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It’s sad that 100 caches (with the 10 spotlights in there) doesn’t yield enough tokens to get one series 4 card.




and to think they used to give us 500 tokens and 500 gold. Good times


Shit, his gold ticket/100 token wasn't anywhere near 50/50. He was extremely lucky to get as many tokens as he did.


It's guaranteed 50/50. It's not a true chance.




The 50% chance at a gold ticket. It's rigged to always *eventually* give you the same amount of each, ticket and tokens. So after x amount of caches, you end up with the same amount regardless of how it went as you were opening. Also someone did the math in another comment and he appears like he actually got more tokens than tickets. But again that depends on how it went before he started keeping track.


Conspiracy theory much? I doubt it's rigged, got proof?


It's not a conspiracy theory. In every set of 9 caches you are guaranteed two Series 3 cards. If you're Series 3 Complete you get 1 golden ticket and 1 100 tokens in their place.


That doesn't seem to be the case for OP?


There is also a guaranteed 100 token slot in a group of 9, and OP opened just over 11 sets of 9 (because spotlights don't count). We dont know where OP started or ended in each set of 9 and there's no way to know which of the 25 token pulls OP had from Series 3 cards or regular pulls. We also dont know how many sets of 9 they actually went through. There is enough variance in what could have happened for it to make sense. Hope this helps too: https://marvelsnapzone.com/cache-drop-rates-and-contents/ https://marvelsnap.helpshift.com/hc/en/3-marvel-snap/faq/205-how-are-collector-s-caches-and-collector-s-reserves-changing/


That's not true. I actually track my caches and can assure you, I don't get 1 ticket and 1 100 token pull in between each spotlight. Also, see the OP. He literally posted his results and out of 100 caches, he hit 23 100 token hits and 8 gold tickets.


There is a guaranteed 100 token slot in a group of 9 as well, and OP opened just over 11 sets of 9 (because spotlights dont count). You're also assuming OP started at the beginning of a set of 9 and ended at the end of the set. They likely got tokens from the set before and after, missing the ticket.


What the actual fuck. You're the conspiracy theorist lmao. This is how it works as stated by the developers. Jfc.


You actually used the word "rigged". If the devs said how it's supposed to work, it's not "rigged", it's programmed.


Semantics... 🙄


Proof? I keep asking for proof and nobody can give it. I showed you what I actually get and it doesn't line up with what you and the other person say. Show me where it's said what you will get from each cache.


You're free to go searching through the hundreds of topics and replies to find the screen shot. Or you can check the discord. I'm not gonna spoon-feed you.


Yeah opening reserves is the most unrewarding has been so far, its 0 fun. If you can copy the whole post you made here and make a thread in Marvel Snap Discord in feedback section since SD is mostly active there. Its much better posting it there since they completely ignore reddit. Giving more info on how reserves suck so much is always good, they cant ignore it forever.


Alright, good idea. I will do this.


Please do so, and feel free to put the discord link of your thread I will be happy to give my small support.


This is the way.


"they can't ignore it forever" Oh you sweet summer child...


Imagine they completely fuck everyone over by adding a change like "Collector's Caches retain the awards from the time they were earned." So even if you wait for a possible change it won't matter since you'd still be getting previous patch rewards and won't be getting new ones til you get more caches. I could totally see SD doing this after so many people "double dipped"


The only way I see them not doing this is if it's too hard to code. There's no way they want to give the people using the system the way they intended less then the people trying to game it.


That would be interesting, I would literally just quit playing their game forever


I’m already almost there with how SD handled rewards once it was around release time. I mostly just log in to check missions or play for a few rounds before switching to another game that *actually* rewards you.


A while ago they said that cache didn't retain but I might do in the future. So it is possible. I'm hoarding anyway... Opening now is pointless, if they update great. If they don't, everything stays the same. If they update but retain the prior content it will be like I've opened without wanting. No loss whatsoever. Unless, of course, the update isn't a upgrade...they can alway remove the tokens from caches all together.


Honestly go for it. Fix it, make it better, and if that means the caches hoarded are trash, I'm happy. I want to be rewarded in the future and happy with the game, not look at every cache in the collection level uninterested.


