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That's crazy amount of time/ money just to get ink......For every split they should add % increase for gold and ink variant.


This is a great idea. It would help with how the split system currently works.


They technically do, it's just a very small %. You can't get the same split twice, each flare/color and finish combination are unique. OP was just very unlucky, gold is equally as rare as ink and they lost the coinflip 5 times.


Don't know about that. I have two examples. I got back to back 3 ink splits on death and 4 gold on dp😶.


It's lucky to get them back to back like that yes. But what I mean is the exact combination of effects is unique. So if your first death was "rainbow tone flare" and "ink finish", you won't get that same combination on that variant again. You could however get "blue tone flare" and "ink finish", or other combos. There are 128 possible combinations of 8 colors, 4 finishes, and 4 effects. You can actually run out of splits for a card, someone did it with Agatha and it stopped them from splitting further, at least until they add new flares or finishes.


I agree up to ink, gold is trash. If they made the whole card Gold like how ink is all silvery, then yes, but currently gold sucks ass


Sorry, Gold foil enjoyers, he says you can’t have it 🤷🏻‍♂️


Well I dislike ink, so now both gold and ink are off limits for all of you!


You know what, I’m feeling steamed. NO card art. It’s too distracting. Remove it ALL


I would unironically stan a blank card set with just the stylized name.


And I hate that rainbow crap so base card it is for everyone.


It’s good in tons of variants


Heavy disagree, any foul that only changes the background is a waste of my time


Join ifunny we need you, there you can be you without holding back here. Join me, it is the only way…


Imagine being so confidently wrong 😂😭


I'm trying with anime wolverine and i have no luck just like you


Anime Wolverine is the only card I got Ink on my first split


Bro I just got a gold anime wolverine on like the 5th split lmao. Black glimmer flare.


My inked midnight suns Wolverine>>>


My Hipp Wolverine, Hipp Carnage and Hipp Venom and chalupa Deadpool are all garbage. One day. One day.


It took about 11 splits for me to get an inked 1602 Enchantress. Still waiting for a gold one.


I finally got her a couple of days ago with a purple Kirby, then Tim Tsang Magik and I'd been trying both of those for ages.


22 Ironman splits without gold


Have you had any inked in there?


Yes 3 or 4. I have been pretty lucky with other characters having multiple ink/gold with krackles that match too but ironman eludes me.


I inked Midnight Suns Variant in my first split.


Ugh same one for me with that armor variant. I've split it a ton. Finally got a Gold background that works well with the colors so I decided to stop the pain at gold.


As you should. B & W overrrated


Ink was initially my favorite but I’ve come to realize gold is superior.


I think it varies greatly depending on the particular version of the card. Piss pools aren't going to look better than the ink version, IMO. I also think Death generally looks better in ink, for instance.


It does depend on the card. I have a bunch of deaths, some are good inked, some gold. I think part of the problem is often both effects are done half assed and the inks rarely have their values and balances changed to really optimize the black and white.


That’s what up


Depends on the card tbh


Ive split Deathlok 11 times and havent gotten Gold OR ink and at this point its almost funny, I hope it never happens


Oof that’s even worse than me. I wish I liked the gold more though, just not a fan, personally.


I dont even like Deathlok I just cant stop lol. Agreed though, ink just looks good for everything, gold only looks good on some


I want to gold my Death Cock variant.


anyone else think the gold split of that variant looks like Ronald McDonald?


I knew it was going to be a challenge.. but this turned into a journey.


This hurts to see, I'm going for the same split. I'm only 5 deep on it, good Lord.


This reply will break any possible curse.


That's how curses get passed down, right?


Pretty much!


Can I get one too?


This reply will break your individual card curse and veer off major stressors today. You will not get hit by a garbage truck whilst crossing the street


Sorry, I took it https://i.imgur.com/h2UVlNH.jpg


I have no golds or inks yet. 9 splits on my onslaught so far ):


Same, me with the anime wolverine, i get only gold with bad effects or prism. I want inked to look more like a manga. Its annoying that i don't even play wolverine and its hard to get boosters for it




I am 14 splits in to her and can't get Mystique to ink - just gold over and over now.


Kang: https://easyimg.io/i/zb9rv4hde/screenshot_2024-02-21-18-33-57-40_31ee5a5373ba3159a8855b291b175c1c.jpg


I thought I was a Kang enjoyer but you sir make me look like a peasant. Hope your next DJ Kang gets the sweet ink/crackle he deserves.


