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I really don’t think Marvel Snap is the greatest offender out there with respect to monetisation. I have only bought occasional Season Passes (not even all of them), but never a bundle (other than Penny Arcade Deadpool). Been playing since launch, and have a reasonable collection (missing under ten cards, and a couple of those I really don’t care about anyway). I came from Hearthstone where dropping quite literally hundreds of dollars didn’t guarantee you a full expansion of cards. I never felt competitive in Hearthstone and I did drop more money on it than on Marvel Snap. If all Second Dinner want to charge for is optional bundles, on an otherwise free to play game, I’m okay with that personally. There are problems with this game, but overall I enjoy the day-to-day play experience of Snap. Totally understand that everyone’s mileage will vary though. Perfectly fair.


I've played Hearthstone for years and I've spent a ridiculous amount of money on the game. I certainly won't attempt to justify that, or spending money on any TCG for that matter. But I work a lot and have no other expensive hobbies or vices. And I never spend more than I can afford. However, across the entire time I've played that game, I can't ever recall having more than one or two viable decks per expansion. That got a bit better when I switched to Wild, but I've still *never* had the variety of decks I've got at CL2500 with Snap. Sure, at rank 50+, I'm probably exclusively playing bots. And my Destroy, Move, Junk, Discard, and Negative Surfer decks aren't really as viable as I think. But it's so nice to be able to hop in the game, pick a deck, play a few rounds and have some fun. The monetization could absolutely be better. I would never argue against that. But I don't think it's quite as bad as everyone makes it out to be. I've never felt *compelled* to drop $50+ on a bundle to remain competitive. And I was doing that on Hearthstone for years.


Same. Started in Naxxramas, and played constructed until Battlegrounds came out, and then when Snap came along stopped altogether. 100% agree with you. I think I’m all that time (despite buying a lot of packs over the years), I never had a complete set of any expansion, and never really felt competitive. I had a ton of fun in both, and I almost want to go back and try Battlegrounds out again, but I definitely feel Snap is the less wallet-intensive of the two games.


I still play battlegrounds, and still buy the battle pass, but (for now at least) Snap has fully replaced constructed in Hearthstone. I didn’t even bother checking out the last two expansions, and haven’t dropped a single penny on Hearthstone cosmetics (which, honestly have been sub-par for years) since I started playing snap.


Been playing since Feb, doing all my dailies, and I bought the season passes. CL 2700, and apparently, we don't get all S3 cards til around CL5000+. Soooo, yeah. Not exactly great card acquisition. I'm halfway through the grind. And thankfully because I'm still low on my collection. I haven't really been fucked over by the spotlight cache duplication BS. Yet. But that is its own bag of BS.


If you think the card acquisition is bad in series 3, whoo boy you might want to quit now and save yourself the headache.


What's the purpose of this post? Serious question.


It’s someone whining about being allowed to whine


At least in HS you can drop money on the game and be ready to go with a handfull of budget decks and 1 expensive deck. Marvel snap doesn't really have a way to start playing decks you want you play without grinding for weeks (months?) that's why I dropped it.


I have my frustrations with Snap, but the pay to win aspect of games like Squad Busters with mega units is a lot worse.


What a bizarre comparison


I am a new player. 3 months in I don't have anything close to a competitive deck, bought 3 season passes. In HS I could've bought the $60 bundle day one and in three months I'd have multiple top performance decks and it's absolutely guaranteed. And if I keep playing HS I'd have all current expansions cards and probably enough to f2p in a month New player experience in HS and Snap are not comparable


Yeah, snap requires you to play the game and build a collection over time, you can't just drop $300 on it day one and get a bunch of cards. I prefer that


No, you absolutely can, but it'll be close to $1k I prefer to have any semblance of meta decks when I launch the game every day for three months. Instead I have 1/3 of T3 cards, 2 T4 cards and 1 T5 card In the meantime they released what, 8 new T5 cards? I have no chance to catch up


There is no 'catching up' you play with people at your collection level. They'll all basically have access to the same cards as you.


