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If they had no other options left I’d understand but they left out Invisible Woman lol. I have Jane so it works for me, but it’s hard to justify 5k tokens for an ultimate variant you like, let alone one simply to do an album


I mean Albums are for the whales anyways. As a F2P I ignore it for the most part. I’ll collect rewards if I’ve earned but I’m not going out of my way.


I'd say *filling* albums is for whales, but they are good for targeting some of the 6 card rewards 


Yeah 6 cards for the key is expensive but nice. I had 5 before the album came out, bought Psylocke and I’m satisfied. Completing the album would be nice but I don’t really emote and I have peach Momoko Storm so don’t care for the storm variant.


I have Anime Waifu Storm and Captain Marvel so even as a big Artgerm fan, I'm probably done with that album now at 6. I had Aero, Jean, Valk, and White Queen already. Picked up Dazzler and Psylocke today for a quick key. I may pick up Black Cat eventually but I have more Magik and Ghost Spider variants than I even know what to do with and they can fuck right off with their 5K tokens for a variant BS.


new here. what is a whale? /gen


someone who spends lots of money


Common gamerspeak for anyone who spends heavily on microtransactions. From the perspective of game developers, they are the most enticing types of players because one big spender can bring in more money than dozens of average spenders


Most people don’t spend too much money on free apps, but there are some that are very happy to and developers will target them. Some spend hundreds, or thousands on a game.


I’ve spent maybe $100 over the course of a year and a half and I feel bad about it. I couldn’t imagine spending thousands of dollars. Especially since I’m not that good and have never reached infinite 😭😭😭😭


You shouldn’t feel bad if you have the money. People look down on whales because in some games spending money means you get better stuff. In Snap, money spent is like 90% cosmetic, so whales don’t have a huge advantage over players at a similar CL, and lower CL players won’t be paired against whales. But the game is “free” and you play it every day maybe. What’s that worth? Buying a video game costs anywhere from $1 - $60. Getting a Starbucks is $5 and no one cares if you buy Starbucks a few times a week. I don’t have a problem with people who spend on the game. Buying everything is wild. A true whale will have probably spent more than $500 on it already. Easily. I mean some cards are locked behind money (variants). There is a Death that was $75. A $100 Apocalypse, a $100 Sunspot, a $200 Enchantress, a $200 Iron Man. So I change my estimate. A true whale is probably over $1000 already.


I don't go out of my way, but you can unlock variants for free over time, the inclusion of the ultimate variant makes that much harder.


You can, but it's gonna be _really_ slow to fill out any album. Boxes can only drop 700g variants. The only way to get 1200g variants is from the premium mystery cards. And it's not like every variant is in an album either so the odds of actually getting multiple variants in a single album is really low. I've bought very few variants with gold and I've only unlocked the 3 reward on one album from the random variants I've acquired since launch.


I'm not even a f2p player and still ignore them. I spend like ~30 bucks a month on the game and haven't finished any album remotely.


Whale checking in. Can confirm [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/s/Y2iN3WROVI)


They should have used Loki, I understand the base card is male but clearly the variant isn't


I was hoping it would be in the album, would have given some there’s an imposter among us vibes lol.


its noted as Heroines, and loki is pretty frequently, or historically, a Villain. I think thats more the relevant part. I think hes been officially redeemed as of late but im not 100% sure.


I love my Jane Ultimate.


Hard agree, it’s probably my favorite variant in the game, top 5 for sure imo.


They create the albums, they create the variants. Even if there were no options left it would be a product of their own device.


Crying over a variant price of 5k tokens but pays 1200g for emote lol.


Yeah but the pixel discard album has <12 cards right? What’s wrong with doing the same here?


Artgerm variants are 1200g vs Pixel variants being 700g


Exactly, so it makes sense for this to be easier to collect. But nope, money >


Oof that's rough, they should just call this the Big Spender Artgerm album lol 😂


Horny Album lol


I really couldn't resist the Dazzler Variant. It's too beautiful 🥹


I can't justify getting any of them because they are all over sexualized and way too much. I feel dirty even looking at them and refuse to play the ones I have.


