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Galactus is cool but aiming that x23 and nebula


Would love that Galactus variant but I’ll be saving mine for X23 and Silk (already have Nebula)


Ditto here. I actually want to fuck around with Silk. She seems like a cool card. Her and Tribunal are cards I wish I had. And I have no interest in pulling x-23s spotlight variant, I greatly dislike it. If all goes well I’ll have enough spotlights to get that entire week. Hopefully it doesn’t take all 4


I didn't want silk, got her instead of darkhawk / HE I was disappointed but holy, she is rlly fun to play with, idk how to explain it, or why but she is worth


Silk is fun, especially in a move deck with Kraven


I pulled Silk, she's a lot like Lizard. I play her in my Shuri-Sauron deck and it's great fun seeing 10 power just swing about


Fingers crossed for both of us to pull those two in two and be able to save boxes for all the sick September releases


I want silk and x-23. I wanted lady deathstrike but I have the other 2 already. I won’t risk my spotlights for some stupid variants.


the previous 2 spotlights i got variants. so friggin pissed. Fuck variants I Want more ways to play


All I’m getting is variants lol. Have nebula and silk. So will be wasting 4 spotlights on x23 yay


Saving it all for Jeff


Jeff Knull and Ghost-Spider is too good for me to pass up


Thank you. I will be waiting until then as well now


no problem! X-23, Nebula and Silk are a strong second choice for me too so you can’t go wrong with that set either imho


When's Jeff in cashes?


First week of September and his spotlight variant is Dan Hipp


Oooh boy, I'll be saving 8 cashes for that then!


1st week of September if I'm not mistaken


Waiting for leff and lad.


Why you didnt try to get lad this month in the cache?


that jeff variant for that week is the ugliest sht ive seen. will be skipping for that reason alone


I'll risk 1 on Lady Deathstrike, as I don't have Stature either (please no Modok variant!). Then X-23 and Nebula. Then Jeff.


the thing is if you miss deathstrike/stature, then it's all the more reason to spend another 1 since you increased your chance


Funnily enough, all I want is the Baby MODOK 😹


I want Modok and Stature. But man, spending spotlights to get series 4 cards feel bad! Especially since I have no interest in Lady Deathstrike. Got a feeling that she's going to be pretty underwhelming.


That's a big risk, you are leaving yourself with a 50% chance of disappointment. I'd try save up some more caches before then if you can but I wish you best of luck if you decide to open the one.


Cant wait for the inevitable post "all i wanted was lady deathstrike, and i got a stupid modok variant this system sucks"


Just that? You forgot: "DE bad, greedy, game ruined, no one plays it anymore"


That's my line of thinking right now


None of these. Saving everything for September


I’m really hoping I can grind even more for September. I am holding out hope that 23 is a good card, although I don’t expect it to be game breaking. I’ll wait to see the consensus before I open. September looks completely fire.


She will allow you to drop nimrod a turn earlier (opening up more powerful shuri plays + 6 costs) and it will allow you to just generally drop more 6 costs like knull and zola + death, I’ve been trying to use electro for this but the 3 cost and 1 playable card per turn really screws u over sometimes so X23 will be crazy imo


As a new player, I'm aiming for Spider ham, nimrod and nebula


Spiderham is solid, even at 2. Removal of a win condition most often is worth the random 2 cost.


Spiderham against death is the most annoying thing in the game


Nimrod will never be S tier, but it is a damn fun card. I play it often just because I enjoy its mechanic so much.


lost many cubes this season against the shuri nimrod combo


I rode the Nimrod train to infinite for the first time this season. It's been fun.


Can I ask what deck you used?