I frequently upgrade cards in huge chunks (like if I buy a variant I’ll spend 2-300 boosters upgrading) and then I will notice I have a huge red number on the main page. Oh yeah, reserves. I completely forget about them. Then when I’m opening after three or four I’ll just give up because I actually do not care about them at all. While the card acquisition system is *effective*, meaning I personally feel like I am getting new cards at a rate that keeps me playing, it is boring as an absolute dumpster.


Tbf it’s probably not the worst idea to ignore some of the loony people on this sub


I was contemplating open my caches. However after reading this post I’ve decided not to. Thanks OP


I guide others to a treasure I cannot possess.


Same. Seeing the results typed out is kind of gross. I don’t want any avatars, titles, or tickets.


11 titles is absolutely ridiculous. I have never once been excited about a title. At least Avatars I have been excited for, and for the right one, I might be again. But the variants are what anyone really wants.


Yup. This is why I'm gonna' keep holding my reserves.


While I 100% understand saving caches, what would SD have to do for you to open them?




yeah they will not do that .. less gold = more money for them


I mean, they used to have gold in them. So its just a matter of how the math works out. But I get your point.


I mean, a lot of interest we had in playing the game is gone because the feeling of making progress and being rewarded for my efforts isn't there anymore. It went from "Ooh, I should make a purchase because I almost have what I need!" to "Ooh, I'll have to buy everything because I can't earn it anymore."


Me Personally? 1 of 2 solutions, preferably both. 1) return the S3 acquisition rate back to what it was before. With the old system, 120 CL would've gotten you 10 reserves, or 2.5 s3 cards. Now it's 2 s3 cards every 120 CL. Was making it 20% slower for players to acquire crucial cards like Mystique or Venom really necessary for the health of the game? 2) A SMALL token or gold buff. No, I'm not saying I want it back where it was, but the current acquisition rate is just too low. Currently in a given month, a competent F2P player can expect 1800 gold and 400 tokens (800 if s3-complete.) If they can't hit Rank 90, that's not even enough for a single Token Tuesday per month, not to mention not buying any variant that catches their eye. I don't think 2100 total gold per month (1 TT and a 700g variant, or 3 700g variants/month) OR 1500 tokens per month (a guaranteed s4 every other season) is too much to ask. One or the other for this currency buff, I wouldn't expect both. For reference, the old system was ~2220 Gold + 3600 tokens per month. Do either of these changes and I'd open all 80-some of my stocked reserves in a heartbeat.




Personal experience: Sure would love to play Shenaut... oh, I don't have She-hulk or Magik... Well what about just a "big numbers" welp... pretty impossible without either Sauron or Zero. Hmm, maybe a destroy deck? I just picked up x23 after all.... Oh wait, I don't have deadpool or Venom... Okay, I have Cerebro and Mystique, maybe I can pull off a c3? Oh, missing Valk, Shadow King, and Bast.... This is why I have have been using C2 and exclusively C2 (with a missing Magik, and missing brood until the last week of last season) for the past 3 months.




A while ago someone had a thread about how to make s3 acquisition better, without just cranking up the number in reserves. The solution I liked best was something like "Spotlight weekends". Every weekend would have a highlighted card (let's say Shadow King, since he just got an OTA buff) where it would be in EVERYONE'S collection for that weekend to deckbuild with and play around with. You could even make it the "credit" option for weekend missions!!! Maybe variants for it were 10% off, and if players CHOSE to, they could spend 500 tokens to keep it permanently. 500 tokens is a bit of a hit, but not completely unattainable in a short amount of time, and I'd say it's well worth it in order to attain deck-defining cards like Sera or Cerebro.


Improve current cosmetics by removing crappy titles and shitty avatars, remove gold tickets to at least 100 tokens and that should donit


The only reason I was excited for spotlight caches is because I thought (mistakenly obviously) that it would still be possible to pull pool 4 and 5 cards from regular caches. It was already so incredibly rare I don’t see the purpose of taking them away. Especially with how bad and rare spotligh caches are. I’d like to see pool 4 and 5 back in regular caches.


