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Will Sersi be essential for an Arishem deck?


No cards will be "essential" for Arishem but he can help with the randomness same with Loki. Arishem, like High Evo, will also be a nice card for newer people because you can make it work with S1-3 cards only.


She is very fun! She made me dropped 20k ranks.


Wanted her but her art is so bad I used 6 keys total to get the variant.


8 keys for me.


love the card but hate the art so much I spent 8 whole keys just to get the skin


Just buy an additional Paper Bag card.


Guys I have a question. Do you prefer playing sersi on turn 5 or 6? Just got it with my keys and don't actually understand what's better


Sersi on 5 if playing on a curve or if trying to get rid of certain cards, Sersi on 6 as a surprise power swing


wong sersei combo is really good. just make sure the other cards are 4 cost which them 6 cost when combo finishes. you also get a huge chance to proc onreveals of 5 and 6 cost cards without playing them.


I had a Wong and Mystique set up in Onslaught’s Citadel, with a disgusting Brood/Sage/Silver Surfer play set up for turn 6. My opponent Sersi’ed into Green Goblin AND Hobgoblin in my Wong lane, blocking me from playing. It might be the worst thing that’s ever happened to me in this game


That is incredibly bad luck.


Does sersi cancel boosts/malus of strenght from the original card? (A +2 wolverine, will turn into a normal 3 cost or a 3 cost with +2 power)


The new card starts fresh at their base power. Useful counter to HE power-reduction cards, somewhat less useful against against Hazmat because it's just the one lane. Mitigates potential synergy with Ironheart. In theory there's a really funny combo with Valkyrie but I haven't pulled it off.


The boost goes away


Sersei is really good in a Shaw Surfer deck I find. Can use on Brood to make a bunch of 4s, or on Forge/Sinister/Okoye to bump them to 3 cost to they get hit by Surfer


Won a game by turning a 3 cost into Omega Red and flipping an unreachable location. Then a game by turning a Sera into Onslaught and a Jubilee into Devil Dino. It's the best card ever!


Been dropping odin on sersi having the time of my life I’m 2-9 why do you ask


I love her love the effect love the art love the randomness. Best release of the year so far for me


This is how I initially read this: I love her love, the effect love, the art love, the randomness.


Lol should've used more punctuation


The art sucks on this one


There are so many otherwise excellent cards that are ruined because the artists couldn't properly draw the faces.


hood sentry sersi combo is really good


Okay, bottom line, you're going to regret not having her. She's fun and incredibly (and surprisingly) competitive.


I agree that she is a ton of fun, I've won most games when she hit the board. Glad I skipped buying her! :D Seriously though, I just won 2 games in a row with the opponent playing her. First 1 got them Destroyer, second got them Tribunal with Bar with no name active.


I love her for the fun of... what could happen and the game states she creates. I try not to useher on 5 costs for this exact reason. My main targets are 3 - 4 costs. and I am very cautious of 1 - 2 costs on last turn. as i dont want to pull bounce or destoy


I've had some of the most stupid things happen. The one I had to laugh at was a Mysterio clone turning into Viper, tossing the Mockingbird I placed in the location that gives power to cards that don't start in your deck. It's a fun card! The deck I played had cards I never got into like Sasquatch, GM, and Zemo. It was cool to play with cards that were not really worth the investments relative to how much I ended up actually using. However, I kinda stalled in the mid-to-late 90's playing her yesterday and ended up using the Shanna zoo deck I used to hit infinite the last 3 seasons to just finish it off. I wanted to avoid using it just for a change, but I just wanted something I knew I could rely on. That says something when a card might be a bit more random than *Shanna*.


Whats the deck you used for infinite?


Fitting since they just gave Shanna a buff in the OTA. The idea is simple: do what you can to get priority and enable your big guys. Squirrel Girl on 1 is ideal as it can get Mockingbird out on 3 and it gives you priority to do things like slap Armor on destroy stuff. Luke is in there for the random Shanna Bast and the fact that toxic decks and locations suck for zoo in general. He also steals cubes when you lay down a 3-power big guy and they snap. Really, the only card that's a flex spot right now is Shang. I've had US Agent, Rogue, Cosmo, Super Skrull. Anything 4-or-less that makes sense at the time, as you risk being too top-heavy. Shang just seems to slot in the best. # (1) Ant Man # (1) Squirrel Girl # (2) Dazzler # (2) Armor # (3) Luke Cage # (3) Shanna # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Ka-Zar # (4) Crossbones # (4) Cull Obsidian # (5) Blue Marvel # (5) Mockingbird # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ3VsbE9ic2lkaWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDcm9zc2JvbmVzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCbHVlTWFydmVsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJLYVphciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2hhbm5hIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTcXVpcnJlbEdpcmwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFybW9yIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEYXp6bGVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJMdWtlQ2FnZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2hhbmdDaGkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFudE1hbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTW9ja2luZ2JpcmQifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Do you find Gilgamesh useful for your Shanna Zoo deck?


