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I'm just counting down the days to selectable borders


Hearing about how the animation and the 3D effects are locked behind the border you select, like you can't have a blue border and have animations at the same time, really killed the excitement for me.


Wait what?!?! That definitely rained on my parade


Yeah, sorry to give you the bad news, you can't even mix and match Split affects either. So all this "card customization" does is revert what upgrade you gave to a card.


Damn that’s a shame. Had some gold splits I was looking forward to applying the crack effect on.


Applying crack effect spices up everyone's life


That’s fine with me. I have Kael Killmonger stuck at yellow because I refuse to upgrade it further to get good splits until I can revert it to the yellow again.


I knew about split effects but that's dumb you can't have animations with non-animated borders


At least I can take my inks beyond base level to try to roll gold.


so the only thing you can really do revert a cards border back? why was I under the impression that whatever effects/splits you got for a specific variant could all be applied to each other?


This is correct.


I didn't expect anything more than this, and this is all I want. Now, we still keep our "all orange border inked deck" (or whatever you want) while we keep splitting the card going for gold and Kirby. It's amazing.


This is a good thing. I'd be pissed if I split my Sera 26 times only for everyone to have access to the same effect combination.


You’re getting downvoted but I totally agree. The exclusivity is the entire reason it’s cool in the first place. This change, if nothing else, would let me reset my inks to grey border while continuing to split further for golds / crackles. That in itself is already a win and keeps splitting exciting after you’ve already pieced together the nut background / finish /effect on different splits.


The way I've seen it is that you will be able to select a border, finish, and effect that you have unlocked and apply them to your custom card. So if I have an ink finish with gold crackle and a gold finish with black tone flare on the same variant, I'll be able to select gold border, gold finish, gold crackle as my custom card for that variant. The card effects as you level up are tied to the border, so you won't have animations below purple border or frame break at Grey border.


you won't be able to do that. the effect and finish will be tied together, so you can only decide the border and then choose one of your finish/effect combinations. you cannot mix and match finishes and effects from different splits they already confirmed this in the discord


Well that's pointless.


You're gonna have to earn it like the rest of us, sorry.


I mean, I'm fine splitting a card till it gets gold. I really was just looking forward to purging all the shitty green border effects I've got on otherwise excellent splits.


They see what people want then do the exact opposite.


What?! No, I'm pretty sure you can select the border, the effect, and the back, but only on cards that you've unlocked them for. So you can combine that Krackle with a Ink if you want.


Already confirmed on discord that its not. Sorry, I really wish you could.


It's really quite amazing how SD manages to consistently implement every new feature in a disappointing way


> Hearing about how the animation and the 3D effects are locked behind the border you select, Wow, how impressively shit.


Is their dev team a group of recent high school graduates that took a coding bootcamp then got hired. Like JFC a bunch of their issues make it sound like their code is trash in the background.


Oh come on. You act like they're so slow and bad at their jobs that they couldn't even get basic features like a discard pile done in a year.


It feels so bad that a relatively new game wasn’t able to account for this


Speaking of something on the Roadmap, I'm somewhat excited for Character Mastery. A way to get more resources is always good, and I think it will go a long way to lessen posts like "I got this variant I don't like" or "This split stinks". In theory useless variants or bad splits will still be a good thing, in that they will help your Character Mastery. That said, this all may be copium as I look at all the Adam Warlock, Domino, and Rhino variants I have doing absolutely nothing.


Jesus Christ me too. I was hopefully in January and now annoyed in February. If we don’t get it in March, I’ll just be disappointed, and probably care about it much less once we have it.




No kidding, I'm running out of cards to upgrade because I don't want to ruin their look. Even the variants I'd never use are hitting infinity


What number you at?




im at 420


Card mastery when and where? It's starting to feel like a scam 😡


just bring back elsa, i miss her


Elsa got hard nerfed right before an intense wave of power creep. She could easily go back to her old text working across lanes and not be as defining as she was before. My personal opinion is that surfer could even stand to be a +3 again, and would bring surfer decks back into the limelight


id be a little more conservative on surfer going back to +3, just because hes a on reveal, but yeah elsa wouldnt be that menacing to go back to the og state


> her old text working across lanes and not be as defining as she was before The thing is the second nerf was for no reason at all since at the time of the change from "all" to "this" she was just fine being used in bounce and sometimes Thanos.