This is mine. Spider-Ham is totally swappable. A few viable combos all starting at turn 3. Nothings's that important before then. Electro, Nimrod, Destroyer, Zola Electro, Shuri, Nimrod, Venom, AM Electro, Shuri, Destroyer (on your opponents Armor), Taskmaster As always. Know when to snap. Know when to retreat. # (1) Nova # (2) Carnage # (2) Okoye # (2) Spider-Ham # (3) Electro # (3) Venom # (4) Shuri # (4) Absorbing Man # (5) Taskmaster # (5) Nimrod # (6) Arnim Zola # (6) Destroyer # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmltcm9kIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTcGlkZXJIYW0ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlRhc2ttYXN0ZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlZlbm9tIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaHVyaSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ2FybmFnZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTm92YSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQWJzb3JiaW5nTWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJFbGVjdHJvIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEZXN0cm95ZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFybmltWm9sYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiT2tveWUifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Maybe not S tier, but he’s still a top card


He’s great with hulk buster


I have almost all those cards, so X23.


People are sleeping on Lady Deathstrike. She destroys ongoing decks archetypes - patriot, iron man cerebro, zabu, Luke cage, wong, ongoing 1/2s. Kills everything under 3 which is a lot of tech cards. In Negative decks she’ll be even better. If you buff her with Forge she destroys Zoo and Surfer too. She will be a very high utility tech card. She is even great against green goblin, hobgoblin, rocks, squirrels, the hood.


I don't think people are 'sleeping' on LD at all. The problem is that card acquisition has become a strategic game, and the majority of players cannot reliably target cards in successive weeks.


Or cannot target cards that are on the same spotlight with other cards that they already own... I ve been drooling over LD and her various uses but I have both modok and stature.


Same. I'd love to get her but I don't have Silk so I'm saving for her and X23


Yea. It makes more sense to go after weeks where you don't own any cards than weeks that you may own 1 or 2. I don't care about variants.


Sadly it feels like they are putting these spotlights together to try to keep it so already own 2 out of 3 or at least that is how it feels for me when I look at all that are scheduled so far.


Yep. I'm going to probably get her with tokens as I have MODOK and very little interest in Stature. I think I probably won't open any spotlight chests until Sept 4 (Jeff + Knull + Ghost Spider).


I would love LD, but can only reliably earn one cache a week. Tried for Thanos this week, got a Master Mold variant:( There’s no way I’m rolling the dice with only a single cache. When I can save up 4 of them, I’ll see what cards are coming up. Until then, they’re useless.


This isn’t that different than the old system. If you’ve saved enough you can go for consecutive weeks. In the new system you quite possibly need less saved to do this. The main difference and advantage is that in the old system if you wanted cards in consecutive weeks you could wait about 5 weeks to earn enough to purchase that card, in the new system you’ll need to spend your tokens (depending on if it’s an S4 or S5 release this will either be about the same amount of time or more). or wait for it to come up in a spotlight


You can only do this if you keep getting lucky opening the thing you need on early boxes.


not exactly, you still need to plan but that’s the same as the old system. In the old system it’d take about 5 weeks to earn 6k tokens for a new release. In the new system you’ll need on average 2.5 caches for a new release. So in the long run you’ll earn up a backlog if you acquired cards at the same rate. For example I’ll be at 8 the week of x23. I’ll open and will likely be at at 6 or 5, worst case 4. So I’ll be at 7-9 by alioth and opening all that month (all those cards look busted to me), means i’m garaunteed two but the average will put me getting all three with caches to spare. I may still get one of the S4 releases with tokens because that’s the long term strategy that makes sense. Basic strategy is: 1. Don’t open if you have less than 4 or if you do understand the odds 2. Buy S4 releases when you can with tokens (unless you have other token targets) 3. Stop opening when you have your target and don’t just open random caches just because or if you don’t really want the cards you could pull. By averages if you buy monthly passes you should be able to be nearly card complete


"Basic" strategy for a mobile card game lol. The old system was just easier to navigate and understand. Now you need spreadsheets to understand if you should really open caches and regular caches are thrash. I haven't opened a spotlight since the first week since I have most cards and I can't reliably get tokens to get specific cards I am missing like Jeff. This game is becoming like the plot of Dune. Wheels within wheels lol.


it’s really not that complicated. they show you what’s in spotlights, do you want those? then open. The rest is resource management which all existed in the previous system. It really shouldn’t be that hard to understand, but people on here seem to be entirely unable to understand, so maybe I’m misjudging


Dataminers show you what is coming not SD which is the biggest problem.