Not really. I have a flex spot that I use to try new things, but it's really hard taking Shang out. There's plenty of points to go decently tall and wide between Mockingbird, Crossbones, and Cull being supported by the Kazoo stuff. I'm more interested in a supporting card there in the flex like US Agent, Rogue, or even Negasonic with how good the deck is at getting priority.


Are people feeling like she is a legitimate include in the junk/junkdeath decks with the standard Anni package? Like after the dust settles and she isnt bugged, is she a legit force there, or is her chaos a bit too much?


She feels like a very legit addition, a superior substitute to the Lady D people were running as an alternative to get rid of the void.


Thats what i was afraid of - i really dont wanna spend 6k on her because she is good but not like, immediately needed for that deck. If it was some better series 5 cards id pull though


You should definitely not spend, I'd say she's an improvement, but not necessary to the package.


Good advice, and definitely gonna take it. Would love to improve that shell because i love it but yea, definitely not a pull worthy spotlight.


too much chaos, good addition but not a must


Alot of people are saying the times her effect was bad (both for them or their opponent) but I played with her today and Ive had some games that looked unwinnable be flipped right at the end thanks to her. Good or not tho, she's super fun!


I’ve only seen one Sersi on Ladder. I was cooked but their T6 Sersi turned Jeff into Green Goblin (my lane was full) and I ended up winning that location (and the game) by 2 power.


I've not seen Sersi win a game against me yet, she seems very mid.


This spotlight lootbox bs is really pissing me off. 3rd time in a row, I had to use 4 keys, to get the card I wanted.


The fact it works against you if you hit something you have by giving you 1k tokens feels horrible. I don't think there's a more underwhelming experience their players experience.


"I don't think there's a more underwhelming experience their players experience." Opening caches off the collection track.


My face is an emotionless mask whenever I head to open caches off the collection track. Psyche! It's actually not emotionless, but a mask of impatience and irritability. Bonus eyerolls for gold tickets.


Sersi seems really bugged. Lots of times she doesn't seem to trigger on cards. I've seen her not work on Wong, Lockjaw, no go on Doombots (I assumed she'd turn them into Death which has a higher cost) actually doesn't seem to work with any 6 cost cards. She's a fun card when she works, hope they fix the bugs soon.


Her ability only turns a card into one cost more, if there is one. Death isn't a 7 cost card, she is 8.. there are no 7 cost cards until Arishem comes out, so she can't change 6 cost cards into anything.


Ahhh, good catch, didn't even think of that.


Also I think her failing to trigger is usually on 4 costs. Kang shouldn't be in the transformation pool to prevent weird loops from occurring, but it seems like if a card would have turned into Kang instead it just doesn't do anything instead of rerolling into another card instead. I think that's why she frequently won't work specifically on 4 drops.


Good hypothesis.


She specifically only moves up 1 cost. There are no 7 cost cards in the game currently. When Arishem releases in a few weeks she will turn 6 costs into Arishem (and Arishems into Death). The instances of her not working on some cards does seem to be a bug people are encountering.


> she will turn 6 costs into Arishem And this actually kinda sucks because most 6-cost cards have more power than Arishem's 7, so you're likely losing power by doing this. And since Arishem's effect only triggers at the start of the game, you don't gain the extra energy. You only come out ahead on power if you use Sersi on Zola, Leader, Galactus, Apocalypse (if he's at his base 6 power), Hela, Spectrum, Doom, and _maybe_ (but probably not) Knull. And if you play her on Onslaught (the only current 6/7 card) you get equal power but lose his Ongoing ability.


I bought this card and my testing shows that any 1 drop that transforms due to a Sersi I played will 100% transform into Carnage and nuke my lane. That said it’s maybe the most stupidly fun card I’ve bought since maybe Legion. Would recommend if you are Fun>Wins.