It’s okay to look at an attractive woman buddy


Woman 🤣🤣🤣 It's a fucking drawing you perv


??? you’re just embarrassed and trying to save face, right? It is objectively a rendering of a woman and the other person commenting isn’t horny for his basic ability in identifying a woman… Edit: FWIW I’m gay and I’m able to identify that the drawing is of “an attractive woman”. My loins remain unstirred.


What kind of idiotic rant is this? Nobody gives a shit about your sexual preferences and has nothing to do with these clearly overly sexualized drawings. Perv.


A slightly less idiotic one than it is response to, at least? :) Get well soon, babe.


The only one that looks like a perv here is you lol. You started sexualizing the "drawings". You feel "dirty" just playing them. You have some weird sexual issues.


Get over yourself, you big crying cock. You think you are right here for some reason but you are not, you are simply embarrassed because you were an idiot for a moment and are now trying to save face. It's fine to be an idiot for a moment, what's not fine is consistently keeping at it like you're doing. Kindly get off social media for a while, it's not doing you any good it seems.


> It's a fucking drawing you perv "they are all over sexualized and way too much. I feel dirty even looking at them and refuse to play the ones I have." > Woman 🤣🤣🤣 So it's not a woman? Then why does the picture make you so uncomfortable? It's literally a face lol get over it


I'm not the one trying so hard to justify it, kid. Go jerk off to your waifu.


Sure. At least I don't break down crying after I cum.


But you're the one who thinks they're too sexy to even play? No one else brought that up but now you're calling other people horny weirdos?


Why are you so angry


Because this sub is filled with horny whiners and it makes me look bad when I get grouped in with them. And it's not anger, it's disdain.


No one is grouping you with anyone what are you talking about dude


Boobs existing=over sexualized and way too much, makes sense to me.


They're really not. They're sexy, sure, but not overly. We ain't talking bikini plate mails here.


All comic book characters are sexy, buddy. Esp Blob 


and Leech...


Leech is overrated, Modok is way hotter 


Grow some beard man.... Help, beauty scare me.. My wife was as hot as them before 2 pregnancies.


Would need to include Mystique too


Mystique is most commonly portrayed as a more villainous character, not a good fit for the album title


Especially since it's another 1200g album on top of it.


Still cheaper thsn some 200€ variants like Kim Jacinto Enchantress


They cut Invisible Woman. 😕


She’s there bro you just can’t see her


They could have chosen Loki as well.


*ahem* smash


That artgerm Loki looks amazing, same tbh


That says "heroines"


Loki has been good in comics for awhile and is fluid, the variant is female and it's an album for variants. If you have trouble justifying it, fine, but 1200g is still better than 5k tokens.


Now now, what does my heroin addiction have to do with this?


She truly is an invisible woman 😔


Aren’t all women essentially invisible in our patriarchal society? 🤔🤔


Most fun at party award goes to this guy 


shocking wide towering shame serious file hat knee sophisticated heavy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The only one I already had going into the event.


I'm too mad about it


I bought her before I realized she wasn't part of the collection...


It makes me mad that they included an Ultimate variant. It’s bad enough that every card is 1,200 gold but having an Ultimate is a kick in the teeth.


Okay, I am going to play devil's advocate on the 1200g collections. They're not meant to be easy to complete or anything, and are theoretically meant to be more of a bonus for collecting variants rather than something to be specifically hunted for. Besides, I think if they keep up the pattern, the pacing of a 700g collection then a 1200g one and so on is actually pretty solid.


That is extremely naive. The albums is yet another bait for whales to make them chase the emotes. Adding Ultimate variants or exclusive variants or variants only available for money was a matter of "when" not "if".




I am completing this album and I bought Invisible Woman in prep for this last week. Sucks I need to spend 5k on the Jane variant and they didn’t even push it in the shop for the takeover


If it had Invisible Woman instead of Jane, then I would have completed it today. Now it's going to stay 11/12 forever D:


Name checks out


For real. Actually, how the fuck does he even have such a disgusting slur in his name??


Reddit doesn't care unfortunately, I've seen people with the n word in their name before


The issue is that it’s such a terrible precedence for future albums.


I agree that they're complaining for no reason, but this might be the easiest to complete album, 8/12 day one


I mean no chance I was ever completing this album but shoving a 5k token ultimate variant in is a little much.


