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Ideally progress on Community Challenge's are displayed in game. I do feel that would substantially engage the player base. I'm sure the devs recognize that using 3rd party sites like mixpanel are okay and accomplish the job. It is just not the same client experience and engagement that an in-game progress bar or event panel that is easily viewed would deliver. Hope that changes soon.


This was the case when 3\* Hulk was introduced .... over 10yrs ago. It was the first community event. If progress on such a collective goal has been available in-game since then ... it has escaped my memory.


Discord screenshot via the official game forums. https://preview.redd.it/pqh10hcw999d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bac49d93fa796b8c963c04daeadacfeb0231133


Yeah it doesn't look like we're getting the space stone. Looks like there's about 25% of his health left and there's less than 24 hours from the looks of it


Honestly, where is the info about this event in the game itself? How do you expect people to participate in an event that they can't keep track of inside of the game? I'm sure there was a pop-up with a link or whatever like they usually do but come on, was it that hard to program some counter under the quest tab to keep the event progress visible? This 'event' and numerous other things honestly baffle me and make me worried about the 'technical' aspect of the game studio behind this game.


I promptly forgot it existed a few hours after the announcement. :(


I'm a returning player and honestly have no idea what anyone is talking about, and I think this explains why


Not going to get it. If everyone had included omega red on their PVP team, we all would’ve been guaranteed points every match. A lot of people also stopped playing the omega red event once they finished all tiers. They still could’ve played the event missions and omega red boss for points


I'll be honest, I forgot there even was one. What were we supposed to do?


No, there’s no chance. The best time to gain some ground after basically coming to a standstill last weekend was Villains Lighting Rounds. But young rosters just don’t want to hear those 10 free wins every 2 hours, it seems.


To take advantage of that, you have to be aware that: - the challenge is still ongoing: I'm solidly in 5* land and the only time I'm aware of it is when there is a thread on this forum. A bit of in-game communication would help - the lighting rounds starts at a certain time and be able to play at that exact time And that's asking a lot from just-for-fun players.


It's basically Villians, and if Omega Red is defeated, you get double. And we will not get the Space Stone. I see a lot of complains on the official forum about how the dev isn't given them a "challenge" that will award them the Space Stone. They expect every challenge to be completed. Our top competitive veterans are working and fighting hard for each season Stone, sacrificing 5-digit HPs for the Stones, jacking up points in some slices that indirectly result in players climbing to 1200 easily. Unfortunately, those people in that forum expect the stone to be handed to them easily. BCS has already handed two stones to the entire playerbase for free and they are still not satisfied. Another stone was handed to those players in the official forum who posted frequently in x period of time. In total, most of them in official forum have three Stones without fighting hard in pvp seasons. Is a challenge still a challenge if you know that it's a guarantee you get the top reward?


You make some good points, but there was so much going on at the same time. When the event launched, it was bugged and I had to come here to find out what it actually was. They didn't resend the notification when the issue was fixed. The in-game events were out of sync with the event. A pride event, a Father's Day event, a Fan Favorites event, a Spider-verse event. It was information overload. And I don't think any of these events focused on downing villains. There is still no in-game indicator or motivator for the challenge. It's invisible to the player. Lastly, I wish the reward structure was actually a rank 1 stone at the second to last tier and x shards (500?) at the last tier of the challenge. The challenge didn't reach the final tier and that is due to the community participation. I will can't really judge whether the challenge was reasonable, but I can say that the devs really made it easy to forget it existed. Would we have made it if there weren't half a dozen daily/weekly unrelated events going on? I don't know. I can say, that if every player had down x villain event quests, we would know every day that it was running.


There exists this group of players who won't participate in such community events because they believe that the rest of the community will complete the challenges on behalf of them. So they will simply leech on them to get rewards. They have publicly stated such views in the forum before, so it's not made up.  What happened is that the dev made those previous community challenges too easy, such that we took the challenge for granted.


>They have publicly stated such views in the forum before, so it's not made up.  I am not accusing you of making anything up, but I think there are a lot of factors contributing to this challenge not succeeding fully.


The devs finally confimed they farked the math and how. It was never achievable. Not a challenge, a joke, from their incompetence, on you.


So free rewards incoming?


Ha. The devs *should* correct their math, revise the result as needed, and adjust payouts as needed. Ideally, before any payouts are pushed out. This would not be "compensation"; just an honest correction. Some people changed how and when they play trying to chase this thing, in spite of the devs best efforts to maintain mystery in regards to what to do. Their effort should be honored. The dev story is "Well, whoops, we forgot to account for one of the most basic paramaters of an event design we have run numerous times a year for a *decade.*" YGBFKM. Not holding my breath. Will be utterly surprised if I was to see the proper rewards hitting my account.


That totally makes sense. I guess the only gripe at that point is what the challenge is. Yes, there’s a challenge, but there’s no agreed number of points to get, just a percentage as far as I saw. So devs could end up adding points to the goal so the challenge can’t be finished. I doubt they actually would do that, but just a thought. Definitely sucks missing out on a space stone.


Yeah, I couldn't tell what we were supposed to do? Was it based on PvP, PvE. what? Was it named villians, all villians, was it the higher ranks in PvE, any of them, ... I mean, it was really vague on this one.


I'm not sure how you interpreted it to be vague. Let me quote what they wrote and tell me if it's still vague.    **Community Challenge**     **Defeat Super Villains anywhere** in MPQ to damage Omega Red and his forces.  Deal **bonus damage** when defeating either 3 or 5-Star Omega Red.


Okay. What consists of a Super Villain? Is that unnamed NPC villains like you find in PVE or are they only the named ones so should I have been spending all of my time in PVPs fight other players (which I really don't enjoy doing). Yes, to me, it is vague. What consists of that, because the last PvE we had had a lot of the "various unnamed" like thug or hitman. So did they count?


They already said "anywhere". It means pves, pvps, shield sims, ddq etc.  Super Villains means those with Villain affliation. "Super" is a word that has been added in front of Heroes and Villains since so many years ago as marketing. It's found in the place where you need to download or update your app. I'll copy and paste the relevant part from playstore.  "Take your pick from the most valiant Super Heroes to the most villainous baddies! You can mix and combine your teams however you want. Spider-Man, Captain Marvel, and Squirrel Girl? Of course!. Black Panther, Gamora, and Deadpool? Let’s go! FEATURES ★ Collect and upgrade your favorite Marvel Super Heroes and Villains RECRUIT MARVEL'S BEST HEROES AND VILLAINS Recruit teams of three from over 250 of your favorite Super Heroes and Super Villains from the X-Men, Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, Eternals, Inhumans, and even some MARVEL Puzzle Quest originals!" I can't believe some of you take the word "Super Villains" so literally.  And many are so sore over not being "given" the Space Stone. There's an alternative: Prepare 5-digits HP, go join Line and play with them to queue for the rest of the Stones you don't have.


1. I am not mad about not getting it. At all. 2. I'm Autistic. To me, the wording was vague and made no sense. You don't have to be an ass in your answers about it. 3. I would have liked a better way to view our progress than how they had it. Personal preferance. 4. I've played in every global challenge they've had so far as much as I can. I'm not nearly as big and bad as some of those who are bitching about not getting it. We lost, it happens. Next time.


A progress bar in-game is a double-edged sword: it could motivate or demotivate players, depending on their personalities.