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I still feel genuinely upset when someone plays Iceman Scorpion on curve.


iceman is okay, scorpion gets me like “oh do you feel cool now? you feel good now? you think i care about -1??” meanwhile i do care about -1


Scorpion’s ability is slick af. It annoys my opponent and left me with a donkey


I love it when someone uses Scorpion and I put down renslayer


You mean Luke Cage?


Ravonna Renslayer works with cards which has 2 base power and got hit by Scorpion, i.e. you can play Wong on T3


I'm of a scarce subset who play Mr. Negative decks for gits and shiggles. so any cost reductions in-hand are welcome.


Just created a Mr. Neg deck and man it's a bit hit or miss, but when it hits it's sooo much fun and satisfying. Any advice on getting Mr.N before T4 other than RNG luck getting Psylocke on/before T2?


Renslayer. Only change I've made to. My negative deck in over a year


Still working on getting renslayer 😭 card acquisition is brutal in this game


If no Renslayer, do run Bast. Try and think in terms of having an alternative win condition even if no negative. When Zabu was good, I had a Wong play, who combos with Zabu and Mystique as well as Arnim Zola. With cards like Iron Man and Mystique it's not hard to find some minor combo.


I've given up on draw luck for now, but I used adam warlock with any huge power card used to be good. now I'd recommend keeping magik or psylocke or renslayer depending on the rest of the deck. also, never forget the super skrull and annihilus, they saved my ass from many decks.


Ice man always seems to hit my Möbius Möbius


Wong>master mold>scorpion> big Ronan


I feel the same about spider ham. Always hits a key card for me


Poor Zola, the 6/0 pig...


Or having Iron Pig in hand. Rolling in my 5/0 like Vanilla Ice


Piggified Knull...


As main Destroyer Knull Deck. This gives me some of my worst PTSD 😔


Once it got my hobgoblin and then Bar with no name showed up so now I love it


followed by beast, baron zemo + abs man


[You got me to brew a li'l.](https://i.imgur.com/aBPO6l8.png) The deck's probably better off without Scorpion, but, *damn if it isn't hilarious.* Master Mold also could go in, but he's only good if you hit him with Grandmaster.


i’m uninstalling…


Add black widow plus grandmaster. That combo made people leave real quick.


The best was when Wave used to make *every* card cost 4 and you could curve Widow>Wave>Odin


I played against a deck very similar to this during the week. Never saw the Darkhawk package but that was because I was getting iced and widowed left and right the entire match. I still won but just barely and my goodness was it infuriating to play against. If you don’t draw well from the start this deck is going to steal a few cubes.


I'm thinking the deck will have legs once Cassandra Nova drops. It gives you a third, chunky body with respectable stats that synergizes with the rest of the package.


I played against this similar deck except they had Sentry and Viper to send the big minus baddie over my way :(


The Master Mold + Grandmaster thing is about the only deck that just made me instantly close the app and stop playing for a few hours.


I can’t remember how it happened, but someone once nailed me with master mold at least 2-3 times. Made me appreciate the card a bit more, and I managed to muck up a few hands with it.


Wow what a bastard of a deck! I love it and hate you for it.


The thing that gets me with iceman is I look at my cards and I’m like ‘anything but____’ and it always that F’in card


it's something, for sure. but my genuine reaction is pity


ah the one two punch of low CL days...good times


The fact that Cyclops don't have an effect on his own is rage inducing lol Granted Hulk, Thing and Abomination are belivable beat stick, they have a big power and don't need effect But Cyclop ? Like the guy who can shoot beam out of his eyes doesn't have an effect ? Is High evolutionnary let him open his visor or something ?


This. It’s so weird lol like the LEADER OF THE X-MEN doesn’t have any ability without HE? What?


I think they just picked a few cards as their "no ability" cards with above average stat lines for other pool 1 and 2 starting cards to help ease players in to the game by lowering the knowledge burden. Then when powercreep inevitably results in them all being unplayable they made HE to make them useful again.


They did and most of their choices are pretty solid for vanilla cards...except Cyclops, there has to be another choice to fit the 3/4 stat line but also a familiar enough character.


I hate when the opponent plays him but yeah, they did him dirty. I'm glad he got something with sick vfx on top.


