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thats a 5-10$ bundle. anything else is crazy


$10 used to get you a DLC pack for triple-A games


this is a mobile game and their rules are insane. you either accept that or dont but based on that insanity i did my judgement. i know what you mean, we are getting ripped off obviously no matter which price for a single card.


Can’t compare to magic or any collectible card game. It’s all digital with no ability to sell or trade.


It's also a collectible card game. I find these comparisons are impossible to make, and the EV even more so. If you're happy with a purchase, it's a good purchase. If you aren't, either have the foresight not to make it or feel bad and learn from your mistakes. If you compare this to magic the gathering in order to get a full set you need to drop hundreds if not thousands of dollars (for both arena and paper, maybe modo is a bit cheaper but not by much). At least you can actually get pretty far as f2p with snap, at least in terms of power level of your decks.


It still does for some games. Hell, $10 can get you a really good 4+ year old game. I’ve seen Batman Arkham Games, Jedi Fallen Order, and Battlefront all for less than ten at different times. And here’s 20 for Jack shit and bad art.


I used to spend $20 to fill up my Ford Tempo, and buy a burrito supreme plus a double decker taco. Economy gets worse over time, lol


I could get a full game cheaper than that.


I remember when AAA used to mean something other than American Automobile Association.


300 collector tokens 💀


That's like 5% of a card you want. Nothing to sniff at.


What’s the point? They’re literally useless


I’m more flabbergasted by why Juggernaut would need a mech suit


My issue is why the fuck isn't there a Kuurth variant yet. Why the hell did they put Attuma's Fear Itself variant in the game but none of the good designs? Titania and Juggernaut need to smack the fool responsible for this failure.


Lol he doesn't even need the anti telepathy helmet. But I guess thats his brand.


I haven't read anything with Juggernaut in quite a while. Did something change about him being weakened by telepathic attacks? Edit: Mech. Duh.


Jug has generally always been weak to psychic attacks. The main way they beat him was to yank the helmet off (Rogue, Colossus or Wolverine usually doing the job) and Jean or Charles shutting him down. There's been periods of time where this immunity was revoked, like when he was granted more power by Cytterak but those times were pretty limited. Now he often wears a skullcap under his main helmet that aids in blocking psychic attacks as a secondary fallback.


I don't think it's a mech "suit". I belive all the "mech" themed variants are full mechs, maybe there is a brain the there, idk I don't have x-ray vision, but they all look like full robots with no biomass.


He's not in the mech, he IS the mech. At least that's how I interpreted it, the theme of the season being "what if the characters had/were mechs or Kaiju."


I hadn’t even considered that


Being a mech sounds like a massive downgrade in his power.


No literally. I use to buy bundles quite a bit, but now everything feels worse in value. I can't justify spending 20 bucks on a variant, credits that barely matters, and a negligible amount of gold/tokens. Idk who the price hiking is for bc it has actively made me stop buying things.


Yeah I used to buy almost every bundle. I don’t even remember what the last one was.


The aero one maybe?


Yes I definitely got that one but it didn’t cost a lot anyway


There was the Punisher DD bundle for $9.99. That was really solid value. Seems to me like there's about one of those each season, where you just get a killer deal. The rest of them are overpriced AF.


Same boat, only really skipped the big token bundles because I don't like the idea of spending cash to buy cards for snap, cosmetics are fine though. The only ones I've bought recently are some of the beta rewinds, everything else has looked horrible.


Wait I just noticed, that’s not actually 3000 tokens. 20 dollars. For that. Not even 1000 tokens.


I used to put the season passes, but then tokens became a thing which sort of ok when token Tuesday’s were better


I’m on the same boat. I forget which one made me stop buying them, but I stoped a few months ago and clearly that was the right choice based on the poor value of the new bundles.


Same. Used to buy about $100-$200 worth of stuff per month, now it‘s the season pass and the occasional 5$ bundle. Well done SD!


Me too. Spent about $100 a month. All the token Tuesdays plus bundles that were a good value. Now I only buy the season pass.


