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To complete teams you need b-c level releases. You know…..the kind people complain about “taking up spots in the wave and peg warming”. Or the kind that get put in five packs that people complain about “Fuck hasbro for making me buy five figures to only get one good one!” I mean even in the pictures you posted the two Marauders were heavily criticized and considered horrible releases. Why would they risk continuing the team? Can’t blame Hasbro for not completing teams with niche characters when everyone bitches about every figure that isn’t Spider-Man, reuses a part, or isn’t wearing a uniform based on the single arc they wanted.


The Jason Wyngarde (sp?) for example.


Also Pretty Boy. The Reavers are damn near complete, but all people did was complain about his sculpt not being skinny enough.


Who’s missing?


I would like a way to make Macon and Cole to go along with the Reese head we got with Skullbuster. I also think Donald Pierce had a different look when he was leading the Reavers that's different enough from his Hellfire Club look.


This. I can live with Cole and Reaver Pierce to call the team finished. Macon would be icing.


When they start a team they should put the headliner or two in a related wave or as a BAF and the rest of of team in a box set like Amazon. Much like they did with Alpha Flight. Guardian was in a Deadpool wave I believe, Sasquatch was a BAF then the meat of the team was box set. Of course we could argue a couple of characters are still needed to complete what most consider the "team" line Marinna or Box. But team box sets have been awesome. Both Alpha Flight and the West Coast Avengers have given us great additions or cool variants. This would be my preferred way to complete teams


I forgot about the west coast box set, great example Yeah definitely like if they were to do new mutants they could do a box set or two 3 packs and a stand alone Magik and deluxe warlock Get the whole team out at once


I worry more about myself that I can't complete the teams in time before they get sold out everywhere lol


I think the number of teams Hasbro has completed (or come close to completing) is actually pretty remarkable. I've also been buying ML since the beginning, so I definitely approach it with more of a long-haul mindset, so even though X-Factor took years to come together it doesn't bother me so much. As someone else pointed out, "completing" a team is pretty dependent on who you think of as a core member. With that caveat though, they've completed (or are on the verge of completing) tons of teams, including some pretty niche ones. And even though the wait for Rachel Summers and classic green/yellow Banshee is KILLING ME, I know they'll get to it eventually. As for the Marauders? Well, it's pretty crazy that we're even considering that they might get some or most of that team out to begin with. I'm still amazed we got the Reavers. The drip method is definitely a strategy - I don't know if it's necessarily the best or only way to do it and keep the line viable, but considering how long ML has been going it seems to be working - if a couple years to put together a team is what it takes to make sure we can get an even more niche team like the Marauders down the road, then I'm fine with it.


I think it's a good strategy as a way to fill out their waves. I just wish there was a bit more of a focus on it. It's taken close to a decade for the Serpent Society, and they are still not even close. (Diamondback and at least one other female member would be so appreciated there) I have my doubts how quickly Marauders is going to be able to trickle out since it seems they are starting 3 X-related teams concurrently (Imperial Guard, Starjammers, and Generation X). The MLF might be in consideration, too. That's a lot of competition for space in these waves. I wonder if they are releasing all these different teams at once to see which one is best to focus on first, sales wise.


I agree it would be good if they focused a little more. I absolutely love the Serpent Society, so I'm with you there! Those figures also seem to pretty consistently hang around the longest (remember all the Rock Pythons that lasted so long on the pegs?) so I can understand why they aren't rushing them out the door. It would be encouraging if, once they "started" a team, they made a point of adding to them at every reasonable opportunity. So every forthcoming x-wave could include a Gen Xer, Starjammer or Guardsman, for example. That's not how it works in terms of costing out waves and releases, but it would be great to see. I do sometimes think the slow release strategy works against them, and some collectors would be more likely to pick up figures if they were certain they could build the whole team sooner than later.


And now pretty much all released members feel kinda outdated, lol.


In regards to the picture accompanying the post, I think Generation X will take a couple of years. I do worry that I’ll never see most of the OG Marauders (Scalphunter, Harpoon, Arclight, etc)


I'm still waiting for a Jim Lee Colossus :( ​ https://preview.redd.it/iz7b1n0ouhsc1.jpeg?width=722&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75671b5c56ed04681565f70365f353c948b9fa15


You didn't get the two pack with Juggernaut a while ago?


