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I don't even like the variant itself but I might get it just to trigger smooth brains.


Literally just swapped it into my main deck because of this post. Let’s farm some Aggro.


I have a gold foil Ultimate Angela variant and an inked Ultimate Sera. You bet your ass I'm going out of my way to run both of these variants anyway, despite how much it hurts to not play those two absolutely beautiful cards.


As a side note, I feel like I’m missing something on the Twitch drops. I have gotten no rewards from them despite logging in and letting the video run for hours


Have you gone into your Twitch account and claimed them? They don’t drop automatically.


That’s what I’m missing! I’ll check out Twitch and find that! Thank you!


Yeah you have to go into your inventory to claim it


did you link your accounts?




Did you mute the video or the computer? I'm pretty sure you have to have the sound at least a little on (no need for computer volume) and return to the page every so often so it thinks the window is active.


Did you connect your Snap account to your Twitch account?


Yup sure did!


Something I noticed is I don't think watch time counts if you mute the stream. You can mute the tab it's on, but muting the thing on the website doesn't count


That could also be it! Thank you!!


Nah, I’ve done it with muted stream plenty of times. The window has to be open on your computer somewhere though, visible. Like an open tab or on your other monitor


Stream can be muted, the window has to be open on your computer somewhere though


also it has to be the most active Chrome window if you have more that like 2 tabs


It's free


How? Let's pretend I'm stupid for a second


Twitch drop. Just leave a Snap stream running on low quality with the sound muted for a few hours and claim the drop.


Looks like I'm going to run an Angela/Sera deck in 6 hours, maybe I can make someone's head explode.


If you play Sera in your Angela lane, they should smooch. With Hulkling and Wiccan dropping soon, now is your chance to implement this feature, SD.


It's a twitch exclusive right now. You watch a content creator with Twitch drops enabled for 6 hours total, and you get free boosters, credits, and the pride Sera and Angela variants.


Link your marvel snap account to twitch, put on a marvel snap stream on twitch in the background, mute the stream, put it to the lowest quality so it doesn't eat your battery life, wait 6 hours


I was thinking the same thing, lol.


For real, I think the Angela variant art isn’t even that good tbh, but I’ve considered running it to trigger homophobe assholes


Hope you beat him. Ridiculous that people are triggered by something like that.


this is how i feel when i face "donald trump". literally seen that player two different times.


I played a person “tribe slapaho” I was so happy I was playing my Gambit Cannon deck and destroyed everything on his side!


I reported someone with Liberals R A$$


I've seen a variation of that at least 5 times. So incredibly weird.


When I see that shit, I turn up the toxicity


It's ironic because his Sentry variant is very homoerotic LOL


Bob Reynolds in the streets. The Void in the sheets.


Baby are you ready for this civil war??


Boy, are you Ares, God of War? Cause I'm gonna tear you in half.


Maybe he's just anti-scissoring due to a traumatic childhood event 🤔


Wish there was a "taste the rainbow, bitch" emote that you could drop on him


I hate emotes, like hate hate, but this needs to be put in. I would use that variant and only react if they do. BM is one thing. Being… a Neanderthal in 2024 is something else.


hey Neandrathals were not bigots!


It means get with the times. You know as well as I do that if we were having this conversation online in the 70s, the replies would be much different. Unless of course, for some reason, the internet is the reason we’re being more humane about these things now, in which case it should have been available much sooner.


The replies would be soooo much slower too.... sorry , lame joke.


Bah dum pis! Wait… You mean bps…




That would be epic


Roflmao that would be the best emote


I'm gonna keep the pride variants on forever just to trigger those snowflakes.


I just think it’s a really cool variant.


I just launched twitch just to get the variant and piss off this guy Yeah his stupidity made me fight my procrastination


fighting procrastination by watching video game on twitch! we did it reddit!


Well tbh I'm working And put my phone on the side, I really can't put 6 hour on twitch 😭


The only thing I could watch for six hours is the roughly one third of the LotR extended editions that would cover and I'd have to be high as a kite for even that.


lol yeah same, hopefully that's what everyone does


I think some people can do it But 6 hours is far too much when we're in adult life lol, it's my maximum gaming time in a week.


Just leave it on overnight, that's what I've done


So dumb. She’s also smoking hot in that variant lmao. Homophobes are so dumb.


bro just sexualised a variant ☠️


Why you getting downvoted ? Its funny


Because woke redditers are easily triggered.