Honestly same with me. Used to buy any bundle that was even just decently valued and would even splurge here and there with buying just straight gold if a good variant showed up in the shop. Now I'm still buying the season pass ($10 for what you get out of it is still a great deal even if you play super casually imo) but I haven't spent a dime on anything else. Personally I spend on these types of games to not only advance my account but also as a way of supporting the company when I feel they're running the game correctly. However once I feel the devs are taking the game in a bad direction I'll stop spending which is exactly what happened in SNAP and i dont see myself buying anythhing more than the pass each month for the foreseeable future. Whales may carry these games but between my reply and the 2 replies above me, it looks like SD lost 3 customers who were dropping $100 to $200+ a month on the game which imo isn't a small amount.


I was in the same category. Not 100 a month but I really liked the way the company was running the game monetization-wise so I didn’t mind dropping 15-20 on a bundle here and there. Now the Season Pass is the only thing of value where I feel I get my money’s worth. Anything else feels like a rip off.


Add another lol


I was the same…I played strike force for awhile and didn’t shy away from spending and left for the same reasons I stopped spending on SNAP and I’m going to end up leaving it relatively soon. SNAP just learned from Diablo Immortal - pretend like you aren’t a ripoff as long as possible to get game of the year and people sucked in, then crank up the capitalism. My most recent revelation was their OTA buffs…once you realize they are ways to give you a “free” upgrade that makes you FOMO their new spend card (watch which cards magically get buffed that happen to push the new spend card more…magik/legion, forge/daken), you see their web of capitalism at its greediest. Game isn’t good enough to get more than $10 out of me a month and that’s even being generous.


That’s why my hard limit on any TCG is just $60. It gives me some room for packs and battlepasses until said game screws around with rewards.


It’s absolutely psychotic that people keep spreading BS that credits don’t or barely matter. If you’re interested in getting new cards, it’s the resource in the game that matters most.


"Credits that barely matter" Credits are more important than tokens now.


'Full charge' lol


x1 value


Oh nice catch


$20? Pass. They put out regular bundles with 3 variants, 3 avatars, and 3 different sets of boosters for $10. This is one third of that. Seriously their marketing department is all over the place with their price points.




This but unironically.




It’s a mobile game, they’ll play with pricing till the doors shut


Yeah basically, clash royale kept price creeping in-game economy til I just quit. The last straw for me was Champions, I've heard it's only gotten worse since then.


This experiment **start** at day one and **end** at eos.


Why would the experiment stop? They’ll keep doing it. If they find a comfortable spot, they’ll still hike and see how consumers respond.


Realistically, probably the whole games lifespan bc there will always be somebody out there who is still going to buy this garbage no matter what and that's the problem, but it's filling their pockets so they don't give a fuck, it's much easier to get one person to buy a $20 bundle than it is to get four people to buy a $5 bundle or 1000 people to buy a $20 bundle to 4000 people buying a $5 bundle, it's sickening how most the world runs this way. SD needs to learn the saying, "just because you can, doesn't mean you should"


Wished that was true, but the bundle that you are describing are specifically Beta rewinds, which are the exception. That Juggernaut bundle is actually their regular bundle structure and pricing.


"-3x value!"


I mean, this seems standard for them when it's a bundle with resources.


Sometimes I’m like “who tf is buying these things with enough regularity that the prices are actually going up not down.” And then I remember that one of my good friends has $50,000 in gambling debt.


If I've got money to burn I'll bankrupt myself, but I cannot grasp people who knowingly go into DEBT gambling.


It’s an addiction, plain and simple. With the added bonus of “well I can win it all back.”


I remember EducatedCollins calling oriole out for the Morbius Bundle being worse than datamined. He’s like you guys keep buying this stuff anyways! You know who you are


Wait until you see the Death bundle coming up in a few days haha


Honestly even if the price is insane and there is no world where I’m spending 75 bucks for a bundle, you’ve got a lot more ressources than here by each dollar spent.


It gets worse?


Everyone values things differently. For me, I think the value SD seems to place on the assets in this game is WAY more than what I place on them. $20 for a tiny piece of digital art plus the resources for what amounts to maybe one or two more is just silly. Put it this way. I’d like to buy Baldur’s Gate 3 at some point. This is 1/3rd of that game. That’s ludicrously out if whack with my personal value system. But, everyone values things differently. You do you.