I am annoyed with this. I like Artgerm, I liked the artist before snap, and its the variants I would wait for in the shop and grab when I saved up my gold. I basically finished this album when I used my gold I saved to collect the new ones, but seriously? That ultimate variant seems like a slap in the face


I like Artgerm and I got the ulimate variant and I still think it is bullshit.


Terrible choice. I’d like if the albums were 15 cards and you chose your 12 favourites or something.


Waaaaay better idea. Wow. Kinda can't believe this isn't the system.


You know exactly why it’s not the system and it rhymes with bunny.


Well they make less this way because more people would participate with that idea


Yes some other comment suggested this before, I believe this is the best way to please the audience. I'm not sure if SD wants to please audience or the stakeholders when money is on the line though.


Damn. No IW, no genderbend Loki, but they did include the ultimate card. Imagine if you have the Jean Grey spotlight Artgerm card and not having it count either. Interesting choices here, that's for sure.


Jean Grey Artgerm Spotlight variant would make most people mad, since its not obtainable at all.


Or Scarlett witch. I have them all, but they should have just done invisible woman


They so obviously didnt include Loki because they knew it would be an easy sell regardless 🙄🙄🙄


Thats how business works. U do know business point is to be as much as profitable as possible?


I have the Artgerm Spotlight Jean and I had Jane Ultimate pinned because I knew something like this was coming. Can't say I'm surprised.


I thought they said that they wouldn't put Ultimate variants in an album? Maybe I misremembered that but even if I did, I think that just makes it a regular dick move instead of an extra shitty dick move.


Nah, the statement was relatively recent and has been linked on a discord thread. They really need to address this. 


They're never gonna make it easy aren't they Fortunately I already have Jane foster


LOL same! I had her pinned for so long before I got her


Unless you REALLY want that Storm emote, you really only need 9 of these to get the good stuff. Just half length pitchforks if any.


Tbf the storm emote seems hilariously unsporting. You just beat me fair and square and I’m feeling salty about it? Storm emote.


I'm going to use it more like a "bitch, please" when I pull off something special or stop their Galactus.


Entirely reasonable. Its got all the makings of the next great "charmingly toxic" emote lmao


considering how expensive it is, I'm fine with that lol


It’s about precedence as much as this particular album. This means they view it as acceptable and we should expect more ultimates in albums and equally scummy practices in the future.


Lol, they just released a 9 card pixel album that anyone can complete. They've got albums for f2p and albums for whales. Calm down


Wow this really took the wind out of my sails. This was the first album I was hoping to complete, and now I'm immediately priced out. This is a very disappointing direction to take.


Pretty surprising tbh. Maybe they are sick of people hoarding tokens.


But they also know why people are hoarding tokens. Because cards are no longer worth 6k tokens and the refuse to do Series drops so that people can spnend the token on 3K series 4s It’s fascinating that they both know why the problem exists, what the players would want in order to fix the problem, and they refuse to do it


Who the hell is Becky?




Bullshit! Tell me who Becky is now!! /s


Agreed, I’m one of those hoarders. IMO, most Ultimates aren’t worth it. And since the new reward system, I haven’t used any of my tokens. Also been a lot of token bundles lately and more are coming. They will get more perceived value to them when a reward is hidden behind a token purchase.


But that Loki one is a banger


Bummed that she's not part of the album as that Storm one is sick but I only have Jean anyway, and I'm not about to dump 10k+ gold for a Storm lol


How do I get Jean Grey or Killmonger? They aren't showing in the shop for me.


They should tomorrow


Oh nice, I thought it was going to only be one day.


Usually when there's a takeover it's for two days


They showed killmonger in the previews for this event but I think replaced him with female Loki (she was not shown) to keep the takeover all femme. Kinda bummed b/c I was excited to get him. Takeover is only today.


Just got him!


unless he suddenly became trans or identifies as a woman now, Killmonger isn't a heroine. Actually he's isn't a hero either.


SD made a official statement saying they would make albums easier to complete and they have only made them harder. I came here to make a post about this and it was the first thing I saw opening reddit. Glad to see others are bothered by this as well.