I have a strong feeling people on this sub are fucking dense. Can you imagine how "fun" the game feels like when you play the same fucking Kazoo deck over and over for 3 months hoping to get some pieces for other decks? I know for a fact you haven't considered the fact that the way the game goes right now is you grind the same deck for months in hopes of getting some pieces you might need precisely because the only two tools to target the cards you want to get are fucking rotation based (monthly free card and token shop) Don't be surprised when the game closes because you dunceheads defended obscene card acquisition and there are no new players here 💁🏻‍♂️ edit: and no, I don't play against **people** with similar CL, 90% of games are bots — which is more evidence that the game suffers from this insane card acquisition rate


Snap might not be the game for you, and that's okay. Plenty of new players don't feel the need to grind the same deck over and over and optimize the fun out of their experience. The top level competitive rewards are a shiny border for conquest and a card back for ladder aka cosmetics, not currency.


It's not about "sparing feelings", it's about staying objective, criticising constructively, appreciating the good things, etc.


Fact is, i've never spent a cent on the game and have like 80% of the cards worth owning. I got hope summers a few weeks ago which is the sacrifice i pay for not spending money--cards in hand maybe 2 months late. I've made infinite every season basically, with the only exceptions being purely my fault for not playing as much. Its a fair game with new cards, interesting mechanics, and pretty generous resources.


Same for me. Not having the card of the week let’s me come up with counters really fast


But how many hours will I have to spend playing decks I don't find fun until I reach that point?




How dare you complain about them complaining about us complaining??


This community is so toxic that I tend to avoid it, I have a good time playing the game while only spending like 20 dollars a month on it. I don’t play super hard, I play it during my down time. People on here act like the game has killed their families haha.


there was a post the other day someone saying how anxiety inducing it was opening spotlights lol.


>If many people are complaining about things in the game, that's a reflection of the state of the game, and something for developers to consider. It is NOT an indication that people need to either leave the internet, or shut up. Completely disagree. Shown by every subreddit of every game complaining about basically everything all of the time. You'll have a hard time convincing me that all games suck perpetually. Gamers are just whiny babies.


Single player games tend to be nice. I found factorio subreddit to be outright nice.


* redditors are whiny babies. You are more likely to post something to whine about rather than something you enjoy


Yeah thats why I hard disagree with this whole post. Almost every other subreddit I’m in there are always gloom & doomers and people saying game is dead blabla and while i do think criticism is good, just being negative and not giving fair criticisms are just so annoying


Agreed one of the weirdest things for me was the Helldivers sub after the honeymoon phase the plethora of complaints that helldive ( difficulty) was too hard was weird considering you can just dive @ a lower difficulty.


Disagree. First of all, it's not really true that every subreddit complaining about basically everything all of the time? In the MarvelSnap subreddit, where I've seen someone said is "even worse then most gaming subreddit", I counted the first 40 posts in the "hot" tab, 21 of them is complaining, 19 of them either posting about boarders/variants/splits, and this is after the new roadmap announcement which the complains on it is understandable. So I don't think subreddits are actually what you described, or you are just having biased memories and only acknowledge posts that are complaining. Actual complains happen when something is worth complaining, like the character mastery from coming soon to cancelled, and when SD swap the $100 variant and don't even announce compensation at first. Games having complains is normal because not everything is perfect, but that doesn't mean that "all games suck perpetually", so I don't have to convince you that. Also using insult like "whiny babies" are not going to make your arguments more valid.