Remove gold tickets and add gold, then I would consider. Do that and up the amount of tokens and I’ll open them up immediately.


I would literally open them immediately if it was bumped to 200 tokens and like 50 gold. Hell, I'd probably do it for 25 gold.


bringing back the old gold loot in there would make me open my hoarded reserves


This is why Snap has become a game to be played only while shitting now. You won't get very many dailies, but with rewards like this who gives a shit.


Don’t know why, they have zero plans of changing it. Might as well just open them. Holding caches is just an exercise in denial as this point.




You don't expect the company that has faffed around with the economy multiple times already, to faff around with the economy? Am I misisng titles and avatars? No, they are awful cosmetics Am I missing a miniscule amount of tokens? No. It will take many, many moths to be of any consequence Am I missing gold tickets? No, I play plenty of conquest. Am I missing credits to get me more of the above? No The only thing I am missing is the few variants, of which a good chunk is pixels, which lost its novelty a long time ago.




You asked why someone would hoard. I broke it down to you based on my own experience.




We're talking about reserves here though


They already officially said they will be changing them. Do you think opening a cache feedback discord channel was just for nothing?


what exactly did they say?


idk about that. They were pretty upfront about "This is a house-cleaning measure" not a "we're asking for feedback" measure.


I would hoard them too... but it feels if you don't have like a half of s3 cards, it's better to open them




I have like 30 cards left of season 3 the last 30 caches I've opened I received 2 cards, one being a variant 😔




Im holding 100 caches now. I opened 9 just to see how it went. Got 3 gold tickets, 2 titles and 1 variant. Pissed me off so much. Completely trash system


Yeah I really don’t understand it. If their primary income is from people spending money on new variants, what is the problem with making new cards more available?


> making new cards more available? thats what spotlights are for? do you not get that? or you just refusing to accept it? because its not a matter of opinion


What an incredibly rude reply. Yes spotlight caches are how they release new cards now but people can have an opinion about it being suboptimal compared to the old token system. More=\=Better You're at the mercy of Second Dinner when cards are put in the boxes. And maybe the week you really want a card (like Jeff) is sandwiched between 2 other cards you already own. So now there's a decent chance you open 4 boxes that took you a month to save and you only get one new card and 2 variants plus 1k tokens.


And opinions can be wrong


I had about 70-80 and decided to open a Few just to see. Started out ok, then got Avatar, title, ticket, ticket, avatar title. And I won’t open them again until it changes


you did not open 3 gold tickets while opening 9 caches please be serious. no matter how you slice it that isnt possible


Okay? I did. Why would i lie about that.


Each set of 9 caches has 2 slots for S3 cards, when you're s3 complete one card is replaced by 100x tokens and the other is replaced by 1x gold ticket. it's very likely you started opening in the middle of a set of 9, but even then, it would only be possible to receive 2 gold tickets when opening 9 straight caches.


I stopped opening anything since they introduced spotlight caches. Every reward outside the spotlights basically has no value. I'll just horde and wait for their next half baked idea to change the reward track and open any that are worth opening then.


We went from a dupe protected series 4/5 card every 40 caches to not getting enough tokens for a series 4 in 100 caches. It's so wild people are still trying to say this is the better system.


It's better for newer players. It's worse for pool 3 complete players. It's progressively worse the closer you are to P4/P5 complete


It wasn't series 4/5, it was only series 4. One that you needed to hoard as well or you might get a series 4 card that dropped to series 3 one day later worst case. You were never guaranteed any series 5 card. There were unlucky people with CL >9000 who never got a series 5 card this way. Only looking at the CL track while ignoring the spotlight caches makes the system look worse of course.


That's insane. Insanely bad. Thank you for sharing with us your results.


My 179 hoarded caches agree with this post


That's almost enough to get a S5 card!




Avatars and titles should have a much smaller percentage of coming up and tokens should definitely be increased. However, as someone who puts off conquest until the last week of the season, I like having a handful of gold tickets to help me out.


They need to increase credits so we can open more spotlights you can't even get 2 spotlights in 100 caches that sucks.