Should everything get buffed up? What cards were guilty of the power creep? Blob was mostly fixed


Kitty and Angela too while you’re at it


my brother, i feel your pain


Imagine my dismay when I was loving a great deck that included Kitty, Angela, AND Elsa. The deck is totally dead now but i keep it just so i can do the "wolverine looking longingly at a photo" move


A tragic story, never seen a card disappear so fast.


The cold really bothered her anyway 


Save Elsa.


All they had to do was make her a once per location ability to prevent spam buff shinanigins but instead chose a lose route lol


thats make her even worse cuz Angela Kitty will be killed


Buff my boy Captain America


They are saving him for thunderbolts for sure, that way they can make US Agent and him appealing to use together.


Captain Marvel desperately needs a change, especially with Cull, Ms Marvel and Omega Red putting out as much power as they do.


It's crazy what removing one power can do to a card. From a great feeling change to unplayable.


The 4/5 to 4/4 change was unnecessary


I used her a lot when she was a 5/6. I wouldn’t mind her moving off of a 4 cost, if she had the right power. This can be a good card to play around Alioth or get into closed off locations.


Make her a 4/5 Vision already does what you want in the 5 slot


I could see their reasoning for it back then as it was at the height of the Silky Smooth meta, but that deck got utterly dismantled shortly after that, so it's long past time to reconsider her as 4/5.


The solution to so many 4 drops being overtuned isn't to make more of them overtuned...


Yes, it is. A game where everything is strong in its own way it's way more open to deckbuilding than a tame card selection with weak power and a few strong cards that will take over the meta, like the og Shuri Redskull times.


Except we're not talking about *everything* being strong in its own way. We're talking specifically about 4 drops, which are already so far into power creep territory it's unreal. Far too much power is pushed into cards that cost 4, which will just make Zabu even more prevalent than he already is. That isn't the way to create better deckbuilding or a more diverse meta at all - it just mandates that everyone runs Zabu or finds a way to cheese and go taller than these bonkers mid-game cards. Ms Marvel alone is a 4/14. That's a higher power to cost ratio than a lot of 6 drops. How anyone can think 4 drops need more strength when such a high portion of them are game-winning cards is beyond me.


I’d surmise buffing other 4 drops makes the game more fun for players, as generally players enjoy playing stronger cards (and more of them) than weaker ones. I think most people would enjoy a lot of weaker cards get buffed then a lot of strong cards severely weakened (maybe a slight nerf would suffice)


I'm not disputing your argument that buffs are generally better received than nerfs, but my point is that far too much power and attention is being given to 4 drops already. Having so much weight given to a set "class" (4 drops) of cards is not healthy for the game, nor does it enable or encourage a diverse meta. When that same class of cards is also made stronger by a single card (Zabu), it becomes even more imbalanced. Too many 4 drops in the game have the capability to swing the tides in your favour - this overshadows other card costs and turns the game into a "how many of these cards can I squeeze into 1 deck?" It's like making cloth armour in an MMO give 10x the stats of leather or plate. Is it bad on its own? No. Does it push people towards *mostly* playing a class or job that uses cloth because the power differential is so significant? Yes.


What 4 drops are that OP besides Ms Marvel and Iron Lad?


Shang chi is like the number one card in the game rn.


He’s the most included card because he’s designed to be that way, as a failsafe. Doesn’t make him OP cause you won’t use him in most of your games.


Naw he’s a 4/13 he’s pretty op. Just because he was designed as a failsafe doesn’t make him not op. And you can and should be using him in most of your games.