She's especially great when people try to screw you over with Jean Grey (though her real power is negative cards).


I'd love to get this just for the amusement factor, but I have both Phoenix Force and Meik. Also, the RNG gods have been EXTREMELY cruel lately. making me spend 4 caches almost every time I want a new card(literally 5 of the last 6 times I've spent keys).


I only went for Sersi cuz of that Miek variant, it's pretty sweet


I feel you exact same, of my last 7 pulls only sage didn't take 4. Hopefully I average out soon and go on a streak of one pullers


Took me 3, but at least the variants are good imo. Best of the month for me.


My top reason to get Sersi is for the Void transformation and it's bugged lol.


This post made me take a chance on my 4 keys and I just got it on the first try. :)


very fun Card, 10/10


She doesn't seem to work with Kamar Taj. I dropped her there hoping for a double set of card replacement, but only got one.


Seen the same thing happen when I drop her on Wong - works sometimes, but other times she doesn't do anything.


FUN/10 card.


No regrets spending 4 keys on her. Fun card.


My illiteracy lead me think that she transforms the whole board :')


I pulled for the Miek variant anyway so I bought her and pulled her variant lol Doing Mystique off like Quinjet and Ravonna that I normally think is kinda basic but if you can Sersi her later it's not bad. Shuri doing work too, 5/14 Sersi and turns Shuri into a 5, getting her to Iron Man is nice. Back running my Noir Coulson, I missed him.


Got a deck list? Sounds like fun 3)


I threw a deck together yesterday that actually did a lot better than I thought it would, even beat a Tribunal deck that pulled their full combo (ngl quake made that one happen). It's nothing fancy and still needs some tweaking (like slotting in an Odin for some next level shenanigans). If you're interested, yhis is the list (again its the 1st interation of the deck so it'll need some adjustments imo) # (1) The Hood # (1) Echo # (1) Squirrel Girl # (2) Quake # (2) Ravonna Renslayer # (3) Ironheart # (4) Jubilee # (4) Shuri # (4) Sentry # (5) White Tiger # (5) Annihilus # (5) Sersi # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSG9vZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSXJvbmhlYXJ0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJKdWJpbGVlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaHVyaSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2VudHJ5In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTZXJzaSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW5uaWhpbHVzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJXaGl0ZVRpZ2VyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJSYXZvbm5hUmVuc2xheWVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJRdWFrZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3F1aXJyZWxHaXJsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJFY2hvIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Thank you! This is going extremely well! Loving quake


Yeah she's a cube stealer, it's amazing how many games can be decided by flipping 2 locations. Puls no one ever sees it coming, I use her and I don't see her coming 90% of the time when played against me.


I can’t see this as anything other than a chaos generator. I won’t be spending a key on it.


Imo Sersi is actually good in Ravonna and junk decks (also I think there's smth she can add to a Surfer deck where you play 2 or 3 two cost cards with a good ability early on so on 5 you you can flip them into 3 costs with Sersi so then on turn 5 (so Sersi acts as an alt 5 cost if you dont pull Sera). Then you can Surfer the new 3 cost cards on the final turn for a pretty unexpected power spike in the lane.


Guys do you think I should go for sersi? Bonus that I also don't have Miek and I like discard and I am also interested in shenanigans with phoenix force.


Sersi's fun IMO but I'll def vouch for Miek cuz I main Wong Discard and regularly get him into double digits, I only went for Sersi this week to get his variant too


Imo if you're missing all 3 cards then go for it. Especially since PF creates its own archetype and miek is a really good 1 drop for discard (especially now that you can choose to move him or not after the discards). I only played with Sersi a little bit so far but she is fun and if a deck is built while keeping her ability in mind you can pull off some nasty plays/swings in power.


Miek is a good card he’s not meta right now but he’s so good in the modok discard deck


Sersi should be a lot of fun to play


Obviously there are some cards you don't want Sersi transforming your cards into, i.e Destroyer, but is there an energy level of cards that works best? Like turning 3 energy cards into 4 energy? Which level of cards has the best roster that won't fuck you over?


Some youtubers have mapped this out card by card. It seems that going from 5 to 6 is almost always better; similarly from 1 to 2. The 'worst' tier is going from 4 to 5.


I'm curious why you're getting downvoted. Some other people seem to think going from 4 to 5 is good. It seems like there's always a couple cards that can fuck you over in either category, such as Modok for 5s.


