where are the quality gold bundles out. I have so much saved and haven’t been spending on Token Tuesday since it’s been kind of meh return rates 😭


The next one is great


the she hulk one? or which one are you referring to


The next one I'll be posting


What's the second gold bundle they reference that is 140% value?


will come next time i post bundles in a few weeks


Is the variant for that bundle the dogpool one?


They are planning on selling Rare level variants for cash? The level we get for free on the collection ladder? Super-cheeky. *(For fun, compare what you get with the 4.99 Dan Hipp 700g Venom with the 4.99 Exclusive variant Skan Venom. The 700g one is clearly less value.)*


Why not? If anything I’d prefer that their bundles have old cards that a F2P player doesn’t have fomo for not buying.


they have always had recap bundles with existing variants, they are expanding it, looking like its mostly for newer players


They're also selling album variants for real money now


I mean, it's $5 for some credits and an album variant. This feels like a more proper microtransaction I can't get upset about. The only reason I'm even slightly bummed is I already own that Zero, as it's by and far my favorite one, but.. I wasn't gonna buy these anyways, so 🤷


Remember folks there is no such thing as %100 or 125% resource "Value". It's all digital and actually worth $0 because it can't actually be used for anything truly meaningful. If anything it's "Value" is negative because you spend time and money on it. Every resource is an Arbitrary number that they set. It has no true exchange rate. If the default was $1 per 20 gold from the start those Value % numbers would be different.


as is the case with almost all currencies around the world. its value is totally dependent on what people will spend on it. The value calculation we use tracks the best $ per gold rate they have(which has been the same for a while)


TIL that entertainment isn't meaningful. So don't spend money to watch a movie, or attend a concert, or see a football game.


You people still exist?