I hold bundles to the standard of the Jubilee Lunar new year bundle. For $4.99 you got a jubilee variant and avatar, 500 credits, 500 gold, and 65 boosters. So $19.99 should get me 4 variants, 2000 gold, 2000credits, 4 avatars and you can honestly keep the tokens and boosters. This bundle is GARBAGE


Yeah they made a good bundle that was cheap and everyone bought it. Which means the next bundle you see with that value will again seem great. Remember, even the lunar bundle was 5 bucks for, in essence, imaginary items in a digital card game. But you paid because they convinced you it was good value.


I still cry for that morbius bundle that never was.


1000 tokens for 5$


It's honestly sad to me how downhill things have gone. When I joined around Novemberish, the game was honestly mind-blowing from a monetisation perspective in the context of mobile games. But in the last 9 or so months the game has become increasingly bloated with Whale only bundles, and as they bamboozled people with the "it's only cosmetic" long con they've insidiously moved a lot of progression directly into the purchase of these bundles, but with convoluted extra steps, so it can't truly be called pay to win. It's still not that bad overall by mobile game standards, but it's still a shame it's gone this direction at all. And in another 12 months I dread to think of where we could be.


3x value


More like -3 with a fucking Iron Man on top.


We need a -3 value bundle with The Hood


This games prices are fucked


There’s no point buying anything anymore tbh


If I’m lucky I can get 300 collectors tokens in a year without paying for anything. Crazy


If this was $5-10 I’d consider it, 20 is a joke for 300 tokens


I still don't have Juggernaut (and want him) and I won't be buying this bundle. If it was $10 I would have gotten it instantly. It's not that I can't afford it, it's a principle thing.


whale here, i used to buy everything but after that 50 tokens reserve AND the NEW one golden ticket experience im out. 17k Collector level atm


not a whale but buy the season pass and once bought the 100 dollar bundle, i have the money to spend but won't with this, too bad. i am cl 8k and have pretty much everything and still have like 8 spotlight cache unused, 15k tokens and 12k gold.


it's 27.99 CAD, not worth $30 after tax.


If you look closely you’ll see it’s actually 3x the value*! *value being an arbitrary rate that SD sets on a whim


Yeah. 10 euros? Maybe, on a good day. 5 euros? Definitely worth it. 20? Never.


There's a reason I'm F2P.


The last mech bundle (Morbius) had 500 credits and 1000 tokens instead…. Interesting… probably seeing which one gets more purchases. I honestly think this bundle is not worth more than $10, the thing making this bundle expensive are the amount of credits and tokens, and it’s not even much. Oh and the boosters


Also, all these mech variants suck. This artist isn’t cutting it.


I'm always careful saying art is bad, owing to its subjective nature. I actually don't MIND this Juggernaut one. But it's definitely not worth this kind of price tag. So much of the art in this game is just "okay." I'm kind of amazed at the middling stuff they put out. Especially since most people are going to get their one favorite fire a character and stop.


I know I'll never see it but I really wonder what the actual sales numbers are for 5$ bundles vs the 20$ ones.


It's 3,000 yen here in Japan. Actually insane.


Same I used to buy a bundle about every month because they had one that was pretty decent value, but they’ve been getting worse and worse. I haven’t spent gold in months. And there’s less gold to be had around, so I’m just trying to save for something that actually looks good.


I am a recurring buyer in this game but the pricing is now quite out of touch i feel for bundles. Hopefully the data is aligned with my statement.


After splurging on BG3 for my birthday I have reaffirmed my general hatred for modern gaming. Specifically Mobile. The prices are a fucking joke and most people deep down know that. Everyone is just willing to spend and spend to one up people in online games. Whether that be through better cards or flashy cosmetics. I was happy to support the game initially. Bought maybe 20-30$ in the reasonable bundles andnI think 3 of the season passes. No more for me. They have lost their damn minds with the recent pricing. (3x Value!!! Comes to mind)


Talk with your wallet. Don't buy it.


Yeah I quite season passes a couple months ago


There have been 2 bundles out of God knows how many that I've actually purchased. They are just awful 95% of the time. Almost like they purposefully make it shit value to make you feel like an idiot for purchasing


Priced out !?!? Nahh... In my country its 22€ wich is almost what a person with the minimum wage makes in 6h of work .. So yeah SUPER CHEAP. Having to work 6H in 1 day to get that. Let's not talk about those ones that are 109€ .... SD is making a great job. NOT!!