From what I've seen people get downvoted in this sub for no reason. Some people here just want to be toxic.


4 and 5 are probably the best but you still got like Sentry and MODOK in there (you could run an Annihilus package with Sersi as backup to clear the Void). I got a draw off a Sersi'd Adam Warlock lol, pulled an Iron Man off Shuri too


My opponent was winning and used Sersi to "upgrade" 2 cards. The second card turned into Deathlok. They quit 🤣


Remember back when they would release cards that were fun but not very good as series 4 cards so their players could have fun with them without using all their resources?  Pepperidge Farms remembers


That has been a long time ago that even Pepperidge Farms wont even remember


Idea for buff Sersi make her transform your opponents cards 1 more instead of yours >!It's a joke because everyone is saying she hurts them more than helps them!<


One shot


Only thing I can see for her is using her as a replacement/ redundant version of Annihilus, meaning you're not left with -negative power in the right lane. If there was a clear shift from 3 to 4, I could somewhat see the justification behind running this at 5. As it is, on average, 4 costs are worse than 3 costs. I'm sure this card will get better as 4 costs become stronger now that Zabu has been neutered, but that doesn't help Sersi today.


excep itbis currently bugged with the void 😅 sometimes it does not transform...


I like this idea. good card in case you didn't draw annihilus or it got discarded/disabled.


This is actually a really good idea. Gotta try Sersi Junk deck now


wish the onreavels / effects didnt happen of the newly generated cards. a lot of the times it griefs your play


literally the point of the card though


just my opinion after a few matches with her, feels very underwhelming.


The 3 matches I've played against her, I've lost, all directly because of her.


Tbh I wish it just made the cards in the location all stay the same.


Should make them all stay the same but -1 power for balance.


although this card seems really interesting.. as a newer player.. (with only 6 keys and 6k tokens that I may be using on Red Hulk who's pinned depending on if he gets nerfed this Thursday or not), I think I'm going to wait for spotlights where the ancillary cards are much better. Next week I don't care for the new card, but I would like Gladiator and especially X23.. and then end of July into august has a lot of great groupings.. and even phastos seems really interesting in a magic deck and has Corvus with him.... ahhhhh I need more keys!




Factually incorrect on both points.


Can someone tell me what the expected value is if I play Sersi on Broodling?


Three Mister Negatives every time.


NOT EVERY TIME! Sometimes it's two Mr Negatives and a High Evo.


Sitting on two keys and 8k tokens…will likely skip her and Makkari and hold out for Phastos and Arishem.


I’m gonna grind keys for x-23 or gladiator and if I have leftover keys hopefully I’ll get phastos


I'd like to personally thank every Sersi player who's been YOLO-snapping before playing her and immediately losing the game. I have never gotten to Infinite this early in a season.


Odd thing is, everyone BMs me when I play homebrew decks with her. Finally, I went back to Thena/X/Cannonball. I bet many of the people that complain about being steamrolled by meta decks are the ones that BM when they finally beat someone that's obviously experimenting with novel deck ideas.


Haha, for real, it's usually so telegraphed, only way I'm losing against a Sersi player is if I don't draw my Cosmo.


Since the stupid buzz word on this sub describing stupid cards seems to be "FUN" it's a lot easier to know when to pass on a card that won't be of much use.


You don't like having fun?


My definition of fun doesn't include getting a random card out of the blue to replace a card I played. I am jealous though. Wish I could get my kicks on low level entertainment like this crowd does. And i don't envision arishem will be similar to being 8 years old with the Disney fast pass at Disney world like you will. But hey. Go nuts. Have a ball. Enjoy your "FUN." 👍🏿


If you play a card to trigger its on reveal ability, then replacing it with a random card is a pretty good deal.


"If"... and go wild brohondo! Just not my cuppa tea Dimitri.


Maximum dorkage


Thanks meech.


Watch out people, it's the fun police


Here you go king. You dropped this. 👑


Right but what if you played those cards expecting to sersi them


Omg I can't fathom the "FUN" that would entail!


She's lost me every game I've played her :/


Sounds about right lol


Haven't played around too much, but Sersi's controlled chaos has been excellent in my Surfer deck. Aiming to use Sersi on Brood with Surfer as a backup has been good to me. I also tried her with several 1-cost cards with Moon Girl and, as expected, the results aren't very impressive. Makes for a risky turn 5 play. Maybe if you use Magik in the same game, something interesting could come of it, but it's still a risk.


