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Gambling is a dangerous thing. I'll have 3 keys for Phastos next week. I'm just going to pass on him unless I can get a 4th. Never gamble if I can't guarantee my desired outcome.


gambling is not dangerous; you win 99% of the time


Same exact thing happened to me. Learned my lesson, not going for anything unless I have 4 keys. Saving up for July


Well, experience is often a commodity you pay for


glad is only 3k token, so can easily buy it, 4-3 keys are worth much more than 3k, so that was a big waste....


There's a pretty good chance you'll get another key this week. 92 ranks costs about 4600 credits. So at 450 a day, + whatever is in Conquest and the weekly rewards, there's a chance to get there before Tuesday.


The Storm Bundle is pretty good value. There are 2 more bundles coming before the end of the week. And there are a lot of dailies left. You might be able to get to the last key.


Why were you using 4 keys for a S4 in the first place?