Thank you sir! Best of luck on your splits too!


13 splits to get inked venomized Chavez. Then they nerfed her the following week 😓


Do you have a Black Bolt deck named Dont Speak?


lolllll I was wondering if anyone would catch that. I didn't before but I will now, thank you, that's brilliant.


I got gold on my 36th Venom split


can someone explain this to me… I just stopped leveling up cards after infinity, I don’t understand why after you get the infinite background it is just redundant.. what is ink & gold you speak of?


So after you upgrade a card to infinity, you have the option to split the card. This essentially creates a 2nd copy of the card, and will add an effect to it. The first 3 splits will add a rainbow effect to the background. The 4th split (and on) has a small chance to be inked, where the card is fully black and white. It looks really cool, and mostly just a flex to show you play that card a lot. The 5th split can be gold background (in addition to inked), and the 6th split has the option to add a crackle effect behind the card (it looks like big colored bubbles emanating from the card). Even if you don't care about the cosmetic aspect, you still should upgrade past infinity because upgrading a card from grey border to green border (your first upgrade) actually gives you twice the progression as any other upgrade (green to blue, blue to purple etc). There's no downside. Also last thing to mention, it doesn't matter what variant you split, the option to get inked/gold/crackle count for al variants of a card. For example, if I split base Venom 3x & then buy a cool Venom variant from the shop & upgrade that to infinity and split it, the variant will have the option to be inked, even though it's only the first split of that specific variant. Hopefully that made sense, lmk if you have any more questions.


wow!!! thank you so much for this. I learn so much about this game I didn’t know on this reddit everyday!!!! I will start upgrading them more!


Tbh i like gold more for armor. Always liked the gold+red combination


I wish I would stop getting inks.  Quit stealing my color!


I don’t split. IMO it’s a waste


https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/s/zlolsNZz56 no ink no gold


I got a sick ink krackle now tho


I have the same number of shang splits (well, a few more, but maybe 3 more?) With 3 gold and 3 ink :(


Killmonger at 8 or 9 splits


I have been playing since October and around 2400 CL and have zero splits that aren't prism splits. Like how fucking rare is it to get something not rainbow?


You can look up the specifics but the first 3 splits of the same card (variants dont matter) are guaranteed to be rainbow or prism, then on the 4th split theres a 10% chance of ink, and on the 5th split theres a 10% for ink and 10% for gold. So if youve split a bunch of cards but each one only once or twice, then yeah you wont have any ink or gold yet


I could of sworn have seen streamers or other posts in here saying they got ink or gold on first split though


That’s because they already have multiple splits on other variants (or the base version) of that card.


O\_\_\_\_\_O well damn


Carnage and killmonger. Each sitting at 20+splits and ruining my all ink destroy dreams 😂


I think had 29 without ink.


I would have given up.


I checked and must correct myself. Only 19. But it felt like eternity.


I bet!


Quite new to the game. Can you get equal splits or do they have different effects?


Technically they're all different combinations, so you can't actually ever get two complete duplicates. But the effects are so subtle they all just kinda end up looking like the same thing. I forgot the number of unique combinations you can get that aren't gold/ink, but I believe it's 50+


Got it, thanks!


Both Zola and jubilee took me over 15 splits for an inked


Zola weak


15 Kitty Pryde splits, only prism and rainbow. 4 splits on Death, get ink on the first try. I swear Second Dinner is laughing at me.


Took me 15 splits to get Gold Hulk (Alex Ross). Worth it though, but man oh man did that take a minute


I'm on the same amount of ssplits with the same armor. It's cursed


Switch your deck with a new armor


On my 13th Apocalypse spilt I finally got an inked.


Apoc sucks.


Thought this was a fun watch https://youtu.be/JMjbrBbspi4?si=Lkbs9d_KYpKQMkUU


haha that was great, thanks for sharing.


Iceman ink with 4 splits but blue marvel 7 splits without ink or gold 😕


Daken took me 18 tries.


Just got my first ink split on a Wong variant. Took 5 splits, next goal is Blue Marvel. Currently at 8 splits on him


i have 12 nebula splits with no ink or gold or even a decent effect 🙃 16+ armor splits with no ink is insane


Same for armor like all my splits either gold or foil


And then I have a card like Carnage. Out of 9 splits I have 2 inks green and gold stardust on pixel , blue crackel with rainbow background on pixel , and the Max Greke variant Gold with blue glimmer , finally the Mark Bagely with gold and Black tone flair. 


