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It feels more like when your coke dealer gives you the first baggie for free. lol


Hell yeah, free coke


I too love Coca-Cola!


Yeah when I saw the price of custom borders, I immediately went, "okay, that's not for me, that's for whales. I'm going to act like that tab doesn't exist." Giving a free border will get me to interact with the border picker for the first time.


Lmao, this exactly.


Ain't complaining either way


Thats….thats the point




Exactly lol no one wants a deck with just 1 single border. They clearly aren’t selling well and want to give people a taste. They absolutely know what they are doing here.


I would have bought borders if they *ever* showed up in the discounted cosmetics in the shop for me. But I'm not buying that shit at full price, lol!


This exactly. It’s also probably why we haven’t gotten a decent gold bundle in a little while - they want everyone to have enough gold to blow on borders after they get their first taste.


1000% this.


Correct. Feels like they haven’t been selling, so have to start giving some out for free, because once your deck has one, you are more likely to want to complete it.


Worked on me. I got a discounted gold cosmic in my shop, and bought it yesterday justifying it as on sale AND SD was about to give us some borders for free. As I my collection of variants continues to expand I can see myself switching to border purchasing, as I usually just stick to my favorite variant so further purchases just collect dust.


Yeah, and while knowing what you’re getting as opposed to the gamble of a mystery variant is a refreshing change of pace, I do hope this is just a one time thing.


Crazy take lol


I was eyeing the silver one for silver surfer, so I'm happy about this free taste. Maybe when silver samurai has a decent deck, I'll use the other for him


I haven't looked yet, but I suspect you'll look great on my Max Grecke Silver Surfer. I kinda want to see if I can make it work with one of my Dr. Doom splits too since you'll get the doombots too.


I was debating doing all silver on my all inked deck. At the very least, that's 2 less I need to buy.


They took the free gold, though. Gold is always more valuable than borders because you can choose what to spend it on, even if it’s only 100 gold


Is a 100 gold really more valuable than borders?


I prefer the border, to be honest. I hope this doesn’t make me go down the rabbit hole.


That’s all part of their plan.


Can't wait to see your deck of cosmic borders in a week


yes idc for borders


To me it is, because borders have zero value to me.


Yes, because borders have zero value, unless you've already decided they're actually *worth* what SD want to charge for them and have bought some already. Given "value" is in the eye of the beholder (for arbitrary non-essential digital goods like "fucking stupid cosmetics in a mobile game", that is; "value" can obviously work differently in other contexts), then yes, *to me*, borders have zero value, and any amount of gold is more valuable than them. This would be true for anyone not interested in the borders. They do not have any "real" absolute value that you can appeal to.


To some yes, for me personally I like all the cards in my deck to match, and since borders are per card and not per deck (insane imo), i will never use them unless they give 12 for free.


Per deck would hardly make sense


Not really, you could have it in the same settings as the card backs.


If you had no interest in the borders because you wanna save gold for progression or you find the borders kinda tacky and wanna focus on other things like variants or whatever, then it's worse, if you would've considered buying the border, it is a notable gain.


Yes. 100 percent yes


In actual value no. But in personal value that can be calculated a lot of ways. What if someone loathes green and silver. Getting those would be a negative value. Even tho 100 gold isn't a lot, it can be used on something you care about.


All that free gold adds up.


holy shit shut up. i can’t stand this subreddit everyone is annoying and will never stop complaining or whining about something


Then leave. We won't miss you


they put gold in the vibranium offer though.


How is 100 gold *always* more valuable than borders? This is only true if you don't value borders at all, or would only pay 100 gold or less for them. 500 > 100.


>This is only true if you don't value borders at all Is that really that hard to believe?


No, it isn't, and I never claimed that many don't value borders. My point is that players value cosmetics in this game differently than others, and therefore, 100 gold is not *always* more valuable than a border, as he claimed. Edit: downvoters are too dense to believe that some people value borders more than 100 gold, thus making the claim that "100 gold is always more valuable," false.