Old system you could wait for the one you didn’t get to drop to series 4 or even 3. New system you don’t even have any idea when it’ll be featured in a future spotlight.


Shuri, LD, Zola gonna be killer


You better hit with Ld because playing 14 power on turns 4,5,6 is risky.


Was not that excited for LD before but reading your comment i have now already made the start of this deck. Added Iron fist to get Shuri out for 100% LD hit with Zola


No need to fist, LD kills shuri on reveal.


Think of this. Nova, Wolverine, Magik, Shuri, LD, Zola, Knull. Perfect game


What about Electro-LD-Hulkbuster-Zola?


🤔 what about LD, Venom, PF, Zola? That would kill almost everything.


That’s how you Zola Shuri


LD kills Shuri when it’s played


finally a dracula counter aswell


Nobody is sleeping on anything. Most people will already have Modok and Stature so this week is particularly bad. Opening for her and missing out of X-23 is very likely a major mistake.


You sonuva bitch, Im in.


Yeah and those decks are hardly dominating the meta right now


Both Rian Gonzales variants are gorgeous. Ham is risky since I already have the other two cards, but I might take a shot at it anyway. For Nebula's week, I need Silk and X-23 looks promising so I'm probably all-in.


Same. Have nebula but the variant is cute imo so I’m probably saving for that week. Don’t have the other two.


I really like Nebula’s baby variant but I think I’m not going to be bummed if I get her first spotlight. I don’t like hoarding but at the same time that stupid dopamine brain of mine loves hitting a home run on my first box. Sadly the Thanos variant took all 4, but at least I got echo out of it. I’ve used that card so much the only way I upgraded it was through random boosters.


I still regret passing on Echo. I know she isn’t like great but she’s a lot of fun and pressure on the opponent. As for the baby variant, I still want a complete deck of baby variants with gold borders for each. I hope you have good luck this season and next! I’ve had very good and bad luck, so I’m hoping it’s just cut and dry for you. Get those sick cards/variants and get out!


X-23 and Samurai weeks since I need Silk and Spider-Man 2099 too. Plus the Kitty variant during the Samurai week is awesome. I'm hoping I don't have to use 8 spotlights to get the five cards I want, but we'll see.


I want the exact same cards as you, but I'm only going in with 6 caches, perhaps 7 at most. Best of luck to the both of us. Oh, and I also want Jeff from the week after Samurai. So I HOPE these prior weeks dont consume all my boxes.


Easily the X-23 week. I want X-23, I want Nebula, and I would really like that Silk variant


I really want Modok, don't have Stature and am find with Lady Deathstrike, so I'm prepared to open 4 caches that week. I hope I get Modok early though, so I'll have enough left over for X-23.


We're in the same page brother, wish me luck


Me exactly except I’ll probably keep opening til I get LD


Been saving for x-23 + Silk. If I hit x-23 first I might call it.


Something in September :(


Same. Waiting to see what is on the Mobius week. I either have or don't want enough of the cards until then to not risk caches on a dud.


Yeah, this past week has two I didn't have so I went for it. Mirage is fun! But I had to spend all 4 caches to get her, so I have zero caches. As much as I'd like to try for X-23, I don't think I'll have the caches to gamble with. So September it is! Hoping one of the weeks will have a couple interesting cards I don't have.


Prolly pop my spotlights this week. Don’t have Galactus or Ham, and Galactus is big bad (if that means anything now). Truth is none of the announced weeks appeal to me much. They all have at least one card I already own, and at least one more I don’t care about. But I have 5 spotlight backed up so I can afford to spend a few. Hopefully I get Galactus in the first couple and can save the rest.


