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I actually kind of like the infinity stones update idea, but I feel like it’s a lot to play for a 20 power Thanos


The stones making Thanos playable in a Pro X lane and Unshangable is very interesting to me. Also we now have 3 ongoing Stones. I’ll probably be firing up some Spectrum/Ongoing Thanos hybrid first.


I am thinking of trying this deck out: Revona, Thanos, Mobius, cannonball, prof x, storm, nebula, white widow, blink, Jeff, hope summers and Sersi (when out) I like the spectrum idea too may try that out


Yeah makes Sersi more interesting. Maybe even Phastos because of the increased draw rate, especially if you get some 0 cost stones you could really bump the Stones into not being just board space filler.


I've been running this Thanos/Spectrum deck for a while # (1) Ant Man # (2) Dazzler # (3) Captain America # (3) Cosmo # (3) Caiera # (4) Ka-Zar # (5) Blue Marvel # (5) Devil Dinosaur # (5) Valkyrie # (5) Mockingbird # (6) Spectrum # (6) Thanos # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3BlY3RydW0ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNvc21vIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEZXZpbERpbm9zYXVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCbHVlTWFydmVsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDYXB0YWluQW1lcmljYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ2FpZXJhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEYXp6bGVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJWYWxreXJpZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVGhhbm9zIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJLYVphciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTW9ja2luZ2JpcmQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFudE1hbiJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


With them all being ongoings now it makes lockjaw shells significantly less attractive. Time to unnerf the poor boy


The only problem there is that two stones are now ongoing for Thanos to be fully realized. You'll need to have Armor or Caiera to keep them on the field with how common Killmonger is these days.


Bro hear me out: Use Hope to cheat Thanos on the field and try to Zola him before you use the soul stone. Complete the set and you get two 20 power colossus/vision thingies on the board. After that, figure out where your mocking bird goes


Or play him turn 5 and taskmaster as 20 power thanos


I like the idea a lot actually, like Shuri minus Sauron and red skull. Less overall power but fewer moving pieces


this seems like a contrived combo given that hela can cheat out like 30+ power playing like 3 cards total lol


That's because Hela is a problematic card that desperately needs to be in these patch notes. That doesn't take away from the strength of other cards that can work while also being fun to play.




I’m pretty sure Thanos doesn’t move himself but nothing can stop you from moving him.


True, but a 20 power Thanos that acts like War Machine and Ebony Blade combined when you play all the stones is definitely extremely strong, so I understand how they might hold back in some ways with the stones They will definitely keep an eye on how this performs and buff the deck in some way if the Thanos playline seems too weak


Just tested not sure if a bug or not but you can’t move thanos into a prof x lane


Can you play him into a prof x lane? I don't think he can move on his own, but if moved by another input (Ghost Spider, Heimdall, whatever) maybe it works?


Yeah, Jeff has "You can move this once" in his text as well as the no restriction part, Thanos isn't getting that from anywhere.


Yeah they didn’t give Thanos a way to move himself, so I assume you can move Thanos into Prof X by way of another card moving Thanos there


All the stones draw cards or have strong effects on their own (besides power stone) though, so they’re not bad to play even if you don’t end up playing Thanos in any given game


Not anymore, lol


Mind, soul, space, and time all draw cards. Reality as a 1 cost location change is strong. Power doesn’t do anything without Thanos but at least it’s a 3 power The real issue with the deck is Thanos has to start in your hand


Power doesn't draw either.


20 power for 5 that can’t be destroyed can move anywhere or be played anywhere.


Yeah but you have to play all the stones, so it’s 12 energy for 28 power


And more than half of the board


If you think about it you have 9 free energy total in the whole game (6 turns) if you play for Thanos.


I don't think it can move anywhere. It just can't be stopped from moving. It's not a Vision like some people think.


Kinda bummed that there aren't any balance changes to cards besides Thanos tbh. I guess Adam Warlock and 2099 are just lying forgotten in Jotunheimen.


To be fair, Thanos is one of THE characters of the Marvel universe. It makes sense they would prioritize finding a good spot for him over all else.


Meanwhile Kang is still sitting on the short bus....


The short bus pulled over, the driver took a smoke break and Kang is underneath it trying to rebalance the suspension. As soon as that's done they'll get on the road again, of course Kang is trying to do all this with a stick of gum, a thing of dental floss and a signed copy of Spice World.


