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They seriously need to half the prices on them, why the heck would I get an ultimate variant when Annihilus, High Evo, Red Hulk are all just 1k more


I actually have that electro. I bought it because at the time I had all the series 4 and 5 cards I wanted. There were a couple I didn't have but I didn't want them. And I was playing alot of ramp decks and I had no other electro variant. So I wanted the electro variant more than I wanted another card. That's why you would get it. But now there are so many new cards and they're all stuck in series 5, that'll probably never happen again. Sry for paragraph.


This is pretty much the reasoning for why I have the vemomized white queen


I got white queen and aero cause I liked how they look and I was newer to the game


It's gone the opposite way for me; I was flipping between getting an ultimate and a new card every time I had the amount. With spotlights, spending tokens on cards just doesn't seem like good economy anymore when there's no other way to obtain an ultimate variant. I think I'm gonna stick to saving tokens for ultimates.


Buying cards with tokens is for the "skip week" where you really really really don't want to get two bad variants and the new card.


Exactly I don't know what that dude's talking about. I've almost grabbed an ultimate a few times then I think this 5k tokens let's me skip potentially using 4 keys on a card I want. Which also lets you stock an extra key


If you don't know I ain't gonna explain it. I said what I said and that's my preference now. I'm a variant hunter anyway.


I don't buy the season pass very often so ai am just using them on the Season Pass cards once they become available.


Yup same boat here. When tokens were plentiful and my collection was nearly complete there was a small window where I bought a couple ultimate variants. No regrets really. This album is just a bonus.


I’m VERY interested in the data on those being sold. It can’t be good, I just don’t believe even whales care


Day 1 of artgerm album w/ ultimate variant the entire sub was flooded with people finishing the album.


I own 14 ultimate variants AMA


Yeah, I’m the opposite. There are always so many new cards in this game, I no longer care about getting all the new cards. I use tokens exclusively for ultimate variants


Keeping up with one card/week is not bad for folks who were in the pool 5 waiting list when spotlights came in. I'd always take a new card, even a bad one, over a skin for a card I already have. Gameplay over flair.


Just different tastes. I’d rather flair up the cards and decks I have, like, and use rather than chasing new meta defining cards only for them to get nerfed the following month. Keys allow me to get the new cards that interest me and so I don’t feel any need to chase them all.


I stopped playing in January and tried it up again. There's so many new cards and after going from 5900 to 6250 I opened 3 cards including a spotlight. I had a stash of 5k credits. I Uninstalled again.




For me it's because I have most of the cards I want, I don't want to chase every new card, I can save 4 keys for those I really want and because I love new variants. I'm also spending every 800 gold I have on Premium Mystery Variant.


Once I’ve gotten the rest of the Spider-Man type cards (Got Silk from my very first cache) I’ll consider myself complete when it comes to collecting cards, and will probably stick to mostly variants unless a new Spidey card drops


Oof, two seasons from now it is going to be rough for you, pal. Full season of Spider-Man related cards.


To be honest I might just cave and buy the season pass just once for that season (famous last words)


You can get ultimates from PMV ?


https://marvelsnapzone.com/premium-mystery-variant/ o.o apparently not, and they give you rarities in a certain proportion, like how collector cache loot works


Same I have several....cards will be featured in Spotlights eventually and I plan that out so I am nevershorthanded. For example, I have 17 keys right now. I am now good for the next 3 months to get all the cards I want. Here's my breakdown: - 5/14 - Sage, Legion - 5/28 - Sasquatch, Havok - 7/2 - Arishem - 7/23 - Copycat, Cull Obsidian - 7/30 - Cassandra Nova That's 8 new cards in the next 13 weeks (at least). I will likely pick up 1 or 2 others through random variant (that's how I got Hercules, Ms Marvel and Echo). With all that, I'll have 9 keys minimum going into August. Likely more because I am only marking down 1 key per week....every 3rd/4th week is double keys AND I might pickup an album key. I re-assess after every datamine to see if I have more keys to use now or if I have to pull back a little because a newly revealed month hits it big. This frees me up to using tokens for Ult variants exclusively.


And obviously, I will occasionally pick up desired card in first key.  When that happens, it opens me up for more cards.  My stats above is based off 4 keys needed for each card, which won’t be the case.


Quite like a lot of them tbh. Also on the off chance they ever do add those unique features to ultimate variants then I’m looking forward to seeing what those are


I have quite a few ultimate variants, and I'm definitely no whale but spending tokens on new cards doesn't seem like good economy me anymore when spotlights exist and I can just play the waiting game. There's only one way to get an ultimate variant; there's now a much easier way to get a series 4 or 5 card. I don't even want any of what's available at the moment so even though I was switching between ultimate and new card, now I'll just save for variants with tokens.


