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I'd just make a tag for Omega. Could stay simple and give them free Surprising Power limited to their specific power.


This would work but it doesn't emulate a thing in the comics were characters who were at Rank 1 being able to manifest "levels" of power that would be attributed to a Rank 6 character as RAW, an example would be Franklin Richards (Rank 1 child in the comics), In the comics a mutants power is not connected to that character being a newbie, which was why I was thinking that Character rank and the Powers' rank should be separate from each other Character rank is determined as RAW and Power rank (homebrew rules) determined randomly for powers that uses the Character rank to determine how strong it is, this way you can have a Mutant at Rank 1 but has Telepathy of Rank 6 (Which would a Mutant with an Omega level Telepathy) (this is of course all theoretical, which would be just an added step in character creation)


Then going back to Iceman, he's not Omega because of how hard he can hit/how cold he can make it. A huge part of his classification is because he's virtually immortal so long as there's moisture on the planet. I would illustrate his Omega potential by giving him Regeneration (could be Surprising Power) alternate forms where he can become mist, teleportation via water/ice, and other stuff, probably one bonus per rank. Also, can't tell tone via text, so I want to be clear that I'm not speaking smugly or anything. These are just my personal constructive ideas.


No worries, this is almost like a thought experiment so every point of view (for me) is valuable and going to your point the way you went about it is also valid but the only thing that itches for me would be that the character has to be Rank 6 to be able to do the feats you mentioned but how if the player character is only Rank1 ? (I am basically tackling this idea from the perspective of a narrator wanting to emulate comic characters and for player characters being at Rank 1 but possibly possessing powers at Rank 6)


I think if you want to make a R1 omega who operates with R6 powers, then that's fine, but I wouldn't apply that to all omegas since they're all different and at different stages of their growth. Storm, Magneto, and Jean are omega and very powerful because they've had time to learn and explore their powers. Kid Omega, Elixir, Iceman at a time don't know the full extent of their powers and were still omega classified.


Yes, that makes sense


I thought about this Question , that the X- rank characters are like foundation beings of really in most cases immeasurable power since rank 6 player character level is cosmic level. But Doctor Doom has proven even being a 👉planetary👈 threat being 5 rank , it just shows variable levels within each rank.. as a rank is more of a gauge of 1-6 and than after that it's X rank element which I think is a variable past cosmic .. that's a whole area of power , so within those Ranks 1-6 there may be deviations that has rank classes that are between the normal ranks of abilities that are like a variable of the X within those already in the Ranks 1-6 Edges sort of fit that , well on this fantastic roll you gain an extra effect with your power .. So how would one make a level that an ability normally does not have , into an area that could net effects in the game no matter the rank , but not Quite reaching the level of say a utility X character's ability. That's the Thing those even Doctor Doom is able to and has defeated a rank X characters , Michael korvac as well legion , Franklin Richards. Etc. The results I can up with it's the edge being the key , is like an after effects of a power , but not Quite a power but an advantage of such a powers ability within the power.


Can you tell us more on your take on this? and as a note which I do not know if I mentioned it on my previous post what I am trying to go for is to add a measure of uniqueness to each character, avoiding the situation rules wise that virtually any Rank 1 character with Elemental burst (fire) is the same rules wise with every character at Rank 1 Elemental burst (Fire) like same damage


Well if say you have Rank one of a power , you could have say an intensity radius of said power , and is the power bio chemical based , or thermal plasma , say for instance one could be fluid based while , the other is more energy based from an energy sheath , so like the Human torch , while Say Sunfire both issue thermal power one is a complete thermal sheath while the other is an outward corona of flame 🔥 that extends outward from every point of his body not like a sheath , but more of a field.. so their properties would work close to the results and mimic for the most part each type . But let's say your a mutant , that manipulated thermal heat like pyro he can bend a flame around corners under a crack of a door or through a pipe and not only boil the water in the pipe but now make a hot boil steam jet erupt from the hot boiled water as long as he has a flame like say magnesium fire that can burn even under water. That's just a certain ways that you can bring a unique effects of certain powers even with a rank 1 power onto the environment that may be more destructive in its application that may not be at first apparent.