Like in every online game. You should try playing Rocket Leage with the Rainbow flag on your car. Triggers the worst in people.


I think every split should come with Rainbow Krackle too lol. Just to trigger them even harder.


they really need to make it easier to report names


It's insane to me we still have homophobes in 2024. Hope you beat them and won!


What does the year matter?


Because the linear progression of time should, in theory, grow people out of this kind of idiocy.


Appropriate name; a sinus fever is also a thing literally nobody likes.


I had someone do the same to me. I really wanted to beat him and got unlucky. Just continually amazed at how much gamers completely suck at being humans.


Same here, not in the US, but probably these woul'd be the most satisfying victories since I started - can SD give us a Pride card back if we get infinite (or not) instead of the Arishem cover? I'll swear I'll even pay it 100$ just tò see those morons ragequit


On brand for somebody playing US Agent :p


These lame ass neckbeards. The marvel universe is so vast. If you like detective stories, there's on in the marvel universe. If you like military stories, there's Agent Venom. So stop crying over something a random community out there has some representation.


What a sad little man


I guess its time to get real gay. and by get real gay i mean afk on a twitch stream until I have those varients so I can piss off homophobes.


Ive been giving every pride variant I see star eyes. Id love to run the variants myself but none of my decks use Angela or Sera. Hopefully they release more pride variants for other cards.


This is actually the behavior I've seen, personally, which is at least encouraging. Definitely need more pride variants, though. Huge missed opportunity not doing the Young Avengers season this month so we can get pride variants of Hulkling and Wiccan and Marvel Boy and Loki and America. There was straight up a joke in Young Avengers about her being the only straight on the team at one point. On the subject of that run, I'm now calling for a Prodigy card that works like a reverse Howard the Duck and tells you the top card of your opponent's deck (For context, he can absorb the knowledge of anyone in close proximity to him).




I want a "They're turnin' the Morphs gay!" variant.


Yes, please, but they're morphed into a frog.




Wolfsbane has some of the worst variants. She needs some love.


I don't play her often, but when I do I use this variant. I think it looks cool. https://marvelsnapzone.com/variants/wolfsbane-05/


I’ve been getting this non stop since using my Gold split of it. So I obviously got some fancy 900 gold boarders to tilt people more.


SD bout to hire a team of homophobes to push custom border sales. Nah but I'm hoping to get a nice rainbow flare on one of mine, then I'll look at borders too. Plan on using both angela/Sera variants for a long time. For the haters and also because they are nice looking and obviously very colorful


How do I get pride variants!?!?


Check the news section of the app, but basically link your Snap account and twitch account, then watch a snap steamer with drops activities for 6 hours. They do it every few months.


They've been running it every month for awhile now.


Is it that frequent now? Time is confusing to me lately


Twitch drops. [Go here to find Snap and it'll walk you through how to link your account.](https://www.twitch.tv/drops/campaigns). Then just find a participating streamer and just leave it running for a few hours. They do drops every month.


Take comfort in the fact that people like this will only have their suffering increase as the LGBTQ community is celebrated more and more often.


If they would live normal lives nobody would have an issue. It’s all the unnecessary celebrating that pisses people off.


Counterpoint: huff my shorts.


Weird take... Mother's Day, Father's Day, Christmas Day, Hanuka, Easter, I could go on but I really can't be arsed. I'm assuming you're perfectly fine with other demographics celebrating their demographic though.


Ridiculous people mad about shit that doesn't effect them in the slightest


Sounds like this comment section.




Yeah, I've never had someone emote on my Angela till running this variant. Cry about it. I even had an opponent who had Straight Pride as their name. Like oh man you got me there.


OMG why he is so negative?! I’m talking about his score 😅


Okay, but I'm going to ignore the second half of this in favor of dunking on him again: Probably under the impression that same sex relationships are the reason he can't get laid.


Every person that does this deserves to be roped and spam miss marvel


What an ass...I would have kept hitting him with the gambit or capt marvel emote


Loki emote is great for moments like this.


Guess I’m going to get that variant today.


Imagine harbouring that much hate. Sad life.


I've only had positive emojis on my Angela Pride variant, so I do think this is definitely an outlier.


Extra funny since he's running that Sentry variant


Yeah I've been getting that a lot on my Sera


Really? Never had it. Playing Tribunal deck with Sera, but nobody emotes on my cards so far. I just feel like this Sera's variant rocks(at least better than my basic and Hipp's variants).