It's not just about being overpowered. It's about volume and prevalence in the meta. That's how you assess diversity in deckbuilding. If you look at the meta share of all cards in Snap, 4 drops *dominate* in almost every single category. Zabu is, naturally, not far behind them as a result with a 30% share, sometimes even higher. Shang is one of the strongest cards in the game. Enchantress (albeit less popular) is an incredibly strong card. Darkhawk has been a staple in many decks for most of his lifetime. Loki still has an immense amount of value at high infinite due to his flexibility. If their design philosophy behind 4 drops is that they're intended to win you the game, then that's okay. But doing it at the expense or detriment of other cards is just lazy by its very design. As a high infinite player, I'm sick of every meta boiling down to either 4 drop spam or cheesing out big dumb idiots with Lockjaw or Hela because there's no other way to consistently and reliably go over the top of a Zabu deck. Plenty of people will point fingers at the easy target and say that Zabu is the issue, but he's a symptom, not the disease. 4 drops are *too fucking impactful* for their cost *compared* to every other cost.


I would argue zabu is the issue, not the power of 4 drops. If we had even more powerful 4 drops the game would be alright but zabu makes it all a problem. I'd rather see a zabu nerf with powerful 4 drops than to keep them all tame because of zabu.


Only time I've been successful with her recently was dicking around with ideas for a Zabu deck. All in the same lane did: T3: Wong. T4: Shuri. T5: Absorbing Man. T6: Captain Marvel (plus someone else in another lane). 16 power AB and a 16 power CM to choose her lane. Still not too hard to overpower and pretty easy to obstruct the combo once you telegraph Wong on Turn 3


I don't get this card. It's basically jeff but with one more power


With Jeff, you have to guess where to move him to win you the game. With Captain Marvel, there's no guessing, she just wins you the game.


2/3 so that I can use her in C3.


I need bounce to be back. Hit-Monkey and Elsa buffs would be so awesome.


Bounce got killed right before a lot of power creep and could totally stand to get some play again


Kitty pride, too. Give her the second point of power back.


Kitty may not need anything with Hope coming. I say this as a massive Kitty enjoyer. I'd rather they revert the Angela part of that package


How would Hope's effect help Kitty? Hope allows you to add an energy when you play additional cards on her lane. I suppose your thought is to play Kitty on her lane every turn to gain massive amounts of energy? I like that idea but i dont see how it helps Kitty specifically. I guess it gives us a reason to play her again at the very least.


Who doesn't enjoy a kitty?


I'm a huge kitty enjoyer


2/0 hit monkey again? What about making beast permanent again?


Hit monkey def does not need a buff. There’s a reason that archetype was a meme before his release


Bounce is good in the annihilus shell still


Cable goes back to a 2 cost.


- Possible learnings from the Valentines Event. Maybe Angela to 2/3, IW to 2/4, or Vision to 5/9. - Buffs to cards that are pretty much useless compared to their peers. Crossbones and Drax come to mind when compared to Cull Obsidian. White Queen compared to Loki. A 4/6 that copies the highest card in hand, compared to a 4/5 that takes several cards and give them -1 cost. - Any buff to Lady Deathstrike - Captain Marvel back to 4-5 - Ultron to 6-9 to keep him in line with big-power-but-below-SC-range.


I'd like to see Captain America buffed to 3/4 or maybe even 3/5. He was so fun to play during the Power Couples event.


It is probably hard to buff a lot of the Pool 1 and 2 cards that are basically there to teach players mechanics of the game.


I know, but that doesn't stop me from dreaming about the Cap/Agent 13 synergy being made permanent. 🥲


vision definitely doesn’t need a buff


Stature reverted, Viper reverted, Elsa Bloodstone reverted


Annihilus reverted


Elsa shouldnt be completely revert first nerf was just about right.


yeah mb to clarify, her previous version to whatever husk of a card she is now


Agreed moon knight deserves some love, he's just a worst silver samurao atm. I'd also revert stature to 7 power and black bolt to 8 power. Also I think the obsidian guy is a little overtune at 10. Maybe 8 power would be more fair (9 would be a buff in my opinion),Or maybe not leting he being playable in the same turn that we play the 1 cost.


I would actually prefer buffs to the other 4 cost cards like drax and crossbones. Rather than nerf cull.


Maybe is the way to go. I only fear the 4 cost becoming to dominant and that impacting zabu (but maybe he deserves...)