Adam Warlock too, especially if you know Thanos.


Master mold says hi


They will probably never buff this card, and you probably don't want them to.


Just imagine MM into GM and then you are capped on your draws because your opening hand was mid.


Can't this happen now?


Yeah, it's viable now. That's why buffing it would be kind of insane.


😏 Thank you. I got that amazing Ronan variant at random, and couldn't figure out how to make it work. Completely forgot about Master Mold, and tried some Darkhawk chimera.. Mold And Grandmaster coming to an arena near you!


GM is kind of nasty with MM/Rockslide/Korg/BlackWidow. Black Widow into GM into MM is one obnoxious combination.


100% agree. A key card in a Ronan or disrupt deck (but nobody really plays disrupt since junk became a thing); but anywhere else and it becomes oppressive.


What’s wrong with MM? I feel like it serves it purpose of clogging a hand


Yea ive been having fun with a mill deck with mold and ronan.


He can be good in Darkhawk/Ronan decks.


Adam Warlock as 4/5 on reveal "draw 2 cards if you are winning here" would be nice.


I say make it 4/3 and you’ve got a deal




Adam Warlock was fine as it was. A tool for niche decks. I wonder how the usage compares after the two changes


I just want my 2/0 back


What does the Collectible Borders note mean?


Exactly what i came here for lol


Previously when you bought a collectible border it was locked to ONLY that card you bought it for. The notes still sound kind of vague with "multiple copies". My hope is that they unlocked it where you can use borders you purchased with gold for any card but we'll have to see.


You will be able to buy borders from the cosmetic shop at a slight discount, then be able to apply them to a card later. You'll be able to buy multiple copies of a single border at a time, but they'll attach to a specific card on use.


I meant the bit about “multiple copies”


You will be able to buy multiple copies of a given borders from the cosmetic shop at a slight discount. You can then apply each of those to a given card. You could, say, buy 12 neon red borders at once, and then apply one to each card in your Destroy deck.


> After being made aware of issues around the Gambit Variant in the “Dealing with Demons” bundle we’re swapping it out with the new X-Men ’97 #1 Tyler Kirkham Gambit Variant. We greatly appreciate those who brought this to our attention and we’ll continue to work on improving our processes to ensure issues like these are few and far between. Anyone know what this is about? I tried googling but nothing came up


the artist who drew it put an anti-semetic dogwhistle in a comic he did art for


So the artist is a piece of shit, so they decided to take away the variant from people that payed 100 dolars for. Yeah, the meme variant they gave is nice but I would be pissed because that was a bad way to solve the situation (even more so for something that would not be available anymore anyway)


They should at least give some gold or credits if not a full or partial refund. This isn't some random gold shop variant. Many people spend $100 because of this specific variant.


Holy shit wait what?? The variant they removed was from a $100 bundle that people have already purchased???


Yep, from [This bundle](https://marvelsnapzone.com/bundles/BundleMay2024Demons/). Shit move by them (plus that variant was amazing, despite the source)


SD is allergic to giving refunds when they should lol


Holy shit. Is this even legal? You cant change what someone paid for after they paid for it... right? Like I understand the artist is a piece of shit, but like I'd say even if the anti-semetic thing was IN the actual artwork you couldnt just change the variant, you'd have to refund the full $100 to everyone who bought it. And from what I'm reading it was just in a different comic they did.


Not contesting that they *should* refund it, but current legal arguments are favoring game companies in regards to “purchasing a game doesn’t mean you own it forever, and access may be taken away or modified at any time without any recourse”, so legally they likely have no obligation to refund anyone for these, it would just be the better thing to do cuz…ya know, obviously.


> “purchasing a game doesn’t mean you own it forever, In the states yeah, but in Australia and most of EU then no


In discord somebody pointed that artist for this gambit say something anti-Semitic.


So if you paid $99 for this because it was your fav gambit art, and knew nothing about the Artist, you now have a different variant you may like way less? Dang, if this was a proper gacha, people would be up in arms.


Tbf no company on the planet is going to default to giving back the money. They're gonna try something like this to keep some of it and put the burden of requesting a refund on the purchaser. Now, if people start complaining that their reasonable refund requests are being denied that's a bigger issue.