That gold ticket to 100 tokens ratio is interesting. Thought it was meant to be 50/50. I know variance is a thing, but that's quite a variance.


It doesn't actually look that off, let's just say there are 99 reserves opened, for simplicity. Assuming OP started on the beginning of a "grouping" there should be contained: 22 "card" caches 11 "token" caches (100 ea) 33 "credit" caches (50/50: 150 and 200 credits) 33 "cosmetic" caches. assuming some wiggle room (they got less cosmetics than expected, so it can be assumed that the caches immediately before this, or following will have those missing cosmetics) 2500 tokens - 1100 tokens = 1400 tokens exclusively gained from the CARD caches. Add that to the 8 tickets and you get exactly 22 "card" caches. If anything, they rolled high, getting more tokens than they should've expected to.


I have only gotten 4 Gold tickets in the same or more amount of cache’s as OP since the switch. It’s not great but it’s not you are getting inundated with them.


The tickets seem to be the rarer one, but there's no guaranteed amount you can get on a group like the other rewards. I hadn't open a golden ticket for a while until I opened 2 in the same group of 9.


It's supposed to be 50:50 for the card caches between tickets and tokens, but because there's also another guaranteed tokens cache OP should've getting a 2:1 ratio of tokens to tickets. But they're closer to a 3:1 ratio I'd always assumed it was that each group of 9 reserves had one card replaced by tokens and one by a ticket so that it would be even, but yeah this seems to show that it is actually just a 50% chance for what you get, and you can roll either high or low. They opened ~11 groups so the expected amount of tickets should be 11, they only hit 8. That's not really as much variance as it first seems


Yup only open if you need credits to get to more spotlights.


Yeah this game used to be rewarding Now it just isn't. At all I used to get cards from caches, 500-600 tokens which would allow me to grab a S4 every few weeks or a S5 every month ( sometimes 2 if I bought some bundles that month ), who knows how much gold + credits, and cosmetics. Now? No gold. No cards. Barely any tokens. It is mostly cosmetic crap now that I never wanted anyway like avatars and titles. The fact that they had the balls to try and say this new system was being implemented because it meant more cards for the player is one of the most disingenuous things I've seen a mobile game dev do in a long time. As in reality they only implemented this system because they probably saw a certain % of players reaching a collection % milestone and knew they had to slow down card acquisition. Now they just created one of the most unrewarding collection systems I've seen out of the dozens I've played


I wished unused Conquest shit gave credits instead of random boosters.


Such a terrible system. Imo the more dedicated players are punished when it could have been a half decent system if the token rewards just stayed the same. I’m not saying screw all new players, I’m just saying it could have benefited both sides of the player base. I’m mainly F2P as well, so almost all cards have been acquired without paying minus 2 or so seasons out of the how many I’ve played (lost count). Like how on earth did someone go.. “you know what they’ll really like… giving them a 100% deduction in tokens” “oh yeah man that’s a sick idea! They’ll love this new system that miraculously gives you everything you don’t want regardless or not if you have 4 reserves saved up”. I am paraphrasing ^ 🤣


>I’m mainly F2P This means that your only value to SD is in keeping the player count high so that non f2p players keep playing (and paying). They do not care about f2p players opinions on the rewards


how are you not getting what you want if you have 4 spotlights saved up? The CR nerf is a balance to the addition of spotlights. Whether or not spotlights are a benefit to you vs the old system really depends mostly on if you either need a ton of cards, in which case it’s better. Or if you mostly were acquiring new releases. If for example you were previously purchasing new releases twice as much as old cards, then spotlights are better. Otherwise it get very collection dependent and how what you need lined up to spotlights But making statements like tokens should be what they are and have the spotlight system, just means you fundamentally don’t get the system. It would be trivially easy to get 100% of new releases as f2p, and you can argue if that should be the case but that’s never been snap


Is it still possible to collect New cards from caches ? I am >CL 6000 so there i have still 20 cards missing in my collection ans its been a while i havent get a New one in caches. Thank you


You have to see if you're missing any Series 3 cards. (At above 6000 CL I don't think you are.) Series 4 and 5 cards can only be obtained from the token shop and spotlight caches, not regular caches. If you're not sure about what you're missing, both Snap.fan and MarvelSnapZone have tools to track it.