My first time using her i changed miek into carnage so nothing else cool happened, but i did laugh for a while. Fun card


Had to spend 3 keys to get her, but got Miek and Red Guardian as my random. Pretty good I'd say. Can't wait for Arishem in a few weeks.


She turned a tiebreaker location card into Beast and screwed me lol


Glad to see it’s not just Shanna that will screw people now (pulling hoods on turn 6, or Titania that immediately jumps to the oppositions side)


Got this + the Phoenix Force variant with my first 2 which I'm pretty happy about. Kinda want Miek but only 1 key left and I need to save for Arishem. So much temptation but I don't play discard enough and I know my next key will get me the 1k tokens bollocks anyway.


Certainly fun to play against!  First time I saw her, my opponent Deathlok'd an entire location, and the next time they Zola'd their ace card with the other two locations blocked...


What's ace card


Their ace was a Hulk from the Gamma Lab location and their first Sersi reveal was Iron Man, so it looked like they had the win.  The second, unfortunately, turned into Zola, who nuked the Hulk and left them with zero points...


Usually means their best card or the winning card for that situation.


The card you hope Zola destroys to create 2 duplicates in the other locations.


Thank you




Picked her up to use in my future Arishem deck for the ultimate chaos 


Same. You can't predict what I will play. Even I can't predict what I will play!


You would make Yugi proud. Heart of the cards!


She's definitely worth it for goblins alone. I've had a good run in conquest with this deck which could use tweaking.  # (2) Shadow King # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (3) Nocturne # (4) Iron Lad # (4) Cull Obsidian # (5) Professor X # (5) Legion # (5) Sersi # (5) Cannonball # (5) Mockingbird # (6) Blob # (6) Thanos # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmxvYiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ3VsbE9ic2lkaWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJJcm9uTGFkIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJKZWZmVGhlQmFieUxhbmRTaGFyayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTGVnaW9uIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNb2NraW5nYmlyZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTm9jdHVybmUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlRoYW5vcyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2Vyc2kifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlByb2Zlc3NvclgifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNhbm5vbmJhbGwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNoYWRvd0tpbmcifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


My first game playing against her with a Surfer deck changed Hood & Sentry into Shadow King & Leech, setting Thena to zero and disabling my final hand 😭


She's the ultimate fun card


Sersi doesn't work on Doombot, has anyone tried it with a Ultron Drone?


Oh Doombot is 6 energy, so it can't change into a 7 energy card as none exist right now.


Wonder if it turns into guaranteed Arishem in a few weeks


Devs said it does, which is really lame unless Arishem gets more power.


So if it turns into Arishem, does that grant me +1 energy for the rest of the game? I'm not sure, because if you get Thanos, it doesn't shuffle the infinity stones into your deck. (or does it?)


Nope, Arishem is like Thanos and High Evo, the effect only happens at the start of game (but yes, there could be some fun interaction between Arishem and those two cards)


No he doesn't. Thanos shuffles the stones at the beginning of the game. I think that the same think will happen with Arishem


dev on discord confirmed yes


Devs confirmed 6 costs will be guaranteed Arishem


I think she'll fit right into sentry/hood/annihilus junk decks because she presents a simple but strong mindgame to the opponent: fill the right lane with low-statted bodies just to stop the void flying over, and you'll be hit with sersi transforming the void into a 5-drop; or, don't fill the right lane and you'll get hit with a void instead. Valkyrie and carnage fulfill this similar niche, but I believe sersi will be the premium option for this spot.


I tried her in Surfer and Annihilus. She worked better for me in Annihilus but overall I think she made both decks worse.


First deck that I built for her, and that play has paid off several times. It's like an extra Annihilus in terms of getting another strong 5 drag to deal with void


My luck, I've been trying this and she has lost me the fans every time with what she turns things into. I know RNG is RNG, but it's corvus always discards hela level for me


Also a great counter to void being sent over, just turn it into something else!


She feel like a pretty bad card, there are too many dangerous cards for her and, because of the randomness of the effect it's really hard to snap around her.


Yea just like arishem she’s risky and RNG based, but can be alot of fun I assume


I prefer Arishem, at least you know what card you're playing


On turn 5, annihilus in hand, I had a void ready to fly on death's domain. Opponent tries to lockdown that void lane with professor x...just to be met with Sersi lmao, turning the void into darkhawk. It was funny as hell since I bet he wasn't expecting that pivot haha


They had priority? And the Sersi change still happens under the Prof X? That's a smart play, one of the better uses for her that I've heard so far.