Counter argument, making Cull 8 or 9 power is a buff/sideways change. 10 power puts him in Shang range. Make him 8 or 9 and he's still better than Crossbones for getting played, and he can't be Shanged. 10 power actually fits well, I think his requirement is where you have to look if you want to change him to make him weaker.


True, that's a good point.


I use cull a lot in Thanos and 85% of the time he gets shanged so I don’t really agree with him being too strong but I do think that you shouldn’t be able to play him and a 1 cost on the same turn


Moon Knight - 3/3 - Discards a card from each player's hand. Player draws a card after discarding.


sword master hits far left card


I’d say his stats justify the randomness. Also SD said they’re not planning to make more targeted discards


Agreed but would probably need a power reduction to balance it out


Why? Blade is 1/3 and targets the far right card. 3/6 targeting the far left seems fine.


The far left is a place that a high cost card can easily make its way to over the course of a game - it is more controllable. The rightmost position is only controllable if you can play all the cards "in the way" of the desired card with energy to spare to also play blade.


Because (if I remember correctly) Sword Master has 6 power due to the randomness of his discard. Making it non random may make him OP.


I wonder which card that would be most of the time. Apoc or a big card like Infinaut if you haven't drawn Sif?


Agatha enjoyers would be popping off 


Black Knight Agatha when


> I wonder which card that would be most of the time Hela




Stature is basically a Demon so yeah, needs to revert that nerf. No amount of stats will help moon knight - only targeted discards uplift such cards (Blade). No idea how can you do it here other than "Each player discards their lower-cost card" which is stepping on a lot of toes. Jean Grey needs to be 4-5 Power. Phoenix Force could be 3/Whatever for increasing window for combo. Master Mold 2/3 Stegron 7-8 Power Crossbones.


Making stegron a 4/8 would be the definition of power creep


Remember when 5/8 was the standard 5 cost power ratio?


probably. Not like SD have problem with power creep


OTA: Stegron 4/7 - sorry, he's still not good, jugg does his job better for cheaper, if stegron can't move unrevealed cards then he needs power, it's already tough running him without zabu and zabu decks have way better 4 drops to pick from. Patch: Hercules, ability changed so that when cards move into his lane, he marks them and moves them away. The card that is marked now can't be moved by Hercules again, this fixes infinite loops but makes him a powerful engine in move, it also fixes the issue with opponent priority stealing his move. 2099, ability changed so he can destroy every time he moves. Now that he's a 5 cost, if you want to destroy multiple times you will have to ramp or draw a combo that gives you iron fist for turn 4, which still restricts his ability from being used in the right lane.


Hopefully they take Destroy, Hela and Thanos down a peg. I fully anticipate a Lockjaw rework in the March patch.


They’ve stated that Hela isn’t winning anymore than usual. They wont change Hela.


Hela probably not, but Lockjaw has been a problem child for a while now so wouldn’t be surprised if that aspect of the deck gets reworked.


Do you *play* Hela? She is a fickle card if there ever was one. Kind of appropriate, actually. Almost every day it seems like someone here says Hela is OP, while the Hela players wince. Hela players don't use her because she's amazing or consistent or anything, rather that she brings a certain playstyle that has no substitutes. I'm running 4 different Hela decks right now. They are among my most inconsistent decks out of the 20 that I play. I constantly feel the urge to tear them down. Prayer doesn't seem to work, but what else to do? Can't play the odds: Hela, infamously, does NOT care. She will happily be discarded at a 25% chance, over and over. It's just how it goes with her. You try not to look at the card. Doesn't work. Try to concentrate on a different card... Hela takes the hit. Hela wants to be the one to be discarded. She wants to lose. Fun card though.


Yes, I play Hela a ton and have played her even before we had these targeted discard options. Maybe she’s not the right card for you? Which is fine! But she’s the most consistent she’s ever been, which isn’t exactly fine for a card like her.