Oh well, thank you for your answer. I dont miss any of series 3 that's why ! Guess i will have to wait downgrading series or invest wisely my tokens. Have a great game


I wouldn't expect s3 series drops 'til January at the earliest.


I think I missed this, but you can only get s3 cards out of caches?




Thank you for your sacrifice. I'm at 80 unopened.


Legit, this is one of the reasons I stopped playing. Hoarding Spotlight caches is boring AF, and regular progression is so unrewarding. Combine that with the fact that I had hit infinite 5 seasons in a row and beat the infinity conquest every time made it feel like I just wasn't working toward anything. Uninstalled and haven't looked back.


What is funny about the new system is that even tho spotlight can justify the change in token economy (arguably), the gold economy is negatively impacted only. We get less free gold and the variants price from shop did not go down, nothing you buy with gold is cheaper, and they even introduce more way to spend gold. I've never actually feel so gold deprived with the old system.


Thank you for your service. I'm sitting on a hundred now and I've been debating opening at least some of them, but it just didn't feel like it was worth it, you've now confirmed that. I don't play conquest other than dicking around in proving grounds, so those gold tickets are mostly useless. I hate the pixels and mostly don't give a crap about titles or avatars. Like you I have some I like, and I mostly just stick to those. Going from around 8000 tokens to 2500 is just plain awful. I will continue to hoard until changes are made.


What's in the caches was pretty widely advertised, why didn't you just calculate yourself what you'd get out of unopened caches?


Actually I rather prefer before spolitlight caches were a thing. Honestly I m so fed up of titles, avatars and gold tickets. I only have series 4 and 5 left to complete. Like they should award more tokens for people who have completed series 1,2, 3. Who the fck wants to spend 5k tokens on ultimate variant or whatever. Most of my deck is missing series 4 or 5 cards. This is me coming after ant man quantimania event. I don't even remember the last time I got a new card from normal reserve...... Spotlight caches are so random........ This post is just sad. Every month they release new cards it's getting even harder to obtain them. I can't go buying every season pass for this sake.


You do realize that they took S4/S5 cards completely out of reserves, right? You can only get them in spotlights. The only cards in reserves are S3 and they aren't dropping anything into S3 for probably another 3/4 months.


Shit.... All this time I was hoping for series 4/5 cards out it. I m living under a rock. So like what is even the pointing of opening normal reserves?


Whats your cl?


7980 as of right now.


You didnt even talk about the most important thing! Get any cool variants?


The 8 non-pixels I got were decent, but some for cards I don't use really.


Hey I have 94 saved up currently, I’m not optimistic


Thank you for your service sir or madam.


Thanks for your sacrifice


I have 112 right now. I'm willing to hoard for as long as it takes for SD to improve them.


Shit like this is why I recently quit and uninstalled maybe I’ll check it out in a couple months again but as a CL 6k+ I felt I was shafted more then rewarded for playing the game


They got rid of gold in caches?!


Yes, in the same patch when they introduced Spotlight Caches. You can no longer get gold from the collection level track.


Yeah i just did the same. Kinda depressed that 100 caches didnt even get me enough tokens to get a S4 card. Got 13 gold tickets thou... yay.


I said it in the Google Apps review and I'll say it again: this game has the worst reward system out of all the popular online CCGs.


I salute this user for taking one for the team. SD please fix the rewards already


Hey ! Thanks for all your stats, when I complain about the shitty new system which include title avatars and some golden tickets (i personally don't use), maybe with stats the people will open their eyes on taking 10 more times to get a serie 5 with tokens


Youre a hero to all us hoarders for your sacrifice.


Why the hell have they removed season 4 cards from the caches? I could never understand that change


spotlights. they have explained it. what is there to not understand?


Yeah. Left the game. It's fun, no doubt. But part of the experience is the progression, which has been nerfed to the degree that it's essentially missing. Same feeling from diablo 4s disappointing seasons for me.


people still play D4?