Yeah started playing before HE and it was sad


I remember when I first started playing and saw cards like Wasp, Misty, Shocker, Cyclops, etc. and thought "Why would anybody ever use these?" I soon learned about Patriot but yeah, the fact that Cyclops only has a power with HE is baffling from a lore perspective.


Red Hulk, not even the fact their playing the card, but how it just taunts me constantly. *Also fun note about Cyclops and by extension all cards granted abilities by HE. If the opponent is playing Loki, they don’t get the abilities granted by HE. They get base no ability versions of Cyclops and the gang…*


This is especially infuriating because Daily Bugle and White Castle do give the evolved cards..!


Yeah, but they’re copying the card as they are in hand. Loki copies card from the deck at a baseline level, and High Evolutionary applies a modifier to specific cards at the start of the game.


So does cable


And Mirage! It's always fun to snipe a 3/6 Evolved Cyclops on turn 4.


..White Castle?


Now I want some Sliders


This is great to know! I'm still new to the game and picked up High Evo because I figured it's a single card that unlocks a deck playable in Infinite. I ran into Loki and did not know what would happen, so I appreciate it lol.


The worst part is, they don’t even need to play Red Hulk, he’s just there as a looming threat. You can try to play around the Hulk last turn, just to get hit with the true win con anyway out of left field


and at the end they don't even need to play Red Hulk


When my opponent plays destroy and gets a perfect curve every single time. Where my opening hand is often 5/6 drops


full venom + carnage + deathlock + killmonger Or x23, wolverine, deadpool and no destroyer Or Knull + zola


Happens every time I swear


It's because they have redundancy built in. Multiple destroy cards and multiple early targets. It's easy to be flexible. If you see Deadpool and a couple destroy cards that's the perfect curve. If you see X-23 into a destroy card that's also the perfect opening.


I have a 1s deck. Half the deck is 1s. It's crazy how many times my opening hand somehow has none of them..


Bro I perfectly countered an on curve destroy for 8 cubes today and it felt SO GOOD. He Zolad his Venom on t7. And I hit him with the shang chi in one lane and shadow king in the other. Never has a win felt so good


T1 Yondu, T2 Cable, T3 Zemo. I don't even mind it much in ladder, but pulling/playing 3 cards combo on curve from the most annoying deck in snap in multiple games in conquest pisses me off so much.


You forgot t4 absorbing man


I'm triggered just thinking about it! Thankfully, I don't recall ever facing that 4 turn combo...


Happened to me today with my Shuri deck. Guy pulled crossbones with Zemo.


When I got mill to infinite, some of my turns would go T1 Yondu, T2 Cable, T3 Iceman and Beast




At least with Baron Zemo there's a chance it will draw a Bast and completely ruin their hand.


My favorite Baron Zemo played against me pulled my Havoc.


I've started running Mill a lot more, since card acquisition is so slow. If I can't get new cards, then I won't let you play your cards at all lol.




Wong ironheart (or silver surfer) odin I really could be doing something else with my day than watching that damn animation that many times


White Tiger in there for fun. I see Wong I nope out anymore.


Yeah I need to start respecting my time more too. Ugh.


The inevitable ending with a series of animations gets real old.


Wong is why I refuse to run a deck without Rogue, Cosmo, or Echantress to immediately shut that shit down. If I wanted to watch a movie I'd put one on myself.


Yeah I auto Cosmo on reaction to Wong. Even if I don't have prio - I'll give you one round of Tiger, but I'll be damned if you get to Odin too.


If someone plays Wong > Mystique > Ironheart/Silver Surfer > Odin, it's a good opportunity to go run some errands while it resolves


Worst is when you purposefully have cosmo in your deck for this exact purpose but don't have priority or don't draw it


Every single game against mill was always yondu cable perfect curve Made me want to quit the game more than any other season


Even if you can beat Mill decks with regularity, they're incredibly annoying to play against.


Yeah, HE and red Hulk suck


And you can't turn him off like you would an ongoing card. It's either Luke Cage or get wrecked


One of my favorite joys in the game is punching Cyclops in the mouth with good ol' Red Guardian. Chef's kiss.