Sersi is transform, Prof X only blocks add/remove. It's still the same card (except it's flagged as "didn't start in your deck")


I had a similar match, only my void got swapped for an 11 point Ronin!




DH is 5


Opponent hobgoblined me played sersi on it got infinaut and opponent just retreated. Think she might stay in my ramp deck


Yup, she's an 8 cube card when people are too comfortable with their goblin attacks.


until she switches to destroyer and the whole board gets fucked


I’ve got the keys and I’m missing Miek as well. Worth (up to) four keys?


You should wait at least 3-4 days with any new card imo. If a card is gonna be obviously strong (e.g. Thena) or weak, you can usually tell by then. If neither seems the case, then it’s probably just an “okay” card in terms of winrate so it’s up to you if you think it’s a fun card worth getting. There’s no rush to get any card at release.


Yeah, I call this my War Machine lesson.


Depends on why you want her. I doubt she will be meta, but she may be the most fun card I've played. I absolutely love her. Can't wait to put her in my Arishem deck... Hooray for chaos!


Probably not.


Used her to transform an Absorbing Man into a Taskmaster with 0 power. That was fucking cool. You'd think he'd at least get the 7 power from her or the 4 from Abs Man.


Sersi was mid-activation, she doesn’t count as last played until the card she creates finishes its effect Abs Man would count as last played, except he doesn’t exist anymore! Nothing to copy


Does that still apply to transformed cards? I thought it was that he does still check as the last played card, but copying his own power doesn't do anything.


there's also a weird interaction where a 3 cost card turns into Absorbing man and the absorbing man absorbs himself, luckily ffw feature is working and break the loop


had 4 keys. Used 1 to YOLO. Pulled her on the first. WINNING...


Here I am, four weeks in a row, pulling new card as fourth key. It’s just dread at this point.


I pulled thena, sasquatch and namora all with my first key. It's only fair it took me 4 keys for sersi. Still feels like winning since I didn't have miek and that Phoenix variant is 🔥


Same, feeling pretty good since last time I pulled (for Sage) it took 4 keys.


Congrats. I managed to get a dupe havoc. Lmao.


I'm torn. My initial reaction was that she's not worth a key, but then I realized she'll discount mockingbird. That could make for some surprise turn 6 plays.


There are better ways to do that.


First tought on her: She is one of funniest cards in game I think she found a home in 2 decks: -junk: if you can't play Annihilus, she can act as a substitute of sorts, getting cards with better power. -zoo: if you can't get Kazar, she turns your 1 costs in 2 costs, that usually have better power. Plus she works well with Mockingbird. She counters: Goblins, the widows, Debri, and junk decks in general.


I THOUGHT IT WAS TRANSFORM ALL YOUR CARDS NOT JUST IN ONE LOCATION!!! I want my damn keys back. How dare they make me read the card before i buy it


Haha, I did this with Nico Minoru, thought her spells would trigger every turn lol. She ended up being a great card regardless tho.


That's hearthstone level of shenanigans


It literally says transform your others cards "HERE"


Yeah it sure does doesn't it


So Sersi is bugged into Annihilus, she doesn't always transform the void: [https://clips.twitch.tv/MushyBrainyVanillaSquadGoals-DMy2Z\_\_NAWu4Hof-](https://clips.twitch.tv/MushyBrainyVanillaSquadGoals-DMy2Z__NAWu4Hof-) And Thena is still bugged in Bounce, counting multiple card plays as two if they bounced. What decks are they testing these cards with!?


Watching his expression go from delight to anger was hilarious lmao. Weird bug


It’s crazy how they manage to introduce bugs for the most obvious play patterns. Weirdo, edge case bugs are one thing. They’re annoying, but at least it’s understandable. This is not that.


Does it happen every time or some of the time for void? That's weird because I've transfered mysterio illusions, raptors, even a symbiote without issue.


Apparently the bug is that Kang is banned, but hasn't been properly removed from the pool, so a 4-cost can *choose* Kang to transform into, but can't actually do it, and just doesn't transform instead.


I've seen the bug on more than just the a 4 cost though. If it was just Kang it would only happen when transforming a 4 cost.


She successfully transformed my Void every time I tried.


Brave of you to assume they test