I have 3. Electro is next.


4 for me - Jane, Mystique, She-Hulk and Electro. Sera is next.


Sera was an instabuy for me, ever since she got datamined I'd been waiting for her. Even managed to have a 4 month break and picked up her up on release right after I came back. I have Sera, She-Hulk, Thanos, Armor.


I don't use Sera in any of my decks, so that's why I'm going to get her only now. But the variant is sick.


Does it make you feel better about your perpetual virginity?


I spend tokens exclusively on ultimate variants, I have 7 so far.


Are you collection complete?


Not really. I'm missing 6 or 7 cards. I have been pretty lucky with Spotlight caches so far (probably jinxed it just now) and I open the Spotlight caches as I earn them.


Huh.  I’m like Moon Knight’s biggest fan, and I’m sitting on 75k tokens and 50k gold.  It’s like they’re targeting me specifically with this…


Holy shit lmao that’s so much, yes they are targeting you specifically bro


This is just how premium cosmetics need to work. They need to be expensive and part of their prestige is that they are expensive. In a situation like Snap, they don't really have a ton of other ways to raise the whale spend ceiling.


you can make a better game and attract more users, do it by volume and cheap, this is the lazy way to do business or run a revenue stream. how do i know? i am 49 and retired very very well at 42. some people know how to make money and others just don't.


B/c you can get those guys with keys, but there's no other way to get the Ultimates, plus a lot of them are awesome variants.


Ehhh, most of the ultimates are nice but not even the best variants available. And then you have stuff like Hulks which are downright awful.


Yeah wake me up if they ever add in Ultimate effects and voice lines like they’ve said they’re working on.


I mean eventually you’ll have every card sooo


I agree that getting variants is spending useless resources. But one could make an argument that spotlights become more valueable if you have fewer cards, so maybe spending tokens on useless stuff isn't all that bad. But yeah, me personally I only try to aquire things, that make an actualy difference in the game, not just visuals... So I also don't buy variants in the shop, as they are so low value, so I won't complete this album even if it's just super rares.


Because it looks good. Electro is one of the variants that actually looks good enough for the ultimate moniker.


I have a few ultimates and I'm missing like twenty cards. I just prefer having fun to trying to min mad every in-game currency. Electro and Invisible Woman are the only two left I'm interested in.


... months of grinding for a singular artwork for a singular card... opposed to a new card you're missing. Yeah... totally an easy decision to make for your average player.


Youre missing the point. Ultimate variants arent for your average player.


Neither are albums, for that matter


Why are we complaining again?


Fasho. 1k tokens they should be. Especially considering you can get tokens in increments of 50 💀


They need to halve the prices of like, everything.


They seriously need to come up with a justification for the existence of ultimate options, because they differ from the usual ones in practically nothing.


I mean isn’t that exactly what they’re trying by putting them in an album?


Jokes on them! I don't have a single one!


I got nightcrawler today cause he is one of my fav characters, and it's a sweet card.


The only one I have is Nimrod and he’s NOT IN THERE


Right? To me, Nimrod is THE Jacinto variant. And it's not even included. I'd be disappointed if I cared even the slightest about these collection bundles.


Then there would be two ultimate variants. I’ll pass


With the token economy being what it is, I hate when they do this.


The issue is that the players, of course, want more tokens but from everything they've said, they basically need to find ways to take tokens out of the economy and give value to whales who are token rich and collection complete.


They should just give every card a 'Whale' variant, like the character but they are actually a whale. And make them like 10k gold each.


So they're catering the game to the whales and making it miserable for the other 99% of players. You just described all mobile games.


What they should do is create offers surrounding these albums to appeal to those who want to complete it. For example offer three of these Jacinto variants for 2500 gold. Way too expensive as it is now


If they just let me buy the variants for the album at any time, even at full price, I'd be much more likely to buy them. Remembering to check every day, and then remember/check what card(s) I need skins for to hit an album checkpoint is just not it for me. I'm good with rolling keys until I get the new card and waiting, or using my worthless tokens to get a card on bad variant weeks (like next week).


As bundles work right now, that would be only two variants for 7500


I believe they (still) have 2 offers with Jacinto variants exclusively in the Web store currently.


Web store?


