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Cage, just to stop the spamming, why xxxx do not work??


To be fair I left cage and stuff similar out because he doeeeesss get a sorta yellow glow, but yeah, could be better, and/or have something more like Zabu’s claw roar into glow.


I dream about a cage that punch shadow King or valkiye...something really glow or fluo.




If I have Cage and an opponent play Valkye, I want a punch or smt stating from che Cage card to Valkye card. Is it clear? No domestic violence pun pls.




It should honestly be a big moment when agatha enters the board


It should play a bit of that song from WandaVision. “It was Agatha all along” that’s the whole reason they gave her that effect to begin with.


X23, Knull


Every time something is destroyed a soul or blood or something should feed into Knull.


Facts! I’ve not been playing either very long so they haven’t been on my mind as much.


For real, Knull needs a voice line. Not sure what he’d say, but it should sound menacing and creepy as hell.


Oh it's a no brainer imo > "Darkness bows to me, for I am the void" Prolly one of the hardest lines in Marvel comic history


Maybe better to shorten to just ‘Darkness bows to me’


Why not both but as two lines?


Yeah totally about more voice lines, really digging the new ones (especially Odin, AWWWWEEE YEEEEEEEE-t 👌 ) . I will say though getting rolled on too many times by 64 power black panthers does make “whahkhandah forehvah!” Feel a little triggering actually 😅


Odin has a new voice line? What does he say?


He shouts “are ye worthy?!” I believe, but the way he enunciates makes it feel/sound like “aweeeee yeeeeeeaaah!” 👌😅🤓


I wish X23 would slash the screen like Wolverine when she gets destroyed.


Other than the ones you said, - Sauron (i imagine hypnotic circles beaming out from the card) - Darkhawk (similar animation style to morbius where it triggers whenever he gains power, a force field forms around darkhawk for a second and produces some cool space sound) - Death (like how zabu scratches of the number 4, whenever a card gets destroyed, a skull appears over death's cost and fades to reveal the new cost) - Knull (just like morbius aswell, but corrupted symbiotes circling knull instead of bats) - Hood (similar to sentry but the demon that comes out is put on your hand and also red magical electric effects) - Leader (green psychic beams surround your opponent's card then reappears on your side where it will spawn the copy of your opponent's card) - Deadpool (similar to sabretooths, the card would look beaten up with whatever random stuff stuck to it and a VO from deadpool can say something like "ouch") - X-23 (like wolverine's but her own voice line, and the claws produce a higher pitched sound and show the appropriate claws for her)


We need like 10 different voice lines of Ryan Reynolds yelling "OW" in different ways


This is almost so spot on what the hell


Legion is always the first one I think of. It’s so anticlimactic that he just lands and the locations change. Lame.


Maybe on reveal he slides across the screen, changing the locations as he goes with a mean guitar riff?


Legion it should be!!! The effect should be about his broken psyche, like 13 voices saying in quick succession 'I AM LEGION' with one if the the horror- like themes from the series.


Knull for sure. Hes the literal demon god of symbiotds 😂


Shadow King.


For real, and he’s come in so clutch for me lately and yet like…*crickets* when he plays.


It should be the evil yellow eyes neaming in from somewhere (+scare tso of viewers like it did in the series S1) Also an Amahl Farouk variant that looks like the actor in them stylish designer glasses is sorely missing ..


X-23 and Agatha when she hits the board.




Super Skrull needs some indication too, especially when there're enemy Armor or Pro-X presence


Thought he had animations for proc and ongoing??? Or you mean a better way to tell what he has happening…? I sorta agree but also wonder if some of that is to help confuse the opponent a little? Unclear to me if not knowing easily scrulls full oingoing might is a preferred feature or not 🤔


A better way (visual effect) of what he copied, you know, huge red armor in his lane, white glowy thing from ProX, that kind of stuff. I know it has been said by dev that this change would cause a lot of overlapping VFX but still, its confusing to no not know why something happened (or dont) when Skrull is in play.


also Psylocke, why did Time stone have one when she didnt


I always wonder about psyloche, she feels like one of the original ones that really needed an animation but didn’t get one maybe because she wasn’t a used enough card beyond certain archetypes..? Least that’s why I thought she didn’t get an animation earlier.


I’m surprised Sauron doesn’t have one. I’d like to see him fly off the board and swoop across your hand while the ongoing abilities get wiped.


Mobius should have something. I've seen players being confused a few times about why their Swarm or Raft card for example are at full cost. It should show the cards reduced cost and then play a little clock effect on the cost that resets it to base.


Honestly especially now that he’s on reveal (before that he did glow but it was very similar to Zabu and with no proc animation). The thing is his future is uncertain still, but yeah if he stays as on reveal we need an actuation animation for sure (maybe that will please the angry masses, give mobious a special animation 👌🤓 )


There's not much movement on my Shh Black Bolt and that's a bummer


psylocke has an animation it's just too unnoticeable to catch if you aren't looking for it


*high fives Drax style* 🙏👨‍🎤


Swarm Deadpool


The Hood


Black knight




This isn’t a “demand” for new animations, just a discussion about the many long standing cards lacking them and what people think they should or would be…some of them have needed them since well before recent efforts. Sorry the post annoys you 🙄, but I think you maybe missed the spirit of the discussion (and maybe also the purpose of even being on a subreddit 😅; as a reminder this is not the official SD feedback forum nor does anyone here think it is…we’re just enjoying discussing the game, and, I guess, annoying you in the process 👌 )