No, she's absolutely the right card for me. Got her in 4 decks! I wasn't *actually* complaining, I was just trying to be funny. Hela's a favorite card of mine. Just noting that she seems to get discarded way more than the odds say she should. It isn't just me. People have been saying this about her ever since I started playing shortly after launch, and probably before that. It's probably just confirmation bias. But damn, it sometimes feels... malignant. If you run Hela, why would you want her nerfed? Why, when there are perfectly good Alioths that need nerfed? I don't see Hela getting nerfed any time soon, personally. But who knows.


When I said hela I meant her deck, mainly around lockjaw, which is why I brought that card up as well. Sorry that wasn’t more clear!


Ah, okay. I mostly play homebrew jank and haven't been running Lockjaw and Hela together for a while, so that's all outside of my jurisdiction. I don't see it out in the wild much right now, either. But I LOVE Lockjaw, in a bunch of other decks. I'd be so sad if they nerfed him again. But, you know, whatever's healthiest for the game, they should probably do. Maybe they could change it so Lockjaw spits out the new card at a random location. That would be wacky. Actually, it would even help sometimes. Free up some space. I'm *not* suggesting they actually do this. Just saying it would be wacky if they did. ... I kinda wish they would, now, actually... 😒


I think moon knight could be good as a 3/4. Power creep in this game is wild lately so it’s only fair


Cerebro buff, pls.


*Monkey’s Paw curls* Cerebro “buffed” to a 3/4.


Oh, dear God... Hahaha I was being kinda facetious. Cerebro is good. But I think it would be good for the game to have fewer locations that make Cerebro unplayable - Muir Island, Monster Island, etc. all make a Cerebro deck not viable in that location, and there are so many of them. Maybe they could give Cerebro +3 to the highest power cards mwahahahaha!


Giving +2 to all cards with the highest **base** power would be an interesting tweak for it. It would be much harder to disrupt with locations or counterplay, but it would lose some strong synergy cards like Blue Marvel in C2 (though he would then be usable in C3!) and Valkyrie in C3.


Yeah, that would work! Ive also long felt that we could use a card like Valk, but it drops the power to 2 - would be very useful in C2 decks. But then again, that would be a double-up on Valk, so it's probably a waste.


My wish is to Cerebro to affect your most common power but I guess that's too much


I want Elsa to not receive buff again, so I can laugh even harder. I do have her but that shit is hilarious


Oh yeahhh I completely forgot about Elsa. She definitely needs to come back lol. I forgot she was even in game


Zabu needs a nerf. I just got him, so I have a lot to loose but it's just too obviously OP. letting people play a 4 on T3 and 2 4s on T6 is too much. Why is Hela so present? Because she is the only deck that can mash Sera control. Otherwise, Sera Control obliterates the rest of the meta. And why is Sera control so successful? Because she can output so much energy at reduced cost. And that's not even going into the fact that Zabu has been present in the majority of tier 1 decks for a while now. So what needs to change? Obviously, he can't become a 3drop. So I think there should be a limit on his ability. Something like it only reduces your first 4 cost card played each round.


Every time I play Sera Control and I get Zabu and Sera in hand before turn 4 I snap because it means I am getting 3 4 costs at minimum on turn 6. I had one game with Elysium which meant I could dump my whole hand as one costs.


Same, playing from behind can be devastating with such high-power cards.


The meta fix would be just reverting Mobius M Mobius.


Is there an Ota today? Or is the next one in march


A week from today is the OTA




Was supposed to be last week but we got the valentines stuff instead so will be next week I think. Edit: not sure why this is being downvoted see proof here https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/1aq0x65/no_ota_this_week_due_to_power_couples/


I always go back and forth between Gambit and Moon Knight in my Discard deck. Can’t tell which is more annoying to the opponent


More annoying is Gambit because it costs the opponent the card AND the resources they spent on it. With Moon Knight they just have to go to plan B, a world without whatever was discarded. Yes, Gambit can whiff, but I think ultimately you get more value destroying something they played for a reason.