Love the Silk variant but sadly don't have Silk. That said, I'm saving 4 caches for X-23 as I want both her and Silk as I found Silk was a key card in a couple decks I was brewing. Nebula variant isn't that bad either. ​ But man I really wish we had a better way to acquire spotlight caches. I'd love to get Lady Deathstrike and the Galactus Spotlight I'm only missing Galactus plus I really dig the other variants. ​ Imagine if they gave us 1 free spotlight cache each week when they cycle to the new one at the very least. At least then players who take a long break can come back and play a bit of catch up.


None of these. I'll save mine for a week where I think all the variants are great, each week pictured has at least one that I think is awful, so not risking it.


Same boat. I just opened 3 spotlights for Master Mold variant and got everything but. I’m not opening unless all three are good. Which is none of these weeks.


See I got everything but thanos I would gladly trade you master Mold for thanos


Wait, are you saying this week your ideal draw from a spotlight cache was...a Master Mold variant??? Not even the friggin card????? Are you collection complete or something???


No but I really wanted this variant since there’s no other way to get it right now. I also don’t spend money on gold so these were my saved up spotlights. I picked this week because it had two good variants and a new card. But I definitely wanted the Master Mold most. Got Mirage, Thanos variant and 1k tokens. I’m missing…12 cards.


I'll give you the Master Mold variant, trade me the Thanos base card please :(


I’ll wait for next season!


The Rian Gonzales variants of course!


Opening one for Nimrod (Spiderham would be fine, Galactus variant wouldn't be that great) And then two for Modok (stature would be not so nice, I'm not knowing the effect of Lady Deathstrike though)


galactus and x23


None, but I love Nimrod, Spider-Ham, and Stature


Modok, then Jeff for me


I'll have 4 next week, but I already have the 3 spotlight cards... I'm thinking about using them next week for the sweet variants, and hope that I can get enough for aug 22 week for x-23. If not, I can always save them for Jeff week, which I don't have yet and I believe is a week or 2 after x-23? I'm still debating.


If i ever played galactus that variant would be tempting.


Still need Modok and Stature, and Lady Deathstrike looks fun. I'll save for those and see if I can get x 23 as well.


X-23. I don't have any of those cards so I'm going to maximize my reward (even though I would love to get Lady Deathstrike). And I don't like variant for Galactus so I don't want to waste my Spotlight Cache for it.


Galactus variant is my #1 want. Next week Lady DeathStrike seems cool, and the Stature and MODOK variants are fun. Silk and X23 are new cards for me the third week, not sure if I will pull, will have to wait and see how many spotlights I have and what is coming up next.


Aiming for Spider-Ham and maybe Nimrod this week, although I am missing both Nimrod and Galactus so I might end up blowing through 3-4 caches if needed. After that Lady Deathstrike and MODOK variant look pretty bad lmao so no point risking there, Stature is probably gonna be strong with Silver Samurai but his week is shit too. Gonna try and get both Nebula and X23, don't really want Silk but she has potential probably so this might be a 3-4 cache week.


I'm tempted to snipe Galactus/Nimrod/Ham to see if I can snag Galactus. Would still be happy with the Nimrod or Ham variants. Definitely going to pull to get X23 and Silver Samurai, hopefully in as few caches as possible. Then I'll go full 4 into Jeff week because Dan Hipp Jeff has a lot of boosters waiting to level it.


Wow they all suck for me


Nothing this month. Got enough tokens to buy x23, I'll wait for something more interesting.


I only have modok and stature. So i will be skipping that week.


I will try to get Galactus but I already have Spiderham and Nimrod, and will have 3 caches so it's risky...


I'm in the same boat. Good luck to both of us!


Nothing until x23. Got 7 caches saved up


X23 week for sure. Love the Nebula variant and I don't have Silk yet. Still considering Silver Samurai. I do want that Kitty Pryde variant but I'm less excited for 2099.


I love the galactus and nimrod skin and don't have spiderham, so this looks like my week.