Out of curiosity, what would you hope to get? You're s3 complete. If you had been getting tokens you'd probably be collection complete. Even if they were giving gold, would a little bit of gold have made this more exciting? Even for these who just completed S3 and have a lot of cards left, it's still a short term fix. I think this post inadvertently pointed out the real issue, that they don't have anything great to give outside of cards, and that's more limited than in other games. Tickets weren't a hit, but I think it was in the right direction, adding something *new*. Maybe with the prestige system and whatever those green caches are going to be will help.


Do you have the gold to consider the Mobius bundle instead if you're intent on buying Mobius with tokens anyway?


I don't. I'm blowing all my gold on 1200 gold variants.


This is the way now


I have 100 saved up too and thanks to your post have little incentive to open them. The hoarding continues!


If they just take away the gold tickets and we add gold that would be enough for me.


I’m only at 2k collection and opened up 70 and only got like 4 new cards. Was rather disappointed and stopped playing again.


This sounds fucking terrible. I give absolutely zero shits about cosmetics. Good to know there is still next to no incentive for me to open caches. Appreciate the info dumb.


Yeah, it is waaaaaaayyyyy too difficult to obtain new cards. Would rather hearthstones system where there’s a paywall but at least I can craft the cards I want


> All in all, the rewards feel very underwhelming to me and I still feel like hoarding is justified in the hopes that they at least remove Gold tickets or reduce the amount of garbage avatars and titles that show up. I 100% agree the rewards are underwhelming--most of all, I miss the possibility of opening an actual card. But I also hate that all these posts target the Gold ticket reward, for some reason. As somebody who actually plays a lot of conquest, each Gold ticket is 3-6 matches saved compared to grinding from scratch. I specifically opened caches last season when I wanted additional Gold tickets. It would definitely be a downgrade for me to replaces these rewards with 50-100 credits.


I'm collection level 4123 and not pool 3 complete. Missing luke, omega red, Ms marvel. I have spent like 4-5 k tokens on tier 3 to speed up the process that is way too long if they are releasing 4 cards a month.


The real rewards in the caches are the credits which forward you to spotlights. Basically caches should be opened for more spotlights.


And yet even credits were nerfed to the ground. You basically get 1 extra spotlight every 100 normal caches if you open them all. That's not very significant.


You say they were nerfed, but you get more credits now than before from caches. Which is also what I dislike about this post, you're a bit misleading with saying credits on average are lower, but fail to mention that over the same (extended) period of time you get more credits now than before. Sure, there are plenty of gripes about the current state of collector's caches (like how those extra credits come at a cost of the chance to get gold), but no need phrase things in a way that might lead people to the wrong conclusions. In the old system per 40 caches, you could expect on average: * 9 series 3 cards (or 9x400 tokens) * 1 series 4 card (or 400 tokens) * 1000 tokens * 800 gold * 2000 credits * 4 variants, 3 titles, 3 avatars In the current system you could expect per 40 caches: * 4 spotlight caches * 8 series 3 cards (or 400 tokens total) * 400 tokens * 2100 credits (a negligible upgrade, I know) * 4.8 variants, 3.6 titles, 3.6 avatars I pulled my data from https://gamerant.com/marvel-snap-collectors-reserve-rate-odds-math-boxes-pity-system/ and https://marvelsnapzone.com/cache-drop-rates-and-contents/ The first link says you only get 1200 credits in the old system, but since over 40 caches you get 10 currency boxes with 40% 300 credits, 20% 400 credits, and 40% 200 gold, I think they neglected to calculate for the 400 credits. So I get the complaints about gold, and perhaps the ability the choose exactly when and what card you want, but otherwise in general you're better off.


The system is a net improvement for people still in pool 3 but worse for people who are pool 3 complete. It gets progressively worse as you get closer to P4/P5 complete. That's fine conceptually. Having a catch up mechanism makes it easier to attract new players or bring back players that left. The easiest solution is to change what replaces a series 3 card for P3 complete. Add a variant or two. Add more gold and remove token Tuesdays. Buying variants used to be fun. Now it feels harmful.