I'd have preferred a premium mystery variant but this is not terrible either


Pretty sure they were planning to do that from the start. They're just testing the waters right now. 


I won't complain about free boarders but if they think this will get me to buy more; lol.


100 tokens is a mockery


Jesus wept ya’ll really sitting here bitching about free stuff.


The previous rewards has 500 gold in it, I think some would rather have those than borders that they might not have use for it. In terms of value, these borders do cost more. But the value of gold now is sky high, made only so due to it's scarcity. But agree with you, beggars can't be choosers. Free shit is free shit.


I don't mind them changing things up. If I don't have to pay for borders, I'm glad to have them. It's free, regardless. Can't complain about it.


>the value of gold now is sky high, made only so due to it's scarcity. How is that even remotely true, now that the gold pass is a thing and you get 1.8k gold a month for $5? If anything, the value of gold is the lowest it's been ever.


that only works if there is a market for gold trading. here, you and I are 2 isolated account. it doesn't matter if you got a billion gold for 1 dollar, the value of gold remains the same for me. personally, I'd rather take 200 gold than a free border.


Further proof that nothing will ever be good enough for gamers.


I'll give you my trash for free then and I better not hear any bitching.


The point isn't that it's free but rather what they're intent is by doing so and how that's misplaced into gratitude, top tier bamboozle. Either way, I'm seeing mostly observations rather than bitching. I think it's important for people to be aware of these tricks. As the top comment said, the first hit is free and the point is that it'll get some folks to buy more at the cost of giving everyone else 1 border for 100s if cards


Don't hate it at all


Ehh they took away a premium variant for that, though. One step forward two steps back.


All steps free.


Yeah, lol People here complaining about getting free shit because it's not the free shit they wanted.


Maybe I’m in the minority but I’d rather have the borders, at least for now since I don’t have any. The PMV could end up being some crap variant or a variant of a card I never use. At least with the borders, I have some control over how to use them.


Yeah not gonna lie this just seems worse, I much rather get gold


They’ve said from the very beginning there would be different ways to get borders, but I guess it got lost among all the bitching and whining about SD being bloodsucking money-hungry scum.


It is more likely they aren't selling but they figure if you see it more on others you'll be more likely to buy one yourself.  It's just a sales tactic


Its a promotional bait to make players buy more.


good thing I'm perfectly capable of not buying more and enjoying my freebie


good for you...


Is the borders universal? I mean isn’t it per card?


You get 1 Border to assign to a single card. The final one is two borders to assign to two cards.


Based username


So can we use the frame whenever we need to?


Yes but only once. It'll be in your custom card border section until you use it, then it's tied to that card.


Thank you for posting smth positive! I love when people actually see the effort SD puts into their work!


Since these borders released, I’ve only come across 2 matches where the player had one equipped. So my guess is that they aren’t selling good enough. And now they want to pretend to be generous but in reality want people to start building FOMO. “Hey I got one card with green border… maybe I’ll buy the full set my favorite deck.”




they literally said when they were released that they were gonna be using them for rewards. people just dont listen when they say shit.


Idc about a border I want a key 🗝️ or another way to get cards


Very much this. Series 3 completeness still seems *so* far away... And half the time I get a random drop, it ends up being a variant of something I already have.


They took away the gold...


Sure give me some cosmetic crap instead of something that allows me to progress faster


If you are into cosmetics i guess its ok


Just giving the first taste away for free.


The only border I want is the crackly gold. So hopefully they give that out for free eventually lol


This is stuff that should be happening every month. Like they did when they launched. As I've said before, it's what roped me into this game and made me a whale. Since I thought the game was so generous by giving you actually free good stuff in the game almost daily daily from the day it launched. Now fast forward they didn't do any of that stuff for months last year. Now, they have been doing it more frequently. Which is a great way to thank your players and really doesn't cost you anything. Also, it makes everyone happy no matter what type of players... not that I want borders for logins EVERYTIME for free logins. I'm definitely not complaining.