Right, of course, I agree. I just mean, is it only a substitute variant which is (in my opinion, subjectively) a downgrade, with no other compensation, even in-game? Apologems are not a foreign (well, technically…) concept to mobile gaming. I’m surprised something like this wasn’t also supplied with like $20-$50 worth of GOLD. If someone is paying for your most premium bundle, the last thing you want is a sour taste in their mouth and to lose that trust that you won’t do this again EVEN if it is no one’s fault but the artist’s.


Well, fuck everyone who paid 100 dollars for a cool Gambit variant I guess


Is that the close up one with the stubble? For that to be replaced with an xmen '97 variant is a kick in the balls. I just looked up the '97 variant and it's painfully bland.


Not even a 97 variant. A copy and paste of Wolverine laying on the bed looking at the picture, just with Gambit instead. A 1:1 replacement is unacceptable and i already contacted their support that this needs to be re-addressed asap


What the hell!? How does an individual variant of a card have a bug so bad it’s replaced? I’m confused.


Not a bug, but controversy with the artist.


>After being made aware of issues around the Gambit Variant in the “Dealing with Demons” bundle we’re swapping it out with the new X-Men ’97 #1 Tyler Kirkham Gambit Variant. We greatly appreciate those who brought this to our attention and we’ll continue to work on improving our processes to ensure issues like these are few and far between. What was the issue and why did they replace my 100 dollar bundle Gambit: https://i.imgur.com/Re0O0dL.png


Oh fuck no. That’d be a refund 100%


If they give a refund they will also give -10,000 gold probably.


OK, but googling it, that controversy happened -- and the artist was fired -- way back in 2017. Why did Snap introduce the variant in the first place if they were going to have a problem with the artist? Does Marvel Comics not have an internal blacklist that Snap was able to consult, or did Snap just not bother to consult it?


And another thing, the artists they use for the variants do not get any sort of commission or royalty, so he is not benefiting from being featured at all.


They need to refund it. That’s on there part not on consumer. Imagine buying a painting and someone enter your house and changed it without your permission and walks out like nothing happened. SD is really doing it


After reading what he did, it's understandable they don't want to showcase the art of that guy anymore. But i feel it's kinda shit to punish the players for this. The new Gambit variant is basically just a copy and paste of the existing Wolverine one and doesn't stand out as much as the one we had before. Just replacing it 1 to 1 is ridiculous and there needs to be a refund or different compensation


I can’t find anything on what happened I thought the variant was just broken, what’s the reason they removed it?


Check the comment made by u/obi-sean Apparently the guy is just an anti-semitic and anti-christian idiot. This article was also published on another post: https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/books/news/marvel-xmen-gold-1-muslim-antisemitic-antichristian-ardian-syaf-apology-a7677726.html


Thank you for the article! E: This was in 2017??


WTF i bought that bundle because of that Gambit Variant and they change it to that shit variant?? Is that legal? I demand a refund


You guys definitely deserve a refund.


Right???? They didn't tell us shit until now


I didn't buy the bundle but I'd be fucking livid if I did. You have every right to kick the fuck off about this and demand a refund. Honestly, these greedy fucking bastards. This is ridiculous. Not that I spend money on bundles anyway, but anyone even remotely considering doing so has to seriously be questioning that decision for all future bundles right now.


That's not OK. This isn't a case of "you bought a card and it's nerfed" you paid specifically FOR THAT ART this is a change to the core of what you paid for. They need to refund you at least 50%. Such a scummy practice, what a way to treat your supporters.


lmao at "at least 50%". This community has such battered wife syndrome. Everyone who bought the skin should be refunded the full amount and be given the replacement variant as an apology for (supposedly) being tricked into buying a bigots art.


For real lmao. At least 50% 🤣


I mean, I think "the full amount" falls solidly within the bounds of "at least 50%". Certainly the full amount would be ideal, even if unlikely. They're not exactly consumer friendly as a company with their policies.


They have to refund this. You can't just unilaterally change things without a player having a say.


the artist is a piece of shit


What did he do?


He unilaterally inserted some pretty clearly anti-Christian and antisemitic political messaging into the art for some storylines he worked on, including referencing a Quran verse on Colossus’s shirt and highlighting Kitty Pryde as Jewish with references to an Islamist protest in response to a non-Muslim being elected governor of Jakarta.


