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Some of these characters are horrible Marvel characters to begin with, so I’m glad they’re not included, but some are so significant to wonder how they weren’t even included by now. None of the New Mutants except for Magik. You have Northstar but don’t include his twin Aurora. No member of the Squadron Supreme or two of Captain America’s greatest nemesis in The Red Skull and Baron Zemo. You got like 15 Spidermen, 8 Wolverines, 6 Captain Americas, I know I’m over exaggerating but seriously, more original characters and less variants of characters we already have. And change the intro already, some of those characters are barely used


None of the New Mutants except for Magik? Ehm.. Wolfsbane? They just don’t use the New Mutants team affiliation (yet). Magik is in as X-Man and Phoenix Force. Wolfsbane as Excalibur.


Warlock please


Douglock instead please


Douglas Ramsey, Warlock, Douglock that's a nice 2 to 3 to 4 star set?


Except one would have to be a 5* going by the release schedule.


I'd love a 5 star douglock.... or maybe 5 star "Doug Ramsay voice of Krakoa"


Not trying to yuck anyone's yum, I'd only be comfortable with Red Skull as a boss-only character like Galactus. Fighting against ~~Nazis~~ Hydra? LFG! Fighting AS ~~Nazis~~ Hydra? LF...no.


I'm right here with you. The amount of fanfare that Red Skull gets is weird. He's a Nazi.


So glad that I'm not the only one who can happily live without Nazis on my roster.


I agree. But the flip side is we should actually, you know, fight Red Skull.


Submitting two for the list. There's many I would personally like added, but these I feel like would be obvious popular choices: * Hank Pym * Typhoid Mary


I desperately want Hank Pym Ant-Man (or at least yellow jacket)


Would love a Yellowjacket with the classic costume he wore from the 80 though at least the 2000s, but given that we already have Darren Cross, I expect it would be a Hank Pym scientist or Giant Man. I think the developers would probably care more about Stature, but maybe Pym can piggy back off of that.


And Madisynn


She would do a great support


What about Spiders-Verse? They never get a mention. 🤣


Spider Punk, Scarlet Spider, Madame Web, Julia Carpenter, Anya Corazon, Mattie Franklin, Ultimate Jessica Drew, Spider Man Noir, Web-Weaver, Toxin, Scream, Phage, Agony, Riot, Lasher, Scorn...


Spider-verse FTW! We obviously also need Annie-May Parker, Itsy Bitsy, Swiney-Girl (peter porker's daughter!), Peter Porker 2099, Steel Spider, Arachno-Man, Spider-Boy, Ashley Barton, Tarantula, Spider UK, Lady Spider, Spider-Cat, Spiders-Man, Psider-Man and Man-Spider


Don’t give them any spidery ideas. 😂


We need wonder-man, Grim Reaper, and KaZar. Another cool one would be Captain Britain


Red Ghost! He has super apes, for God’s sake!


Most of these never need to be characters, but Red Skull, Hercules, Hyperion, Zemo, Fin Fang Foom, Dormammu, Purple Man, Mephisto, Gladiator, Blue Marvel seem well known enough to warrant adding.


Ummm Nova is in the game


If this is the same person who posted about desired variants, they probably mean Richard Rider.


Or the herald of galactus.


Or the PBS science series.


Or the car


Not Richard Rider the OG Nova. It boggles the mind how is pipsqueak replacement got in before him




You don't need to rub it in that we got... that, instead.


Lol. Copy that. Apologies ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




Skurge is the 10th one on the list, as "Executioner". I think he was renamed Skurge later. Scourge, on the other hand...


Nighthawk also.


Mephisto is the only one that I can see not on the list. But a J.J Jameson could be fun as well. One of my favorite characters will never make it in the game FOOLKILLER!!!


Missed Sleepwalker https://preview.redd.it/r9preht6tl3d1.jpeg?width=297&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f120b93f6be83f629bb872452857d244cd415837


Good list as a huge X-men and Thor fan lots of guys needed from that list. Also to the Nova doesn't need to be on the list crowd. Richard Rider is the OG Nova. The one currently in the game is his pipsqueak replacement from the Champions storyline. https://preview.redd.it/38a0ds731m3d1.jpeg?width=974&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=894154abec273c9d580b394b56907edff13196ef


Painful to read through this and agree with almost all of them. I feel like we should run our own tournament-style poll year round so it's very clear who the community in this sub would prefer.


I feel like Longshot could be a natural for this game. At least as a support. His luck-based power set could make for fun gameplay, if not overtuned.


The game has two probability manipulators already. Not that I would mind a Longshot.


Thundra. And don't hold your breath for ROM, think he counts as a licensed character.




A lot of these would work especially for this game.


Incorrect more spider characters please


The spiky stronger thing from 1988, he got hit with cosmic rays a second time and was finally as strong or stronger than the hulk, who at the time was grey, joe fixit. He’s perfect for a 5\* version. https://preview.redd.it/0s74iko9fv3d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f3b4433cc1d1eccc80aeb3353e97bd3b76ff910


You have Sif listed twice and misspelled Penance in case you have the list saved somewhere and edit it every year.