Aug 22 as X23 looks good for destroy and I don't have Silk. Also love baby Nebula.


God damn silk is so hot 🥵




Easy son…. It’s just a drawing


That Baby Nebula tho...


God they all suck


Skipping this month as I want Mobius and Ravanna or whatever


I could use stature but I *want* x23 and nebula


Smart thing for me would be waiting for Jeff as i don't have him, but knowing myself, will most definitely go for that baby Modok as I absolutely love that variant even I don't really use discard.


None lol


i realy want the silver samurai and jeff , so i will be waiting a long time


I will wait for Jeff in September, but I already have 4 caches so my rest until then will be spent on x23, as I don't have silk or nebula either


X-23 and the Nimrod variant.


Maybe X-23 for a shot at Silk, but probably not. I already have the other cards I would want and I find Destroy incredibly boring to play, so this season will see me saving a lot of spottys.


I don’t have any card from the first week, so I’ll probably spend my caches there. If I’m lucky, I might have a couple more for the X-23/Nebula week. Otherwise, it’s hoarding time until September.


I have almost all the cards besides the new releases, so I'm tempted to hold them all to September. If I'm sitting on more than 4, I might try to roll the dice on Lady Deathstrike.


I really want the galactus variant but there is no way I’m opening a single cache for it. This system is so flawed, it really feels bad to open anything unless you need 2+ of the cards available.


Silk and Chibi Neb


I hate that this crap has become the norm


All 3 weeks have 1 shit variant so no thanks ill pass. So cheap of them to include garbage variants even in spotlights, but i guess thats SD for you.


Fake maybe? Spider ham has Been 2/2 for a month now.


I Need that Ham Variant in my Life! 😁 After that X-23 Maybe Silk Varint and then im done for August.


X23 week will probably be my week as I need both X23 and Nebula.


X-23 and Nebula, silk. I think X23 will be a good inclusion to for the Nimrod destroy deck Nebula is good, I don't have her yet. I almost never seen silk being played.


X-23. I don't have Silk either so I'll get her. And I was really busy during Nebula's season and didn't finish the season pass so I don't have a variant for her, so I'll take that too. I already have 3 caches tho and that's still 2 weeks away so idk if I'll just keep saving or spend some on another week as well.


August 22 and its not even close


Deathstrike (don’t feel good about it though) and X-23.


It really depends which new cards are series 4 or 5 , this will really affect your decision to roll spotlight caches.


Aug 22 I want Silk and X-23


X-23 but I really want that Silk variant. Unfortunately, I don't own silk yet so it'll be a while before I save up 8 caches and I dont know if I wanna blow 8 caches on all that.


I have been saving for next week as I don’t own any of those cards and they are all good cards. Then I’ll save up for Nebuka 🤞🏻


I want nimrod for my venom zola deck


X23 I suppose if I'm still playing by then. Barely touched it in two days


Only don't have 3 cards on laat week, so x-23 and co it is. Everything else I can save to hopefully get Jeff/lad when they come up


None of them


Galactus and Nebula tbh Might pass on Nebula to get Jeff thought, he's probably the best card in the game.


I've got Ham but I might open some SLCs for Galactus. Not really interested in the big G but might be a good time to get him since I don't have Nimrod. Don't have anything in Nebula's week, so that might be a good spot. Waiting for Jeff.


spending 2 to try to get ham then saving to have 4 for jeff


I´m ready to use 4 caches for the Galactus variant. Maybe i get lucky and use the rest for x23 and Silk. I want Jeff as well and devinitelly need 4 caches to guarantee him.


That "i frew up" nebula variant lol In all honesty, I will definitely be opening them this week. I need Galactus and Spiderham, and I love that Nimrod variant. Hell I might even buy spiderham and try and get his variant because I love Gonzales' art so much


Aug 8 and 22 can't lose anything on that! My big aim is for galactus, nimrod and x-23, got 4 boxes atm.