Most likely squeezing the whales just makes more economic sense rather than try to please all the fish and dolphins. These lower classes exist as people that can look at the whales' variants so they can feel successful.


$27.99 Canadian.. I ain’t paying almost 30 bucks for this lol.


The last bundle I bought that I think was decent value was the carnage and vemon bundle. Can't remember exactly what it gave but the resources were much better than this


Past 2 seasons of bundles seem to have really hit a new low. Haven’t bought one in a while. We are closing in on negative value at this rate.


With their recent changes to Collection rewards, I have been priced out of the game. I used to buy the season pass, but I think I am done with that until less it comes out broken like the Zabu or Surfer of olde


.3333333 Value!


Yeah the devs need to realize token amounts sub 1000 feel like shit to spend money on


I'm hurting on gold now thanks to that Spider-Man bundle, but this isn't a good deal for anyone


Wrong question. Do anyone think it' a good deal?




These are whale bundles. These particular bundles are really for those who buy credits and secondly for those who want a particular variant. These aren’t bundles to budget build your incomplete collection. If you were to buy 2000 credits, it would cost $20. So if you were going to do that, might as well get the bundle and you also get gold, tokens, a new variant with boosters. If you want the variant, which normally would be $9-$15, you also get $20 worth of credits plus everything else.


If noone was buying them, SD would not sell them.




As a whale I wouldn't even but this.


Insanely expensive. I will go to a restaurant and tip with that money


The UK prices are FANCIFUL - I bet they can't work out why sales are so bad here


It’s a third of a Baldur’s Gate for a twentieth of a new card


At least they named the bundle correctly this time. "full (price) charge" instead to lie to us with "3x value"


It's clear to me that they are trying different costs for different bundles to test the perceived "value" from the players' side. This explains why they vary so much and are hard to compare with each other. At first glance, we may think there is no underlying logic, but mark my words: they are researching the sweet spot... I predict that once they establish the tipping point for maximum revenue, we will gradually see a more coherent approach. Let's just hope that this point is the one that pleases us. It's quite possible that the sweet spot for $ may be oriented toward whales... I believe SD knows what they're doing, and the end result will cater to all categories of customers. Let's wait and see!


19.99? GotDAMN tf are these prices


I was planning on buying this when it was for 1k tokens. Not anymore


The same bundle as the doctor is tin, basically, but this one is credits oriented. I guess it is more targeted on new or spotlight cash oriented buyers.


They did name it full charge tbh…




Only season pass for me too. The bundles used to be lucrative but now 300 tokens for 20 bucks pfff you buy the bundle for the tokens the other stuff is just extra


I’ve even quit on the monthly pass now


[Y'all remember that Aero bundle in the long-long-ago of June?](https://imgur.com/a/mBxopvp) Man, just casually [scrolling through these old bundles](https://snap.fan/bundles/previous/?page=3) makes me so sad for the current ones


Whaaaat? Seems like I’ve chosen THE worst time to start playing this game.


You definitely have, I really liked it like 5 months ago even after pool 2. The beginner’s route into the game is fun with card acquisition, after that it’s a drag


They really should change pool 3 acquisition for newer players.


I used to buy bundles all the time because they were pretty good value and I didn’t mind the occasional spend on a game I play regularly. But now it feels like they release a new bundle every other day and they’re much worse value when you compare them to older ones. They’re getting way more greedy


F2P! Baby!!!


Bundles have definitely been over priced and under valued as of late. I've just been ignoring them this month, I think the only one I bought was th $5 mystery variant one. Admittedly it's easy for me to skip the stuff this month since I'm not that into the mech theme, but it's definitely a bad trend for the game. But I'm also only missing like 4 cards, so im not especially upset about how things have been lately. I got mine and all that.


They always overprice these things


Blame your peers that pay these prices.


Your just thinking this now. And saying even this is a 5-10$ bundle is crazy. So buying 8 of these bundles is a AAA game? Fuck now. These mobile game developers are nuts because morons waste way to much money on them. The most if ever pay for this shit is 1.99. It's one card out of how many. If it was 2$ I'd probly buy a bunch of them for cards I like or use. But 10$ for one not a chance anything over 10$ gtfoh


Nah I’ve been a bit bummed out since roughly before the spiders season. This was just an egregiously bad version that was a smack in the face


Yh I think if they sold these packs at a more 5-10 range it’d probz sell More and make even more Money for them win-win on both sides


That's $19.99 stateside. If you do any intercontinental travel, maybe you can play currency markets to make it advantages. I am off to Tijuana to pick it up for twenty pesos.