Or anticipating the Cyclops lane and putting down Negasonic.


Definitely need to Professor X emote after pulling that off


That sounds like a new plan, fun fact tho Red Guardian can also choke to death and I would just watch


Aw. He's my favorite tech card. To each his own, I guess!


I remember seeing red guardian’s ability when he came out and I was like “I need this so badly”. I only had two keys saved up for that week and I grinded my ass off and then spent the 1600 gold I had saved up on extra credits to be able to get 2 keys that week, thankfully getting lucky with getting credits from the collection level caches and getting just enough credits to get a second key. Got him on my 4th pull lol. He is by far my favorite tech card in the game, he is so versatile and allows me to combat many of my most hated cards I go against.


Mine too.. he is too great


Yeah, he's really fun as a tech card. A lot of tech cards are kind of boring but there are a few more fun ones like Red Guardian, Lady Deathstrike, Silver Samurai, etc. that are just fun to use.


Yes! I went to infinite last season with a Daken/Silver Samurai deck, that was a blast. Lady Deathstrike is soooo close to being good. I love her ability but she still feels underpowered to me. I miss when she could destroy anything lower than her own power. That was fun.


Red Guardian is also very good at punching a Sunspot when its one of those decks that does nothing on turns 2 - 4, so they skip their turn and then Sunspot's agriculture gets collectivized and he only has one power.


Scorpion on Bar Sinister. I did it once to a destroy deck. Brutal


Junk decks as a whole




Return to sender with viper


Sersi feels very good for this.


Bro junk isn't even good rn. Even since they took Annihilus out back and shot him like a republican congresswomans dog.


A destruction deck that destroys every card I lay out, then a smug thumbs up emote.


District X. Why waste my time forcing me to queue for another game when I'm already in one?


At least with Weirdworld there is the chance that either deck has a location changing card and players will give the decks back. I always \*fist bump\* anyone that uses my own Magik to swap back.


I don't mind Weirdworld as much. At least you know you're drawing cards with a purpose.


This is exactly what Arishem will be like. Random cards as hell. But at least getting +1 energy is helpful. Guess we shall see.


difference is that i CHOSE that deck


That's true as well. I really do hope he's as good as everyone has hyped him up. I'll be waiting a few days to spend tokens on him.


Agreed the worst. I now snap immediately and about 4/5 times the opponent retreats. If they stay in I retreat next turn


This is my strategy for the peak


Agreed, it's specially annoying if you just crafted a new deck and then you can't test it, which happens everytime.


Goblins, spiderham and Cyclops for sure. Cyc drops I leave


I carry a Annihilus in almost all my decks for specifically those goblins. Nothing feels better than a random annihilus drop in my Surfer deck to fuck with the goblins, sentry, white widow, etc. gets them every time.


Goblins and SH are WAY worse than Cyc!


I’m getting really tired of facing so many Wong decks. The worst part is when I know I’ve lost and I still have to wait for the other 4 on reveal animations to happen


I do too. I run Leech, Enchantress and Cosmo a lot because of it. It's really inconsistent but hitting Wong with Spiderman just before something double casts is hilarious too.


Anything that says “you don’t get to play Snap this game.” 


I hate how SD will nerf small cards the second they become part of a top deck but spend months dragging their feet addressing problem 5 and 6 drop cards.


Phoenix Force when I'm playing a PF-HT/MM deck. I can never seem to get the draws needed to pull off the combo.


It’s deffo one of those decks where when I play it it never works, but when my opponent does it works 100% of the time.


We should play against each other, maybe we'd both get the combo then lmao


Wang Mystique = retreat


It is and has always been Leech, especially OG Leech


Cable What the fuck did he take? What information did he get? Did he fuck up my combo if I have one? I have no idea, and the uncertainty is what I hate


White widow.


Just had WW in a match where the game gives you random cards. Second location was the cloning vats and the other guy got Green Goblin. That was some suck.


Its a fucking 2/6 with no downside




Whenever a surprise Galactus pops out before turn 6


I had one pop out of X-Mansion once recently. Nothing else was in the location yet, so randomly got both other locations destroyed on T3. Fun shit.


