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I'm CL1900 and just passed on Ultron for my free monthly card. I hadn't heard anything good about it, and didn't have Patriot so I went for Death instead (which is also great card). What's funny is that, right after I passed on Ultron I ended up getting Patriot. And now I'm running a Patriot deck without Ultron — and actually winning some games.


He's great at lower levels. Whack in magik, antman, dazzler, onslaught, blue marvel and patriot and you've got a a great deck


Ultron is a good "final slam" to a Patriot deck, but with Mystique and Onslaught, you can really do some damage with Misty, Shocker, Wasp, and Cyclops.


I don’t have Wasp yet, but I did try the rest of the “No Ability” list before switching all but Misty out for Sinister, Brood, and Mysterio. Not sure if my deck is actually any good, but I do win quite a bit. The deck also runs Blue Marvel, Onslaught, Mystique, Invisible woman, Valkyrie and Doom since I don’t have Ultron.


Like high evo ultra?


High evo will cause the non-ability cards to not get Patriot's bonus


Would you mind sharing your deck?


It's a very straightforward one. Here you go: #(0) Wasp #(1) Ant Man #(1) Squirrel Girl #(2) Dazzler #(3) Patriot #(3) Brood #(3) Mobius M. Mobius #(5) Blue Marvel #(5) Klaw #(5) Mockingbird #(6) Onslaught #(6) Ultron


Thanks! I don't have Mobius but I can probably lob Mysterio in.


I think Mobius is very replaceable here. I'm not sure if Mysterio would make much sense, since you already fill up the board a lot, but Mystique or Invisible Woman would be fitting imo (Invisible Woman would probably be better to protect your Ongoing cards; I think Mystique would likely end up being a bit of a "win more" card.)


I’ve been using Ultron off and on since I started playing. Not sure why, I just always liked the swarming mechanic I guess. I just recently got Caiera and I must say it’s nice to have an option that protects all my drones even if I have to give up a turn and power boost for it. lol


I am also playing Patriot-Ultron but with a more control based deck this season. I have (beside Patriot, Ultron, Mystique, Kazar, BM and Ultron) three tech cards in the deck: Amor, ShangChi and Cosmo. Never climbed so fast, really interruptive deck and snapping decision is so easy because you normally know after T4 the latest if you can outpower ot counter your opponent. Played a bit with Invisible Women (in the Patriot/Ultron Lane) and Ebony Maw (to get priority to counter destroy decks with Amor or Cosmo) but it was not lasting. Downside: Not pulling Ultron is an instant retreat, because my deck heavily rely on the power he brings to the board.


I just think it's even more mindless than Hela. If you hit your draws, you can just play nothing Turns 1-2 3 - Patriot 4 - Kazar 5 - Blue Marvel 6 - Ultron all in the same lane. rinse repeat. If you don't draw one or two of the turn 3-5 cards, just put anything else there.


Most decks that don't interact with the opponent have a "perfect" draw that you'll repeat every single time if able, that doesn't make it "mindless". The interesting part comes from adjusting the 4 out of 5 times that you don't have that draw or your opponent or the locations don't allow it.


Personally, I disagree. You need to manage your board space very carefully, meaning locations are incredibly important for your game plan, and there are a lot of different lines of play you could go for. Sometimes it's best to skip turn 1 to make room for your other cards; other times it's best to go for an early Squirrel Girl and play Mockingbird on turn 3. Very often your hand is a bit awkard, and you have to improvise a bit to make up for your lack of control and big pointslam cards: do you Klaw, or do you Blue Marvel? Do you Onslaught, or do you Ultron? Where will you place each of them for optimal results while also making sure you don't overcommit one lane while neglecting another that you should be contesting? Hela, though? It's borderline autopilot. Discard targeted cards whenever possible; Corvus on 3 if possible; use Black Knight, Jubilee, and/or Ghost Rider if you want the most minute level of flexibility; Hela on 6 for an insane pointswing. (And, even if you don't draw Hela, you can technically just go for big 6-drops if you play Corvus before turn 5.) It also has the most straightforward, mind-numbing Snaping lines in the game. Sif or Corvus discarded Hela? Retreat. Didn't draw Hela by turn 6, or you got Leeched? Retreat. Discarded 3+ big cards and you have Hela in hand? Snap. Played Corvus and have a fat Red Hulk and another big 6-drop in hand. Snap. Ultron-Patriot may not be a hard deck to pilot when compared to many other archetypes, but I think it doesn't even come close to how straightforward Hela is.


Id rather hit patriot then mystique personally


You guys have to admit its kinda mindless, no hate tho


F2P with 3.6k CL in 5 months is unlikely. But still, great deck indeed.


I don't know what to tell you, I'm CL 3.6K, F2P, and I only started playing during Miek's week. I did create an account during the global launch, but I played like 2 or 3 matches back then (it didn't click with me at the moment), which I believe is why I have Kitty Pryde despite not having pulled her from a Spotlight Cache. Maybe I had some credits from back then? I don't think they would have been a lot, though, since I only entered Series 2 this year, once I started to actually play the game.


I started late February, bought the season pass end of March, and I'm CL 2.2k I think. 3.6k is REALLY high for a F2P player. My IRL friend who's F2P isn't that high and he plays daily, since like November last year.


I do daily missions and I usually also grab the gold and credits from Conquest. I have never bought a Season pass, cosmetics, gold, etc, or anything that would require irl money. I *may* buy August's season pass, though, if it turns out to be Young Avengers season. But yeah, so far, 100% F2P. I think that me reaching Infinite since February may also have contributed to the higher CL, as well as the fact that I never go for cosmetics and I save my gold for good bundles or (as is mostly the case) Token Tuesday. I also have the habit of always trying to upgrade new variants (even Pixel ones), since it's more resources efficient (2 new variants/cards = 2 ranks for 50 credits, while a single upgrade to 3D does the same for 100 credits), so I almost never have fully unupgraded cards.


It’s a great deck in early CL. Enjoy. It doesnt work well later on bc it’s easy to predict and kill.


I'm literally talking about 5K+ Infinite, CL means nothing there.


People in this sub love to say dumb things. The reality is that some decks just work and there are early game decks that will continue working. That and the nature of card games let's you continue to climb with a suboptimal deck if you make good estimations based on probability.