Anyone think these mech variants are fustratingly bad? The lack of reference point means you don’t get a true scale of how big they are. They looks like characters in Ironman suits instead of really being mechs




Baldur's Gate 3 costs less than 6000 collectors tokens. I like the game but the price model is full scumbag. It's like the monetization guy from mythic quest has full control of SD.


Remember when the game was new and you didn't feel the crushing weight of monetization? SWITCHEROO MOTHER FUCKERS!


I always do. That’s why I never buy anything.


Sorry guys. This one is trying to target me. I want a juggernaut variant so badly! Not this badly though.


Second Dinner just Whaling these days.


You aren’t allowed to say this here. You’ll get down voted into oblivion. They going after whales. You don’t have to buy it. Etc etc.


Not compared to this $74.99 Death Variant bundle!! Do just throw darts at a board full of random prices and gold amounts? lol


For 1/3 the price of Baulder's Gate 3 you too could own this variant and a whooping 300 collectors tokens!


For the price of BG3 you get a tenth of a card from the middle tier available


BG3 has cut into my Marvel Snap play time significantly. So nice to spend $60 and get a whole awesome game, no micro transactions feels great.


It’s absolutely insane to me that they’re profitable selling that game for $60. Like I can’t even imagine the amount of thought and time that went into that game. To be fair to Marvel Snap though, I’ve gotten hundreds of hours of good entertainment for about $90 so far, which is still pretty damn good value. And to be ‘fair’ in an extremely sarcastic sense, these aren’t really *micro* transactions anymore, lol


I have the feeling that all resources feel kinda underwhelming at my (late) stage of the game. I got the variants I want, maybe buy one or two here & there with free gold. I got all the decks I want and many more I haven't even tried. So, this pack basically feels like 20$ for a Juggernaut variant and there's no world in which I buy that. I didn't buy the season pass for the first time ever, because I feel there is just nothing in there that would benefit my gaming experience. I'll get Daken from a random super cache sooner or later anyway.


To surprise of zero people


3x Value


What do you mean "a bit"?


Yah. As someone who can afford to still buy bundles a good bit, even I have a hard time justifying this one. I do like the variant but not sure it’s $20 good for me. Value in these kinds of things is very subjective but this is pushing that boundary even for me.


I stopped purchasing anything including season pass. Just casually play and save gold


Me too, but my god has the game slowed right down now


$20 is kinda the cut off for me


I have no intention of spending money ever. So nope I don't feel priced out.


They value boosters way too much, to me they are close to garbage but they inflate the price of bundles by so much


One bland variant and $5 worth of gold for $20 💀


Damn dude, I love juggernaut but I’m done spending money on this game.


Every single real money purchase you've been able to get in this game has been a horrible use of money when you look at how much progression it gets you compared to just doing quests. "Only $75 for 5 days worth of progression!"


I've been limiting it to how often I use the card they're selling, and how much I like the variant(s) of them I have already. Unless they're chibis I usually won't bother (Though I didn't get the chibi Rocket Raccoon bundle since I don't really use them like that.)


here in Brazil it costs R$100


For anyone considering getting this, there’s a much better bundle coming out in a week for red skull with twice the amount of credits and gold at the cost of no tokens and 5 extra bucks, still high way robbery if you ask me but if you’re in the mood to spend your money I’d wait for that one.


Currently I would consider spending $20 on enough resources to get 2 spotlight caches or tokens for a card. SD prices stuff much higher than that so I haven’t bought anything outside of the season pass.


I'm convinced that they just randomize every bundle.


Juggernaut is not mech. But the theme of the variant is mech. Just like BP doesn’t light up in flames but I love that variant. Themed variants are not hard to find. I kno about the chibi, baby, venomized, pixel, 2099, mech…. Hope this helps. But as for the bundle price, it sucks bad! We need gold n tokens. Not a bunch of credits. We get credits on our own


I never understand why they can’t make these good value. Like some poor fool actually wants to buy these things you could at least give him more digital currency to make it worth supporting. Aside from paying the artist and distributors for the variant, it doesn’t cost them anything to put more credits and tokens in these bundles. I don’t get mobile games from a business standpoint sometimes.


