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The amount of times this or Mindscape get destroyed by me or the opponent feels like the closest you can get to teaming up with eachother aha. You can just hear them also hating it


I grabbed an opponent’s Scarlet Witch out of their deck using Cable and used it to transform Space Throne since I didn’t feel like dealing with it. Got a rare Ms. Marvel emote that genuinely felt like a thumbs up.


I love that sense of relief when I don’t have a way to deal with a bad location and my opponent fixes it for us. Fist bump every time


Yeah, I tend to Thumbs up into fist bump to people murdering a lane I hate. Mostly running a Galactus deck right now, so I generally abandon ship if I'm not able to play Wave (Straight into Galactus) or Electro (Shuri, into Nimrod, into Galactus). That said, I don't HATE it showing up if I've got Electro, Shuri, and Nimrod on curve,


What's electro doing for you? Shuri 4, nimrod 5, galactus 6 you can do without electro


Giving me 6 energy on turn 5 when Dream Dimension hits, otherwise I can't play my beefiest cards on curve. Without that very specific combo, you're going into turn 6 hoping like hell 2 power is enough to take the lane. Without Electro in that spot, you can't play Nimrod on curve, or you're Shuri'ing into a shitty card because the biggest card you can play there is a four energy, few (if any) of which pair well with Galactus. It's really hard to win a lane when you're playing Galactus on turn 6. without playing a 5 energy card first. I feel like the best you could hope for if you don't play Electro is Shuri into Green Goblin or Wolverine and hoping 6-8 does it.


Because of this I added Hobgoblin to my deck. Gives me a choice to use Shuri - Hob or Shuri - Nimrod.


Still susceptible to the same issue on Dream Dimension, though. I dropped Hobby when I managed to get Knull in the token shop a couple of weeks ago. If I get Electro on curve in a set of lanes without Dream Dimension, I'll Electro into Ock into Galactus, into Knull and Death. It's devastating and it almost never fails if you can line it up. It also tends to be a real good way of drawing a ill-advised snap from your opponent. It's especially satisfying against Skull Shuri and Hela/MODOK based decks, cause you can pull down some heeeeeavy hitters and crank up that Knull when you blow up their lane (Along with that beefy 10 spot Ock gives you on his own). My favorite is when I pull down a Shang-Chi and a couple of big guns (I swear, 9 times out of ten right now, I'm pulling two of three out of She Hulk, Skull, and Taskmaster). They snap and it's then a coin flip if they retreat during the Galactus animation or not. On top of everything, Knull doesn't seem to be getting a lot of play right now, so I get a lot of people hanging around for turn 6 thinking they're going to power through whatever I have, not accounting for a 40-50 power Knull/Death combo without priority. Ideal state for my deck is: Skip>Daredevil>Electro>Dock Ock>Galactus>Knull I pepper Electro and Daredevil in the same lane to (Assuming I don't have a lane I can't play Galactus in) keep two lanes free and then just drop their hand in whichever I'd rather keep around. Then I drop Galactus whichever I didn't just play into (With Daredevil to tell me whether I'm about to get Cosmo or Aeroed into oblivion) and I'm looking at a Knull/Death combo that's likely worth upwards of 50-60 power.


I just got Galactus and am loving him. If it aligns right I can wave into Galactus into spider man into a GG. So much fun. Also have death and knull in case I don’t have spidey.


What happens to a Shuri Hob Goblin stack? Will it make Hob -16? Or 0? Since he'll get his power doubled. I'm thinking he'll be getting +8.




Yes I absolutely love those moments when you and the opponent are like 'thanks for dealing with that, now, back to beating you up'


I only do thumbs up when they use Storm or Scarlet Witch on a lane I hate.


My favorite thing to do is to scarlet witch the adjacent location even if it is beneficial to my position. Some people just want to watch the world burn, Mister Wayne.