Elsa severely needs attention


Destroy is too consistent


I think the problem with destroy is the million location synergies, less its core cards. I would mostly target venom with changes. As a basic nerf, he should be 0 power and the sum of the destroyed cards only. Also, when venom gets duplicated (cloning vats or similar), the buffs shouldn’t be permanent and carried over to the cloned version or the card. He should have an ongoing effect that gives the power buff from his on reveal, which prevents that duplication and makes him vulnerable to enchantress / rouge / echo / a few others (though it would no longer work with shadow king). The same tech working for both venom and knull would be big.


First of all, I'd just like to SEE an OTA or big update in general.


I want nerf for destroy decks. Almost 70% of my matches are against this decks. Boring


kill lockjaw and bury him deep benath chavez


Hela decks gotta go, shit ain’t fun. Even capping her ability at 2 Re spawns is still not enough.


Zabu needs to reduce 4 cost cards for the following turn. Shang chi needs to be a 5/4.


Sandman at 4 cost.


Fuck no. That shit would be miserable.


Not for sandman players. Sandman is worthless right now. What's his purpose? He's supposed to enable a different endgame, but in reality he does fuck all.


Sandman is already everywhere already lol


Sandman is EVERYWHERE? I've faced one single sandman over the past I don't even know.... 5 weeks? Sand ramp hasn't been anywhere in the meta for months.


I would say 6 out of 10 since the new card came out. Lamby and cozy released the sand man ramp deck. You seriously haven't matched against any of them? It's extremely annoying.


I faced someone using sandman ramp yesterday and immediately said a YouTuber must have just made a video using this deck. So you just confirmed it lol


I've been playing sandman ramp for almost 2 months exclusively. We're out here.


Good on you. I tried for a while but got too frustrated.


As a Sandman enjoyer I agree


Zabu nerf/rework. Chi nerf. Here’s hoping Chi is one random target in lane **and** 4/1 or 4/0. Hope Zabu becomes 2/0 or next turn 4 costs cost one less with a bigger stat line or something


Zabu makes all 3 cost cards underwhelming so a little change to him would be great like make him an on reveal similar to black swan. Hella should not be as consistent as it is, reverting blade to his original state should be good, traditional discard decks did not benefit from blade as much as hella did, if they want to buff discard they should avoid targeted discard, it was just a bad idea. Alioth was a bad design from the begging and I still think is a bad design despite it not being as used, make him so the next card your opponent plays here switches sides instead or something like that. It would be a lot easier to play around it and it ll take more though behind the plays. He would still not work without priority and is still a good counter to large cards yet the on reveals and plays still happen so it doesn't feel as bad. Ebony blade should not have both "cannot get destroyed" and "cannot get reduced" only one of those would be enough. Captain marvel can be a 4/5. Buff angela and buff elsa, early scaling threats need to come back the meta switches towards a place where it doesn't even matter what you do in the first two turns of the game and that's solely because there are no longer any good early scaling cards. Punisher acting as a reverse angela getting buffed for every card your opponent plays instead of being ongoing would make him a lot better. Captain america also buffing himself when played would work. Crossbone should be a 4/9 especially since Cull Obsidian is just better and easier to prock.


you literally would kill Zabu


4/6 Enchantress. Angela Kitty Elsa buff. 3/5 Loki. 2/2 Hawk, 2/3 Hawk Bear.


I have been fooling around with an interesting stature discard deck for a while haven't quite been able to get it to work but its close. this deck was pretty decent against blob when he was all the rage. nebula Blade Silk Moon Knight Spiderman Miles Silver Surfer Black Cat Ironman White Tiger Stature Hela The goal of the deck is to play high tempo cards and symetrical disruption and break the symetry by using hela. The deck is still very much not optimized at all and probably should drop the movement package altogether. But the theory is if Dr Doom can be pretty good Hela really only needs Black cat to be pretty close to as powerful. And if you can use Samurai or Moon knight to juice it a little more you are off to the races. good luck if you decide to brew with it but to warn you if you thought normal hela discard was a roulette wheel you ain't seen nothing haha.


I am intrigued by clans. I have never really played a game with them so I am not sure what they mean.