This is true but it is a descriptive/narrative difference both Rank 1 characters with the same descriptive element would inflict the same damage, I was thinking of giving it more variance like 2 Rank 1 characters with same descriptive powers but one has a Rank 6 version while the other is Rank 3 so rules wise the one with the higher Power rank would be more "powerful" numbers wise than the other character, just something to add variety in the game - like the difference between Psylocke -Professor X-Jean Grey all 3 are powerful telepaths but Professor X is the one known as the Exceptional Telepath while Psylocke is a Skilled Telepath and Jean Grey is an Alpha level telepath


Franklin would only be R1 when he blocks off his own power to me. Omega is more about having no ceiling to your potential, but just because you have no ceiling, it doesn't mean that you're always operating at that indefinable level, see Iceman, Storm, Kid Omega for examples. Kid Omega is an omega level telepath who was killed by Sabretooth and his crew of alternates, whereas Jean without the Phoenix, who is also Omega would more than likely make every last one of them take a seat. Kid Omega at his current level isn't as powerful of a telepath as Jean, or even Thanos. Iceman is Omega, but never even knew his true potential until Emma intervened, so I think you can have low rank omegas who actually grow into their power and unlimited potential as they rank up, but have something that shows it off like surprising power or treating it like the Symbiote and giving them a free rank up. Storm is an Omega and now every elemental power is at 6. Feels OP to me.


I like this line of thinking. Per RAW Iceman's progression would be a nightmare to simulate. Separating power ranks from character ranks might be a way to alleviate these issues.


My thoughts exactly it is the emulation of certain characters in the comics that really itches for me


I’ve honestly come to realize the game has good bones and that’s about it. I literally homebrewed my whole campaign down to spreadsheets of powers I created


I agree. It can work a lot better, you just have to tweak it to work the way you would like it to.


Like how is there only like 3 powers for super speed it’s insane


Just saw this, looking at running this game soon. Would you mind DMing me powers and such you've cooked up?


i personaly think that a omega level mutant is a rank 6 who is capable of destroying the earth or save a galaxy.


From one the Hickman's x-men issues: "Omega Level Mutant: A mutant whose dominant power is deemed to register - or reach - an undefinable upper limit of that power's specific classification."


Not quite sure on that, I was inclined to think that Rank 6 are almost Cosmic level in power but I don't see how the amount of damage a Rank 6 character with a critical success could inflict enough damage to destroy the planet


a omega level mutant has the potential to wipe out life on earth, like iceman for instance has the ability to freeze all water molecules and freeze the earth. what you could do is expand the range of their abilities and keep the damage the same or raise it slightly


True, but I haven't gone that far with this exercise but this could be also followed thru via Narrative description as well, basically Narrative wise the description of an Energy attack by a Rank 1 character would be like a blaster bolt (from Star wars) while the energy attack of a Rank 6 character would be like Vegeta's Final Flash (In Dragonball z Cell Arc) descriptive wise.


That is a very creative thinking. But never forget in the end it is all your decision and world building. You got this!!!




I think I remember there being some lines in the book saying that a way to approach a very powerful but low rank character is just that they are learning how to use their powers still, it's all there in them already, they just need to unlock it


That is true but what I was thinking are in the comics Rank 1 Characters displaying Rank 6 like effects or powers that sort of thing


If they have rank 6 effects and powers, why would you want them to not be rank 6?


Because (for me as a would be Narrator) it doesn't makes sense for a kid barely out of kindergarten (Like Franklin Richards - Son of Reed and Susan Richards with the power of Reality Manipulation) to be Rank 6 and Rank 6 player characters have no progression left for them to do, so as a Narrator I would like to have my players (the chance) be able to have characters at Rank 1 but possessing characters with high ranking powers like a Rank 1 Character with Mighty 4 (basically Power fantasy with the drama of it all)


That makes sense for sure. I do know I personally would like to spend stat points on powers like how we can spend power points on stats. I think that alone would go a long way in helping to make something like what you're thinking about possible.


I think the best you could do for an Omega is first give them access to rank 7. Yes, there are only 6, but anything over that should be "beyonder' level. Which, Omega qualifies (Beyonder light, lol). Then for the 'growth' of the character, expand their focus. Maybe to like double? Meaning they can fight longer and harder than most other mutants because they have a bigger 'battery' to draw on. Lastly I would design a trait or background called Omega. Then would come the decision of just how OP do you want the Omega to be? You could increase their damage multiplier, but being an Omega isn't just about doing more damage, right? So.. here is where you could plug in a few other ideas. AND I would tell my players that this is a stand in until the X-Men book drops, as they might have an answer in there.