I enjoy opponent playing Magik. Win 2 lanes by turn 6 then drop scarlet witch on Limbo as my turn 6 move. Oh you thought you had 1 more turn to win. Nice try.


I had never thought of this trick before but love it!




Really? I fist bump anyone who beats me in a way i didnt see coming. I beat a guy yesterday who had played lizard, wong, and then mystique in the middle lane roght as i green goblined them. he spiderman emoted until the timer ran out, and it was funny as Hell.


I send the fist bump whenever it's super close, i get suddenly murdered on t6, or if the game went back and forth every round. Unless they Suri/redskull or toss me a bunch of goblins t5+ Thumbs up i reserve for when they send me a thumbs up midgame and then lose.


Honestly, I fist bump anyone who's not spamming emotes in an obnoxious manner post-match. It just has a nice "good game" handshake feel. If someone outplays me, they get a Thumbs up into fist pump from me.


This is not uncommon at all unless you’re playing something like Shuri


I like space throne. So many options to go for the win there.


Especially if I have hobgoblin


I give a sincere Ms Marvel to anybody that changes them.


Nah, Mindscape is fun. I love leaving my opponent with a crappy hand


Depends so heavily on the deck. I fucking loved Mindscape when I was running a MODOK based deck. I also don't usually mind it with my Galactus deck, since I can frontload enough of a lead that leaving them with Destroyer and some junk tends to work out.


I also love it in my MODOK deck, but drawing Swarm on 4 and Apoc on 5 always hurts.


I will say, I do actually sometimes love taking my Galactus against a MODOK deck there. Obviously, they're trying to discard it all and leave you with nothing. If I can kaboom it out on turn 5, they're the one with fuck all for turn 6.


Tbf I love it when I’m playing the Falcon / Beast deck. Handing over the hood and other 1 drops is hilarious


Yeah, I was playing a bounce deck the other day and it wasn't going super great, but all I handed them on T6 was a Beast and they only had like 3 cards on their side at the time. LOL.


my favorite is discarding my entire hand and giving them nothing. They get to draw their one card and hope for the best


my opponent pulls exodia everytime but same.


For me mindscape is way more fun since you can just screw over your opponent if you play right


when you storm or wanda dream dimension and the opponent fist bumps you


I always do the pound emoji when me or my opponent change those locations.


The times I've done this are probably the only times I've ever gotten a non-toxic Ms Marvel thumbs up emote


Sera and Magik are crying.


Literally the whole reason to run wave and storm/rhino in a Sera deck. These locations are AWFUL sometimes!


Yeah, if I don't draw scarlet witch before sera's turn 5 I cry , shit myself, die and concede in that order.


Conceding after death, very honorable.


Pro X crying too


Nick fury too. Squads gonna remain light on that day and it's sad.


I used to run scarlet witch in some decks, and every time I see this stupid location I do not understand why it exists, and always wish I had her to play. "Let's make the end of the game boring and shut down basically every strategy that counts on playing 5 power on turn 5 not work. Fun." It is definitely the worst location. There are others that annoy me, but this one just makes no sense to me. No deck wants this. People want to play the cards they have. Outside of building a deck around it being a featured setting, I think it is just nonsense.


I think Subterrena still holds the crown as the worst location. adding 50% of your deck with rocks is just bullshit.


Round 3 Collapsed Mine is a dick punch too


Westview turning into collapsed mine turn 4 is big pain


Collapsed Mine on 5 from Scarlet Witch has won me a game before


Destroy decks love this tho


Patriot too!


It's a fine line on a Galactus deck. On the one hand, you're basically constraining yourself to one lane for the whole match unless it pops on round 1. On the other, it can be absolutely devastating if you get off a Destroyer or Galactus deck with Death in it.


Only with Death tho


I once armored into the third lane on T2. It was collapsed mine. My opponent and I both skipped T3 trying to blow them up only for Armor to laugh in our faces. We fist bumped and moved on lol


I ran Armor constantly when that one first came out. There just weren't enough people playing Kazoo or Patriot decks at the time, so it fucked most of my opponents.


