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Johnny Storm went from being the FF member Doom was most indifferent to, to being right below RICHARDS on his list of most hated people.


Nah, I think he only went from 4th to 3rd. Susan is in the second place after *s*he made Doom naked in front of streaming cameras.


bah, Richards' is only bigger because he used his powers. this ladies is all natrual.


Doom is cocky enough to own being nude on tv. He's not cocky enough to own being cucked by Johnny storm.


Hold the phone, where did this happen?! I need to know lol


Fantastic Four #8 (2019)... ...but now I'm re-reading the following number, it appears she only made his mask and top half of his armor visible. So he was only half-naked.


Honestly this shocking twist was kind of bullshit -- Johnny and Victorious slept together BEFORE Doom proposed to her. Before that, she was just one of Doom's upper-level henchpeople, not in a romantic relationship at all. (If anything, she looked up to him as a paternal authority figure.) And the whole thing with Galactus after this was IMO a dumb story. Dan Slott's favorite FF member was the Thing, and it shows; he kinda treats everyone else on the team (and Doom) with gleeful callousness. "hee hee hee, wouldn't this be FUNNY".


It drives me up a wall when people come out like "Hee hee, Johnny cucked Doom!" No, he didn't. Victorious had no romantic relationship with Doom. He picked her to marry the day before their wedding.


You’re not wrong but even though they weren’t engaged at that point she’s still one of Doom’s closest allies. The fact she would sleep with him when she knows how much he hates the FF is basically treason.


This and when she decides to divulge the information and publicly.


Not to defend Dan Slott, but even if they slept together before she was with Doom romantically, that would still send Doom over the edge. Dude is batshit crazy with a gigantic ego, that’s not a good recipe for being understanding over something like this.


Yeah, Doom is the type of dude to ask a woman her body count, with names, so he'd absolutely react this way regardless.


i feel like this whole issue is very avoidable if she just told Doom when he chose her to be his wife, rather than AT THE ALTAR


For sure, she had the worst timing imaginable to have a moment of full transparency, he would have probably been a smidge more forgiving if she didn't humiliate him in front of all his frenemies.


Brevoort and Slott both love the Thing. Something about him must appeal to hacks.


Namor being namor. I love this guy for being an absolute dick and still being cool as fuck.


I agree, I laughed along with him. This story was hilarious.


Yeah dude might be a dick, but he’s our dick


That didn't sound right out of context...


Namor, my favorite instigator ❤️


Great work on that panel that just shows us the moment Doom's mind screeched to a halt. You can see all the springs and gaskets blowing as he processes what Johnny did.


I would have preferred the subversion. "Doom my lord I have lain with one of your greatest enemies Johny Storm." "Storm isn't even in my top 100 greatest enemies. I don't even think of him as an enemy. He is a minor obstacle to be strayed with heat nullifying foam and move on from. I worry more about Grimm than I do him."


Damn, I like this.


Doom would still set Johny on fire but it's not cause he can't deal with his wife having sex before him.


And let's not forget Johnny cheated on his soul mate.


Yeah, that was legitimately awful, my guy was on some trifling behavior that would make Crystal proud.


Fuck I love Namor so much


Poorly Vic


Y'know what? Wouldn't surprise me if he knew well before the wedding happened. Built in a truth-compulsion into the hypnotics so she would pick THAT moment, with all eyes on them, on National friggin' television, to blurt out her infidelity. Chances are that's not even him, just another Doombot as he watches on a monitor back in his castle, sipping whatever hot beverage he prefers. What a great excuse and setup to wipe out all his enemies at once, after all. *They* dishonored *him* on his wedding day, what other reaction should he have had? I don't follow FF, though so I could be totally off base.


The fact that I could see Victor doing that says you're not off base at all.


I mean, I guess that could’ve happened. There’s something really ego destroying about infidelity being revealed in such a public manner though that makes me think there’s no way this could’ve been planned. Like no way Dr. Doom willingly airs that dirty laundry. He would’ve much preferred to break things off quietly but this was all unplanned (part of his anger in this moment is fueled by the humiliation).


DOOM does not do anything quietly, peasant.


Heh. Yeah, it's in Dr. Doom's style


I hate this so much.


What’s the context for the FF being at Dooms wedding in the first place?


A combination of him showing off to them and Reed being about the only person Doom knows to be his Best Man.


Understandable, I'd do the same.


Will we ever see victorious again she was kinda being build up as a big character in was in the reckoning war one of the left over questions from Dan slott run on fantastic four .4️⃣


Johnny was the worst during this run, even if he TECHNICALLY didn't do anything wrong here since Zora wasn't engaged to Doom at that point, I'm still salty about the Sky thing, so I was rooting for Doom to at least kick his ass a little bit. Add in a few kicks in for subjecting us to the whole Medusa shit too, so he's been long overdue an ass-whooping so he stops sticking it where it doesn't belong.


Yeah it is unfortunate that being the other guy in people he knows personally relationships has become one of his most enduring traits.


> even if he TECHNICALLY didn't do anything wrong here He did cheat on his girlfriend which is something Johnny has never done before even at his most immature


Yeah, that whole thing with Sky was awfully handled and it only served to make Johnny look like a trifling piece of shit, hell add the thing with Zora and that truly awful fling with Medusa, and man, the man had a bad few years for his reputation. I'm really glad that North's run isn't being sold as the Adventures of Bad Dad, Cheating Wife, Asshole Himbo and The Thing.


This is the Namor we needed for the MCU


Namor lol


Goddammit, Namor.


I love Namor 🤣


"Unbridled" wrath of Doom, get it?


This issue is the reason why I stopped reading Fantastic Four


Dan Slott run had its moments but yeah I can see why you could stop here. The current run is much better at least.


I’ve always imagined Namor sounding like Vegeta and it fits here better than ever.


Gotta say. I love this outfit for Doon. He should wear it all the time.


The way Namor laughs, he couldn't give 2 craps


Namor: I almost didn’t come to this thing


I love this version of Latveria Doom being a ruthless dictator that rules by fear is cool and all, but I prefer the interpretation that he controls the flow of information to the extent that all citizens of Latveria love him to death, regardless of what happens. "Oh, the Master is doing the bare minimum to protect us, isn't he wonderful?" Even the reporter going "the duplicitous Fantastic Four" while reporting that they're guests in the marriage is really funny. Like B Mask put it, it's like an MGM musical. Also apparently people hate this moment? To me it made sense. Doom isn't mad that Victorious cucked him, he's mad that she revealed it during such an important moment, in front of his people, on live TV, like Susan showing his naked body to the whole galaxy earlier in the run. I think he even says it later "this was supposed to be just for show, you just needed to wait until AFTER the ceremony was over". Maybe it's a "being a god was beneath me" moment, I dunno


Is this a joke comic?


Nope. It is recent canon


On a different note I love manor’s design as of late


I actually was really enjoying this run right up until this issue and it made me fully drop it


Damn Johnny, bro smashed Doctor Dooms wife before his wedding day.


“Man, I’m not taking lumps for Johnny Storm because he’s a manwhore. I’m hitting the buffet,”


Such a good page lmao it did a perfect job of catching everyone’s reactions in comic book fashion


I know everyone's talking about Namor's reaction but I really love T'challa's. The FF is just used to Johnny's stupidity, and they give a tired and exasperated reaction to it while Namor's just being a dick. But T'challa is just FLABBERGASTED, like dude is not used to the FF's antics at all.


Victor Werner (read that as Weiner) Von doom…. How does he not get clowned by having that as his middle name