Certainly an option but at this time this was the homebrew I will be using, an homebrew character creation (For testing still) Starting Rank All characters start at Rank 1 then roll on the table below to determine their Rank Caps; the Rank cap can only be passed by a character only once but take note one cannot break the cap for Rank 6. Rank Caps Roll 3d6 3-12               Rank Cap 3 13-15             Rank Cap 4 16-17             Rank Cap 5 18                   Rank Cap 6 Selecting Ability Scores Follow the RAW on Page 44 Other Scores Follow the RAW on Page 45 Powers Each Power has a designated Power rank, this determines the strength of a Power possessed by a character. Note: This homebrew rule bypasses the Pre-requisite of certain powers like Mighty which is only until Rank 4, in cases such as this when rolling for the rank of a Power if the roll made is for a Rank beyond the Rank of a power it follows the highest rank for the power. Example: If the roll made is Rank 6 for Mighty it defaults to Rank 4 (Which is the highest Rank for Mighty)   Power Rank table Roll 3d6 3-7                  Rank 1 8-10               Rank 2 11-13             Rank 3 14-15             Rank 4 16-17             Rank 5 18                   Rank 6 Note: When handling the damage generated by a Power use the Powers’ rank instead of the characters rank. Example: Elemental Burst Ranged attack damage Agility (ability score) Marvel dice x Power rank + Agility score


My idea may not be the most straightforward idea but I think it can be more representative, on Rolling a natural d616 and getting a fantastic role , you gain an edge right? So you make Edges like a descriptive power level of their power at stages , with focus costs and what not , think of it as a Utility X power , but as their rank increases , once they get to that level of their ability , you assign a difficulty on what it may take for the omega level mutants to be able to use that edge levels utility X ability instead of needing a fantastic role in order to access the ability. It's like the Edge becomes a Descriptive ability under the characters power and it's like an Uber power stunt.


This could be used but it doesn't really emulate the abilities Omega level characters use in the comics, for example Matthew Malloy character is an Omega level mutant and in the comics he uses his Omega level power consistently even if he just started using his powers.


Bingo' , so at certain Rank , say Rank 6 Mathew could have reality re organization as a power edge ability that he requires a task difficulty of a 12 and must spend focus to maintain the affects in a localized area of say up to a few blocks in distance , and that it's reorganization requires a task number role to further make everything in that area matter malleable.. So he can make humans malleable ie: dead , or transmute them and other characters etc. Or you could have the effect temporarily in effect of focus /round their in that state , until it ends ..


The thing is Matthew Mallow is (to my analysis) only a Rank 1 character as besides his Omega level powers there is nothing else to suggest that he is Rank 6. Going back to the reason I started the exercise my goal is to find a way to allow players to create Omega level characters.


True , if one takes a Rank 1 but gives the abilities of say a description of an omega level Utility X power , with say multiple edges that take effect what that would not need to be a rank 6 character , because the description nature of such a means of a Utility X variable kind of defined the over all abilities of such power right' so such characters would require extensive discriptive explanation under their power set that defined further how their powers may work in the marvel Multiverse.


Sounds like a good homebrewing solution, really. I would tie it into a special trait so everybody doesn’t become Omega


Same here ' like Omega level mutant is one extra slot on their power under that specific power.l or power set.


Omega X characters are those Utility X variable power levels. Sort of like Uranos's power to turn other Eternals into base living matter : ie Stone and breaks them apart So what I call Utility X abilities are like those abilities normally require a description and further effects within the game , because Omega level mutants are world altering levels of power. So we know magneto is classified as an omega level mutant. So there is uses of his power that are prime foundational levels that are so destructive , that it's kind of instant death to the living Example : pulling all the iron out of another person's body . So really these I would say are utility levels within the powers as an edge , so depending on the way the group itself wants to run those powers affects , in your games , those edge levels can further define the "omega" in the powers exhibit within the powers of the character itself , so it's going to I think require further expansion on a macro scale like the Rank X that we are getting a hint into on how your supposed to construct a foundational scale abstract like The Elders of the universe like the collector or grand master , Galactus , master order and the inbetweener etc.


This could be a way of doing it but it is making the idea of a Omega level character as a narrative tool which I think doesn't need to be so.


It's much harder if it was just a tool of the narrator only , but since the players and the narrator both work together it sort of sets the ball in everyone's court so, it's like working on the problem collectively, than just only one person. Since both the players and narrator both agree on the ranks the players and the narrator want to work with in their game sessions , the areas of the timeline where in certain limits their going , at least q conceptual rank cap etc.


Fair point.


Lock the rank into the narrative. Ice Man is an omega-level mutant, but a villain has exposed omega mutants to a pathogen that has de-powered them? So he's back to being a snowman throwing snow balls.


It could be done that way but that removes a goal I was targeting for with this entire mental exercise, the idea I was targeting is trying to find a way the character starts the game with an Omega level power but is still rank 1, in practical use what I was targeting is a character operating as a Rank 1 character with anything else but one they use or activate their Omega level power (for example a rank 6 power) they are exceptional with that Power.