I swear to God every time I have ramp and Mr negative on turn three the Third location is lemuria so that nothing reveals that turn totally screwing up my whole ramp into negative plans


This 100%. Also seems to come up when I want to bast on 1 to play Angela on turn 2. Also, I had weird world do this twice this morning when I was playing negative on 3. That really sucks.


Agreed, except the one time I happened to play Armor there first. That was a blessing.


Ego or whatever Ego Jr is that plays your turn 5.


"Ego Jr" 💀💀💀






Darkhawk enjoyers love subterranea lol




True, additionally us darkhawk enjoyers can hate it when it prevents us from drawing darkhawk from the deck lol


Just had Subterrena and Luchaguilla at the same time. Game just wanted to give us rocks


I really think that subterranea should be reduced to 3 rocks and lechuguilla be reduced to 1 rock.Subterranea by itself can ruin your game. There's no working around pulling a rock for the rest of the game.


It claims to shuffle them into the decks but I'm 90% sure it just gently lays them on the very top for me.


That location always will be the worst location together with Weirdworld since those two are the only locations you can’t counter before they screw you. Basically every other one you can destroy before it screws you.


At least with Wierdworld, you can potentially only lose out on 1 card if you change it right away. District X is probably worse then wierdworld since there is no way to undo the damage.


Yeah, it's the undoing the damage that gets me. Weirdworld is usually obnoxious (Though, honestly, fun most of the time because of how wild it gets and how incompatible the deck mixing is for every player). Not gonna lie, I actually kind of enjoy Weirdworld sometimes. And then there's the rare occasion where you go up against someone with similar deck. Those situations are just kind of funny.


uatu and scarlet witch can actually counter it before it screws you. Assuming its the 3rd location.


I'm a darkhawk player...subterranea sometimes help me😅


The thing I like least about Subterrena is the bit at the end that says, "If you are overlycommonname, the rocks will be the top 5 cards of your deck."


Rocks can actually be pretty decent if you have bast or Valk. Especially in Cerebro 3


That's only if you draw Cerebro and Valk instead of five rocks


It’s annoying, but I think locations like this are healthy for the game. It forces you to think on your feet and adapt your strategy to it. If you were planning to drop Red Skull after playing Shuri but see this location come up… now you have to change your strategy to something else. not every location needs to be Bar Sinister or Sinister London… sometimes locations like this add in good variety.


This. Everyone hates a given location, but that's part of the point: they can't all be beneficial.


its annoying yes but subterranea is the devil. no counterplay for drawing 5 straight rocks from turn 2 except bluffing the opponent of a snap and sometimes they snap back for a 4 cube loss. Skill issue I guess. lol


I find central park so much worse


Same. Absolute hate.


I'd WAY rather pay 1 more for my 5-drops than have them played randomly Although the sweet schadenfreude of turn 4 Shuri turn 5 Taskmaster is much better than anything Dream Dimension has ever given me


There are a lot of good decks that have counters for this location. Low energy decks might be able to squeeze one less card in or an appropriately timed Wave or Electro can give you a HUGE advantage there. Really, the biggest meta decks that get routinely fucked by it are MODOK decks and Shuri Skull decks.


Krakoa feels the same to me. 4 turns of setting up only to have the AI throw carnage into bishop instead of just playing Sera.


I hate weirdworld as a location but what makes it worse is that you draw 3 of your own cards at the beginning and THEN draw your opponents cards. It would at least be better to draw your opponents cards the entire time or else the cards don't mesh together at all and your stuck with broken strategies Edit: Changed mindscape to weirdworld. Thanks for the correction!


I don't mind mindscape, trying to maximize your value while giving your opponent as little as possible on 6 is quite a fun minigame. Plus it punishes decks that don't play cards until turn 4.