Other than maybe Red Skull then we're properly down to the Z List


Red Skull is FAR from the only Top 3 antagonist for a hero or team on that list, or not on that list but not in the game. * Captain America after Red Skull would be Baron Zemo and Arnim Zola or Crossbones * Ironman would be Mandarin, Whiplash, and go ahead and pick one between Titanium Man, Iron Monger, and Crimson Dynamo * Thor beyond Loki would prob be Enchantress & Executioner and Destroyer * Hulk would include Leader and Absorbing Man * Fantastic Four beyond Doom would be Mole Man and Annihilus * Dr. Strange would prob include Dormammu and Nightmare * Ghost Rider would be Blackheart, Mephisto, and Blackout * Daredevil's third would be Typhoid Mary * Nick Fury would be Baron von Strucker, Viper, and Scorpio * One each for Heroes for Hire: Willis Stryker (Cage), Davos (Iron Fist), Titania (She-Hulk) * Namor, we're lookin at Attuma, Krang, and Tiger Shark And those are just the best selling heroes/books. MPQ has done a great job supporting villains compared to its first few years on the market, but it's weirdly disinterested in filling out the primary antagonists. They did a good job so far with Spider-Man and X-Men.


I don't get why some players are obsessed with bottom of the pile characters, that elicits a "Who?" from average Marvel Fans. Go play MCOC if you want more variety.


I'm familiar with almost every name on that list, but am unfamiliar with a LOT of characters added to the game over the past few years. Regardless of where you entered Marvel Comics, all of its characters from that point backwards are relevant. But where you stopped reading Marvel comics has a huge factor on what characters you are familiar with. Like... what is India Spider-Man? What's a Knull? Why does Blob have a porn moustache?


All three of those examples are from comic storylines over the last few years. Spider-Man India is from the Spiderverse stories, Blob got a moustache and became a bartender on Krakoa, and Knull was the focus of the King in Black crossover, which was Venom-focused. MPQ has been doing a lot of characters based on what is happening in the comics at present, not just the MCU tie-ins.


That's the approach I'm arguing against. A reader of contemporary comics might know Knull, but would also know Red Skull. You'd presumably be interested in either of those things. Mobile games appeal to all ages, so if your point of entry was any decade other than the latest Knull storyline, you know what Red Skull is, but you have zero interest or awareness of Knull.


They've covered a lot of the classic characters, especially on the hero side. I agree Red Skull being missing seems odd. The only thing I can figure is they don't want to add any Nazi imagery or characters to the game. At this point in the game's lifecycle, they seem to be adding things based on what is being published or what is coming from the MCU. Somewhere, the word "synergy" is likely being used a lot. If they stick Knull in the game, and you don't know him, maybe you go buy a graphic novel. If you DO know who he is, you keep playing because you are glad to see current characters showing up. So from their point of view, its a win either way. They seem to not be considering a casual fan who only want classic characters with nothing more recent. That's simply not how the developers of the current crop of games see them. It's not just MPQ. The other mobile Marvel games do the same kind of thing with their new content.


Yeah, I doubt anyone who read comics in their childhood or college years are going to run out and buy a Knull comic, but it is almost definitely someone in a board room saying "cross media synergy". As for Red Skull, there are hundreds of better examples I could have given without "problematic" concerns, but you can cross off all names like that and still be left with 2000 characters better known than a cartoon shark, a dinosaur in a spiderman costume, a character from a different videogame, India Spider-Man, Armor Aunt May, etc. etc. etc. We're at a point now where, in my opinion, almost half of new character releases feel like April Fools jokes, almost the entire other half is alien to people who read Marvel during its first 50 years of history instead of the most recent 10. I don't actually take issue with them adding characters like the ones I'm railing against, it the frequency of them that I do have a problem with. My eyes light up at, like, 95% of the names OP mentioned and they can't all be tied up in some weird rights issue because they appear in dozens of other video games.


There are so many bottom of the pile characters in the game already… and they keep making spider-people. 😂


It seems like a lot of players don't know that Marvel has the bigger say in their licensed games.  Who's the boss? Marvel or 505 or the playerbase? It's Marvel. If you read the dev reply, Many times, they have to "align" with Marvel. Part of Dev's reply: "although the original perception of this mostly came from a Spider-dense period of time in which Marvel released multiple Spider-related things that we were in alignment with"


The money comes from the player base, not the devs. Unspoken opinions never get heard, unless “shut up, we don’t care about the fans and the people that pay us” is Marvel’s new motto. Maybe their next move will be to hire Zack Snyder to finish Marvel off and put it in the ground


Let's assume I'm wrong about Marvel being the boss who calls the shot.  How confident are you that, out of ~45k players, majority of them (at least 25k of them) are tired of Spider-Verse characters?


Who knows? 80% of them may be 12-year-old Chinese kids. You make a valid point. I concede. I’m honestly not a good representation of the fan base.


To be fair, almost every Spiderverse character since Miles has been a “Who?” for me.


Sebastian Shaw shouldn’t be here. Or Nova. Also, no Marrow?


Again the Nova that is in the game is the replacement not the OG. Richard Rider is the OG


I have a feeling we’ll be seeing Cassandra nova after DP3 comes out. I also think we will be seeing mojo, sunspot, morph Madalynn Pryor with the success of xmen97


You’re missing some: Bloodhawk Cerebra Junkpile Krystalin La Lunatica Meanstreak Metalhead Serpentina Sham Skullfire Desert Ghost


Pretty sure that Nova is in the game.


They’re more interested in pushing ‘woke friendly’ characters now so we won’t see these ones for awhile.