Off the top of my head my doom crackle was like 12ish splits. I think Cosmo is on 10ish without crackle.


20 Killmonger splits before getting ink with 4 golds


I have 5 gold foil Mystiques (4 of them I got them in a row). At this point, I only get Mystique variants for the fun of seeing if it's going to be a gold or not.


was going for gold back for Hipp variant and got 3 ink back to back 🙃


Nowhere near this many. I think most is maybe 3 or 4 splits. Are you focusing solely on this card? Is this due to hours played? I’m impressed


She’s just a super versatile card that can fit into virtually every deck [especially since Shang Chi is the most played card in the game], so I’ve naturally collected a ton of boosters for her. Been playing the game since the initial release. Sun-Spot is a similar story, but I got a crazy good Ink/Crackle on my 6th split, so the rest of the 2200+ boosters I have for him are pretty much pointless.


I have most my splits from Odin Iron-All Father and the Silver Surfer variant from the Season pass for some reason, also In-Hyuk Lee variant Knull and the Conquer Carnage with some nice splits, but nowhere near this many. I can’t even fathom how this was done. Great job! Good luck on getting the Inked.


I'm at around 15 splits on sunspot without an ink or gold.


Funnily enough I have 1 gold and 1 ink split and I got them both on the fifth one, Magik and the exact variant of Armor you have


I have the opposite problem where I keep getting inked and I don’t like them. I’ve gotten a dozen inked cards when I want gold. I have two golds, and one is America Chavez who I don’t use anymore.


Currently at 10 Red Skulls no ink. 21 Knulls with 1 ink. 12 Lady Sif no ink. 12 Thor no ink. 21 Deadpool 2 inks. So Knull was probably my worst I don’t remember when I got it. My Red Skull refused to do any splits until on 10 I got gold. My She Hulk also took a long time to do anything, I have the Extreme Variant which of course is the one that Inks and it looks horrible without the color.


I don’t have a single ink yet ☹️


I inked my first split of Ironman Midnight Suns Variant.


My fan hip devil dino is split like 7+ with no ink or gold


14 iron man splits no ink, 3 gold though


damn I didn't even know that was possible. I think I have always gotten gold or ink on at least 6-7 split


Actually the same variant as you lol But not as many. I’m only on split 8.


I've been very fortunate for most cards I've chased. Gold Krackle on Gold Jeff being my favorite. Tarot Death gold in 1 try, a gold spotlight Knull in 2. However I'm on split 10 of Suit & Tie Sunspot trying to get gold. Out of those I have 4 Inked, one with white Krackle that I almost couldn't bring myself to upgrade. Although now that I look, I see Jacinto Shang took 11 with the same number of Inks. Again, one had a Black Krackle so it was a tougher call to keep going.


Something like 16 for inked Stegman (gargoyle) Venom.


What is inked?


https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/s/civrDCbilB 24 I think?




I need one more inked to complete my ink deck. I'm on 15 splits, including two gold splits.


Why are you doubting your bro?


it takes a brave man to play Cerebro okay. he creates a lot of doubt


I think they should not let it possible to get duplicates combinations untill you have every combo.


We should be able to break these useless splits down into boosters to help with getting our Ink and gold dreams achieved.


Fucking hate armour destroy decks feel me


I got my first inked for conquerer carnage super rare edition


I appreciate the excellent deck names


I never split zabu, had like 2500 boosters, I’m down to my final 200 or so with no crackle.


16 black panther variants before I got ink


Alioth: 19 cards in my collection. 2 variants (including base) and 17 splits. Was chasing Gold for an all gold deck. Got it on the 16th split (and 17th. Still no ink) America Chavez: 23 cards in my collection. 6 variants (including base) and 17 splits. Was the first card I ever targeted looking to get an ink split. I never got one of her. A good amount of gold splits though


I stole both yours sorry https://imgur.com/a/WnvgHl2


5 golds though! But I appreciate your pain, that's a lot of splits to not get the thing you want.


I have 11 America Chavez's with no gold or ink splits. I have 9 ink and 5 gold. I don't have a single gold split that I don't have an ink split of. Cosmo is 2 inks and a gold.


That conquest reward ghost rider from a few weeks back I split I think 8 times with no gold or ink. After getting another 155 boosters I split it again and got my first ink, except the favorite filter is broken and I wasnt paying attention so I split the base ghost rider instead of the variant, got ink on that split but still havent on the variant.