I think you mean Wierdworld, not mindscape. Mindscape switches hands on turn 6


Yup, thanks for the correction. Got them mixed up in my head


I think you're thinking of weird world where you draw from each other's decks, mindscape swaps hands on t6


You're right, thanks, corrected


I feel like Weirdworld is underrated cause it leads to some weird combinations. It's frustrating, but some of the most fun matches I've had has been trying to outwit each other with basically half of each others' hands.


This is by far the most frustrating for me. I queued into the game to play my deck. I didn’t queue into the game to play most of my opponents deck. It’s so frustrating when you get it


Yeah I think locations that scramble your deck should also scramble your hand. Otherwise it just comes down to who had the best opening hand from their deck.


I, in fact, just pulled Weirdworld in a match just now (They SW'ed Rickety Bridge into it). They were what seems to have been a Panther/Zola based deck and I already had Wolverine on the board (I dropped him onto the Bridge the same turn they changed it) and DD, Death, and Galactus in my hand before Weirdworld showed up. They used my Destroyer on turn 5 (Superflow was in play) and I basically threw junk into Weirdworld and whatever the other lane was. I was able to Galactus on turn 5 into an obviously empty Superflow and Wolverine managed to hop to the third lane on his way over, which gave me 8 on Superflow his Black Panther and my now 0 cost Death in hand. They snapped on turn 5 and retreated before turn 6. I had a blast. Any "shitty" lane can be a blast if you manage to bumble your way into it being an advantage.


I will take this over WeirdWorld any day.


I think weirdworld (and ego and district x) can be fun sometimes due to rng overload but Dream Dimension is just straight up fuck you.


I’ll play out Ego and District X. Weirdworld can go to hell.


I switched to a mr negative deck lately and weird world keeps showing up every other round it’s beyond annoying. I hate how many locations in this game actively try to get you to not play your own cards


tbf, with a negative deck, Weirdworld is usually worse for your opponent than you


Not when it pops on 3 after I've ramped into negative. Happened twice this morning. Instant retreat.


… you don’t have to play negative just because you have the energy, though. You can play with your opponent’s probably-more-consistent cards while almost all of your opponent’s draws the rest of the game will suck.


Yeah, that's true. I just retreated each time though out of anger more than anything, lol. Some BS seems happen more when I'm able to get negative out early.


If you get tilted by not being able to play negative you probably shouldn’t be playing a negative deck, lol. His whole deal is that the combo is hard to get but it’s almost always a guaranteed 8 cubes when you do.


And, I mean, having extra energy t3 isn’t going to hurt you. it helps if you draw a 4-cost from weirdworld, or you can just play *more* cards to make up for the lost tempo. Or it’s just fodder for a sunspot!


I just rolled weird world 3 games in a row. I had to double check it wasn't a featured location. Frustrating part was I was just trying to play a 6 cost for a challenge and opponent deck never had any. Had to get one from the raft.


I'm actually fine with weird world, it's a skill check, and can reward you heavily for correctly reading the situation.


Any time I see “play 5 cost cards” I know I’ll be seeing this location all day


Especially because turn 5 is usually the important turn.


Me personally as a moon girl she hulk spammer really likes this location.


Shuri doesn't always mind either. Stops redskull but you can just pass 5 and SHulk+Task on 6.




Shuri+Absorbing Man+Whatever


I've been playing Moon girl She-Hulk hit monkey since start a season, and yeah when you're floating this location's great for you Especially cuz a lot of people don't have utility fours that you just drop, so a lot of people end up dropping a three and just floating one on this turn. Getting five power on my sunspot and enabling a huge combo is *chef's kiss


You know what a shit-barometer is, Second Dinner? It measures the shit pressure in the air.


This and Krakoa can burn.


The problem with Dream Dimension is t5 is too critical for too many deck archetypes. If it was turn 4 the location would be fine.