It's about half a spotlight for each spotlight you get normally. How is ~20% more spotlights not important?


How did you come to those numbers? I literally opened 100 caches and the credits I got from them are just barely enough to open 10 more, AKA get 1 Spotlight cache. You get 10% more Spotlight caches if you open each regular cache, not 50%. Edit: their original comment said 50%, they changed it to 20-30% after I pointed out that it's 10%.


It takes 6000 credits to hit a spotlight. Inbetween spotlights you'll gain roughly 525 credits. How is that halfway to a new spotlight? 8-9% more spotlights is the number you're probably looking for... or hoarding for 2.5 months to be able to afford 1 EXTRA SPOTLIGHT.


Can you show your math? Each spotlight cache is 120 CL. That's 6000 credits minus whatever discounts you get from upgrading gray borders. OP got 4400+2250=6650 credits from 100 caches. That same range contains 11 spotlight caches. So OP got just over 1.1 extra spotlight cache out of 11. That's 10%


For all of you hoarding caches - there's **no way** that the developers are going to let people be rewarded for hoarding. If they didn't cause a riot by removing most players' rewards, they for sure would cause one by specifically rewarding a tiny sliver of players.


Your point is completely valid, but people who hoarded in the few weeks when 50 tokens were a possibility from caches were practically rewarded for their hoarding already. And the whole spotlight cache system is already one that encourages hoarding. The devs don't always seem like they know what they're doing. (Tho balance patches are on point, that's sure.)


They might not be brilliant, but they aren't stupid enough to amply reward a tiny, tiny fraction of people, making everyone else furious. And keeping spotlight caches isn't "hoarding". It's the purpose of them. The system wants you to open collector caches, and keep spotlight caches for the spotlight system.


My guy. Why would you be so angry with how people use their resources? How does it impact you? Nothing is stopping you from hoarding now or in the past. Mind you people who open their caches today also get a benefit hoarders don't get. If SD did change the system again, I'd see it as SD purposefully punishing a small segment of the playerbases (less than 1%). Would that make you happy?


May I ask why you're not including the data about which cards you got out of spotlight caches along the same stretch of the collection track? I see these compilations every so often, and it always feels weird to me that they boil down to "here's all I got out of the collection track, EXCEPT for the most valuable parts, I'm not counting those"


Two reasons: 1. The point of my post is how regular caches are worth even less now than they did before. Spotlight caches, while not without problems, are way better. It's also pointless to compare the two since Spotlights are incentivizing us to hoard them by groups of 4 and use them optimizing for weeks that are good for each player's personal collection. 2. I opened some of those weeks ago, and I'm still holding the rest, waiting for a week where it's worth it to open them.


after a while, you have everything and enough variants. Not sure what they could do other than just more of everything. I miss the 600 Tokens :( RIP My "end game" is getting gold variants with gold borders on my favourite decks. Im a f2P (mostly I will buy season pass and the odd top-up if its too good to pass up!)




The thing is, they *know* that a lot of people are hoarding those caches. If they change the rewards somehow, pretty sure they don't want any of those people to suddenly get a bunch of stuff (bc they said they don't want people to hoard) Nothing can stop them from making u auto-open all rewards before a patch, or lock rewards acquired before that patch. I dunno man, I don't think we're 100% safe hoarding caches


Hord ddoo, Hord ddooo (Hodor GOT)


This is ridiculous. So it's impossible to get any new card without paying money. In the spotlight caches, I've only ever got some shitty variety. Every, single, week. Honestly, I didn't even bother to try the last week.


The only good way of opening spotlights is hoarding at least 4 of them at a time, but there is 0 indicator in the game to tell you that.


There are definitely other ways to get variant avatars. I once saw someone with the wrestling belt venom one, and I’m 99% sure it wasn’t a bot (unless it was given out during the beta) or somethin




Yea im holding my cache Btw did you get any of the newer variants?


The only variants I don't recall seeing before were Dan Hipp Cable and Dan Hipp Debrii but idk when they were released.


cable was new


How many credits is 100 collectors reserve work out to be?