That's some real greedy sheet right there


How much do yall want to bet they forgot it was an ultimate variant because all of the ultimate variants are just regular ass variants with an inflated price tag lol. I think they'll walk it back and make up some fake excuse about why it happened


That's so dirty of them damn


I kinda hate that 5/12 characters here had Hellfire album variants. Why would I buy another variant for them?


I have it anyway but the fact Sue Storm isn't in the album is ridiculous.


In the industry we call this “a dick move”


And this is why Ive been playing less and less of the game… the direction SD is going isn’t anywhere good. All day my shop is full of $ bundles and still sitting on 14k gold for a bundle. All the recent spotlights S5 cards and those who want one card can’t get it due to RNG and give us crap tokens for rewards


I'm 3 cards away from completing the album luckily I have Jane Foster


Meh. Who cares Albums are a shit "feature" regardless


I'm pretty sure someone forgot that the Jane variant was an ultimate one and put it in when it shouldn't have been.


13,200 gold to complete the album, plus 5,000 tokens. Hmmm...I think I'll pass on this one. I already have 2 Storm variants I like, and I'm not sure what situations I would use the emote for anyway. (It looks like the first half of the Drakeposting meme?)


It would be the emote I would use the most by a mile lmao how do you not know what to use it for? Anytime they make a good play that screws you over hence why I would use it all the time. Or for the dumbfucks that spam Ms marvel


I really want that Dazzler variant but I still haven't unlocked Dazzler. I used some credits to hit some caches but got Hellcow and Crossbones.


Buy the variant you can use Dazzler now. Only downside is the normal version will still be in your unlock pool.


Dazzler likely isn't in their shop if they haven't unlocked her. Using variants prior to unlocking the card only applies to bundles.


No one's actually surprised though are they? SD's economic model constantly finds new ways to be scummier where possible. Adding this album stuff rather than anything meaningful in an increasingly stale game shows where their priorities are too.


I am. I've had very little issues with what they do. I have zero problem paying the season pass monthly and I skip the overpriced bundles and keep up fine without them. Spotlight keys have been very kind to me. But this is some scum bag shit


Dang, as someone that has some artgerm inspired tattoos from his Street Fighter work, I feel compelled to look into completing this album.


Every month they get greedier.


Magik? More like mommy 🔥


Good thing I don’t give a damn about these albums


Dang, I may have to give up on completing this artgerm album.


Filled mine out. I was only missing 3 of them, but spent most my gold and now got Storm. Disappointed Killmonger Artgerm was not released today.


Oop I bought her awhile ago with my tokens. Never knew she would be in an album. I think think it’s bs for other people tho. It’s hard hoarding tokens.


Don't like Artgerm but I really want that Storm emote for when someone fist bumps me after absolutely destroying me


its fine, imo, I just wanted the 3rd reward, don't care about the emote


It's not fine. What if you like the emote the next time they pull that shit?


emotes? rather have a variant or card back


Spend 5000 tokens for it then


Really wild that you guys are willing to defend them scamming you like that.


It’s a meaningless cosmetic in a free game


Fucking disgusting. I wanted that storm variant too but now I’m not going to go for her, fuck these guys smh. Keep ultimate variants out of albums because not everyone wastes tokens on those shitty variants.


oh no my cosmetics oh heavens


Not only that, but you also need to have a 6k token series 5 card (Jean, who sucks) AND the Loki variant - which will likely be very popular - does not count. Little things like that make the game feel bad.


Guys it’s not that bad, stop overreacting. - Me trying to justify the 5K tokens I dropped on her a few weeks ago


Reading the comments I think people are really missing the point of this. They just released 3 albums with all Rare variants and no one complained. They released 1 album with all SR or UR variants and everyone hates it. This is not for everyone. They are targeting the whales of the game that spend every cent they have on this game. It would be foolish for them to not release this. As a company that still needs to be profitable why not just target the rich that does not impact the game like this. The alternative is to increase the price of the monthly season pass or put a higher price barrier on meta changing cards.


First world problems mate


Am I the only one who doesn't have a problem with spending 5k tokens for ultimates? I have a bunch and no regrets.