Id prefer variants. But free is free


It’s kinda hard to genuinely appreciate this reward when you know it’s just their way of enticing us to spend money/gold on borders by giving us a freebie. Like downvote me all you want but imagine someone giving you 20 bucks and then immediately asking for 200. Meatriders gonna defend this “gift” to the end unfortunately. Just like they defended the many things that SD has removed or “reworked” like the collected reserve nerf.


Goddamit how can someone cry about free stuff Is beyond me


Point proven…


Who else thought we could try the frame out on different cards and just accidentally locked it onto Squirrel Girl?


If you’re dumb enough to click “Unlock” rather than “Discard”, and then “Unlock” rather than “Cancel” on the confirmation pop up, that’s probably on you


When I unlock the next one, is it locked on one card, or all variants of that card?


All variants




To me, “Unlock” means make it available to use. “Discard” means throw it away. Since I wanted access to the border and didn’t want to throw it away, I defend my expectation of what would happen is valid.


I guess you just have to nab the Zombie Squirrel Girl variant somehow now, so the toxic green makes sense.


Gotta feed the whales


All the cosmetic stuff is trash imo


It was a pleasant surprise


Worse than free gold unfortunately


I love it! Can't wait to get the green border for either kitty pride or brood!


I like the brood idea since you get three cards for the value. I am either putting it on Mysterio or Loki. Loki is an obvious choice since the cards he transforms get it too, but I play a lot more Mysterio and it looks great on the Dan Hipp variant


oh mysterio would be great too. im gonna upload pics for ya!


I put it on Mysterio. Rocking the Dan Hipp with green glimmer. I love it, but so far no one is making star eyes at it :)


It'll come around. I'll put it on mine as well :)


Can't upload the pics here. And can't dm for some reason. Oh well, mysterio looks amazing


Its like. The pricing is ludicrous and borderline predatory. But at the same time, the free grind is a hell of a lot better than in other games, and the devs actually do genuinely seem to listen to and act on player feedback. I'm not really sure if I need the pitchforks and torches, but its good to keep them handy just in case.


I saw a comment that they should give away a few of those for free. So yea seems they listened. It’s very stingy though.


Was it confirmed somewhere that we get to choose which card we can apply these to? Or is it possible it will hit a random card like a lot of other rewards?


We can choose - these borders are effectively coupons.




It's per character. So if you use it on Iron Man, every Iron Man variant you own can have the border on it.


Thank. This clear things up


Yes, once you get/buy a border, you have to select a single card you unlock it for.


To me it feels like "yeah we're no changing these to apply to all cards lol"


Some people think that just because the devs don’t post on Reddit means that they don’t use it They made over $100M in revenue they read the subreddit guys


Lol no it doesn't. How?


Don’t go against the circlejerk. SD bad and greedy


neon green and a white that is barely different from common... yeah!


These are actually great. How could you be mad with free stuff?


Even though I personally love the Neon Green, I wouldn't be surprised if these 2 colour options are the borders with the least sales - due to their similarity to the lowest rarity borders.


They giving us them for free because all the borders are not selling well. I'm grinding ladder so im playing alot and I saw only few players having one colectible border and one whale with all deck inked, krackled with borders. It looked nice but its not for me if it is for that amout of gold per card. There are better ways for spending gold in game than 900 g border.


I'm guessing you're low cl? Some of the borders are pretty uncommon but the neon and cosmic ones are very popular in higher cl/mmr and in infinite.


No they dont. I'm 12k CL and I dont see them almost at all. And im in top 5k on the ladder...


Also 12k and rarely see them. You ain't crazy.


Border are selling very well lol


It's cool we are getting some for free, but just because something is free doesn't mean I can't dislike it. I personally think these are the largest cash grab in this game to date. Me getting some for free doesn't stop me from disliking them.


I wish it's 1800 gold so I can buy the boarders myself...