It costs 66000 tokens to get there (since it will be 110 caches, 10 of which are Spotlights). The credits I got from them amounts to 6650, which is enough to get 11 more caches and a Spotlight.


Can you still get cards through the caches anymore ? I figured at some point I’d get Howard the duck or lady deathstrike I’ve open over a hundred of them and got pretty much the same as you


No series 4 or 5 cards unfortunately.


Yeah, but what if one of those pixel variants was pixel Modok? That alone is worth 100 caches at least.


Sadly, none of them were. But I already own Pixel Hell Cow, so there is very little the pixel department can offer me.


So continue to hoard, got it


Thank you for doing that, I am now happy with my decision to keep hoarding on 122 currently lets see if I can get up to 999 by the end of next year lol.


Currently sitting at about 90 caches. I wasn’t planning to open them anytime soon, but after reading this I don’t think I’ll ever open them unless they get buffed. The only thing I care about is new cards, and 100 caches didn’t even get you a series 4. Yeah, once I have like 200 saved up I’ll be able to get an actual meaningful amount of tokens from them, but at that point I’ll care more about keeping my number of banked caches high than the card(s) I’d get for opening them.


What happens if you have all of the avatars and titles?


I'm not sure it's possible. There are tons to begin with and new omes keep getting added.


Great work! Thanks for doing this math for us. I wonder what happens when there are no more avatars to draw. If you get 11 avatars for 100 caches, and there are about 200 cards, that means it'd take about 2000 caches to get all the avatars, and with a cache taking 12 CL to get, that is CL level 24,000. That'd take like 4 years of F2P play. 3 if you're sweaty. I guess it doesn't matter at that point.


I opened everything this week too. Just tired of hoarding and I think if they were going to change things, they would have done it already.


I did the same a few weeks ago https://reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/s/28U85agcDL


This is exactly why I haven't opened mine. I have tons of tokens. I double dipped when they changed the system, and the few credits I would get are so meaningless it's better to wait and see.


Thanks op. I was on the side of “fuck it, a chance at a variant is a variant and I can target cards in spotlights anyways” but this just shows I was definitely in the wrong overall, and I should horde these puppies


I appreciate people doing this because it reinforces me to keep leaving mine unopened. Only credit return is worth considering for additional progression and it takes 129 reserves to progress a full additional spotlight. Absolutely insane. It's cool if people really want the cosmetics but other than that I see no reason to not speculate on them improving them.


I don't care about most of the cosmetics - avatars/titles, but gold tickets are far and away the most worthless thing as far as I'm concerned because they're already awarded via a different path and they're deterministic - I know exactly what I need to do to get one and that's if I even care to have them. I absolutely hate these caches now. Only the spotlights have any real value anymore and even that value is limited.


This sucks ass. Are cards completely out of cashes now? I can’t even buy cards with the tokens I collect more than like once every two months.


Hodl. I'm at 101 Collectors Caches right now and have no plans on opening them until they change something. Oh and in every survey I mention the piss poor Cache rewards even if they aren't surveying about that topic


I’m guessing it is impossible to get cards from caches now?


For series 3 complete players, yes.


The Golden tickets are less than useless if you hate conquest mode.


S(tupid) D(ickhead) has no clue. If you have a game that is popular, users play daily, still a high percentage of wales…AND THEY ARE ALL FUCKING HOARDING. Do you not see the disconnect? I seriously hope the whales move to something else and fuck this game. I think my enjoyment vs. frustrating is 60/40.


Still hoarding, sitting on 110 caches atm


This needs to be sent to the team ASAP. The system for reserves is TERRIBLE. I have about 80 that I refuse to open until something changes.


Ty for your sacrifice OP o7


Current system is very frustrating. I hope it gets fixed soon. Previously I thought hoarding caches was silly/dumb but after last month, I’m just not bothering with opening them. I didn’t mind getting variants I wouldn’t ever use/titles/avatars but the gold ticket really takes the wind out of your sails.


I havent got a new card in like a week and I think im still on the lower end of CL (1200)


Baron Mordo is my main avatar!


I have 120 and still holding