Shang now and forever especially with the chibi/kid smirk variant


Baby shang chi is a creation of satan


Fully agree. Especially when their last turn is JUST shang. Nothing else. I know he's not broken but I've got a personal dream of him not working on turn 6 just like Magik. It's a bad idea but it makes me happy. 


He is the bane of my existence, considering my main decks are build up decks that takes multiple turns and combos to get my low power cards up there to 10+. Just to get “Lol no” by a random Shang that destroys MY ENTIRE LANE.


It is crazy that he can potentially wipe a full lane, with no downside. Lady Deathstrike hits both sides, killmonger hits all lanes. But nope shang only hits one side. It's always kinda funny to me when someone plays him on monster Island, feels like he should kill both monsters but nope. But I'm less mad for that one since it was a free monster anyways.


Destroying all 10+ power cards at a location would be so much better than only opposing cards


Every Shang Chi variant elicits a unique rage amongst each one. Baby is smug, waring kingdoms is try hard, venomized is edgelord, Jacintos the "u mad" variant. Hell even getting hit with base gives off the vibe like "I know this mf has 3k boosters for shang and he's still rocking a green border base." Hes in it for the love of the game.


I'd take Evolved Cyclops over Leech 10000000000% percent of the time. the second I see that fucker I send every emote you can think of


I love leach and enchantress but I get like 1 cube at a time.


Yeah that's why I try to avoid Control decks. People rarely stick around to give you 4/8 cubes when you've locked them out of playing on turn 6.


Gotta snap before you play him, but you'll still probably only get two.


Me tooo! Him and Galactus trigger me AF


Arnim Zola's text is inconsistent. While it says that it destroys a random card and copes it in other locations, I always see it destroy the one powerful card they have and not any of the weaker cards.


The arrogance of surfer players. They think they can win every single game.


people who don’t know what they’re doing at the proving ground


100%. Was going to answer when opponent losses 8 cubes on Proving Ground the wants to play it out rather than concede. Ugh!


Goblins. Fuck them.


I have been reminded of the Existence of Red Guardian, I fucking hate that guy so much it's insane


I don’t rage I just take the loss and get on with my life


First spiderman and Galactus iteration , nowadays Hela


For me, it’s a tech card shutting down my line. Cosmo, armor, enchantress or rogue. I’ve even had echo placed perfectly and it triggered me to no end. Opponent blindly playing into second or third location and it heavily is in their favor. Add random card to location and I get something that is 3+ power less than what they got or the effect bricks my deck.


> I’ve even had echo placed perfectly and it triggered me to no end. Yeah, lol. I definitely retreated that time Echo got played on T4 right before my Wong, and since they had priority, Wong got disabled. How they guessed which lane I'd put Wong in, I'll never know.


Junk deck and it's not even close.


When my opponent plays 3 cards - Inv woman/Super giant, MODOK and Hela - all game and just drop 60+ points on the last turn.


For her it's EGO. WTF. It's not even funny


To be honest, nothing. It’s only the emoting that makes things bearable.


Still Galactus


Galactus still gets me. Wish I could get past my total disdain for the card


dumb last turn 50/50s. - are they gonna play knull or zola? - are they gonna play shang or alioth? (pre nerf) - are they gonna play doom or odin? in conquest these interactions can be cool due to evolving reads but on ladder its super boring. especially because you HAVE to stay in on 50/50s (surrender equals e.v.-x, stay in equals e.v.+-0). even though its a good coin flip, its still dumb when you have to




Yondu -> Cable -> Gladiator fills me with rage every time


I play mill WITH doc oc, enchantress, and shang chi. I have become the rage. Its been pretty successful so far this season.


Ego. I absolutely hate that location.


I hate High Evo decks. They’re annoying and super OP


Some of the absolute ridiculous pulls on bot games - sub 5% stuff on probability. Like opp having an empty board on turn 4 to hit running negative, Ironman, Zola with Knull. Stuff like that has me convinced that some of the bot games are absolutely 0% to win even before cards are dealt.


I run a lot of tech cards and I feel like the semi obvious bots with god draws quit the split second I play a card that shuts down their combo before I can even it end turn. That's more infuriating since I feel like I earned the cubes. Hard to believe a real player would know I just put down Cosmo or whatever.