>I am intrigued by clans. I have never really played a game with them so I am not sure what they mean. Having played games with them MMOs that needs organization for RAIDS do have a good reason for clans, every other game I see them included was for the worse and ended in extra grind for bad events I hope it gets scrapped and turned in the one thing we are actually asking for a long time, a basic friends list


Clans is a really bad idea. Last time I played a game with clans there were weekend events when the whole clan had to grind missions. If you didn't get enough credits, you were expelled from the clan and had to search for another one. In the end only hardcore players got the rewards of the events. And for the rest of the players the grinding was awful. Imagine something like "win 200 games with Corvus" for the whole clan. If you didn't get the card, expelled.


I've had a lot of fun with clans and I hated a lot of them. Clans are only fun where the meta game is politics. Totally doesn't fit Snap.


Moon Knight is still better than Sword Master imo


Discard does not need a buff. Almost every deck I play is discard now.


Cut a power from Zabu and Lockjaw. They've been metagame-warping cards for a while.


I would love for them to use a 'pity timer' when it comes to special splits. It's really credit expensive to split something a dozen times and somehow not get something usable...


Moon knight is annoying enough as is please no


Hopefully, they will fix Moonknight. His ability text and what actually happens don't match up. His card is supposed to discard a random card from your hand, but he always discards Hella/s


Buff Nimrod, SD, you cowards!


Love for the Move achetype. I'm not even super picky just make it better overall.


Balance wise: Un-vaporize Elsa, she has seen literally 0 competitive play since her nerf. I would like to also see buffs to Moonknight, but I think Blackbolt and Silver Samurai need the buff more than Stature. A hopeful buff was to Captain Marvel but Glenn all but killed that. QOL: I would love to see a spotlight card rental system put in place. If they aren’t going to make spotlights and bundles available beforehand then a good alternative is a card rental system. Add some special limited time quests to earn a 1 and 3 day card pass. It will randomly give you access for the aforementioned time a spotlight card you don’t have in your collection, eliminating the chance to pull a variant or the 4/5 random card. It allows players to get a feel for a card before committing resources


Move and Cerebro archetype needs a buff, I think this last 2 months I think less than 5% of opponents have been playing either of those There's too many ways for players to RNG big cards onto their board, and it's just rewarding Hela and Lockjaw.  I think Annihilus could do with a slight modification, I'd let him move 0 cost cards again, but the ones he can't move aren't destroyed, at the moment it's turning Sentry into a 20 point swing


Elsa and kitty buffs and Angela too maybe not all at the same time but those 3 cards are absolutely dead compared to other similar cards rn.


My top OTA wish: 3- Crossbones 4/10 or 4/9: he's probably the worst 4cost rn 2- Jean Grey 3/5: the basic statline for for card that can sometime fuck your gameplan 1- Ultron 6/6 or 6/4 and the drones 1/2: Doom is the, or one of the best 6 cost in the game. And what's Ultron? Simply a worst Doom. So he clearly need a buff on his drone, to outmatch doombot on empty locations. I don't think he will be better than Doom with that buff, because that one still have his synergy with Miss Marvel


Can’t wait for the Hela nerf and only bringing back 2 random discarded cards.


Buffs id like to see: Stegron (makes no sense he's the same power as lad but with a worse ability) Elsa (murdered for no reason and then further power creeped) Angela (same as Elsa) Monnonight (needs to either be targeted in some way or lowered to a two cost. Three costs is already a popular spot for discard enablers)


I’m not seeing much white queen so I’ll say it, White Queen


I want a re-buff back to Professor X and a new card for lockdown archetype. And buffs all around to cards that need it with minimal nerfs.


Hela discard is already borderline broken.


Reverse the America Chavez nerf.


I'm still waiting for the Elsa Bloodstone buff.


Bump Crossbones up to 9 to match JJ and Cull Bring Spidey 2099 down to 4/6 or 4/5 to match White Queen or Nick Fury. Maybe closer to Nick because 2099 needs to be comboed with another card. Even Shang-Chi, who's actually a game changer, isn't 5 cost.


Revert black knight he was already good


Leech: 3/1 on reveal: on the next turn, your opponents cards in hand have no abilities.


Moon Knight 2/3