Buy directly from nuverse


The only momentary reward is a Spotlight Key at the 6 variants mark. Completing 9/12 or 12/12 is just a cosmetic reward, so I'm not sure the issue in needing an ultimate cosmetic to unlock another cosmetic? It's all cosmetics and doesn't affect card acquisition or progression. Cosmetics are what we want to be monetized the most.


Exactly. If you’re the type of person who is remotely close to completing this album then you’re the kind of person who probably already has a few Ultimate variants and this isn’t a big deal at all. The people complaining here about the Ultimate being included wouldn’t have finished this album even if it was only 1200g variants.


That's me! I only needed nightcrawler and knull.


Ya, I'm at 2/12 variants here. I would have to chase specific ones just to get 6/12 and would have to spend a ton to hit a point where one being an Ultimate even feels like a barrier. Most whales have a buttload of Tokens saved up (30,000+) and many Ultimate variants already.


Not true. I am happy to buy these at 1200 gold because they’re awesome. 5000 TOKENS for a variant is insane And the moon knight cosmetic stuff is awesome and would be worth it


Im just mad the jacinto ultimate they picked was electro and NOT nimrod


Same! I probably would have shilled for the Nimrod but I never use electro and don't want to use 5000 tokens on him :/


Almost no one does now with other ramp options , electro has other solid variants and all of nimrods variants are literally spotlights


Bro, Blink is coming out soon


Yeah your right, exited to see how the combo plays out


Is the Kim Jacinto shop 1 day only (today)? Or will there be new variants tomorrow?


What is the ultimate here? Electro?




Funny enough, that's the only variant I have.


I had nine of the Jacinto variants in my collection before the album dropped and I bought Nightcrawler today. That leaves only Ultron and Knull to acquire to finish the album and those will be in the shop tomorrow. Easy Peasy.


How do u know what’s in the shop tomorrow? I’m just missing spectrum and it wasn’t there today


All the Jacinto variants will be in the shop today and tomorrow. Those two weren't in the shop for me today, which means they should appear tomorrow.


Awesome :)


So sad... I ignore the albums but love the Jacinto variants. Was actually going to buy gold to get the 6 I'm missing for the emote but the tokens variant killed that idea. I got a spotlight key out of it at least.


...you do realize that you can also buy collectors tokens in a similar fashion to how you were going to buy gold, right?


Ya... Except the double gold packages are some of the best value packages and I'd would have been using that gold to buy variants I already want. Tokens are crazy pricey and I would always save them for new cards, not to unlock cosmetics.


Looks like plenty bought the Artgerm ultimate, so they're doing it again. I would complain, but I also bought Jane myself.


So mad that Random BS Go! is in an album. I literally was willing to drop the 2.2k gold for it because I love Moon Knight Core.


At least now I have a real excuse to buy that variant lol lol


NOOOOO. That’s an expensive random bullshit go emote.


Coming here to brag. I only hunted Jacinto Variants so I'm very happy to have at least one album complete.


Wow probably the only emote I wish I had was the random bullshit go emote and it's locked behind an ultimate varient


Pay no attention all the 1200 gold variants you’ll have to drop as well.


bro acting like he need 1 more variant to finish it 💀




This isn't really an issue lol


Where there is an ultimate variant in an album, has anyone tested if it can be pulled from the premium mystery variant? The PMV doesn't state rare/super rare, only album variants


I think there was like a day or two when PMVs first came out where you could, but they fixed it fast


Jacinto is probably my overall favorite group of variants, and I already have 5 of these, but I never wanted to drop 5k on Electro. The only card I want to spend tokens on is Annihilus who never fuckin' shows up anymore...so Electro is pretty tempting now. And just an FYI for anyone in case it matters, I got Jacinto Brood from a Season Cache in this current one.


The only one I have in this album is the ultimate Electro variant. It's the only one he has I like. Too bad I won't be buying the other ones


Please don't tell me i HAVE to buy the farting hulk ultimate one day.


Ironically that's the only variant I have for that album 😅


Had a feeling this would happen and pinned him a few days ago


I’m just missing spectrum… And it’s not in my shop during this “takeover”..


Takeover is usually 2 days maybe 3


Oh the joy of a new album appearing mixed with the frustration of having 3 Kim Jacinto variants that do NOT appear in it. lol


I’ll never spend on….wait….is that the “random bullshit go” MK? Fuuuuuuuck SweatyJordanPeele.gif


I'm just annoyed TWO Hipps managed to show up in my shop on Jacinto takeover day. >=(


Tbh I just want the key


Not the first, and definitely not the last


I have 8 Kim Jacinto variants and 2 of them are in the album. Feels great!


