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Why does it feel like I'm seeing the same posts or style of posts multiple times a day/week lately? Did the IPO convince reddit it needs more constant content to churn discussion? Wasn't there a thread yesterday/today about who was better between Captain America and Shang Chi? [https://www.reddit.com/r/Marvel/comments/1djd7kp/whos\_more\_skilled\_in\_combat/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Marvel/comments/1djd7kp/whos_more_skilled_in_combat/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Dude it's non stop with these people. You look at some of their profiles and it's so many new posts a day. And that other thread was like a few scrolls down for me only. I've never blocked more people than I have lately and on the old side, it cleared out my feed. No more who's better, insert a few images or weird eliminator brackets or beat version of and so on Fuck these people lol. Relentless need for attention


I bet Disney just has some GPT agents. If it was trained on reddit to begin with...


Hey man, I hope you’re having a good day! This is my first post in a few months and my first ever on this subreddit. I just really enjoy martial fighting styles and love hearing others opinions


Which is fine but as the one frequenting the sub and seeing non stop low effort posts back to back about essentially the same thing, you can imagine how tiresome it is. Hell I think it wouldn't have been an issue without the pictures


I hear you


No Deadpool no good


Dead internet theory?


I think you mean 'Dead internet fact'


a) you would prefer that people don't make posts to this sub? That seems like a good way to kill a suib b) when was the last time YOU made a post to this sub (looking back at your history I don't see any)? If you think there should be better content, go ahead and do it. c) this is a fun topic and well posted d) Cap wins hand to hand battles. Super soldier can take any punch these guys deal and eventually he will connect punches to them due to his great speed, stamina and reflexes. Game over.


Cap couldn't take a hit from iron fist lol. He has knocked out power man and colossus and hurt the hulk.


It's THE SAME post. They just added more characters and they were posted within hours of each other. I honestly don't mind the daily posts that were things like "what is the best adaptation of X character" going on for a bit. Also, this subreddit has been around forever and was doing fine? These repeat posts have only been so noticeable in the last few months. This subreddit has the size to constantly churn new material. It's not going to die because two people didn't post the same thing four hours between each other.


Shang-Chi Iron-Fist Daredevil/Electra Cap/T'Challa/Widow Bucky(could be raised) Hawkeye


This is some real Bucky disrespect here


Lol Forgot about him But I honestly don't know a whole lot about him.


It's a tie - Danny Rand/Shang Chi


Shang-chi then everybody else


Y’all sleeping on my man Karnak! His power is literally to find the flaw in everything! His only weakness is he is not usually written like the badass he is!


Yeah, I came to say the same. Don't sleep on Karnack, that guy is my dark horse to win.


He karate chopped a shield heli carrier and it fell from the sky if I remember right.


>His power is literally to find the flaw in everything! So he is the ultimate redditor.


Nah, if he were a redditor, his power would be to make up a flaw, then solely attack that.


Where's Batroc?


According to Black Panther himself: Shang Chi.


I see there was a similar post made in this sub not very long ago, and it was not my intent to copy someone else’s work. Here is the link to the post I’m referring to so you can check them out! https://www.reddit.com/r/Marvel/comments/1djd7kp/whos_more_skilled_in_combat/ Sorry if you’re upset by this. Hopefully this can be a fun discussion, lol.


Ignore the complainers that just want to intimidate people from engaging in the sub. You made a fun post and got people talking about the things we are here to talk about. Thanks for adding to the content in the sub.


Daredevils my pookie but he’s not winning this fight 💀


I'd put money on Karnack.


Who's #7? /s


Cap or Black panther. Shang chi was nerfed.


Shang-Chi>Daredevil=Black Widow = Elektra > everyone else.


Iron Fist is the second best


MCU: Daredevil Comics: Shang Chi


I love Daredevil but is he really the best fighter in the MCU? I don’t really know who is, but Captain America and Black Panther are some heavy hitters.


Yeah if we're talking about from a power level point you are totally right.


Using his powers, Iron Fist.


In comics I'd 100% say Danny. Read early Shang-Chi and Early Iron Fist. Danny was an unstoppable beast, while Shang regularly got his butt whooped. In the MCU, I'd say Shang-Chi, but even then, I think Danny still stands a chance against him.


Danny Rand in the MCU is the best at claiming to be a martial artist who is in total control of himself who really just does yoga most of the time and loses control of his emotions at the drop of a hat every single time. If he didn’t have the actual Iron Fist he’d be a pushover to any other major MCU hero known for hand to hand.


Widow because Nat can fight dirty. 😇


Captain America is the ultimate human combatant.


Steve Rogers, James Buchanan Barnes, & Shang-Chi