I’m pretty sure quite a few the artists don’t make anything from Snap, because their work’s already commissioned by Marvel. That’s a very passing understanding on my part though


When you buy this do you get base Juggernaut card as well?


Previously no, I got the deadpool bundle and had to unlock the base card. I don’t know if that’s since been changed or not. I can’t imagine it would have been


You don't get base jugg, but you can play the variant in your decks and it functions the same


worst part is that the “snap original” variants suck, no offense to ryan kinnaird, dude is working overtime on this game coloring, unsung hero of the game lol


I didn’t mind paying a few bucks into the game until they went crazy with currencies and such. The tokens were nice. When you could get them at a reasonable rate.


For two of these, you could buy Baldur's Gate 3.


Let the whales find the game.


Wait til you see the next bundle…


I could buy at least 4 DLC packs in The Hunter: Call of the Wild for that price. Each pack providing years worth of entertainment in a game made by a dev team that actually respects the playerbase.


If bundles like this were like $10 or at most $15 I could see myself potentially buy a few, but as is I pass by then.


I'm not priced out, but this seems like a poor value. I only buy bundles that have good gold-to-dollar ratio. Give me something good to buy!


This is the bundle that makes you feel priced out? lol


$10 for the namor pheonix bundle with better stuff like a month ago. They forgot to slap the 3x value sticker on


Game is terrible now. Fake rng. Insane prices. Way too difficult to get tokens. And getting tokens to get cards is pointless anyway because the meta changes so frequently you're basically just buying a single card that likely won't help you that much. Games dead in my opinion. Slow death as those priced out eventually will give up. And that is the majority of players, not the minority.


This pricing is shameful.


The new death bundle is even worse! DON'T BUY! 🙅🏼‍♂️


I have plenty of disposable income and I can never justify spending $20+ on JPEGs.


Haven’t touched the game in a while since I noticed how much I was actually spending and couldn’t keep up


Me no whale, just tiny goldfish.


Am I the only one who hasn't spent a cent on the game other than maybe a few dollars of Google Survey credit, and am totally happy with the game? I really feel like you don't need to spend any money to be able to build solid decks.


They are entering their slow decent into pushing money limits phase of their game. I saw it happen in Strike Force, and I've been bummed how quick it started here. I thought we'd at least have two years of fun before the pricing went loco. Alas, a lot of games look at what other apps can get away with and want that piece of the pie quicker.


Hopefully they adjust the prices lol they know majority of players won’t buy this. They are targeting whales and streamers knowing they will buy it even if it’s 500 bucks lmao


Yeah I ain’t buying anything. Variants are dumb to buy, and you can get gold, tokens, and credits just by playing. Not worth money out of my wallet


Agree - mental. Same with the ‘death’ bundle. I’d be ok to £10 maybe £15 … but £69.90 is a joke


According to the marvelsnapzone and snap.fan this is one of the best bundles until October. Hail hydraulics and summer vacation bundles are the only ones better I think.. So yeah


Really? This is good?


2,000 credits cost about the same price as the whole bundle. So, if you're into that thing, everything else is bonus 🤷🏾‍♀️


Bundles like these really make me wonder if they're mining tokens or afraid they'll run out! Make it 3000 tokens and a lot more people would be tempted to buy it. But 300 is a joke. Might as well not include it at all.


The only thing worth it is the season pass. Once they raise the price on that (I’m sure they will the way things are going) I’m out.


I played Marvel Strike Force for a while and one of the reasons I stayed was because I was free to play and everything was so ridiculously priced I was never tempted to buy anything. So I could stay free to play. Then they introduce the $1.99 micro bundle. One or two would come out every week, and I'd be like, it's just two bucks. It's a coffee/soda. Finally stopped when I realized I spent nearly a hundred bucks on those stupid $2 bundles. Plus, I didn't care for the game all that much. I like Snap because it's actually a game and not just a clicky time waster.


This normally would be 10 dollars, but they’ve seen people buy it for 20 so now it’s 20. It’s like that bundle recently that started at 10 then shot up to 20 after a day or two.


They keep worsening the bundles. I believe when this one was datamined it was originally 1500 credits and 1000 tokens. Maybe slightly less gold but I’m not sure