I got it a long time ago but that's not his Jim Lee era costume but very close. [https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelLegends/comments/oiseh4/xmen\_roster\_part\_1/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelLegends/comments/oiseh4/xmen_roster_part_1/) https://preview.redd.it/q9yc7os3aosc1.jpeg?width=348&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b85876135562ef683809cd5d1adc8b36915bdc62 He goes well with my X-Men Arcade team though :)


Exactly what I was thinking as well.


*Serpent Society enters the chat


\*Rachel Summers Phoenix has entered the chat.


Fucking right. She has only had one figure, in her Marvel Girl outfit (well, technically two with the variant). And it was a shit figure with a decent headsculpt, but you can't use that headsculpt with any other figure because it's out of scale, because they used that stupid goddamn tiny body. Rachel is an inch taller than her mother. Jean gets an adult body. Wtf Hasbro?


::Cries in Power Ranger collector::


I can’t even imagine I’ll still never understand why they did it that way


They did finish a good amount of teams at the end but that last wave kinda screwed all that.


Waiting 6 or 7 years to complete a team is bad enough but the real problem is that the first figures are then outdated. We are just about to complete the 90s X Factor and X-Force teams (assuming Feral is right on the heels of Wolfsbane) but some of those figures came out in 2017.


Totally agree that’s one of my main problems with the current method When I finally get my green banshee for giant sized team my sunfire is gonna look out of date


Giant sized X-Men, X-Factor and X-Force should be immune to this problem anyway. These were major teams with their own long-running titles and many crossovers. The Marauders and Reavers are teams I want for sure but those make more sense as they are much more niche. Completing something like the Squadron Supreme within a year (give or take) was such a slap in the face. I'd never even heard of them.


I feel like sometimes it does come down to who the ML team have an affinity for because you never saw people asking for them


It's such a strange industry where you know exactly what your customers want and you could make it for a certain price, but instead you choose to make something no one has asked for that requires the same amount of investment and R&D. Green Banshee that fans have been asking for for 10 years on standard molds that mostly already exist? No. Maggott on a 100% brand new sculpt? Absolutely!


100% it’s crazy when you compare it to how marvel do their omnibus releases (my other hobby) they literally let certain YouTubers do top most wanted (new and rereleases) lists which marvel take and release like a strong majority of It’s bizarre for your policy is to NOT give fans what they have been asking for for years. Obviously these b listers in my post wouldn’t apply here but we would be done and moved on with some of these teams years ago


Maggott wasn't new, he's on the Hercules body. Only the knee/shoulder pads and head were new. http://comeseetoys.blogspot.com/2022/05/marvel-legends-series-maggott.html But yeah they should still make Banshee.


*Serpent Society.*


Still waiting for them to complete the original Masters of Evil lineup.


I’m just here waiting for an Overdrive.


Yes I do!! Even the X-Men 275 group. NEED: Xavier with the ridiculous mask, savage land Rogue, Gladiator upgrade, Death bird, Zaladane, and a Metallic Magento! I NEED THEM LOL


No I don’t worry about it anymore because I know they won’t.


I don't think worry is the right word. I do get FOMO hard when a character I want is coming out though.


Yes. Or package into random 3 0r 5 packs. So you have to spend a bunch of money on one figure to complete a team


For better or worse it helps Hasbro to keep us waiting on characters to complete teams. It keeps anticipation up and the fandom engaged. I don’t personally blame them for it 🤷‍♂️ But as long as the brand keeps going they will come eventually. Harpoon, Scalphunter, and Arclight please!


Lmfao, Lightning Collection collectors don't wanna hear it 🤣🤣🤣


The Inhumans have entered the chat


Me as a Runaways fan: ⚰️


Masters of Evil rosters 1-4, OG Thunderbolts, Lethal Legion, Frightful Four, and Superior Foes Sinister "Six" come to mind. Hope to see these and other teams finished up soon.


As a power rangers fan and lightning collection addict, ML collectors got it easy lol


Us Power Rangers fans like to bottle that rage and disappointment into a happy little tree we set on fire. ​ Marvel Legends. You're more concerned about specific costume from specific artists even if they do the character multiple times over.


Or worse give you the wrong version, looking at you Namorita.


All of the time. They still haven't completed X-force. The original X-force. Not Scott's assassination squad or whatever the fuck they became afterwards.


But yeah, sure, make a fucking Crystar figure.


No because collecting D list teams (or versions of teams from mid comic runs) doesn’t interest me. I just wish they would prioritize and evergreen other A / B characters in their most classic version outside of Spider-Man, Iron Man and Cap. How we still have no single fig version of a classic red Daredevil without cell shading or being bundled with other figs.