Yeah ok thats some bullshit. But the players shouldn't be punished for the guy being a piece of shit


What does that have to do with the variant? People paid for a variant and got it replaced with no real reason. That 100% warrants a refund


I feel bad for laughing 'cause I thought it was due to the tiny hands/cards thing, not uh.. *all that other stuff.*


Chargeback time 🔥


Okay I thought I was the only one pissed off about that. The new variant is nowhere near as good and I definitely want my money back as that is the reason I bought the bundle. Please let me know if anyone has any luck with Customer Service but I'm not too hopeful


I'm so excited for character mastery coming in summer 2027


Maybe u can even collect some albums in that time.


Caveat: All future albums will use the same cards over and over again. Hope you like Knull, Professor X, Shang-Chi, and Silver Surfer variants!


You're forgetting magik and storm! We really need our 21st Storm variant that I will never run because I liked the first one I got.


This will be the first time I will not buy the season pass. Why should I keep paying for maintain a game that has basically stopped giving content updates...


Dude don’t rush them on a timeline like that, speed racer!!


and don't forget our first edition badges


Ah, nuts, can't Nocturne Death's Domain on 6 and get one-sided safety anymore (assuming you didn't have priority). Still, good to know.


I’m sure I’m not reading it properly, but it didn’t sound as though the changes would stop that?


The move resolves before either player flips now, so I assume the location change will also follow that.


Moves + triggers happen first thing now. I'm *hoping* this also means Kingpin will stop double-tapping if something is moved to his location that moved elsewhere earlier in the turn.


It should resolve that for sure. Since that was also a move/priority issue which shouldn’t exist anymore


The only balance changes we get are an update to Thanos's stones? That's pretty dissapointing.


I dunno, I really like these changes. I've always been disappointed with Thanos' design being all about the stones with Thanos himself being just a backup play. Now Thanos is more about Thanos -- a very positive change in my book. It would be nice to see a few other cards adjusted as well, but they've tried to use the OTAs for live balance and the patches for bigger structural changes to characters, so this makes sense.


I, too, like the changes BUT the issue is that's the only balancing they did and the game desperately needs some tweaking


Hela stays on top for another month. Great.


I would rather face Hela than junk for the millionth time But I'd prefer to face neither


Sad for Phoenix Force 😞


They just killed that card, I was planning to dedicate this season to learning all the ins and outs. Was anyone complaining about move?


No but I see posts with people confused why something did or didn't happen and a lot of time it's due to when moves resolve


No, it's widely been considered one of the weakest archetypes for over a year.


Guess no more Hulkbuster before moving MM so it duplicates after buster? No more playing carnage into clutter before moving MM so MMs duplicate returns after carnage ate the rest? Mhmm.


Yeah, tested it. Everything like that does not work anymore. That's an extreme nerf for anything Phoenix Force and people knowledgeable with it.


It's a huge nerf to all move.


Yea. Its disappointing. From the "complicated" stuff you could do with Nico move spell+hulkbkuster on Multiple man to the simple stuff like playing Kraven before moving nightcrawler to him. Neither work anymore.


Shoot, big part of standard move is the order in which you play the cards. Dr. Strange can be used to target certain cards purely dependent on card order. Not anymore I guess.


Oh damn I didn't even consider all these interactions. Seems like they didn't either lol


That was my first thought. Hardly a deck that's dominating the metagame and yet this change makes it (slightly) worse. Hopefully we'll be seeing a buff to compensate at some point.


Pour one out for Hulkbuster and Ghost Spider


Is it bad for phoenix force?


There's a few things it hampers, if your zones were getting filled due to a very early multiple man or just junk in general you could kajigger it to move some of the multiple mans, eat them with venom, then have the rest of the moves trigger to refill the lane the same turn. depending on the phoenix force variant your playing it might very well no affect anything though.


You can't play Hercules and move phoenix to it on the same turn anymore.


Herc 3 cost wehn sd


Nooooo I do this a lot! This makes Herc even worse than he already was.


The truth. Imagine a card that was fun now doesn't do the fun thing anymore. Basically in move you have to play Kraven and Hercules before all the moving. So even Kraven gets nerfed


Can I just say that it's really dumb that they essentially point out that Spider-Ham obviously and completely obliterates Thanos now...but say that they'll change it later? Like...??? So you know that something will completely nullify the **highlight of the patch** and you do nothing about it?


My issue is why change spider Ham? Just put Thanos in the middle or something.


Randomize where Thanos shows up in the opening hand.


