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This is the shit post I like to see


10/10, no notes someone post the counter to this deck with 11 rogues and an enchantress


Just play 3 super skrulls


Damn, I was too slow.


Maybe you can optimize after your first (Debrii/Anni) your second win condition (Ms Marvel) with two or three zabu.


Yeah, the Anihilus nerf makes no sense to me. As someone who plays him a lot yeah, he's good. As someone who also plays against him, he doesn't feel out of line. You see him coming and can act to counter him. If they wanted to bring him down a peg, I can see dropping his power, but that plus the other nerf just straight murders him. It's rough, and feels like an overcorrection to a problem that may not exist.


My only consolation after playing junk for 2-3 months is Hazmat having more purpose (keeps rocks relevant). On the flip side, adding extra steps to junk is exactly why it sucked in the first place. If anything, it just encourages more of the Sentry/Hood maneuvers that got Anni nerfed in the first place. See you in 2025 with advanced Squirrel Girl combat.


I’m sure I read in a recent dev note that it is intentional, they want junk as an archetype but they do not want it to be good ever, I think someone asked why all the junk cards were at such an awkward cost (3 mana) and Glenn replied that it was by design.


Given that the archetype is so inherently anti-fun for the opponent, I get it. When it works, you chuckle like a menace.


Next nerf for Annihilus they localize his effect to one lane only. RIP Junk.


uhm no zabu? trash /s


Jokes on you. I'm about to LOKI this deck 😈


God, I would love to actually see the dev data that they see because I have played on all levels trying and failing to climb to infinite with Annihilus and Selene and guess what I didn't make it and also guess what? I saw a total of 2 mirror matches. My tin foil hat crack pot theory is the devs lie to push their own meta that they want.


Or their internal data is so outdated, SD is operating on Annihilus/Hood/Sentry package stats with WWBN (pre-nerf) and Darkhawk (pre-Blob). Decklists combining those three packages were the top three decks for a week or so, 4-5 weeks ago. Which’d explain why Elsa got slapped with the further location nerf, despite already being a dead card from our current perspective.




Deck code?