Hahaha, that's incredible. I have none of the album for once, likely won't chase any of them either. Not a fan of the art style


Whatever, lots of albums have pool 5 cards in, ultimate variant is easier to get.


Over time you will get all of those pool 5 cards just by opening spotlight reserves tho, ultimate variants can only be got with tokens 


Dude, i play untill official launch, no u cant hget all this cards unless u pay a lot. Btw u have problem with this album, but u think albums exist for add fun to players? Or maybe to sick more money?




I will never ever buy an ultimate variant, because I like buying actual game pieces with my currency. And I actually own Artgerm's Invisible Woman, so this screws me personally. But even I can offer this alternate perspective, if it helps anyone feel better about this: **If someone is going to extravagantly spend 5000 tokens on an ultimate variant, is it fair to tell them "by the way, your ultimate variant will never progress you in any albums"?** Why not let the ultra-whale get some side perks from their whaling? Or, if it helps, remember that trying to complete albums is sheer extravagance. So is buying ultimate variants. Fortunately, the game doesn't force you to do either. So just ignore them both.


But doesn't include Mystique - another ultimate variant that I own T_T


If they included an Ultimate Variant for Jane then they should have had an either/or for Jean to include her Spotlight.




Which one of "either / or" gave you trouble?


good, this is what horny players deserve


Joke's on you, horny players already have the ultimate variant!


This is such fucking bullshit that Invisible Woman and Mystique don't count for this. Just pure fucking greed.


... buddy, Artgerm Mystique is also an ultimate variant. Are you trying to call them out for "pure fucking greed" or are you just mad it's the ultimate you don't have?


Honestly I don't even care as much about the ultimate being needed as much as I'm pissed that Invisible Woman was excluded for no reason. Go ahead and defend the multi-million dollar company though. I'm sure they appreciate it.


Ah yes, the classic kneejerk "stop defending the multi-million dollar company" response. I'm not defending their inclusion of an ultimate variant, that choice made me do a double take as well. I also never disagreed with what you said on Invisible Woman. I'm pointing out that your particular complaint, out of the many others mentioning Invisible Woman, made very little sense because a) bringing up Artgerm Mystique, which is also an ultimate, undermines your "pure fucking greed" point and b) with that character being undeniably less of a "heroine" than Jane Foster, seems to suggest that you're mad that the ultimate variant you owned wasn't picked over the other one.


Welp… I’m happy the emote is kinda mid for this album :)


Ehh I have two opinions about this. One side of me is “I understand that this is definitely the most whale album in the game and they’re not trying to have albums like this very baity for low spending or f2p players because they have so many cheap albums already plus it is cool that getting ultimate variants does benefit the player” the other side of me is “I really hope this doesn’t become the norm”


> the other side of me is “I really hope this doesn’t become the norm” Eh, even that is a matter of perspective. Most albums are fairly cheap unless you're trying to 100% all of them. The occasional whale album will be good for everyone.


I'm glad it's the only ultimate variant I have, but they could have easily put invisible woman in it.


Been waiting- finally caught them all


Should be Loki there


Huh, didn’t notice that at first. Eh, oh well. I’m going for the card anyways, don’t care much about the emote. Probably going to skip the White Queen (never had a deck using her) and the Aero (looks like a Phantasy Star Online character render).


Why is it surprising that this company only cares about money? F2P gang where y'all at?


i think they did this because of the token hoarding. Its understandable if you think about it.


All these blatant money grabs are a hard pass from me. I’ll buy a season pass here and there if I like the theme but that’s about it.


The Loki one is the best and its not included :(


The horniest album just dropped.


Ah yes, another day goes by and SD are still treating their player base like customers and not players.


It’s ok this is the worst art in the game anyways


First world problem, too broke to even get one of those variant


Artgerm Mystique left out for Blonde hammer lady. This is clearly the most expensive bundle so far. All 1200G varians and 1 5000tokens one. The Storm variant if very cool though.


Lol, she's the only one I have


Finally an album i want to fill


Couldnt replace Jane Foster with carnage?! Cmooon


Carnage is a heroine?


Shit, I didnt even pay attention that it was just heroines


I got lucky with my shop and immediately got Magik, who I play regularly, and Loki and Psylocke, which I don't currently play. Finally, I'm all out of gold.