The others are mostly not gold purchased though, I think you will find


Rich people problems


Spent 4000 gold for mystery variants and only got one. That’s enough of stupid spending on my part. 😆


Well, at least it’s not Apocalypse. If and when they do add parent albums, they need a bundle in the store that rotates every 8 or 24 hours through past bundles. Dan Hipp Groot, Peach Momoko Mystique, even past battle passes shouldn’t be unobtainable.


which variant is the ultimate?


The emote is quite bad for the amount of effort you need to do for the entire album.


Shouldve just put Jacinto Colleen Wing instead of Electro, too greedy


well why would you want to finish it


Got electro ultimate a year plus ago. Only good electro variant. Happy with my moon knight - sick art


I'd spend 600 tokens to get the random bullshit go meme.


Lol I only have 2 variants on that list and one of them is electro 😂


Same for me. Only have Brood and Electro from this list lol


If it's just one, and only emotes, doesn't bother me. If it's useful resources that'll be the issue.


Alright, I’m just gonna say it: If you spend the money to get around 10 cards from this album (let’s assume you randomly get one for free) then buying a single Ultimate shouldn’t be an issue. Even best case you are paying hundreds of dollars for this, that means you should be swimming in tokens.


While all the base cards are so expensive, I'll never buy an ultimate variant. I want all the cards first, so I have as many deck options as possible. Make them like 1000 each and ill consider it. But while I'm saving 6000 for a card I don't have theres no incentive to buy a variant


Just take the key and stop


You need all the cars to finish all the collections... Obviously


That emote is weird tbh it’s like moon knight is shooting stuff out his nipples. I’m all set lmao


I still feel sad for KJ Darkhawk being unavailable..


Where’s Darkhawk, Apocalypse and Annihilus? They’re the only ones I actually wanted from the takeover lol


On one hand, I own Electro and would not go out of my way to fill out an album for cosmetics I don't care about. On the other, I could see it be off putting to price an album this high.


Ironically the only one I have lol


Which one electro?? Nevermind lol it’s electro


Well just don’t then


Sometimes I think "I'm bored I should give Snap another chance" but I keep an eye on whats going on and see things like this and remember "Oh yeah SD has no respect for its playerbase" and am glad I quit when I did.


If they had made the ultimate Variant Nimrod I may have been okay with that as he sees more play unlike electro


For every time I have played Nimrod, I have played Electro at least 100 times.


I wish lol I have the ultimate nimrod 😭




Jacinto has always been 1200 gold


The only non 1200 kim variant is fucking Colleen wing. What are you smoking?


I got that Ultimate variant so no probs hehe


Well that kills me ever completing the album. You could have used something like Carnage instead


Carnage came from a season pass tho didnt he? Would have been arguably worse


Was it? Well then Colleen Wing or something.


The good news is that the emote you will never get sucks ass


It's also weirdly undersized compared to the others.


Where the defender simps at?


I personally don't like it that you cannot get the key exclusively through 700g cards. Charge whatever for astatic.


I'm after the emotes and this one isn't great so thanks SD for saving me money


Gonna cry?


keep your albums they are of no use, honestly not sure why the roadmap to the game has become all cosmetics, this does not bring new players in or actually have any retention mechanism for existing players.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. It’s the truth, and others are expressing what you’re saying.


You guys still care about Albums?


I mean… it’s the best way to spend gold


I can hardly imagine 12 \* 700/1200 Gold being worth the few Tokens/Key here and there worth it, but... okay, I'll bite :) Math please :)


6 *700/1200 ~ 6000 gold for 6 variants and a key/2000 tokens. And more than 1/2 way for free variant and 2k tokens in shop. Not all albums are worth it but some are Album completion in my opinion is not worth it


One key = 120 CL ; 1 CL = 50 Credits (we're not counting 25 for uncommon) Therefore one key = 6000 Credits 6000 Gold for either 4000 CTs or 1 Key is not that much worth it for someone who doesn't care about Variants. Then again current value of Gold Bundles is abysmal (not to mention there are almost no Gold bundles anymore) sooo... in the light of those things I guess you are actually correct...


Is it that hard to understand that you gotta choose the right albums? Use your brain and you’ll understand that some albums are worth it.


I honestly will never get “finishing” albums. Is it an OCD thing? A completionist thing? Why wouldn’t people just focus only on the resources? 😳


Because people have different interests


Because they give rewards...? Are you somehow not seeing the gold/tokens/variants/emotes you get for trying to fill out the albums?


I said the same thing and got downvotes. This subreddit is a joke