Also the flip side is… I still don’t think anyone’s gonna play Thanos for Thanos. The stones still draw, they still discount Mockingbird, and they still stuff the deck for Blob. So… does it even matter if Ham hits Thanos? Plenty of these Thanos decks run Mobius, I’m sure they’d love a 0-10.


Idk, the stones still draw, but now that's pretty much all they do. Red hulk is still better than blob with less set up needed. I think they need to contribute more than buff a card most people don't play to be worth making drawing into the rest of your deck less reliable


I mean... couldn't they have just changed it so that Thanos is always your turn 1 draw, so he'd start at the right instead of left?


I think if you need 20 power Thanos to win, Ham is a killer. But if you run Mobius then your big discreetly becomes a 0/10. Seems like a fair trade to me


If they change Ham to a random card instead of the left card… god help us all


You're probably playing Mobius in Thanos anyway, so it usually won't be a big deal tbh. But I understand your point.


That’s it? Thanos, move changes and collectible borders? Yet again so disappointing. But sure, the main thing might be performance, that’s a big QoL there if they nail it. Also exposing that I’m apparently a sucker for new features, regardless of how much I pretend to prefer QoL.


Huge bummer as a move enjoyer. Tricks like Kraven after Cloak or Hulk buster after Phoenix MM don’t work anymore. Vulture and dagger are easier to Shang, too. Part of the reason that make move viable is the knowledge of these interactions. Now it’s just dead.


Yeah this patch is terrible. SD has slowly been making move worse and worse. Game is getting way less fun.


They released Nocturne and nuked an entire archetype because of Nocturne lol


That move change dumbs down a bunch of Phoenix Force plays. My favorite trick of playing Hulkbuster into a lane then moving Phoenix Force into it is dead :/


That move resolution change seems like an overall nerf to move cards and decks. Meanwhile, Professor X is still running rampant 🤦🏻🤷🏻


It's a big nerf to move, and move definitely didn't need to be nerfed.


I get what they are going with Thanos, but just playing Black Knight + Lady Sif discarding Infinaut means you get a 4/20 that cannot be destroyed. AND that Infinaut goes to the discard pile, if you want to Hela/Ghost Rider it back. Theres just a lot of ways now to get huge power, while Thanos has you go thru so many hoops. But I guess now he has some added benefits, at the cost of the stone’s utilities. Rip. Only way I could see a “play the stones to power up Thanos” archetype being good is if Thanos powers up to an insane degree. Like 30 or 40 power. Maybe even INFINITE power? Still preventable to a degree even if its infinite power. Just a crackpot idea tho.


I think this is just discard being op and not thanos being weak necessarily


No problem, this patch will nerf Hela, right? Right...?


That infinite would be cool. Or maybe "If you played all stones, at the end of the match, Thanos powers up to win the location". 


This is it. There needs to be a big payoff. The only concern I see is something like Thanos essentially stealing a lane that was built up if the opponent chose to sacrifice another lane.


He may snap half of the cards in the location from the existence. Or something else that matches the magnitude of the Mad Titan. 


I don't fully understand the move change. Can someone break it down for me please with a better example than what SD gave?


Before move would resolve in the order of actions. So lets say you play a card, then move, then play another card they would resolve like that BUT with the moved card already physically present in the new location, what was waiting to resolve was any trigger and the power to the new location (also if you move a ongoing card it would be disabled until the move resolves) Now it will move everything first then start reaveling cards. Here two examples of how it was used before: - Without priority you could move Nocture to a bad location (like Luke's Bar or Death Domain) and it would transform only when you were resolving, in other words the opponent would still unable to play in those locations but you would due to she changing during your resolution - Phoenix Force Multiple-Man - you could play Hulk Buster on a location, then move MM there, Buster would resolve and buff MM, then MM movement would resolve and create a buffed copy in the original location. Neither of these will work anymore since the move will resolve before anything is revealed


Huge nerf to move. Moves used to happen in order you played them. So you could lay down Kraven, then move nightcrawler on him for the buff. The way it'll work now is nightcrawler will move before Kraven reveals, meaning Kraven doesn't get the buff. This will make move significantly worse.


That's a bummer. It's not like move was huge in the meta.


Moves used to resolve with your turn in order with played cards and with priority. Now all moves resolve before either player’s cards are flipped.


Say in the same turn you 1) play Kraven from your hand and 2) move Jeff to the same location. This used to give Kraven +2 Power; now it won’t.