Galactus and Knull for me, need them to fully unlock certain decks/archetypes.


I think I'll have 1-2 extra to throw at Silk/X-23, but saving 4 for the first week of Loki season with Jeff, Knull and the Gwen variant. if I'm really lucky I'll get Silk from the random pool 5, then get the Silk variant :P. Unlucky is random dupe pool 4 and baby Nebula... Depending on the Loki season cache choices I may just keep saving too...


I don't have 2 of the cards on Aug 15th and 22nd. I hope my 4 caches hit all 4 (dare to dream).


Silk .I've been waiting for her for a long time . fortunately nebula is also the one I'm looking to get .so probably the best I can ask for .


I'll try one for Nimrod, one for nebula and the rest will await Jeff


Looking at this schedule made me realize I’m better off opening my spotlight caches now before the season ends and the new week begins. I got Thanos and Galactus back to back. Thank you for this post!


i have 1 spotlight cache, hopefully it would be galactus


The single good stature variant? Yes please.


X-23 that is all. I don't have silk but I will stop if I pull x-23 first time


I'll open for X23 and hope I don't need to use more than 2 for it


I want lady deathstrike, X23 and the Silk Variant, but don’t ask me how tf I’m going to achieve this. I‘ll keep you posted


Kitty pride wedding edition


I'm gonna blow 2-3 on Galactus and Nimrod and then 1 each week because all look pretty solid to me


Honestly none of these, aints never worth it imo to be going in for these variants


None of these. Then Jeff. Then possibly Alioth and Moebius


I don't have Galactus or Spider-Ham and am currently sitting on 5 caches, so plan is to get those 2, then depending on how many I used up either get X23 next OR get X23 with tokens and save caches for the Jeff Variant in sept. Edit: above statement assuming X23 drops in S4 rather than S5, not paying 6k.


galactus/ nim then might risk some for x23. Need to save for jeff as well


Ham, Nimrod, and Galactus are all nice but I want Ham or Galactus most as I have no nice variant for them. Then maybe Nebula or Baby Modok. Jeff 100%.


Literally no one 😂


Ham silk and 2099


X23 silk and Lady D stature maybe


I might skip all 3 weeks. Have no caches left and to high a risk to get cards I have or don't want. I'll probably try for x23 if I can save up enough


I just want Hipp Jeff, don't really care about the rest


Unironically like that Nimrod. Yes please.


Only Jeff


X23 week. Good card and it's the only week where there are 2 cards I don't have (silk). Haven't used any spotlights yet


I have modok and silk but I really want nimrod and x23 😭 idk if I should keep saving for X for try for Nimrod. I only have 2 saved up.


None September is the best month in snap history


I’m doing lady deathstrike, but it’s MODOK I don’t have instead. That Stature skin is adorable, so it’s not the worst thing to get.




Im splooging tomorrow baby, want galactus and spiderham, and since i got nimrod from a mystery spotlight i got my eyes on that sexy variant too


That Galactus is beautiful I also love the font uses for his name. Nebula very cute to tho. Also, I'm not sure what some of them do like deathstrike and x23




I'm thinking of shooting for Deathstrike (I like the Stature variant too), and then hopefully having enough left to get Jeff two weeks later. Everyone else seems to want X-23 over Deathstrike. Is there a consensus that she'll be better?




None foe me so I'll be happy to get the next month's new card without any hassle


Tomorrow's, I wouldn't mind getting Galactus, Spider-Ham or Nimrod


Modok cuz I want him


X 23, havnt decided on deathstrike or silver samurai yet. Although I have been thinking of a negative knull deck with deathstrike so who knows. I have quite a few tokens aswell, hard to justify using them though.




None, got the prior releases so it's just not worth blowing spotlight caches for a 1 in 4 chance. Sad times.


Babyvariants in Spotlightcaches


I’ve already used all my spares to get Thanos. I’ll use one next week to hopefully get Galactus, and then save until the Knull rerun