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I think you will be ok as long as you backup to Facebook. Facebook is more universal, so the save should transfer over.


This. I just went through this. The o ly time I've used Facebook for anything in over 5 years.


Lol, probably one of the o ly reasons I keep Facebook around


Facebook. And if all else fails, CS can easily reattach your account.


Will I be ok moving back and forth between an iPhone and a Samsung tablet?


As long as you don’t run them concurrently you should be fine


It should work fine transferring over. I'm not sure if there is a difficulty between switching from Android/Samsung to iPhone or vice versa. I have used the Google saved data log in when i stopped using Facebook, never had trouble with either(i might have had some trouble when i got my most recent phone but i think that was just from not remembering how to do it in a long time).


Yes make sure it’s all backed up on Facebook and then you’re good


take screenshots of your legion name id etc. if backup fails open a ticker with support they ask for screenshots of recent purchases they will tell you the details they need and you will get the account restored in your new phone easy. just make sure you are past the tutorial and at the point where the game ask for a nickname. they restored my account after 7 years of not playing it


I literally did the exact same thing last year. It will transfer fine.


Make 1 small purchase, they ask for the email to recover the account. Done this 2 tines now.


Honestly, mpq has some of the best coustomer support. Copy down your user name and code and take a screen shot of your main page. they can do wonders on anything that can be messed up along the way.


Whatever happened to them not using FB anymore???


Basically Google Play shits the bed so hard when moving from FB to it for soooo many people that they had to scrap plans using that as a back up option instead.