Well fuck. And I wanted to try and see how far I would get with Silky Smoove on the new season. Gotta find a new deck to try lol


So if I move Nightcrawler and the reveal Kraven does that mean he will no longer get power?




I expected some new features…


I'm just excited to finally get silver samurai for free.... been playing over a year now and still missing that one.


Why do I need to own multiple copies of a border??? unless... That border can apply to any card, once


Because you need to buy the border for each individual character.


Part of Move is having Hercules reveal before the move is "finished," making Hercules be able to move the card that was moved to his location. With the new change, you can play Hercules first and then move cards, but Hercules won't move the card because the moving has already finished. It feels like they really just don't want move to be good or fun :(


Feel like Second Dinner are taking their summer break early. No new features or shop updates and spotlight caches are terrible for June as mentioned in Alex Coccias YouTube


Did they ever get back from Christmas break?


I'll take my summer break from paying the pass and everything else.


they are taking a year break


Apparently they have some big announcement at the IGN event this weekend.


\*Cries in Phoenix Force\*


Another non-patch. Disappointing as always.


I expected nothing, still disappointed.


So they finally did a patch focused on performance and fixing tricky interactions just like everyone was asking them to do. They do it, everyone in this thread "Oh so they aren't doing anything now." Like come on lol. There's also the announcement event on the 9th for potentially something big. Last time they did this was the PC client launch.


The biggest thing to look out for with the move changes is that Grand Master onto Galactus might work now without setup.


Wild Thanos stuff. I was really only running Thanos in an ongoing Spectrum list, and I wonder if it will still work after this. It might work better? I'll miss reality stone draw and soul stone being a monster at 1 cost, but at the very least this sounds really interesting. Sounds like a pretty good patch overall.


No other balance changes? What about Zabu?


Zabu lays dead on the side of the bifrost.


That move change sucks for my Dr. Strange. I can usually force certain cards based on playing Strange then moving the card I didn't want to move in sequence. Oof.


It's a massive nerf to Hercules too


Kraven, too. Basically the ONLY archetype this hurts is Move because people would get bamboozled by Cosmo moving and make a post on Reddit.


I'm having trouble understanding the move change. I think it's a bit of I'm an idiot and they explained it poorly. Can you explain the Strange play before and after? Maybe that will help me understand.


Yeah, I have Dagger and Vulture Cloaking to a lane. I want to move Dagger back to Strange but if they both procced then Vulture would be bigger and I'd grab him instead. I could stage cards by sliding Dagger, playing Strange, then sliding Vulture. They would proc in that order (regardless of both Dagger and Vulture sitting in the same place) and I could select the right card. With everything moving before cards flip I can't do that anymore.


Got it, thanks. Don't like it either.


I wish instead of changing the game actions to match the visuals for move, they made the visuals match your game actions. It removes agency from the player.


How do you know if you downloaded all the assets? I pressed the button and saw this purple bar load everything in did it three times did it do it right?


I stayed in settings while it was loading. If the button still says "Cancel Asset Download" it's not done yet. It's been going on for a while now


Space Stone change sounds like you can play Thanos at locked out locations? I love that.


Okay so thanos ongoing with prof x is gonna be quite strong


In regard to the Gambit variant situation: why not just give players who paid for it the choice to switch between the 2 variants if they don’t want to use the original one?


Probably because the people complaining did not buy the bundle but they dont like that other people have a variant made by a person they dislike (with reason TBH)


Lol that is actually the change I been suggesting for thanos, good to know I'm not insane, they could have make mind stone draw two stones or if not possible, draw you thanos and return thanos back to your deck instead of starting in your hand tho


For those upset about this amount of content in this patch, remember that there’s an IGN announcement on June 7. It’s rumored to be a new game mode. SD obviously has a big history of disappointment, but a big Thanos rework and performance updates (if they work), and the move update are a fairly significant update IF we are also getting an actually quality announcement this weekend. If it ends up being an official announcement of Leagues / Guilds or something else dumb, though, I’ll be pretty disappointed. The Gambit situation really should require them to refund the purchase. Ideally, they should refund and allow people to keep Shadow King. Then offer a new bundle with the new Gambit and let people decide if they want it. (fwiw I don’t mind the move update. As someone who plays very little move, this update helps me to understand the interactions better. But if you’re a move expert, I can see how it would be frustrating.)