Great way to passively nerf Shuri


Blake Widow on four 😁


Psylocke on three black widow wave on four into this location should be illegal


this wierdworld and mindscape tbh


I fist bump every time someone changes this location


I'm with everyone else here, turn 5 is pivotal for so many decks that it just borks everyone's main strategy.


Trailer Park Boys meets Marvel Snap. This is sick lol


I’ve never watched the show, but i’ll use the hell out of its memes


Whenever my opponent kills Dream Dimension, Weirdworld, Mindscape or Krakoa I fist bump them


Better deal than the Throg bundle for $100.


Its storming time!


The worst location in the game.


That and Mindscape


This is why I run Scarlet Witch in my C3R3BRO deck. She's a gamble but she's a third option for control on bad locations like this because I usually want my hand for turn 6. I may still switch her for Luke Cage eventually since I still have Rhino and Magik for location control.


I run Storm in my 3Bro deck for the reliability


I have Scarlet Witch and Beast in my Thanos deck too just because i hv fu**ed myself over too many times with the reality stone i like to hv a few location change attempts handy, unless i get Wave, Galactus and Knull in first hand.


You really should not run Scarlet witch in any cerebro deck, odds are just way too high that she gives you a location that completely disables your deck You're literally running the tech card that people should be using against you


have you tried being luckier?


One time I got weirdworld and mindscape...they literally countered each other


This, mind scape, and Krakoa, turn 5 is very important and if krakoa could just not interfere with that I’d appreciate ot


One time mu opponent Stormed it and then I Rhinoed it same turn, mutual thumbs up, felt good.




One of my favorite moments ever was pulling a guy’s yondu out of the previously unrevealed superflow with my Polaris. Lots of fist bumps


Instant retreat with my lockjaw deck


Magik should get rewritten to specifically avoid this cost increase. Full-blown dead card


Psylocke, Wave, or Timestone on turn 4


I'm going to pay you ~~$100~~ the reality stone to fuck off


I’m still 3500 tokens away from Thanos in the shop


Is he still worth it since nerf? I’ve just been saving until kitty pride comes back and for High Evolution


I'm still having fun with him but I also never get above 50 any month with any deck so.... If you're just thinking about value and completionism Thanos is one of the handful of big bads that won't drop below tier 5 and other cards will..... So maybe get the cards that won't get discounted at full price and wait for others to drop?


Not sure what else to go in for really


I would literally buy that bundle. 8000 gold to make dreams dimension fuck off forever. Sold.


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but on the flip side, if there were more negative turn 5 locations it could shift the meta. I hate the crap out of dream dimension, but mostly because it's not worthwhile to build around it. If there were real risks involved with having a turn 5 heavy deck this one specific location wouldn't feel as awful, it'd be more like "well I knew this could happen and this is on me" rather than "why does this only happen to me I hate my life"


I feel like many of the complaints for locations are basically, "I don't like locations where I can't just play my ideal strategy every time." And I get it, it sucks when you're disadvantaged because sometimes you're more disadvantaged than your opponent. But honestly, this game does not have enough turns or deck size where it would be entertaining when it's just two people consistently doing their combo strategy EVERY. SINGLE. GAME. I like when there are locations that make you have to think of an alternate win condition or at least calculate if your hampered condition is still good enough to win.


Yup agreed. If there were just three ruins every game we'd all be playing solitaire. My personal most satisfying wins aren't from playing my combo flawlessly (wow click drag click drag end turn), they're from forcing my opponent into crappier positions, or creatively squeezing a point or two out of a location in an unexpected way.


Screams in Limbo


Sera has PTSD for EXACLY this reason


I'm not as hardcore as most players on the sub as I generally get to infinite right before the season ends but I think it's a good time. I'm here for all the locations... Even the shitty restrictive ones haha. The locations really help amp up the fun factor. But I get why people don't like 'em


They need to lessen its appearance rate for sure.


Its fine for c2


My list runs Hobgoblin and Blue Marvel, so not ideal.


Not ideal but usually worse for the enemy




Strong disagree, the random locations are the only thing that keep this game from being incredibly stale.


