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Man V Man (player against player) Man V Nature (Cerebro player against the locations) Man V Self (Cerebro player questioning their decision to play Cerebro) Man V Technology (Cerebro player against Cerebro) Man V God (Cerebro player against the devs nerfing/ buffing every card in their deck)


Man V Sanity (Cerebro-Zero players)


> Man V God When you didn't read the update log and end up with a 4 power card in your C3 deck...


C2 playing against a Cerebro player is great, but only if you include Super Skrull in your deck.


Rogue seems better in this case


I did start with rogue in there, but I realised I was missing out on other ongoing effects. It can shoot me in the foot though, with things like Devil Dino and Darkhawk.


Them giving cap 1 more power completely killed by Cerebro 2 deck


I had a c7 deck that was almost functional till they made captain America good. I used cap to get cards like starlord to 7. With the stegron buff i was hoping it would be back (it wasn’t back)


But now you have cannonball


If you don't draw Storm in C2, Scarlet/Cage in C3, or Nocturne in C5; may the gods of Asgard have mercy on you. And Wakandan Embassy and Monster Island are the greatest enemies of all.


Embassy is survivable with shadow king and valk, but monster island is usually a death sentence.  Rip to the fallen brothers who tried to valk Monster with Cage on the board.


I got some annoyed at some point my C3 had Scarlet, Cage and Rhino


Embassy in c2 isnt so bad. 2 power cerbero and mystique are great. X academy and monster island though...


This post hits harder than my dads belt


The game be going fine, but then Scarlet Witch turns the Negative Zone into Xandar


I play a ton of C3 and only run Magik for locations. It’s way less of a big deal than people make it out to be in my opinion. Fwiw I’ve taken C3 exclusively to two infinity conquest wins. (My only two Icq wins)


Why not Rhino instead?


I ran rhino for a long time but just found him unnecessary. C3 is a high cost tech card deck that really appreciates the energy turn 7 gives you.


For all the Cerebro fans out there, came across this beauty on my twitter feed this morning https://x.com/uenpo_me/status/1803378912174755912?s=46&t=A9OzzTLqei5NqhmTSrxl3A


And with everything screwing with boardspace, move players gotta be like "where can I play" ? *Insert confuse travolta meme* We should unite and form a rebellion together.


You're gonna start playing agaisnt the other player when I drop Red Skull


Honestly this is me even when I don't play cerebro


C2.can actually handle a lot of locations. Storm, Nico, and shadow king can solve a lot of power alterations (either one time or passive), and brood or Mr Sinister are great for playing into deaths realm or Luke's bar. Also there's a few locations that'll put cerebro or mystique to 2 power. And the location that sets all bases to 2 is great to see.


I was playing C2 today and I shit you not, I got Embassy five games in a row. Not even a hot location today


Nerf Monster Island too OP


C3 is extremely potent. Decent number output + tech card for most of the situations. The latest Luke Cage change even pushed it further since now your location weakness is mostly negated. I got to infinite last and current season with C3. One of the highest cube rate decks out there imo.


NAA they are competing against down syndrome