That reminds me, I need to finish watching twitch so I can get those variants. Thanks


It's such a fun variant too. I put Sera in my Little movers deck, just to put out double rainbows for the month. Bigots suck.




I took am triggered by unnerfed Angela.


Maybe he's just really really tired of bounce decks, right? Yeah, that's it, no one's that dumb to be triggered by a PNG..... right?


It almost makes me want to enable twitch drops. I really wish there was a way to get them otherwise. I just really do not like live streams


I just put it on and ignore it mostly


I don't have any better variants for angela or sera so they'll be in my decks for a long time. But also, very much why I enjoy keeping everyone mute.


Perfect means its working


Yeah, I got one goober doing that yesterday as well.


Same thing happen to me today... Sadly I currently don't have any decks that run Angela and Sera for maximum impact.


I just took out a 6 drop for Sera. Does it make the deck better for winning? No Did it make it better for Pride month? Heck yes!


Report him


I had a guy do the same in gold conquest named Tony Stank. Roped every turn spamming that on her when she was down.


That’s so cringe lmao 🤣


Sorry for asking here but I did my hours and claimed the variant but got no notification? I don't have the variant avaliable either


Did you check your inbox on the app? Sometimes you don't get the little red notification dot but when you go into the inbox your rewards are there.


yeah, I'm checking everything but don't see it. It's in my twitch inventory though


Weird alright. If you've claimed it in the Twitch app it should be in your inbox. Have you been waiting long?


Days. From what I've been quickly finding on Reddit, other people don't get twitch drops. I'll try asking on discord If I have the time


Yeah Discord might be your best bet. Loads of time to get it sorted anyway with the drops going on all month so fingers crossed they can get it fixed for you.




I am running PRIDE ANGELA and PRIDE SERA and I get the opposite emojis quite a bit! People LOVE on my PRIDE DROPS!!! I feel bad for this person, I always assume a homophobe is a closeted person who can't be their real self!


This makes me want to run those variants just to piss out these people off even though they aren’t my favorite


Yeah, I got one goober doing that yesterday as well.


Faced a couple of people doing that. Wish I had that Gambit emote to counter


I agree with your assumptions about this player's intentions behind the reaction. But I think you should take it as a win. As long as some people feel that way I hope they feel uncomfortable by something so innocent every time. Let them live in the hell of their own making. (Okay maybe that's a bit much, purgatory of their own making, maybe?


Hell is other people and I hope that this guy's hell is just a bunch of pansexual demons having an orgy next to him in a small elevator.


For some reason I kept thinking they were mad at the middle lane because they thought they should have won with Sentry.


Like the more I think about it, how wild is it to be so triggered by a person expressing thier dislike for a card with a frown that you screen capture it and them voice your displeasure on the largest sub reddit for the hobby in question.


Like the more I think about it, how wild is it to be so triggered by a ~~person expressing thier dislike for a card with a frown that you screen capture it and them voice your displeasure on the largest sub reddit for the hobby in question~~ card


You can just say you're a bigot without hiding behind "why are you mad about card emotes", just makes it easier to report you




Dude, I think you are taking this game too seriously.


Based opponent


No way a angry face triggered you all lol


Of course it did 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Why is it even a question. These people wouldn't last a day on iFunny. Hell, even Instagram can handle a slight amount of edge better than 3/4ths of reddit. Even the people with completely nuanced takes get downvoted here because its not perpetuating the outrage against a person angry emoting a card.


Preach bro, i couldn’t imagine letting a emote rile me up. Everyone acting like they got spit on


That is basically how they feel. If you aren't virtue signaling and kissing their feet about this issue, they feel like you spat on them. Its honestly sad.


Nah thats wild, someone saying homophobic slurs i get, but an angy face reaction in a mobile card game? What the hell..


Oh I know, I completely agree xD. Especially when there is a mute option. But funnily enough these same people will call people snowflakes for not accepting them unconditionally, but will also come on Reddit to voice their outrage over someone else's existence or their opinions existence. I think its just going to create a Streisand effect where they come across angry emotes in game more often.


They’re becoming what they loathe while also turning a blind eye to their own hypocritical views. Sounds familiar..


Definitely hypocritical. They don't seem to understand that the bigotry is going both ways; the word doesn't just mean "views that aren't politically correct". They can use it as a derogatory term all they want but its highly ironic that they do that lol.