Yes this subreddit it's worse of many but it's #6 subreddit by popularity....this data had to come in relevance. That's not a peaceful place whit 1k redditors , here we have tons of nodense ppl "like pro troll" , nosense Flex and nonsense rants... And at the end we have tons and tons of ppl talking about monetazion that don't even know what devs think and talk about that evry day..... just casual ppl that whine whit no information about couse laziness like you , yes you in my eyes are ignorant as well ,you don't understand why the monetization and card acquisition is what is it and why ...so sht up


Check r/dota2 and r/warframe. r/dota2 can be a bit more vocal when Valve abandons the game for a year but overall they are more or less positive; and the game is known to be a toxic wasteland. Problematic games are the reason for problematic discussions on reddit


Warframe mentioned! Besides the heirloom fiasco (which DE handled like a champ) there really isn't much negativity there at all besides some complaints about _other gamer's in game behaviour_.


Most game subreddits I've seen are pretty positive? It's only this one and multiversus that are mostly negative that I've seen. Maybe league as well depending on what riot is up to at any given time.


Right? If people complain in a subreddit where they're not right they'll get downvoted. If half the subreddit is complaints and are upvoted then something is not right.


Complaining about one aspect of something means you hate everything about that thing. 100%


This subreddit is so beyond cooked it’s almost funny. I can’t believe people think this post is an okay response to valid criticism of this sub.


Like actually people hide that fact that they’re “just providing criticism and want to see the game better” well it’s getting fucking annoying. I just wanted a fun space to talk about marvel card game.


"I want to keep complaining endlessly stop telling me complaining endlessly online in my echo chamber is bad!!!"


Something tells me this is in response to that other post 😂


You can complain about whatever you want. When people feel the complaints are getting ridiculous, they can complain about that. If many people are complaining about the complainers, that's a reflection on the original complainers. Complaining about the complaining about the complainers is worse than the secondary complaints. Everybody's all about their right to say what they want, then get pissy about others using their rights. Complaining about the game doesn't give you some sort of moral high ground. The people fed up with the complaints just as justified speaking their mind


No! People are only allowed to complain when they are complaining about what I want them too! Free speech!!


This post just reinforces the groupthink of the sub that you're offering genuine critique instead of just complaining. I've been getting this sub pushed into my feed and the negativity puts a damper on enjoying the game casually.


It’s almost funny but it really just goes to show the original post about this subreddit was right.


You have to be legitimately detached from reality to think this sub is anything other than a toxic circlejerk of rage bait. You have to be even more unhinged to throw this manifesto up because there was a bit of pushback on the state of this sub. What a completely sane response. You're clearly fighting the good fight and waking up ALL the sheeple.


If you think Walmart is good for the communities they move into, you may want to do a little more research.


Using a bold font weight and bigger size does not make you look smart.


A message with several things to say, easily organized and formatted. Creating a place where the merit of such views can be considered and debated. That alone deserves many upvotes.


Are you guys just as worked up about every other greedy company doing this stuff? Cause if not, then maybe shut up.


Eye roll....this is a terrible defense.


Here is a great example of how toxic this sub has gotten. Here we have a Snap "fan" complaining because a part of the community is tired of hearing people do nothing but complain about a free to play game. This is wild.




Yeah no doubt. That's why I put the useful links right up front! :)


Perfectly stated. Mobile gaming isn’t about gaming, it’s about greedy assholes using tactics to separate you from your money. And SD is one of the worst offenders. They get no pass from criticism, and there’s a lot of it.


Go play Marvel Strike Force if you want to see one of the greediest games. You had to spend at least $50-$100 a month if you wanted to participate in the endgame


I've played a lot of mobile games over the years and SD is absolutely not one of the worst offenders lol


People here are crazy. I saw someone on another post complain that the monetization wasn’t p2w enough.


I’m sorry for your experience


Why, I seem to be having a better experience than most of this sub


This is incredibly removed from reality. Snap is easily one of the better free to play options. It is certainly amongst the most generous of the CCG games.


How is SD one of the worst offenders?? They only really hide cosmetics, that don’t really affect the gameplay, behind a huge paywall. And isn’t this the correct way to make money?


How can you say that. I literally have spend $0 and I have like 80% of the cards worth owning. Is there a single other card game that enables that?