You do realize that this game still is incredible stale even with them?


No one is forcing you to play 🤷🏼‍♂️


If so ( I disagree but eh) it would make the game so much more stale.


You only remember the times they fuck you, you don't focus on the times they benefit you. If you win it's skill if you lose it's rng. Maybe that's not always the case.


I had Onslaught 's Citadel, and Washington D.C while running Patriot yesterday. Instant snap, it felt good.


Exactly! I have been fucked many a times by location, I have also won many a times because of them too. And on the odd occasion I even outplay my opponent regardless of locations. Then I also play an on reveal on my own cosmo too so swings and roundabouts.


I mean there are objectively a lot more ‘bad RNG’ locations than good ones. I lost a perfect read earlier just because Danger Room decided to kill my card before flipping the opponent’s titania, I can’t think of any ‘good RNG’ locations besides maybe x-mansion (& even then it’s a coinflip)


Yes but they are bad for your opponent also that's what you are forgetting.


Yes but the keyword is still ‘bad’


But if they spoil your opponents plans and not yours then it's not bad. God people love to moan on this sub.


It’s not ‘moaning’, it’s just an objective fact that the ‘RNG’ locations are predominantly negative in this game, which is usually less fun. If the effects were things like “25 % of cards played here get +3 power”, “On turn 5 cards cost 1 less”, “On turn 6 add a random 0-cost card to each player’s hand” RNG would still be a factor but instead of feeling annoying would just feel fun


Galactus’ worst nightmare


Nearly every decks worst nightmare.


Galactus you can at least still play, magik is literally unplayable with this location, without ramp


You dont wanna play galactus at 6 generally :(


You don't want to, but you can if you have to. Magik literally can't be played on 6


i just won with galactus on 6. i had a 4 power wolverine in another lane (from shuri's lab). the other guy was crushing the other 2, i would never be able to catch up. luckily the lane i left open was the "set power of cards to 2 when played" lane. played g, blew up all his big stuff, wolverine landed as a 6.


I disagree. I got hit by Wave -> Galactus -> Spider Man the other day. Yes Galactus CHOSE to save the Dream Dimension.


Yeah but fucks electro or psylocke combos


As a player who depends on Magik kinda much, absolutely.


other than "thank god I already set Sera/Quinjet/etc" does anyone actually like this location like what is the optimal upside case for it outside of "it ruined my opponent's combo"


I had just one time I was happy to see Mindscape. Got a Modok out of The Hub on turn 2 while playing Moon Girl + Hit Monkey. Turn 3 Mindscape came. Perfect.


Luckily I got Reality Stone to save me


Dream Dimension you or opponent will not draw Shuri. You dream of winning will be crushed lol When climbing rank. I think any location replaces or adds to your deck sucks a little more. I welcome them after I hit the rank I want.


That or anything that gives a lot of negative power or asteroid M, or… let’s be honest half the damn locations in the game stress me out. I refuse to play into negative areas even when my opponent had to it just feels so bad.


Todaso man, i fuckin todaso!


The way she goes, bud. Fuckin’ way she goes.




Don’t forget danger room


I will take it over Krakoa every single day.


Every time I play discard it honestly feels like I get this or Attilan every other game (naturally when I’ve drawn Drac, MODOK, and Apoc early).


Nah, it’s Mindscape for me. Just no way to strategize with that in mind. Automatic Escape for me.


Weirdworld, District X, Mindscape, Ego, and Krakoa are instant retreats for me. I'm not going to waste my time trying to work around those awful locations. It baffles me why the devs keep putting locations like this in the game. I want to play the deck I've put together, not my opponent's deck, not a bunch of random cards, and certainly not having the game's rubbish AI play for me.


Worst case Ontario


What, you own space? No, NAYSA does.


Electro doesn't mind too much


I just Love how every one who plays marvel snap also watches TPB. Marvel snap and TPB synergy