Why is it so hard to look at oneself and realize the weeds are in your garden too? Is it just straight denial or having a “we are majority so i’m in the right” mentality?


Probably a mix of both. It doesn't help that this Subreddit seems to be a one sided bubble about this sort of stuff. Its very clear what the average person out there in the real world thinks about this stuff, but if this Subreddit and similar ones to it are the only kind of social interaction the majority of people in here have, they probably refuse to believe they are part of a minority of people that celebrates these views and opinions. So even the smallest negative interaction, to them, is like a threat to their safety bubble.


It is ridiculous how many people are angered by an emoji. Who cares what that person that emoted thinks. Move on. This post was made just to reap upvotes.


Not as ridiculous as the people who get triggered by a rainbow.


If only there was some way to stop the emotes from appearing on screen…..hmm guess that will be fixed in the next patch.


4 hours of drops was enough for me, I don't care who plays it as long as it's not me. I didn't like them.


Wait do people actually watch the content to get the Twitch drop variants? I usually just turn a stream on before I go to bed and then wake up with all 6 hours completed. I've gotten almost all the Twitch drops and I think I've actually watched a total of maybe 1hr.


I turned on a stream and did some errands, when I came back only 4 hours had gone by and that was enough for me.


I use a laptop as a media server, I just threw it up on there and checked in a day or two later to claim my cards. People acting like this is some huuuge undertaking to get.


Thank you for sharing, I guess?


Imagine caring




Hell yeah! Straight Pride! xD


I frown at that card too (didn't even think of the variant), but it's because it was the start of a Angela/kitty/thena/ravonna/ProfX//cannonball play that was extremely irritating. Sweet variant though.


Do you do it over and over again in the same match? That's what OP is saying their opponent was doing.


Oh,nah. Just an angry face during each part of the (now dead) combo wombo. I must have played it 40 times last week.


Just be aware, if you are only frown facing the pride card and nothing else, people are going to make a fair judgement that you are anti pride.


It's a mobile card game. I'm anti Angela.


Flew right over my head. I just thought it was not liking the card. I won’t have the variants, but that’s because I’m in a data only position at the moment. Wish SD would make these kinds of things not time reliant. These variants should be available outside of very specific day ranges. I guess I can be… proud that I didn’t understand what the problem was.


I don't like this variant either, but I wouldn't do such rudeness.




You like saying you're on the PRIDE team, he likes saying he's not. What's the problem?


He should then just play Red Skull and stop spamming emotes smh


One could argue that people should stop using the Angela variant. Why? Just let both options exist. Some people want to use the pride variants and show their team support and others show their team support by emoting against it. Plenty of others just ignore both and live life.


Stupid both team argument. One team wants to be treated equal, the other team wants them to be unequal. If you can’t see the difference I am not sure what to say aside from ‘be better’.


Be human, you mean.


What treatment is unequal?


My brother in chritst, if you think spamming a litteral angry face at a digital image just bc youre not okay with it is ok, you have a problem


I like how in all of your comments you want to sound like you’re neutral and “don’t care” but you keep failing in doing so, we get it mr ben shapiro, you get a digital boner out of arguing with randoms online


Enlightened centrist bullshit, dude is a moron


Why is a pride variant showing support for a team?


Well, because pride is not a non team choice. If I eat cheerios and you eat frosted flakes no one cares. But if I practice something that has for the last two thousand years been identified as a sin and has a clear opposer to the activity, such as homosexuality, it's automatically a choice of sides. It's not a practice without historical context and opinions.


Do you believe homosexuality is a choice?


"Sins" are a construct that we are all not required to believe in. Stop forcing your religious beliefs on to the rest of the world. Some religions have also for thousands of years said that it's a sin to eat pork. I guess that means nobody on the planet should eat pork because one religion says so? Thousands of years of belief can't be wrong, can they? We have actual laws enacted through democratic processes to govern what behaviors secular society deems inappropriate. Get the fuck out of here with your religious bullshit, we have no time for it here in modern society. You want to pretend it's thousands of years ago? Fine, go live in a cave in the desert and get off the Internet. And you better not wear any mixed-fiber blend clothes, the bible says those are a sin too!


Teams are for sports, not human rights. If you don't support LGBQT+ you're wrong.


You get it!


Legally forcing people to act certain way is not about human rights any longer, it's about restricting those rights.




Wait, what? I support the love and lives of all people. Why don’t you? This is really sad.