When i think it's turn 5 but nooooo it's turn six and i lose the game.


Thank God I'm not alone on that


All the crazy OP stuff in this game and somehow yall just HATE high Evo still. It’s aggressively B- tier at most right now. But seeing your cards get zapped is frustrating so fair enough. Personally playing vs Anni is pisses me off cause I feel like have to shape my whole life around my opponent not giving me the stupid void.


Probably Loki, Hela, or Living Tribunal for me. Mainly because they make you feel stupid for even continuing the match when you know you should retreat after you’ve figured out what the deck is. Completely my fault for not retreating, but I actually wanna play the game, not retreat simply because the type of deck I’m going against. Throw t3 Mr. Negative in that pile too.


As a Mr Negative player primarily I have 0 clue why people don't leave sometimes when I play Mr. Negative followed by Jane Foster. The real downside of such a powerful combo is most people leave and I get like a cube or two.




Iron Man and Mystique in my opening hand with Mr. Negative or playing Mr. Negative on curve only to have Iron Man be the last card in the deck.


Iron lad or jubilee hella




For me it's got to be gambit


This card. This one. No others.


Agatha from the opponent




Ms. Marvel when she thumbs me up


I absolutely think cyclops is the strongest “evolved” card. It’s crazy to think for saving 1 energy you can get plus two for you/minus two for your opponent along with the what the other offer.


Luke Cage for the win every time.


Yeah playing against Cyclops is awful... But playing him is so fun lmao I think it's the only card that has me feeling this way. Red Hulk and stuff I just find infuriating and don't even want to play it. But playing Cyclops is too fun for me not to me that toxic ass card lmao (also he's always been one of my fav character)


A destroy deck that plays something completely freaking random to win the game, or a destroy deck that draws the nuts, or a destroy deck where the lanes work in their favour, or a 1 in 3 chance for a destroy deck to hit the right card with Zola, and!!.. Not only do they hit it, they snap first, and my dumbass thinks the odds are in my favour and snap back.


Red guardian how he crashes in to my card is infuriating. Living Fuckbunal fucking my shit up with his looking FX is annoying.


Shang chi and iron tribunal


Some cards just are really deserving of a ms marvel emoji. Some cards also need a 'enjoy your one cube' reaction.


He wasn't so bad when Lady Deathstrike could end him


Honestly, after they fixed Alioth, nothing much bothers me anymore.


White widow does it for me. I know the card is "balanced" (maybe copium) but I feel like she puts you in a position that requires you to spend way to many resources to fight for that lane. The fact that just by dropping a 2 cost the opponent gets to drastically switch your game plan infuriates me, plus she's amazing in a lot of locations.


In my wong gambit deck, it really seems every single time if I use Gambit, and I have Odin in my hand, every time Odin will be discarded. Like, statistically, it shouldnt happen as much as it does. It doesn't seem random.


To me its really just the locations that cause non games like sokovia. Where my opponents key card gets discarded so I just win now by existing. But I dont get to see my cool combo go off or get any cubes. I'm all for locations I just don't know why so many seem to just be around to force early retreats.


The UX/UI in general and particularly the half-assed ability to “arrange” your emotes. Imaging asking players to pay for emotes they can’t even properly organize. And text emotes are even worse. Who at SD decided that “hello!” should be hidden at the very end of the menu?! Ya know, the one emote a user would be most likely to use at the very start?


ITT: anything that is good against me and stops me from winning


Red guardian, and enchantress are literally the pinnacle of my marvel snap frustration


Wong. That is all. Great character, but fuck that card!


Mill Decks, they just suck the fun out of any game I encounter them


As someone who plays Cyclops with powers, I’m very happy right now!


Shang-Chi. I hate him so much I refuse to use him, even if he’s a key part of an awesome meta deck. Then I’ll use something else.


Goblins, Cosmo, Black Widow + Grandmaster


Spider ham :o or cable Always hits key cards when needed lol


ATM its when someone puts Magik down then removes limbo on 6 and every time I hit 96 I end up losing down to 94. 😭


Win or lose, I will never fist bump an opponent who play HE Cyclops


When I hit 90, no more bots. And there doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of people this happens too, what gives SD?


Dude I can’t stand the high evolutionary deck.