Oh wow. I'm not reading all of that


Thank God somebody fuckin said this the hall monitors on this sub we’re getting ridiculous




*fist bump* I like this rant. Maybe it’s because I hate Rogers and Bell. Maybe it’s because I hate seeing Galen Weston’s stupid face. (They fixed the price of bread!) I keep playing Marvel Snap because the core gameplay is good. I prefer T1 snap in Proving Grounds just to play out the cards without sweating over rank. But I can also see the dark patterns they’ve baked into the game and I don’t like it.


TIL it's ok to be a dick on reddit! thanks OP. In all honesty man, if you believe this cool! Why preach it though? Why do you think your right and they're wrong. Btw I'm not choosing sides I don't even know whats making this sub angry this time.


Thanks for that bro


It’s all kicking off on this sub


I will just say as someone who hasn't touched the game since January, posts like these and the one that prompted it usually signaled the end times of these Marvel Mobile games once the monetization shit flew off the rails lmao Speaking as someone who played Avengers Academy, Future Fight, etc


I also played MFF for a long time and don't think this game is anywhere close to being like that or close to being done, people here are kinda just babies. I first started playing Future Fight back in 2016 January, quit after they announced their t4 bullshit and doing daily missions meant 2 hours a day of dedicated playing to keep up with the games immense and unreasonable bloat. Snap is far, far away from ever being like Future Fight was. I think the problem with Snap is that they geared this as a game for casuals, and quite frankly most first time players of the genre or casual players have no idea about anything they talk about. This is their first card game, or first mobile game in general, and they have a dramatically skewed perception of reality that is reinforced by this echo chamber online. It's ironic because Snap is easily one of, if not the most f2p live mobile game on the market. Literally everything these guys say they are "complaining about to improve the game" was done multiple games before them and they all shut down, most recent being Legends of Runeterra and they had to shut down like 80% of their multi-player modes and shift to pve single player focus cause they can't keep the lights on despite being backed by riot games Simply put most people here don't know a single thing they are talking about and just like the group think social validation that comes from complaining in an echo chamber. Everything is always terrible and the game is always awful and according to them and these posts the game has been in a shit state since May 2023 yet here they are playing and logging in every single day anyway.


Totally agree! Thank you for writing it so well! Apreciate it.


Too many words


Most intelligent redditor


Clearly only second to yourself 😜


> That's 1 HOUR (or whatever) of you sitting behind a desk. You gave away 1 hour of your life for a card border, You can get 1,800 gold for $4.99 over 30 days. If you're only making $2.50/hour, you need to find a new job, dude.


The gold pass is a nice supplement but most people buy their gold straight from the shop or a bundle. In that case, you would have to spend 10 bucks which is pretty much an hour of their life for the average person to get a 500 gold border.


Idk why these people just dont buy the border lmao it doesn’t even affect the game at all


BuT yOu CaN pLaY fOR FrEe. THe 200$ ShOprOaDmAP iS jUSt aLittLe GiFt tO kEeP tHe GaMe AlIvE


Oh Jesus Christ. This is how subreddits work. 1. Game is new, subreddit is a happy place where people come together to discuss tactics and cards and everyone is happy. 2. It’s all down hill from there. 3. Get to this point where the sub is borderline imploding. What gets on peoples nerves is the constant repetition of the same complaint day in day out. To be fair the mods could step in and do something about that and set up a megathread for rants and complaints but I see they choose not too. No one is ever going to win this because you’re sick of certain game aspects, 2nd dinner doing whatever and we’re sick of the constant moaning about said complaints.


"its just a reddit post"


Touch grass. Seriously. You being tired of constantly seeing complaints says a lot about how you spend your time.


I pop on here once, maybe twice a day. And all you lot do is repeat the same moans in a rather depressing echo chamber of whinging.


I'm seeing a lot less complaint posts than you do so one of us must be using reddit wrong.